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    Location: Prague, Bohemia, Czechia Job ID: R0044406 Date Posted: 2024-03-11 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY CZECH REPUBLIC S.R.O. Profession (Job Category): Engineering & Science Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: We are seeking a highly motivated and results-oriented Product Engineer with excellent communication skills to join our BiPolar Semiconductor department in Prague, Czech Republic. The ideal candidate will have a strong technical background in power semiconductors such as Thyristors and Diodes. In this role, you will be responsible for the entire product lifecycle from the product transfer from R&D into the production to its phase-out, and will work closely with other departments and teams to ensure the success of our products across the both manufacturing sites in Prague, Czech Republic and Lenzburg, Switzerland. Task & Duties Manage the full product life-cycle starting from the transfer from R&D into production to product phase-out. Monitor and report the production yield. Actively initiate and execute product improvement activities by applying common methodologies and practices (data analysis, 6-Sigma, DoE, DtV). Drive product improvement projects and activities starting by design and process experiments, plan and execute engineering sample verification using advanced measurement equipment, and closure by documenting and report results. Close collaboration with internal stakeholders such as process engineering, operations, product engineering, product management and R&D. Coordinate your work with your team members across Bipolar BU, in Switzerland and the Czech-Republic. Qualifications Degree in electrical engineering, semiconductor physics, or similar technical field, 3+ years of professional experience in the semiconductor field, ideally as product engineer A solid understanding of electronic device physics and semiconductor processing techniques. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Ability to structure problems, make well-reasoned decisions, and follow through on them Experiences in project management Fluency in English written and spoken is a must Fluency in Czech language written and spoken is a must
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    Location: Brno, Jihomoravský kraj, Czechia Job ID: R0043271 Date Posted: 2024-03-12 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY CZECH REPUBLIC S.R.O. Profession (Job Category): Engineering & Science Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: Do malého oddělení inženýringu pro plynem izolované rozvodny velmi vysokého napětí (divize High Voltage Produ-cts Brno) hledáme posilu na pozici: Nabídkový specialista, který administrativně podporuje české a švýcarské kolegy z odděleni inženýringu. Práce je ideální pro absolventy s technickým vzděláním, ať už máte nebo nemáte praxi, vše vás rádi naučíme. Proč k nám? Jsme firma, kde se stále aktivně využívá selsky rozum, společně si pomáháme a zaměřujeme se na efektivitu/smysluplnost práce. Díky tomu je tu nízká fluktuace a příjemná atmosféra. Stanete se součásti výrobního procesu, který je unikátní v celé ČR a zároveň probíhá pouze v několika podnicích na světě! V dnešní době můžeme nabídnout i určitou jistotu zaměstnaní – objednávky máme na více než 3 roky dopředu. CO VAS V TETO ROLI CEKA Návrh technického řešeni na základě požadavku zákazníka Příprava výkresové dokumentace pro nabídky a výběrová řízeni Projektování ve 2D i 3D Zpracováni nákladových kalkulaci k nabízeným projektům Každodenní úzká spolupráce se Švýcarským obchodním oddělením v anglickém jazyce Návrhy zlepšovaní procesu v rámci odděleni PREDPOKLADY PRO VYKON TETO PRACE: VŠ elektrotechnického nebo strojního zaměřeni Lepší uživatelská znalost práce na PC: MS Office, AutoCAD (Creo výhodou) Znalost anglického jazyka na B2 Selský rozum a schopnost vidět jednotlivé úkoly i v širším kontextu Snaha získávat relevantní informace, spolupracovat s kolegy a dotahovat svoje úkoly do úspěšného konce a včas. Znalost programovaní – Výhodou CO VAM NABIZIME: Praci na zajímavých a jedinečných projektech do celého světa. Firemní kulturu postavenou na lidských hodnotách, vzájemném respektu, poctivosti, kooperaci a hledáni smyslup-ných a efektivních řešeni. Jistotu úspěšné globální firmy v oblasti energie, která má budoucnost (na další 3 roky máme zajištěné zakázky) Dobrou dopravní dostupnost, parkováni zdarma. 5 týdnů dovolené 7,5 hodin pružné pracovní doby Dotované stravováni v zavodni jídelně/stravenky Kafeterie systém (možnost využít nasbírané body v oblasti vzděláni, sportu nebo jiných volnočasových aktivit) ve výši 6 000 Kč ročněPříspěvek na penzijní připojištěni 2-3 % ze mzdy.Mobilní SIM karty se zvýhodněným paušálemOdměny za odpracované roky a také při odchodu do důchodu a další benefity
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    Location: Krakow, Lesser Poland, Poland Job ID: R0045592 Date Posted: 2024-03-08 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY SERVICES SP. Z O.O. Profession (Job Category): IT, Telecom & Internet Job Schedule: Full time Remote: Yes Job Description: The role of the Functional / SIT Test Manager is to deliver specialist functional / integration testing services for one or more products or systems in HE HR HSE IT portfolio area. The Test Manager for this engagement are specialists in functional / integration testing and will oversee the verification of configuration / interfaces to support a few geographical regions and the integration into legacy components. Main responsibilities: SIT Coordination for all HE changes in HR HSE IT Team portfolio area,Support Business in Functional testing if required,Run the test update meetings / calls for key HE stakeholders and Vendors involved,Perform analysis of current functional / integration changes plans and define corrective actions,Define and agree test cases for execution across one or more functional changes, aligned with requirements specifications,Define and agree test cases for execution across one or more interfaces, aligned with requirements specifications,Work within the defined defect management process to capture, track, and help expedite the resolution of defects,Produce reports detailing status of functional / integration testing for the regions that they are assigned, applicable to the relevant stakeholders,Advise/Consultancy on impediments preventing efficient testing or risks that may prevent completion of testing to defined deadlines,Standardize change & release management activities in HR and HSE software areas;​,Ensure that all the changes are properly documented, approved, and tested with success before it will be implemented in production environment to mitigate risk of potential negative impact,​​Safeguard integrity of HR & HSE IT landscape to ensure efficiency and consistency​​, Experience: Technical background,Proven Test Lead experience with Workday or SAP HCM/SuccessFactors,5-10 years with Project Management, Prince 2, SCRUM or ITIL4 certificate is an asset,3-5 years with core and soft HR processes, ideally with HR Digital transformation. Change Management certificate will be an asset. Education: Technical Master of Arts / IT or similar education. Language: English proficiency, another European language will be an asset. Skills: Ability to work under pressure and short-term priorities,Self-driven or target oriented,Open to work in multicultural, diverse environment,High emotional intelligence,Political savvy,Building positive atmosphere and relations with Business and Team colleagues.
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    Location: Brno, Jihomoravský kraj, Czechia Job ID: R0040426 Date Posted: 2024-03-12 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY CZECH REPUBLIC S.R.O. Profession (Job Category): Engineering & Science Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: V rámci rozšiřování týmu hledáme výrobního technologa pro naše svařovací oddělení v Brně, kde se specializujeme na svařování hliníkových pouzder a vodičů pro plynem izolované rozvodny. Tato role nabízí možnost pracovat s moderními technologiemi a zařízeními, jako jsou CNC orbitální pila, TIG svařovací automatizace, technologie třecího svařování s promíšením, digitální RTG, vakuové komory pro héliové těsnostní zkoušky a další. Jako klíčový člen našeho týmu budete mít příležitost přispět k neustálému zlepšování našich procesů a udržování vysoké úrovně kvali-ty a bezpečnosti. Hlavní specifika práce: Správa výrobních a testovacích zařízení: Zajištění optimálního provozu výrobních strojů a testovacích technologií.Optimalizace procesů: Vylepšování výrobních procesů pro zvýšení produktivity a kvality výstupů.Technologický vývoj: Spolupráce na zavádění nových technologií a postupů ve výrobě.Kvalita a bezpečnost: Dohlížení na dodržování všech relevantních standardů kvality a bezpečnostních předpisů.Řešení problémů: Diagnostika a řešení výrobních a technických problémů.Dokumentace: Příprava a revize technické dokumentace a pracovních postupů.Týmová spolupráce: Úzká spolupráce s výrobním týmem a dalšími odděleními.Inovace: Podílení se na inovačních projektech a zlepšovacích iniciativách.Vzdělávání a rozvoj: Účast na školeních a rozvojových programech.Analýzy: Sledování výkonnosti výrobních procesů, jejich analýza a optimalizace. Co od vás očekáváme: Technické vzdělání v oblasti strojírenství, materiálového inženýrství nebo příbuzném oboru.Schopnost číst a interpretovat technické výkresy a dokumentaci.Analytické dovednosti a schopnost řešit problémy.Uživatelská znalost práce na PC, zejména Microsoft Office (pokročilá znalost Excel).Týmový hráč s proaktivním přístupem a schopností samostatně pracovat.Dobrá komunikační dovednost.Ochota učit se novým věcem a adaptovat se na změny.Znalost anglického jazyka na komunikativní úrovni (min. B1).Výhoda znalosti AutoCad, Inventor, SolidWorksVýhoda znalosti 5S, principy neustálého zlepšování, Lean 6 SIGMA, KAIZEN apod.Výhoda praxe v podobném oboru nebo znalosti v oblasti svařování Co nabízíme: Vysokou kulturu bezpečnosti, nové moderní technologie, čisté prostředíDobrou dopravní dostupnost, parkování zdarma5 týdnů dovolenéFlexibilní pracovní dobu 7,5 hodiny/denněMožnost občasné práce z domova (2 až 3 dny/dle dohody)Dotované stravování v závodní jídelně/stravenky ve výši 100 KčCafeteria systém ve výši 6.000 Kč ročněPříspěvek na penzijní připojištění 2–3 % ze mzdyMobilní SIM karty se zvýhodněným paušálemOdměny za odpracované roky, při odchodu do důchoduPříležitost k profesnímu růstu a osobnímu rozvoji.Podporu vzdělávání a možnost účasti na školeních a konferencích.Firemní akce a týmové aktivity Pokud jste připraveni přidat se k našemu týmu a pomoci nám překonávat výzvy v energetickém sektoru, zašlete svůj životopis a motivační dopis. Těšíme se na vaši přihlášku a možnost spolupracovat na budoucích projektech.
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    Location: Brno, Jihomoravský kraj, Czechia Job ID: R0046406 Date Posted: 2024-03-15 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY CZECH REPUBLIC S.R.O. Profession (Job Category): Customer Service & Contact Center Operations Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: Díky rostoucímu množství zakázek se naše firma rozšiřuje a vznikají u nás nová pracovní místa. Nyní hledáme dispečera, který bude zajišťovat kamionovou dopravu mezi našimi 3 sklady a 2 výroními halami a komunikovat s dopravci. Předchozí zkušenost v oboru je výhodou. DISPEČER / logistická podpora Náplň práce: zajištění kamionové dopravy mezi sklady – cca 20 kamionů za denkomunikace s dopravci a řidičiurčování priority nakládek/vykládekdohled nad dodržováním termínů nakldádek/vykládekzajištění hladkého průběhu veškeré logistiky (nakládek/vykládek)plánování/potvrzování vykládkových oken pro příjem materiálukomunikace s celním úřademřešení reklamací a operativních problémůzajištění příslušné dokumentace k přepravězodpovídá za operativní koordinaci a řízení toku materiálu mezi jednotlivými sklady a exteního pohybu materiálu pro výrobní úseky závodu (kooperace, balení, externí sklady) Znalosti a dovednosti: dobré organizační a komunikační dovednostianalytické a logické myšlenípředchozí zkušenosti v oboru výhodoumin. středoškolské vzděláníznalost logistických procesůodolnost vůči stresu a schopnost práce v týmuslušné jednání, samostatnost a spolehlivostuživatelská znalost na PC (SAP výhodou)aktivni znalost anglického jazyka Nabízime: vysokou kulturu bezpečnosti, nové technologie, čisté prostředídobrou dopravní dostupnost, parkování zdarma5 týdnů dovolenéflexibilní pracovní dobu 7,5 hodiny/dennědotované stravování v závodní jídelně/stravenky ve výši 100 Kčcafeteria systém ve výši 6.000 Kč ročněpříspěvek na penzijní připojištění 2–3 % ze mzdymobilní SIM karty se zvýhodněným paušálemodměny za odpracované roky, při odchodu do důchodu a další benefity
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    Location: Trutnov, Královéhradecký kraj, Czechia Job ID: R0038035 Date Posted: 2023-12-18 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY CZECH REPUBLIC S.R.O. Profession (Job Category): Sales, Marketing & Product Management Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: Our Grid Edge Solutions Europe is part of the energy transition, helping our customers effectively manage renewables and distributed energy resources integration, deploy microgrids, and unlock new economic opportunities. Backed by more than thirty years of innovation and leadership in energy storage, management, and optimization our customers trust our unique combination of industry expertise and solutions. Together we’re advancing a sustainable energy future for all. Are you ready to take your career to the next level? We're actively seeking a Tender & Quotation Spe-cialist to be a key player in our Sales and Sales Operations team at Hitachi Energy. At Hitachi Energy, we're shaping the future of energy solutions, and you could be a part of it. Our cut-ting-edge tech-nology in microgrids and energy storage is making a significant impact across Sweden and key European markets like Denmark, Finland, and Norway. As a Tender & Quotation Specialist, you'll be at the heart of our project planning process. Your role is to create com-petitive bids, estimates, and quotations for our innovative Grid Edge Solutions. You'll work closely with our internal teams and external partners to ensure we offer the best solutions to meet our customers' needs. Your responsibilities: Craft bids that align with Hitachi Energy’s policies and our Grid Edge Solutions portfolio, provid-ing efficient and cost-effective options.Coordinate with stakeholders to ensure timely and accurate tender documents.Manage all aspects of the bid, including technical, financial, and risk reviews, maintaining Hita-chi Energy standards.Identify potential suppliers and keep an eye on market trends in collaboration with our Supply Chain.Provide technical support during customer meetings.Mitigate risks in bids and contracts and lead the Risk Review process.Foster positive customer relationships throughout the sales process.Analyze and report on tender outcomes to drive continuous improvement. Your background: You hold a bachelor’s or master’s degree in a related field, preferably in engineering.You have a couple of years of relevant experience in estimations and tendering, preferably from similar industries.You have knowledge of system and solution for the renewables and energy storage markets.You pay attention to details and have excellent time management skills.English knowledge - fluentlyYou have a collaborative, solutions-oriented approach, and strong communication skills. What we can offer: 7,5 hours working day.5 weeks of vacation.Meal vouchers in amount of 100 CZK per a day.Pension insurance contribution.Cafeteria bonus scheme in amount of 6.000 CZK per year.Loyalty award.More paid days for a private occasion.Flexible working hours.After training you can work mostly from home.
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    Location: Trutnov, Královéhradecký kraj, Czechia Job ID: CZ54577344 Date Posted: 2023-03-29 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY CZECH REPUBLIC S.R.O. Profession (Job Category): Engineering & Science Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: Hledáme nového kolegu/kolegyni do týmu SAS Commissioning. Vybraného kolegu/kolegyni zaučíme, aby nám pomáhal testovat a uvádět do provozu řídicí systémy rozvoden (SCADA) pro energetiku a to převážně v zahraničí. MEZI HLAVNÍ ÚKOLY PATŘÍ: Uvádění řídicích systémů do provozu po celém světě (v oblasti energetiky)Testování funkčnosti řídících systémů, hledání chyb a jejich odstranění na místě u zákazníkaRozmanitá práce na zajímavých projektech a spolupráce se špičkovými odborníkyPráce s unikátní technologií a know-howSpolupráce na mezinárodní úrovni se zákazníky i interními partnery PŘEDPOKLADY PRO VÝKON TÉTO PRÁCE: SŠ/VŠ vzdělání v oboru elektro, IT nebo automatizaceOdborná způsobilost v elektrotechnice dle nařízení vlády 194/2022 Sb, osoba znalá – výhodouZáklady programování, logické myšleníBěžné znalosti výpočetní technikyZákladní znalosti sítí LANUživatelskou znalost MS Windows a MS OfficeZnalost anglického jazyka pro běžnou komunikaci (B1/B2), další jazyk výhodouAnalytické, technické myšlení se zaměřením na detailČasová flexibilita a ochota strávit v zahraničí kontinuálně několik týdnů / měsíců a to mnohdy i samostatněŘidičské oprávnění sk. BVýhodou je znalost principů SCADA/HMI, logiky PLC a znalost programovacího jazyka JAVA SCRIPT CO VÁM HITACHI ENERGY NABÍZÍ: Jistotu práce v úspěšné globální firmě v oblasti energie, která má budoucnostZahraniční stravné nad rámec sazeb stanovených Ministerstvem financí ČR (rozšíření o 40% kapesného)V zahraničí ubytování v kvalitních hotelích, bytech, či penzionech s nárokem na vlastní pokoj5 týdnů dovolené7,5 hodin pružné pracovní dobyDotované stravování v závodní jídelně/stravenkyCafeteria benefity ve výši 6 000 Kč ročněPříspěvek na penzijní připojištění 2–3 % ze mzdyMobilní SIM karty se zvýhodněným paušálemOdměny za odpracované roky, při odchodu do důchodu a další benefity
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    Location: Vaasa, Ostrobothnia, Finland Job ID: R0040371 Date Posted: 2024-01-19 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY FINLAND OY Profession (Job Category): Sales, Marketing & Product Management Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: We are now looking for a motivated and committed Technical Sales Specialist for our Hub Europe Pre-Sales Team at Hitachi Energy. In this role your work will include general sales and marketing work to new and existing customers. You will be assessing customer needs and suggesting appropriate products, and solutions. You have a flair for sales and ability to promote and position our Automation and Communication Systems within assigned markets. Location for this position is flexible. Don’t hesitate to apply even if you feel that you don’t fulfill all requirements! Most important for this role is your personality and your willingness to learn and explore new areas. Good teamwork and collaboration skills are crucial to succeed in the role.  Your Responsibilities Providing pre-sales technical support/expertise to assist the sales team in their sales effort. Processing specialized product knowledge in a single product or product line. Delivering in depth presentations and product demonstrations to clients and sales representatives (demo’s, proof of concepts and presentations). Early interactions with existing and potential customers for the purpose of joint development of solutions together with the sales teamPossessing capability for the installation component of product/service solution and support in develop prototypes to demonstrate the feasibility of product solutions.Travelling 30 to 60 days per year within Hub Europe area for customer visits and demos. Your background Bachelor’s degree or higher in Electrical Engineering or equivalent with relevant technical work experience would be an advantage.Substation Automation knowledge and experience within Offshore projects and solutions, especially in the SCADA area of electrical HV solution applications. Preferable with site experience and cyber security knowledge as wellUnderstanding the Grid connection in Offshore Wind projects and solutions, preferably also with some Wired communication or SCADA experience. Digital substation experience will be a plus.You have an active, energetic, and open approach.You have B2B pre-sales experience and experience in customer activities.Good communication and presentation skills and ability to learn.Fluency in English. Any other language is an advantage.Ideally, you have some experience with Substation Automation solutions for Offshore wind projects. Interested in joining the team? We look forward to receiving your application! Apply for the position by April 20, 2024. Please note that we will initiate interviews as candidates apply and position will be filled as soon as a suitable candidate is found. If you have questions, please contact Jakob Kledal, General Sales & Marketing Manager, tel. +45 61205764. More about us Hitachi Energy is a global technology leader that is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We serve customers in the utility, industry and infrastructure sectors with innovative solutions and services across the value chain. Together with customers and partners, we pioneer technologies and enable the digital transformation required to accelerate the energy transition towards a carbon-neutral future. We are advancing the world’s energy system to become more sustainable, flexible and secure whilst balancing social, environmental and economic value. Hitachi Energy has a proven track record and unparalleled installed base in more than 140 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, we employ around 40,000 people in 90 countries and generate business volumes of approximately $10 billion USD.
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    Location: Trutnov, Královéhradecký kraj, Czechia Job ID: IT53414795 Date Posted: 2023-03-29 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY ITALY S.P.A. Profession (Job Category): Engineering & Science Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: Our Grid Edge Solutions Europe is part of the energy transition, helping our customers effectively manage renewables and distributed energy resources integration, deploy microgrids, and unlock new economic opportunities. Backed by more than thirty years of innovation and leadership in energy storage, management, and optimization our customers trust our unique combination of industry expertise and solutions. Together we’re advancing a sustainable energy future for all. For our Business Unit Grid Automation located in Genova (Italy) or Trutnov (Czechia), we are looking for a Senior Commissioning Engineer. Responsibilities: Execution of Microgrid and BESS projects site activities (installation, pre-commissioning and power-on, commissioning); Follow-up HSE rules as per Country and Company norms; Proactively implement improvements in the commissioning process; Living values of safety and integrity; Be part of a team and act as a team player; Living core values of safety and integrity, which means taking responsibility for your own actions while caring for your colleagues, and the business. Your background: Proven experience with power systems commissioning (i.e. BESS projects, Solar plants) At least 3 years of experience in the role Good experience with commissioning of shelters, HVAC, electrical LV-MV panels, Trafos, Inverters, batteries, switchgears Good experience of PLC automation commissioning Good experience with troubleshooting Fluency in both spoken & written English is required Fluency in both spoken & written Italian/Czech is a plus Good knowledge of MS Office tools Flexibility to travel worldwide HITACHI ENERGY OFFERS THE FOLLOWING BENEFITS (CZ) A corporate culture that is based on human values, mutual cooperation and the search for meaningful and effective solutions.The opportunity to expand your knowledge in the field and thus become an expert in the service of a technology that is unique. Personal growth.5 weeks vacationShorter 7.5 hour flexible working hours, paid overtimeAccommodation is fully paid for by the employerAllowance for personal expenses in the amount of +40% to the legal minimum allowanceSpecial corporate clothingCafeteria system in the amount of CZK 6,000 per yearPension contributionMobile SIM cards with a discounted flat rateRemuneration for years of service, upon retirement and other benefits according to the collective agreementThe service center is in Trutnov, but due to traveling you can be anywhere in the Czech Republic (you only have to go to Trutnov in exceptional cases)
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    Location: Vaasa, Ostrobothnia, Finland Job ID: R0045174 Date Posted: 2024-03-22 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY FINLAND OY Profession (Job Category): Sales, Marketing & Product Management Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: We are now looking for a motivated and committed business development person with technical flair for sales for our Hub Europe Pre-Sales Team at Hitachi Energy. In this role your work will include general sales operations and business development both external and internal to new and existing customers. You will analyze sales and market opportunities for specific segments, and develop growth plans, doing competitor research and analyze competitor information. In this role you will prepare and influence customer inquiries, sales trends and new technologies. We expect you to have a flair for sales and ability to promote and position our Distribution Automation portfolio within assigned markets. Location for this position is flexible. Don’t hesitate to apply even if you feel that you don’t fulfill all requirements! Most important for this role is your personality and your willingness to learn and explore new areas. Good teamwork and collaboration skills are crucial to succeed in the role.  Your Responsibilities Creating development plans and growth targets and growth projectionsConduct research to identify new markets, opportunities and channels to marketLiaising with colleagues to develop sales and marketing strategies.Providing pre-sales technical support/expertise to assist the sales team in their sales effort. Processing and analyze specialized market and product knowledge in a product line. Develop use cases and Concepts to markets channels. Early interactions with existing and potential customers for the purpose of joint development of solutions together with the sales teamPossessing capability for the installation component of product/service solution and support in develop prototypes to demonstrate the feasibility of product solutions.Travelling 20 to 40 days per year within Hub Europe area for customer visits and demos. Your background Bachelor’s degree or higher in Electrical Engineering or equivalent with relevant technical work experience would be an advantage.Substation automation knowledge and experience within distribution automation for electric utilities, especially in relay protection of electrical MV/HV solution applications. Preferable with SCADA knowledge and cyber security knowledge Understanding the Grid connection in the MV distribution automation segment and solutions, preferably also with some wired communication or SCADA experience. Digital substation experience will be a plus.You have an active, energetic, and open approach.You have B2B pre-sales experience and experience in customer activities.Good communication and presentation skills and ability to learn.Fluency in English. Any other language is an advantage.Ideally, you have some experience with Relay protection in a Distribution Utility. Interested in joining the team? We look forward to receiving your application! Apply for the position by April 30, 2024. Please note that we will initiate interviews as candidates apply and position will be filled as soon as a suitable candidate is found. If you have questions, please contact Jakob Kledal, General Sales & Marketing Manager, tel. +45 61205764. More about us Hitachi Energy is a global technology leader that is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We serve customers in the utility, industry and infrastructure sectors with innovative solutions and services across the value chain. Together with customers and partners, we pioneer technologies and enable the digital transformation required to accelerate the energy transition towards a carbon-neutral future. We are advancing the world’s energy system to become more sustainable, flexible and secure whilst balancing social, environmental and economic value. Hitachi Energy has a proven track record and unparalleled installed base in more than 140 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, we employ around 40,000 people in 90 countries and generate business volumes of approximately $10 billion USD.
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    Location: (HE)Office_Trutnov Job ID: R0047104 Date Posted: 2024-03-25 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY CZECH REPUBLIC S.R.O. Profession (Job Category): Engineering & Science Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: (empty)
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    Location: Trutnov, Královéhradecký kraj, Czechia Job ID: R0043839 Date Posted: 2024-03-26 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY CZECH REPUBLIC S.R.O. Profession (Job Category): Customer Service & Contact Center Operations Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: Co Vás čeká: Prověřování dispozičních seznamů svěřených položek a neprodlené vystavení nákupních objednávek na základě požadavku na objednání materiálůPárování potvrzení objednávek (kupní smlouvy) s objednávkami. V případě odchylky nebo nepotvrzení intervence u dodavateleSledování plnění termínů dodávek, v případě odchylek intervence u dodavatele, v případě nákupů pro projekty zároveň informování manažera projektuŘešení případných nesrovnalostí ve fakturáchUplatnění reklamace u dodavatele na základě podkladů ze vstupní kontroly, příjmu zboží, výroby a testování. Sledování/urgence vyřízení reklamacíOpatření ke zlepšení obrátky zásobZjišťování cenových nabídek pro nové položky od nových nebo stávajících dodavatelůŘešení přepravních a celních záležitostí týkajících se dodávek zboží Požadavky: SŠ/VŠ vzděláníPraxe v oblasti nákupu výhodouZnalost práce v MS OfficeZnalost SAP výhodouČeský jazyk slovem i písmemAnglický jazyk min. B1Dobré komunikační dovednosti Nabízíme: Jistotu úspěšné mezinárodní firmy v oblasti energie, která má budoucnostZkušený manažer i celý tým, tj. dostatečná podpora i zaučení5 týdnů dovolené7,5 hodin pružné pracovní dobyDotované stravování v závodní jídelně/ stravenkyCafeteria systém ve výši 6 000 Kč ročněPříspěvek na penzijní připojištění 2–3 % ze mzdyMobilní SIM karty se zvýhodněným paušálemOdměny za odpracované roky, při odchodu do důchodu a další benefity
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    Location: Brno, Jihomoravský kraj, Czechia Job ID: R0043401 Date Posted: 2024-02-26 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY CZECH REPUBLIC S.R.O. Profession (Job Category): Quality Management Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: Do našeho 5členného týmu kvality specialistů, pro plynem izolované rozvodny velmi vysokého napětí výrobního závodu v Brně, nabíráme nového člena. Jedna se o kancelářskou práci ale budete úzce spolupracovat s technology, montážníky a kvalitou. Stanete se součástí výrobního procesu, který je unikátní v celé ČR a zároveň probíhá pouze v několika podnicích na světě! CO VÁS V TÉTO ROLI ČEKÁ? - Aktivní řešení kvalitativních problémů ve výrobě (montáž a testing) - Sběr a analýza výrobních dat kvality – řízení akčních plánů - Spolupráce a podpora systémové kvality v rámci zlepšování a auditů - Podílení se na implementace zlepšovacích návrhů - Aktivní účast na týmovém řešení zákaznických reklamací - Spolupráce a podpora systémové kvality v rámci zlepšování (CI) a auditů - Účast na interních projektech a spolupráce při implementaci - Tvorba a udržování dokumentace výrobní kvality PŘEDPOKLADY PRO VÝKON TÉTO PRÁCE: - SŠ / VŠ technického směru - Alespoň 2 roky zkušenosti na obdobné pozici - Základní znalost systému SAP - Vyšší uživatelská znalost MS Office - Znalost anglického jazyka na úrovni min. B1/B2 - Selský rozum, technické a procesní myšlení, smysl pro detail, přirozená ochota spolupracovat a dotahovat úkoly do úspěšného konce. CO VÁM V HITACHI ENERGY NABÍZÍME: - Vedoucího, pro kterého nejste pouze číslo v seznamu - Zdravou firemní kulturu (občasné společné akce v rámci týmu), nové technologie - Možnost kariérního růstu - Vzdělávací kurzy a školení - 5 týdnů dovolené - 7,5 hodin pružné pracovní doby - Dotované stravování v závodní jídelně/stravenky - Cafeteria systém (možnost využít nasbírané body v oblasti vzdělání, sportu nebo jiných volnočasových aktivit) ve výši 6 000 Kč ročně. - Příspěvek na penzijní připojištění 2–3 % ze mzdy - Mobilní SIM karty se zvýhodněným paušálem - Odměny za odpracované roky a také při odchodu do důchodu a další benefity
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    Location: Zagreb, Grad Zagreb, Croatia Job ID: R0034769 Date Posted: 2023-10-26 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY D.O.O. Profession (Job Category): Sales, Marketing & Product Management Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: We are doing something unique in the power industry – our technology enables greater amounts of power to reach customers with minimal environmental impact. As pioneers and market leaders in the field we deliver groundbreaking technology to customers all over the world! In the role of Commercial Operations Specialist at our Zagreb office, you are responsible for order handling and shipments across the Balkan region and ensuring that deliveries arrive to the destination at the right time with the right documentation. The work includes contacts internally and with customers and freight forwarders/brokers, planning and booking of transports. This means that you are an important link and coordinator between our customers, internal functions, and freight forwarders. The role includes routine work tasks but also problem solving and continuous improving. The work is carried out in a global environment at a high pace, with a strong focus on cross-functional collaboration to strive for the best for our internal and / or external stakeholders. The nature of the role requires an ability to be flexible and to be able to independently prioritize and make assessments of how the time is best distributed for the work to be conducted efficiently. Your responsibilities: • Manage orders from customer and purchases at suppliers • Register and handle orders and purchases in the order system. Follow-up completion and communicate ongoing orders/purchases internally as well as with customers and suppliers • Review documentation related to sales department/customer • Processing of SAP orders including but not limited to preparation of billing schedules, order confirmations. • Ensure that delivery execution shipments are sent on time and according to defined plan and schedule and in the cost-effective manner. • Key is to be proactive and have a good way of planning all upcoming shipments for several projects in parallel. • The performance of the tasks must always follow the regulations and routines regarding quality and safety as well as legal aspects. • Communication - Establishes clear and transparent communication internally, externally, and between different Divisions, Business Units and Functions. • Safety and Integrity - Living Hitachi Energy core values of safety and integrity, which means taking responsibility for your own actions while caring for your colleagues and the business. Your background: Completed commercial education,Profound/advanced knowledge of SAP transactions and MS Office applications,As a person, you are driven, thorough, structured and positive,You are customer-focused and good at communicating and collaborating with others,Fluent written and spoken Croatian and English language skills,Specialized knowledge in HV, GA, GI, Transformers and/or electrical equipment would be an asset,Basic knowledge of delivery terms (Incoterms),Strong administration skills, sense of ownership and sense of responsibility.
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    Location: Zagreb, Grad Zagreb, Croatia Job ID: R0037573 Date Posted: 2023-12-21 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY D.O.O. Profession (Job Category): Sales, Marketing & Product Management Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: Responsible for the driving, implementing, reporting and monitoring of the progress of the service sales strategy, developing trends for identifying and winning new business, developing contract strategy and project proposals based on policies, customer requirements, budgets and timescales ensuring they meet agreed technical standards. Key areas of focus include: Identifying, discussing, reviewing and negotiating the contract baseline and other documents to ensure compliance with respect to maximizing the financial and operational performance Documenting any changes/amendments that happen during contract execution Assesses and monitors the success/deviations of contracts to identify and required changes. Ensuring the timely and accurate execution of commercial aspects, cooperating with technical and financial staff, legal teams and the client’s own representatives Provides support and advice of new potential business opportunities demonstrating a strong legal knowledge base/ terminology A Specialist Professional (P4) is a recognized subject matter expert in job area typically obtained through advanced education and work experience. Responsibilities typically include: Managing large projects or processes with limited oversight from manager. Coaching, reviewing and delegating work to lower level professionals. Problems faced are difficult and often complex.
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    Location: Zagreb, Grad Zagreb, Croatia Job ID: R0038348 Date Posted: 2024-01-09 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY D.O.O. Profession (Job Category): Engineering & Science Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: You will be the technical lead and design authority for all engineering activities (both in-house and outsourced) related to diverse engineering projects for grid integration projects in Balkan region. Reporting to the Local Product Group Manager GI you will drive excellence - ensuring that engineering activities are efficiently and cost-effectively executed in accordance with customer expectations, contract specifications, quality standards and safety requirements. Your responsibilities: Making technical recommendations in the design, engineering, testing, installation, and commissioning phases of customer projects to ensure all actions are completed according to process requirements and standards, while identifying improvement opportunities Supporting contract managers with claims related to changes in the project scope, including assessing cost and time impacts, as well as risk quantifications Providing technical details, costs and deliverables for Sales proposals, while project managers in technical reviews and discussions with customers, partners, subcontractors, vendors and Hitachi Energy management Creating and delivering the scope-specific work plans, resource requirements, proposals, engineering estimates, and risk and opportunity analysis Resolving complex technical issues both remotely and on domestic and international customer sites Maintaining and enhancing customer satisfaction by providing continued dialogue and excellent service at all stages of the project Collaborating and networking with engineering colleagues, sharing best practice across different projects and disciplines Overseeing the creation of subcontracts and assisting Supply Chain in the management of subcontractors Living core values of safety and integrity, which means taking responsibility for your own actions while caring for your colleagues and the business Your background: A master’s degree in electrical engineering (mag.ing.el. / dipl.ing.el., min. 300 ECTS) At least 2 years of experience in similar job positions with experience in Electrical Substations Sound knowledge of engineering techniques, processes and tools, including project planning tools and designing tools (Eplan, Autocad) Sound technical knowledge of products and services related to power grids industry, with emphasis on complex substation solutions Having technical experience in design, engineering or commissioning Preferably holding state exam certificate in field of electrical engineering Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office tools Excellent knowledge of Croatian and English language Preferably having valid driving license Excellent attention to detail and ability to manage multiple deadlines simultaneously A collaborative, proactive and solutions-oriented approach Devotion to personal development and readiness for continuous improvement)
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    Location: Zagreb, Grad Zagreb, Croatia Job ID: R0040738 Date Posted: 2024-01-11 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY D.O.O. Profession (Job Category): Sales, Marketing & Product Management Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: Ensure the execution of the sales strategy for the complete portfolio of the Grid Automation Business Unit for Croatia and Balkan market, through planning, leadership, and development of the sales organization, aiming to achieve the qualitative and quantitative goals for products, systems and/or services profitably, exceeding sales targets and ensuring customer satisfaction. Your responsibilities: Implements the Hub Business Unit (Grid Automation) strategy and ensures business development in the operating unit, with full accountability on the Order intake results. Provides input to Hub Business Unit on strategy. Evaluates opportunities in allocated local markets and decides appropriate activities in line with the strategy. Ensures profitable business growth through development of performance targets in line with Hub Business Unit targets and ensures achievement through regular oversight and definition of improvement actions as needed. Leads and manages dedicated sales team and ensures local plans to achieve targets are implemented. Drives productivity, delivery performance and cost optimization. Oversees execution of high-quality products, services and processes. Monitors quality metrics, identifies opportunities for improvement in local execution, and oversees improvement activities. Responsible for Sales demand orders and growth. Builds and maintains strong relationships with new and existing customers to ensure ongoing customer satisfaction. Ensures the execution of projects according to agreed targets in terms of schedule, quality, financial results and customer satisfaction. Implements HSE and business compliance standards and regulations within the unit. Ensures a safe working environment and champions continuous improvement of HSE processes. Ensures the unit is managed with integrity and personally lives the Hitachi Energy values and Group standards. Implements and ensures compliance with global and local standards, rules, tools, policies and processes related to operations/project execution. Shares functional best practices and lessons learned across the organization. Ensures (with HR Manager support) that the area of responsibility is properly organized, staffed, skilled and directed. Guides, motivates and develops direct and indirect subordinates within HR policies. Your background: A master’s degree in electrical engineering (mag.ing.el. / dipl.ing.el., min. 300 ECTS). More than 8 years of experience in direct sales and sales management of Grid Automation – GA (protection, automation, communication technologies) in preferred sectors Power utilities/ Oil and GAS / Railways/ Metros/ EPC/ End users as a system as well as product SAP and Salesforce Experience are a plus Sound knowledge of Hitachi Energy products and services, and the power generation market. Proven experience in generating revenue, profitability and execution. Fluent English and Croatian, both written and spoken. Experience in business development, account management and cross-selling across systems, solutions, products and service categories. Understanding of contract negotiation, risk management and commercial and legal terms. Exceptional communication and negotiating skills, customer-focused mindset and a professional, “can-do” attitude Driving license
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    Location: Zagreb, Grad Zagreb, Croatia Job ID: R0041645 Date Posted: 2024-01-31 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY SPAIN, S.A.U. Profession (Job Category): Sales, Marketing & Product Management Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: In the role as substation automation tender manager, you will be part of our Grid Automation Europe team within the Hitachi Energy Group. We operate as an international team covering the Southern Europe region and we are now seeking to strengthen the team with an experienced tender manager in our office in Zagreb, Croatia. Your responsibilities In this role you are responsible for leading tenders from initial request to contract closing and handover to operations. The activities include creating and completing bids/estimations/quotations based on customer’s technical specification and other requirements to achieve both market competitiveness, high quality tenders and profitable business. Your field of operation will be the substation automation market and you will have the opportunity to handle a variety of tenders covering everything from project business to products and service. The main focus area will be the Croatian market and the Balkans region but may also cover export projects and supporting tenders in the entire Southern Europe region. Key activities creation of commercially, legally, and technically optimized and high-quality offers, based on the specifications of our customer.Definition of the scope of supply to be offered.Close cooperation with supply chain management to solicit quotations from subcontractors.Cost calculation estimations and determination of the costs, margins and sales price in cooperation with salesTender planning and on time tender submittalsTechnical support to sales during and during early pursuit stages as well as supporting the contract negotiationPreparation of tender documents and reports for internal risk reviews and tender submission approvals Your profile Higher education (e.g. Bachelor or Master’s degree) in electrical engineering or similar. Excellent technical understanding of substation automation, control and protection solutions. Good knowledge of the grid automation market Strong understanding and previous experience of tendering and commercial processes would be an advantage. Fluent in Croatian and good command of English is mandatory, Italian, or other Balkan languages would be an advantage. Willingness to travel and attend customer meetings, up to ca 10%
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    Location: Zagreb, Grad Zagreb, Croatia Job ID: R0038168 Date Posted: 2024-02-15 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY D.O.O. Profession (Job Category): Engineering & Science Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: Due to our continuous growth, we are looking for a Service Engineer. This role is based in Zagreb or Split, Croatia. Frequent working and travelling abroad (short trips of a few days due to interventions) is required. Your responsibilities You will be an important member of our after-sales service team that supports our High Voltage products installed base in region After a deep training on our products, you will be involved in all tasks related with commissioning, repairing, and maintaining our HV equipment Deliver quality customer service to satisfy customers Perform preventative and corrective maintenance at site Identify technical problems and make analysis on-site activities in different areas (service, installation and commissioning, retrofits, technical assistance) Collaborating and networking with colleagues, sharing best practice What makes the job extra attractive is the wide variety of tasks: remote customer support, investigations and diagnosis following a failure, spare parts selection, on site intervention, project documentation, training of our customers, network measurements, support to sales and project management Living core values of safety and integrity, which means taking responsibility for your own actions while caring for your colleagues and the business Your profile Min. bachelor’s degree in Electronical Engineering or Technical Diploma At least 5 years of experience in similar job positions with experience in Service Sound technical knowledge of products and services related to HV equipment Experience in automation and control is an advantage A collaborative, proactive and solutions-oriented approach Availability to travel in region (RH, BiH, Serbia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Kosovo and Albania) Devotion to personal development and readiness for continuous improvement Valid driving license Excellent knowledge of Croatian and English language Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office tools
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    Location: Varennes, Quebec, Canada Job ID: R0033779 Date Posted: 2023-10-20 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY CANADA INC. Profession (Job Category): Engineering & Science Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: At Hitachi Energy, our purpose is advancing a sustainable​ energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools, hospitals and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation General information: Hitachi energy is a global leader in technology, and the largest supplier of transformers in the world. We are pioneering the digitalization of transformers, while working on the frontier of renewable energy and ultra-high voltage AC & DC applications. Responsibilities: Lead and manage various work teams: subcontractors, suppliers, and unionized employees to develop improvement solutions for current and future equipment. Write technical specifications. Organize calls for tenders for the purchase / installation or modernization of heavy equipment. Coordinate compliance activities for the installation / industrial equipment. Prepare investment requests (Capex). Responsible for assessing project risks and making decisions on the viability of projects to meet deliverables, budgets, and costs. Contribute to the development of indicators to monitor the process stability. Ability to work in an environment with changing deadlines and priorities. Design parts and tools using CAD software (Inventor, Creo or other). Order parts for production and improvement project support. Participate in improving the quality of manufacturing processes to ensure that deadlines are met, and product quality is compliant. Collaborate with operators and maintenance personnel to complete improvement projects. Participate in machine modifications to increase the safety level of machines and/or processes. Generate narrative loops to transmit control logic. Qualifications: Bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering or automated production with a mechanical or industrial engineering profile. Minimum 3 years' experience in the manufacturing field. Action and technical-oriented, global vision, leadership Ability to manage several projects simultaneously, problem-solving, and analytical skills. Be familiar with the mechanic of industrial installation. For example: Platform, Press, Lifting equipment. Fluency in French and English. Proficiency with Autocad & Inventor, CREO or other CAD software. Demonstrate leadership in the implementation of new improvement solutions. Ability to work as part of a team and good communication skills. Autonomous More about us Hitachi Energy is a global technology leader that is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We serve customers in the utility, industry and infrastructure sectors with innovative solutions and services across the value chain. Together with customers and partners, we pioneer technologies and enable the digital transformation required to accelerate the energy transition towards a carbon-neutral future. We are advancing the world’s energy system to become more sustainable, flexible and secure whilst balancing social, environmental and economic value. Hitachi Energy has a proven track record and unparalleled installed base in more than 140 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, we employ around 38,000 people in 90 countries. In fiscal year 2020 we generated business volumes of around $10 billion USD as reported by Hitachi. www.hitachienergy.com Only selected applicants will be contacted.
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    Location: (HE)Office_Raleigh Job ID: R0040521 Date Posted: 2024-01-17 Company Name: Hitachi Energy Ltd Profession (Job Category): Engineering & Science Job Schedule: Full time Remote: Yes Job Description: For our transformer service business, understanding the full potential of our technology and trends in our markets is highly rewarding. In addition, helping customers all over the world improve efficiency, save resources and reduce emissions gives our work a powerful sense of purpose. Our Transformer Service business is part of the Global Product Group Transformer Components and Services. Working as Insulation Diagnostic Specialist, you will ideate, develop, implement and maintain diagnostic algorithms to assess the condition of transformer liquid and solid insulation, translating data into actionable information. You will support our customers to manage their transformer fleets throughout the lifecycle by providing expert monitoring and diagnostic services for transformer liquid and solid insulation, safeguarding the electrical infrastructure by detecting early signs of potential failure, enabling predictive maintenance, optimizing asset utilization and minimizing downtime. You will be accountable to ensure technology leadership on transformer liquid and solid insulation monitoring and diagnostics while contributing to our customer satisfaction and profitable growth. Our flexible work practices help you optimize personal and business performance while creating an environment where all employees can develop their skills and grow. For this role we follow a hybrid work structure where you can work remotely or from the office, as needed, based on demands of specific tasks or personal work preferences. Your responsibilities You stay up to date with the latest technology solutions, international standards, market trends and customer requirements relating to transformer monitoring and diagnostics, with specific focus on liquid and solid insulation You propose novel solutions in the field of transformer liquid and solid insulation monitoring and diagnostics You work in close collaboration with product management to define the monitoring and diagnostic services development roadmap You drive the development and the implementation of transformer liquid and solid insulation monitoring and diagnostic algorithms, making sure they are properly documented and implemented in the appropriate IT tools and that they stay up to date You prepare training material and deliver trainings sessions to designated service units You participate in international pre-standardization and standardization work You provide deep technical support to root cause analyses and issues resolutions, making sure lessons learnt are integrated in our algorithms You provide advanced technical support to other functions (e.g. Engineering, Supply Chain, Sales, …), participating in meetings with customers and suppliers as needed You participate in trade shows on request to better identify customer pain points and associated consequences Living core values of safety and integrity, which means taking responsibility for your own actions while caring for your colleagues and the business Your background MSc or BSc Engineering degree or equivalent diploma qualification 10+ years of experience in transformer service and/or engineering Strong technical background on transformer liquid and solid insulation systems in general, including diagnostic equipment, test sets, tools, safety protocols and typical maintenance and repair procedures Knowledge of transformer monitoring systems, including digital devices, software and communication relating to liquid and solid insulation Data analysis and interpretation Proven experience in transformer engineering studies, diagnostics, and condition assessment Demonstrated experience in interaction with customers and/or international standards groups International experience and intercultural sensitivity Structured and analytical thinking, with a collaborative, solutions-oriented approach and strong communication skills
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    Location: (HE)Office_Raleigh Job ID: R0040518 Date Posted: 2024-01-17 Company Name: Hitachi Energy Ltd Profession (Job Category): Engineering & Science Job Schedule: Full time Remote: Yes Job Description: For our transformer service business, understanding the full potential of our technology and trends in our markets is highly rewarding. In addition, helping customers all over the world improve efficiency, save resources and reduce emissions gives our work a powerful sense of purpose. Our Transformer Service business is part of the Global Product Group Transformer Components and Services. Working as Bushings Diagnostic Specialist, you will ideate, develop, implement and maintain diagnostic algorithms to assess the condition of various types of bushings, translating data into actionable information. You support our customers to manage their transformer fleets throughout the lifecycle by providing expert monitoring and diagnostic services for bushings, safeguarding the electrical infrastructure by detecting early signs of potential failure, enabling predictive maintenance, optimizing asset utilization and minimizing downtime. You will be accountable to ensure technology leadership on bushings monitoring and diagnostics while contributing to our customer satisfaction and profitable growth. Our flexible work practices help you optimize personal and business performance while creating an environment where all employees can develop their skills and grow. For this role we follow a hybrid work structure where you can work remotely or from the office, as needed, based on demands of specific tasks or personal work preferences. Your responsibilities You stay up to date with the latest technology solutions, international standards, market trends and customer requirements relating to transformer monitoring and diagnostics, with specific focus on bushings You propose novel solutions in the field of bushing monitoring and diagnostics You work in close collaboration with product management to define the monitoring and diagnostic services development roadmap You drive the development and the implementation of bushings monitoring and diagnostic algorithms, making sure they are properly documented and implemented in the appropriate IT tools and that they stay up to date You prepare training material and deliver trainings sessions to designated service units You participate in international pre-standardization and standardization work You provide deep technical support to root cause analyses and issues resolutions, making sure lessons learnt are integrated in our algorithms You provide advanced technical support to other functions (e.g. Engineering, Supply Chain, Sales, …), participating in meetings with customers and suppliers as needed You participate in trade shows on request to better identify customer pain points and associated consequences Living core values of safety and integrity, which means taking responsibility for your own actions while caring for your colleagues and the business. Your background MSc or BSc Engineering degree or equivalent diploma qualification 5+ years of experience in bushings service and/or engineering Strong technical background on bushings and High Voltage equipment in general, including diagnostic equipment, test sets, tools, safety protocols and typical maintenance and repair procedures. Direct experience in installation, commissioning and on-site activities is a plus Knowledge of bushings monitoring systems, including digital devices, software and communication Data analysis and interpretation Proven experience in transformer engineering studies, diagnostics, and condition assessment Demonstrated experience in interaction with customers and/or international standards groups International experience and intercultural sensitivity Structured and analytical thinking, with a collaborative, solutions-oriented approach and strong communication skills
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    Location: (HE)Office_NC, Raleigh 901 Job ID: R0040515 Date Posted: 2024-01-19 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY LTD Profession (Job Category): Engineering & Science Job Schedule: Full time Remote: Yes Job Description: For our transformer service business, understanding the full potential of our technology and trends in our markets is highly rewarding. In addition, helping customers all over the world improve efficiency, save resources and reduce emissions gives our work a powerful sense of purpose. Our Transformer Service business is part of the Global Product Group Transformer Components and Services. Working as Transformer Diagnostics Team Leader, you will oversee and direct the work of various specialists ideating, developing, implementing and maintaining diagnostic algorithms to assess the condition of transformers and translating data into actionable information. You will support our customers to manage their transformer fleets throughout the lifecycle by providing expert monitoring and diagnostic services, safeguarding the electrical infrastructure by detecting early signs of potential failure, enabling predictive maintenance, optimizing asset utilization and minimizing downtime. You will be accountable to manage and continuously develop a global team of specialists ensuring technology leadership on transformer monitoring and diagnostics while contributing to our customer satisfaction and profitable growth. Our flexible work practices help you optimize personal and business performance while creating an environment where all employees can develop their skills and grow. For this role we follow a hybrid work structure where you can work remotely or from the office, as needed, based on demands of specific tasks or personal work preferences. Your responsibilities Organize, staff and direct a global team of transformer diagnostic specialists making sure tasks are properly defined, allocated, monitored and evaluated Supervise workload and approve the deliverables produced by the team making sure they are within the expected quality and time Coordinate advanced technical support activities, balancing them against regular project work Ensure efficient communication within the team and towards the rest of the organization Represent the team perspective, drive for consensus, buy-in and decisions while interacting with the various stakeholders Develop appropriate competencies in the team and establish proper mechanisms to transfer them outside the team as required Participate in candidates review and selection for newly opened positions Onboarding of new team members Drive the performance evaluation and the competency assessment processes Foster the team to challenge the status quo and to come up with novel ideas and solutions in the field of transformer diagnostics Support the protection of newly created intellectual property and the continuous monitoring of intellectual property generated by others Oversee participation of the team members in relevant technical committees and events Living core values of safety and integrity, which means taking responsibility for your own actions while caring for your colleagues and the business Your background MSc or BSc Engineering degree or equivalent diploma qualification 3+ years of experience in a Team Leader position Transformer Engineering and Design experience Good technical understanding of transformers monitoring and diagnostics Knowledge of the most common transformer monitoring systems and digital devices A proactive, solution-oriented and structured individual, with strong teamworking, problem solving and decision-making capabilities A skilled communicator, with high intercultural sensitivity and who can interface with numerous stakeholders Fluent command of English is a must
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    Location: (HE)Office_Raleigh Job ID: R0040525 Date Posted: 2024-01-17 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY LTD Profession (Job Category): Engineering & Science Job Schedule: Full time Remote: Yes Job Description: For our transformer service business, understanding the full potential of our technology and trends in our markets is highly rewarding. In addition, helping customers all over the world improve efficiency, save resources and reduce emissions gives our work a powerful sense of purpose. Our Transformer Service business is part of the Global Product Group Transformer Components and Services. Working as Tap Changers Diagnostic Specialist, you will ideate, develop, implement and maintain diagnostic algorithms to assess the condition of various types of tap changers, translating data into actionable information. You will support our customers to manage their transformer fleets throughout the lifecycle by providing expert monitoring and diagnostic services for tap changers, safeguarding the electrical infrastructure by detecting early signs of potential failure, enabling predictive maintenance, optimizing asset utilization and minimizing downtime. You will be accountable to ensure technology leadership on tap changers monitoring and diagnostics while contributing to our customer satisfaction and profitable growth. Our flexible work practices help you optimize personal and business performance while creating an environment where all employees can develop their skills and grow. For this role we follow a hybrid work structure where you can work remotely or from the office, as needed, based on demands of specific tasks or personal work preferences. Your responsibilities You stay up to date with the latest technology solutions, international standards, market trends and customer requirements relating to transformer monitoring and diagnostics, with specific focus on tap changers You propose novel solutions in the field of tap changers monitoring and diagnostics You work in close collaboration with product management to define the monitoring and diagnostic services development roadmap You drive the development and the implementation of tap changers monitoring and diagnostic algorithms, making sure they are properly documented and implemented in the appropriate IT tools and that they stay up to date You prepare training material and deliver trainings sessions to designated service units You participate in international pre-standardization and standardization work You provide deep technical support to root cause analyses and issues resolutions, making sure lessons learnt are integrated in our algorithms You provide advanced technical support to other functions (e.g. Engineering, Supply Chain, Sales, …), participating in meetings with customers and suppliers as needed You participate in trade shows on request to better identify customer pain points and associated consequences. Living core values of safety and integrity, which means taking responsibility for your own actions while caring for your colleagues and the business Your background MSc or BSc Engineering degree or equivalent diploma qualification 5+ years of experience in tap changers service and/or engineering. Strong technical background on tap changers in general, including diagnostic equipment, test sets, tools, safety protocols and typical maintenance and repair procedures Direct experience in installation, commissioning and on-site activities is a plus Knowledge of tap changer monitoring systems, including digital devices, software and communication Data analysis and interpretation Proven experience in transformer engineering studies, diagnostics, and condition assessment Demonstrated experience in interaction with customers and/or international standards groups International experience and intercultural sensitivity Structured and analytical thinking, with a collaborative, solutions-oriented approach and strong communication skills
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