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  • Australian Islamic College (Dianella)


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    The Australian Islamic College Kewdale is a God-centred, co-educational institution (K to 12) which provides a high level of academic and integrated Islamic education through its network of three colleges in Perth.

    The Australian Islamic College (previously named the Muslim Community School) opened its doors in February 1986. Our visionary founder Haji Abdallah Magar recognized that there was no faith-based educational institution catering for a Muslim student and fearing that their rich heritage, both cultural and religious, would be lost, he established the first Islamic School in Western Australia with a modest network of 50 students and three teachers.

    The Australian Islamic College is now Western Australia's largest and longest-running Islamic School with over 2600 students and 275 staff across three campuses in Dianella, Kewdale, and Thornlie. Mission Islamic Values and Academic Excellence for Success in this Life and the Hereafter. Our goal is for our youth to aspire towards excellence in both character and education. We want our students to encounter new educational experiences that will serve their future aspirations while maintaining a balance between academic pursuits and Islamic values.

    The College has a unique mix of students from various cultural and ethnic backgrounds, allowing them to understand Australia's multicultural society better. Students are taught to be proud Australian citizens and contribute to building a prosperous, harmonious, and safe Australia.

    With its intensive ESL training for New Arrivals and Gifted and Talented program for exceptional students, the AIC provides for its student population's varying needs with exceptional results. The College's success in achieving its educational objectives is attributed to its network of experienced teachers, its emphasis on practical learning, and its goal of inspiring its youth to aim for excellence in academic and personal spheres of life.

    Education is the business of producing successful global citizens. At AIC, we cherish the opportunity to teach young minds, mold their personalities, and mentor them towards success in this life and the next. We aim to give every student in our care the very best education to prepare them for life beyond school. An integral part of that education is to encourage our students and teachers to become life-long learners. We aspire to be a 'Learning Community,' which encourages staff, students, and parents to involve themselves fully in all aspects of school life and learning.

    At AIC Dianella, our students mean the world to us. We encourage them to push boundaries, experiment, debate, strive for personal bests, embrace opportunities, overcome obstacles, and grow as individuals. Our single-gender high School allows our girls to have greater self-confidence and build self-esteem grounded in self-awareness rather than in the image.

    Our staff is highly professional. Them teaching is not just a job. It is their vocation. They know how meaningful good relationships are in a school and how education is based on a strong partnership between the School and the home. At AIC Dianella, we welcome and encourage open and positive communication with parents.

    Values integration is more than just teaching the students what is right; it is about promoting within the student's perceptions in life such as –

    • Studying and working hard are acts of worship
    • To love and forgive each other for the sake of God
    • To repel evil with good in return
    • To love for others what you love for your self
    • Modesty in dress and actions at all times

    Through education, we achieve enlightenment. In the conditions of enlightenment, we make informed choices that become the guiding influences in our lives.

    The Australian Islamic College aims to equip students to make such enlighted decisions based on a broader awareness of society's needs. Our language enriches us and enables us to articulate every thought, idea, observation, feeling, or moment we cherish. Our language is not the instru­ment of our intellectual impris­onment. Our religion enlightens us and inspires us towards our higher selves and our noblest, divinely ­endowed potentialities. Our reli­gion is not the medium that dri­ves us towards evil deeds and bad­ness and mindlessness.

    Our culture empowers us to draw from the best of received wisdom and acquire cultural behaviors that are uniquely beautiful and supportive of a cul­tural order. Our culture is not the vehicle of static rituals, myths, and symbols. With a broader appreciation of our culture and faith, our students can come to appreciate the positive contribution they can make to society. Through values integration, our next generation of children will know how to deal with the world using proper conduct and morals.

    Values Integration is about teaching students how to use their knowledge for the betterment of themselves and society. The outcome is not what society can offer us, but what we as individuals can offer society.

    Islamic Values integration teaches that God-consciousness and morality are the foundations of a healthy society. AIC endeavors to ensure a future generation of students who will graduate with substantial academic achievements and a strong identification of society's well-being underpinned by values such as the power of knowledge, respect, responsibility, and forgiveness, truthfulness, cooperation, etc.

    Students are taught that good conduct behavior, and self-development are all acts of worship. To strive and achieve one's full potential is seen as a duty. The benefits are long-lasting and far-reaching, providing practical solutions to save society billions of dollars.

    Just consider the positive societal benefits from a generation of young adults not involved in alcohol consumption, illicit drug use, strong work ethics, and high morals in dealing with others?

    You will find values emphasizing every facet of College life- from room decorations to assembly presentations. To improve upon moral values and attitudes, each week, students emphasize a particular value as a 'Theme of the week.' Examples include "Justice and Tolerance."

    The existence, love, and fear of God, is continuously conveyed to students as it is a school policy that teachers in all subject areas deliberately acknowledge God and incorporate values in each lesson throughout the whole day. These efforts reflect AIC's view of its students 'holistic' development, both academically and spiritually.

    Australian Islamic College (Dianella)
    Founding year: 1986
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 795
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Ustadh Wahaj Tarin (Principal)
    Number of staff: 0
    Address: Australian Islamic College (Dianella), 139 President Street Kewdale, Western Australia, WA 6059, Australia

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