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    Overview PepsiCo Canada est toujours à la recherche des meilleurs talents, et cette quête nous amène souvent à des campus comme le vôtre! Alors, pourquoi choisir le programme de leadership de la chaîne d'approvisionnement​? Incidence positive – Nous osons apporter des changements positifs en créant une chaîne d'approvisionnement plus durable avec des produits plus sains.Expérience avec de grandes marques et innovation – Nous osons appuyer les talents bourgeonnants en leur donnant le pouvoir de jouer un rôle actif dans l'avenir de nos marques emblématiques.Leadership dès le départ – Nous osons donner aux leaders de tous les niveaux des formations et des occasions pertinentes pour leur perfectionnement.Un endroit où vous pouvez être vous-mêmes – Nous osons accorder la priorité aux autres, exprimer notre opinion sans crainte et célébrer la perspective de tout le monde. Responsibilities Vous travaillerez à partir d'une de nos installations de classe mondiale a Ville-Saint Laurent, QC. Votre première affectation consistera à vous familiariser avec nos activités commerciales quotidiennes et avec le leadership en pratique dans une organisation de chaîne d'approvisionnement de première ligne. Responsibilities Baccalauréat obtenu au plus tard en août 2024Avoir d'excellentes aptitudes interpersonnelles et de communication​Avoir une volonté démontrée à travailler avec les gens et à diriger​Avoir une capacité démontrée à résoudre les problèmes et à gérer des priorités concurrentes​Avoir l'esprit d'équipe et savoir retrousser ses manches et mettre la main à la pâte
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    Overview PepsiCo Canada figure sur la liste des 100 meilleurs employeurs au Canada. Les produits PepsiCo sont consommés plus d’un milliard de fois par jour dans plus de 200 pays et territoires dans le monde. Ses portefeuilles comptent 22 marques milliardaires mondialement connues, dont Gatorade, Quaker, Tropicana et Lay’s, pour ne nommer que celles-là. PepsiCo fabrique des aliments et des boissons qui sont appréciés partout dans le monde. Ses initiatives pour développer un système alimentaire plus durable constituent un élément fondamental de sa vision globale d’accélération du développement durable, appelée Donner un sens à notre vision. Dans cette optique, PepsiCo déploie efforts et énergie pour devenir une meilleure entreprise en intégrant davantage sa vision dans ses principales activités et marques et en agissant toujours plus en faveur des gens et de la planète. Entre autres choses, PepsiCo favorise une culture de diversité et d’inclusion, soutient les communautés où vivent et travaillent ses employés et améliore les choix de produits de son portefeuille au moyen de nouvelles recettes et d’innovations. Terriroite - Lac St-Jean: Dolbeau, St-Félicien, Roberval, Alma, Saint-Henri de Taillon Responsibilities Promouvoir et déployer des campagnes promotionnelles à l’échelle locale et nationale.Faire progresser les comptes assignés afin d’atteindre les cibles en matière de ventes, de part de marché, de distribution des produits et de service à la clientèle.Tirer profit du matériel de marketing pour stimuler les ventes.Fournir un excellent service aux comptes assignés afin de créer et d’entretenir une solide relation axée sur la bonne volonté avec tous les clients.Développer votre secteur de vente en volume de vente et en profitabilité.Effectuer les ventes et mettre en évidence les innovations.Effectuer le marchandisage des sections de produits et créer des présentoirs attrayants afin d’accroître les ventes.Travailler en étroite collaboration avec le service de la livraison de PBC afin d’assurer un service efficace. Responsibilities Les qualifications du candidat idéal Baccalauréat en administration, marketing ou l’équivalent ;Expérience de 1 à 2 ans dans un poste lié directement à la vente directe, un atout, mais possibilité d’offrir la formation nécessaire à tout candidat compétentExpérience en matière de services alimentaires ou de produits de consommation, de préférenceBilinguisme essentiel (français et anglais parlé et écrit);Aptitudes démontrées pour la négociation;Un solide sens du service à la clientèle;Habiletés d’analyse et d’organisation démontréesPermis de conduire valide et possession d’un véhiculeCapacité à effectuer les tâches physiques associées à l’emploi pour la création de présentoirs et le marchandisage de nos produitsAptitudes informatiques démontrées, en particulier avec Microsoft SuiteCe que nous offrons Une rémunération concurrentielle comprenant avantages sociaux, régime de retraite, participation à un REER avec cotisations de l’employeur et vacancesUn environnement de travail souple et axé sur la conciliation travail-vie personnelleUne culture d’entreprise dynamique et inclusive où chacun se sent à l’aise d’être lui-mêmeUne équipe qui encourage la croissance et le perfectionnement professionnelsUne occasion de jouer un rôle marquant et percutant au sein de l’organisation et dans des projetsUne occasion de redonner à la communauté avec notre programme annuel de bénévolat 360Une organisation qui cherche à mettre sa notoriété, son rayonnement et son expertise à profit pour bâtir un monde plus écologique #PBC
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    Обязанности:Обеспечение целевого уровня сервиса для клиентов компании (SL) по продукции, перемещаемой с других производственных площадок путем поддержания нормативных запасов на складах хранения.Участие в проектах, направленных на оптимизацию и унификацию процессов планирования.Формирование графика отгрузок для транспортной службы на ежемесячном, еженедельном уровне.Контроль за выполнением планов перемещений и инициирование действий по изменению ситуацииАктивное участие в разработке корректирующих мер по достижению оптимального уровня затрат в складских списаниях по причине «Истечение срока годности».Ежедневный анализ недогрузов по продукции с других производственных площадок, разработка и внедрение корректирующих мер по достижению целевого уровня сервиса для клиентов филиала.Обеспечение информационного потока внутри компании в рамках функциональных обязанностей. Требования:Высшее образованиеПрофильный опыт работы не менее 1 годаРазвитые навыки коммуникации, взаимодействия внутри команды, навыки презентацииОпытный пользователь офисных приложенийПродвинутый пользователь Excel (ВПР, сводные таблицы)Отличные математические и аналитические способностиОпыт работы в Сап
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    Overview Dankzij jou loopt het volautomatische machinepark gesmeerd door je preventieve onderhoud. Je werkt op onze afdeling Maintenance. Je voert het onderhoud uit op onze 11 volautomatische productielijnen en durft ook verbetervoorstellen te formuleren. Hierbij volg je het onderhoudsschema punctueel op. Variatie en actie troef in deze job! Je werkt in teamverband, samen met je collega’s en je teamlead kun je technische info en ervaring uitwisselen en terugvallen op een degelijke ondersteurning. Daarnaast voorzien de PepsiCo collega’s ook wel in “fun” momenten! Responsibilities Je voert het preventieve onderhoud en je volgt de onderhoudsschema’s correct op.Je vervangt machine-onderdelen tijdens deze onderhoudsbeurten Je werkt mee aan de aanpassingen van de installaties;Je hebt ook focus voor de elementen die goed lopen maar nog kunnen worden geoptimaliseerdJe bent alert voor verbetermogelijkheden, doet concrete voorstellen en werkt ze uit.Binnen je team overleg je, werk je samen en doe je constructieve verbetervoorstellen. Qualifications Je spreekt vloeiend NederlandsJe houdt van technieken, elektriciteit en mechanica en je wil hierin bijleren en specialiseren.Je beschikt over een technische achtergrond : je bent sterk in mechanica en hebt minstens een basiskennis electriciteit: bvb door studies TSO , graduaatstudies of door gelijkwaardige werkervaringJe beschikt over logisch inzicht en een goed denkvermogen; je kent de root cause analysis techniek Je werkt zelfstandig, nauwkeurig en kwaliteitsbewust, met het oog op goede hygiëne; Je houdt van afwisseling in je werk; Ervaring is een pluspunt: bij PepsiCo waarderen we ervaren collega’s die hun kennis delen en toepassenAl maakt een schoolverlater met grote motivatie ook zeker kans bij ons. ONS AANBOD Je ontvangt direct een vast PepsiCo-contract van onbepaalde duur, aangevuld met maaltijdscheques en andere extralegale voordelen.Je krijgt een competitief salaris op basis van een carrièrepad om altijd verdere stappen te kunnen zetten.Er zijn verschillende doorgroeimogelijkheden in de toekomst naar functies zoals Automatisatietechnieker, Werkvoorbereider, Teamleader, Line improvement Engineer, Specialist automatisatie, Specialist Mechanica en nog zoveel meer…Je verlofdagen zijn vrij op te nemen, want wij sluiten niet collectief.Je hebt een vaste nachtploeg.
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    Responsibilities Na PepsiCo estamos comprometidos em atrair os melhores talentos, pessoas movidas a desafios e inspiradas por oportunidades de crescimento pessoal e profissional. Somos centrados em nossos clientes e consumidores, para assim alcançar resultados ao fazer negócios da forma correta, agindo com integridade, de forma ágil e responsável. Somos a PepsiCo: Fazer parte da PepsiCo significa estar em uma das maiores empresas de alimentos e bebidas do mundo, com produtos que são apreciados mais de um bilhão de vezes por dia, por consumidores de mais de 200 países, e que está engajada em ajudar a construir um sistema alimentar mais sustentável. No Brasil desde 1953, a PepsiCo conta com marcas reconhecidas como QUAKER®, TODDY®, TODDYNHO®, ELMA CHIPS®, RUFFLES®, DORITOS®, CHEETOS®, FANDANGOS®, EQLIBRI™, GATORADE®, KERO COCO®, H2OH!®, PEPSI® entre outras. A PepsiCo é uma empresa que oferece oportunidades únicas e contrata pessoas qualificadas e diversas, independente de sexo, raça, identidade de gênero, religião, nacionalidade, idade ou deficiência. Aqui você encontra um time diverso, formado por pessoas únicas, livres para ser quem são movidas a desafios em um ambiente dinâmico, que buscam crescimento profissional e são inspiradas por nossa missão de Criar Mais Sorrisos a Cada Gole e a Cada Mordida. Somos motivados(as) a inovar e desenvolver produtos de qualidade para diversas ocasiões de consumo, guiados(as) sempre por sete comportamentos: Foco no Consumidor, Agir como Dono, Focar e Fazer Acontecer com Rapidez, Expressar opinião sem medo, Elevar o nível do talento e da diversidade, Celebrar o sucesso e Agir com integridade. Saiba mais sobre nossa cultura e vida na PepsiCo: https://stories.pepsicojobs.com/ #LI-BRASIL Principais responsabilidades: Responsável pelas negociações, vendas e entregas das linhas de produtos PepsiCo definidos para o seu canal de atuação, dentro da máxima disciplina na execução dos padrões e políticas da companhia: fiscal, financeiro, contábil e comercial.Responsável por garantir o atingimento/superação dos objetivos de vendas, respeitando a política comercial e mantendo o crescimento sustentável de sua rota.Utilizar o veículo disponibilizado pela empresa, bem como garantir a sua melhor condução e preservação, de acordo com as leis de trânsito vigentes e políticas da Cia.Responsável pela utilização e manuseio do coletor de dados, de acordo com a orientação da empresa. Qualifications Quem estamos buscando? Ensino Médio completo.Experiência na área de Vendas, preferêncialmente em Bens de Consumo.CNH categoria C, D ou EResidir: SOROCABA/SP.O que você pode esperar de nós: Um ambiente de trabalho híbrido que promove um equilíbrio saudável entre vida pessoal e profissional;Uma cultura dinâmica e inclusiva;Uma equipe de apoio que irá encorajar o seu crescimento e desenvolvimento profissional;Oportunidade de trabalhar com projetos relevantes e impactantes para o negócio;Oportunidade de retribuir à comunidade com nossos Programas de Voluntariado;
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    Responsibilities Packaging Engineer to support PepsiCo business with proven technical packaging expertise and ability to develop and commercialize new packaging designs for both Innovation and Sustainability for Foods category. Candidate to work closely with Marketing, Sales, Operations, Purchasing and Finance to create new business opportunities as well as develop packaging solutions for established projects to help grow the business. Candidate will also collaborate with Product Development on packaging / product requirements i.e., functionality, product protection, shelf life etc. and will be responsible for developing and maintaining packaging specifications.Must create "go to market" solutions that deliver product efficiently via multiple distribution platforms and maintain a current understanding of packaging technologies within internal plants and co-packers, as well as technology developments within the packaging industry. Candidate will be required to demonstrate ability to incorporate those technologies to optimize overall system cost and efficiency Qualifications Work experience in the development and execution of primary, secondary and tertiary packaging materials and have knowledge of the interrelationship with equipment.Strong project management skills in developing project timelines with multiple cross-functional touch points, and managing platform and project budgets, in addition to tracking of spendMust have strong conceptual, analytical and technical skills with excellent communication and presentation skills.Maintain open communication and build strong relationships with internal & external teams from suppliers to cross functional support.Strong project management skillsAnalytical thinkingInnovative thinkingAbility to follow technical stage gate process, create package development plan & timeline and manage project budgetMust demonstrate an ability to thrive in a fast-paced and consumer driven environment.15-25% domestic travelBS in Packaging Science, Chemical, Mechanical, Plastics Engineering or equivalent2-3 years work experience within food/beverage packagingCompensation and Benefits: The expected compensation range for this position is between $61,700 - $103,250 based on a full-time schedule.Location, confirmed job-related skills and experience will be considered in setting actual starting salary Bonus based on performance and eligibility; target payout is 5% of annual salary paid out annually.Paid time off subject to eligibility, including paid parental leave, vacation, sick, and bereavement.In addition to salary, PepsiCo offers a comprehensive benefits package to support our employees and their families, subject to elections and eligibility: Medical, Dental, Vision, Disability, Health and Dependent Care Reimbursement Accounts, Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Insurance (Accident, Group Legal, Life), Defined Contribution Retirement Plan EEO Statement All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, protected veteran status, or disability status. PepsiCo is an Equal Opportunity Employer: Female / Minority / Disability / Protected Veteran / Sexual Orientation / Gender Identity If you'd like more information about your EEO rights as an applicant under the law, please download the available EEO is the Law & EEO is the Law Supplement documents. View PepsiCo EEO Policy. Please view our Pay Transparency Statement
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    Responsibilities Na PepsiCo estamos comprometidos em atrair os melhores talentos, pessoas movidas a desafios e inspiradas por oportunidades de crescimento pessoal e profissional. Somos centrados em nossos clientes e consumidores, para assim alcançar resultados ao fazer negócios da forma correta, agindo com integridade, de forma ágil e responsável. Sobre a PepsiCo A PepsiCo é uma das maiores empresas de alimentos e bebidas do mundo, presente em mais de 200 países. No Brasil somos mais de 10 mil funcionários que trabalham com marcas como DORITOS®, RUFFLES®, QUAKER®, CHEETOS®, LAY’S®, TODDYINHO®, PEPSI® entre tantas outras. Nosso propósito maior é CRIAR MAIS SORRISOS A CADA GOLE E A CADA MORDIDA. Através de nossos produtos estamos presentes em diversas ocasiões e sempre atrelados às emoções das pessoas. A PepsiCo é guiada pela visão de Ser a Líder Global em Alimentos e Bebidas Convenientes. “Vencer com Propósito” reflete nossa motivação de ganhar sustentavelmente no mercado e incorporar propósito em todos os aspectos do negócio. Principais responsabilidades: - Opera as máquinas de processamento e embalagem dos alimentos, atendendo aos parâmetros de operação, garantindo os padrões de qualidade do produto e a execução do planejamento de produção; Realiza a limpeza diária e geral dos equipamentos, piso e parede do local de trabalho, conforme manual de sanitização; - Executa atividades de manutenção e rotinas de lubrificação; - Realiza rotinas pertinentes à linha no que tange os temas de segurança do trabalho, qualidade e acompanhamento das atividades realizadas pelos auxiliares; - Participa de reuniões de análise de soluções de problemas. Qualifications Requisitos - Ensino Médio Completo; - Experiência anterior na função; “A companhia se reserva o direito de modificar as especificações, habilidades e requerimentos da posição de acordo com suas necessidades” "A PepsiCo é uma empresa que oferece oportunidades singulares e contrata pessoas qualificadas e diversas, independentemente de sexo, raça, orientação sexual, religião, nacionalidade, idade ou deficiência."
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    Responsibilities Na PepsiCo estamos comprometidos em atrair os melhores talentos, pessoas movidas a desafios e inspiradas por oportunidades de crescimento pessoal e profissional. Somos centrados em nossos clientes e consumidores, para assim alcançar resultados ao fazer negócios da forma correta, agindo com integridade, de forma ágil e responsável. Sobre a PepsiCo A PepsiCo é uma das maiores empresas de alimentos e bebidas do mundo, presente em mais de 200 países. No Brasil somos mais de 10 mil funcionários(as) que trabalham com marcas como DORITOS®, RUFFLES®, QUAKER®, CHEETOS®, LAY’S®, TODDYINHO®, PEPSI® entre tantas outras. Nosso propósito maior é CRIAR MAIS SORRISOS A CADA GOLE E A CADA MORDIDA. Através de nossos produtos estamos presentes em diversas ocasiões e sempre atrelados às emoções das pessoas. A PepsiCo é guiada pela visão de Ser a Líder Global em Alimentos e Bebidas Convenientes. “Vencer com Propósito” reflete nossa motivação de ganhar sustentavelmente no mercado e incorporar propósito em todos os aspectos do negócio. Principais responsabilidades: - Auxilia os OPERADOR(A)es e técnicos da produção no processamento e embalagem dos alimentos; - Abastece as máquinas com matéria prima e embalagem de acordo com o planejamento de produção; - Realiza a limpeza diária e geral dos equipamentos, piso e parede do local de trabalho garantindo que tudo seja feito conforme manual de sanitização; - Realiza o monitoramento dos produtos em linha, garantindo que estejam dentro das especificações de qualidade. Qualifications Requisitos - Ensino Médio; - Vontade de fazer a diferença. “A companhia se reserva o direito de modificar as especificações, habilidades e requerimentos da posição de acordo com suas necessidades” "A PepsiCo é uma empresa que oferece oportunidades singulares e contrata pessoas qualificadas e diversas, independentemente de sexo, raça, orientação sexual, religião, nacionalidade, idade ou deficiência."
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    Responsibilities Na PepsiCo estamos comprometidos em atrair os melhores talentos, pessoas movidas a desafios e inspiradas por oportunidades de crescimento pessoal e profissional. Somos centrados em nossos clientes e consumidores, para assim alcançar resultados ao fazer negócios da forma correta, agindo com integridade, de forma ágil e responsável. Sobre a PepsiCo A PepsiCo é uma das maiores empresas de alimentos e bebidas do mundo, presente em mais de 200 países. No Brasil somos mais de 10 mil funcionários(as) que trabalham com marcas como DORITOS®, RUFFLES®, QUAKER®, CHEETOS®, LAY’S®, TODDYINHO®, PEPSI® entre tantas outras. Nosso propósito maior é CRIAR MAIS SORRISOS A CADA GOLE E A CADA MORDIDA. Através de nossos produtos estamos presentes em diversas ocasiões e sempre atrelados às emoções das pessoas. A PepsiCo é guiada pela visão de Ser a Líder Global em Alimentos e Bebidas Convenientes. “Vencer com Propósito” reflete nossa motivação de ganhar sustentavelmente no mercado e incorporar propósito em todos os aspectos do negócio. Principais responsabilidades: - Auxilia os OPERADOR(A)es e técnicos da produção no processamento e embalagem dos alimentos; - Abastece as máquinas com matéria prima e embalagem de acordo com o planejamento de produção; - Realiza a limpeza diária e geral dos equipamentos, piso e parede do local de trabalho garantindo que tudo seja feito conforme manual de sanitização; - Realiza o monitoramento dos produtos em linha, garantindo que estejam dentro das especificações de qualidade. Qualifications Requisitos - Ensino Fundamental. - Vontade de fazer a diferença. “A companhia se reserva o direito de modificar as especificações, habilidades e requerimentos da posição de acordo com suas necessidades” "A PepsiCo é uma empresa que oferece oportunidades singulares e contrata pessoas qualificadas e diversas, independentemente de sexo, raça, orientação sexual, religião, nacionalidade, idade ou deficiência."
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    Overview PepsiCo Beverages Part-Time Merchandiser Location: Meadow Lake, SK Wage: $19.62/Hour Shifts: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday - 20-25 hours a week About Us   PepsiCo’s mission is to create smiles with every sip and every bite. We are committed to bringing our beloved consumer brands to market while doing good for the planet and our communities. Our success lies in our people. We offer our employees opportunities to make a meaningful impact, gain new skills and build successful careers in a diverse and inclusive workplace. Bring your unique perspective. Bring curiosity. Bring ingenuity. Bring drive. Because what makes you unique, makes us better.  About You  You’re ambitious and hard-working and see every challenge as an opportunity. You pride yourself on being motivated, strong and a team player, and you have strong organizational skills. You want a job that will maximize your earning potential as well as open doors for the future and prefer to be out in the world rolling up your sleeves than behind a desk all day.     Your experience may include customer service. This is a great role for students in all kinds of programs. It’s also a great fit for people who work successfully with a high degree of independence and have experience dealing with people. Responsibilities In this role you will help us get our famous brands to the people who love them across Canada. Here’s what you’ll be doing: Merchandising Pepsi products into store shelving, racks, coolers and displays using manual or powered equipment   Supporting execution of store promotions by ensuring all shelves are filled and promotional materials are maximized Working collaboratively with the Account Sales Representatives and Delivery teams to provide top quality servicing of all Pepsi accounts  Maintaining back-room stock in neat and orderly condition  Rotating out expired products to ensure freshness of Pepsi products Qualifications You have a High School Diploma, Professional Studies Diploma or Equivalence You hold a valid Class 5 License and have access to your own vehicle   You’re physically fit (lifting large items up to 50 lbs. is part of the job)   You enjoy working independently and are self-motivated  You have excellent time management skills Additional skills you may have (not required, these are assets) Prior merchandising or customer service experience Previous grocery store experience   What you can expect from us: A working environment that puts health and safety first $19.62 per hour with full-time hours and overtime opportunities Great people and culture – proudly bring your whole self to work! Future opportunities. We are one of Canada’s top 10 employers of youth. Ask us more in your interview! Application Process Visit www.pepsicojobs.com Shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an initial phone screening interview. Please review our realistic job preview it will be referenced throughout the interview process. #PBC
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    Responsibilities Na PepsiCo estamos comprometidos em atrair os melhores talentos, pessoas movidas a desafios e inspiradas por oportunidades de crescimento pessoal e profissional. Somos centrados em nossos clientes e consumidores, para assim alcançar resultados ao fazer negócios da forma correta, agindo com integridade, de forma ágil e responsável. Somos a PepsiCo: Fazer parte da PepsiCo significa estar em uma das maiores empresas de alimentos e bebidas do mundo, com produtos que são apreciados mais de um bilhão de vezes por dia, por consumidores de mais de 200 países, e que está engajada em ajudar a construir um sistema alimentar mais sustentável. No Brasil desde 1953, a PepsiCo conta com marcas reconhecidas como QUAKER®, TODDY®, TODDYNHO®, ELMA CHIPS®, RUFFLES®, DORITOS®, CHEETOS®, FANDANGOS®, EQLIBRI™, GATORADE®, KERO COCO®, H2OH!®, PEPSI® entre outras. A PepsiCo é uma empresa que oferece oportunidades únicas e contrata pessoas qualificadas e diversas, independente de sexo, raça, identidade de gênero, religião, nacionalidade, idade ou deficiência. Aqui você encontra um time diverso, formado por pessoas únicas, livres para ser quem são movidas a desafios em um ambiente dinâmico, que buscam crescimento profissional e são inspiradas por nossa missão de Criar Mais Sorrisos a Cada Gole e a Cada Mordida. Somos motivados(as) a inovar e desenvolver produtos de qualidade para diversas ocasiões de consumo, guiados(as) sempre por sete comportamentos: Foco no Consumidor, Agir como Dono, Focar e Fazer Acontecer com Rapidez, Expressar opinião sem medo, Elevar o nível do talento e da diversidade, Celebrar o sucesso e Agir com integridade. Saiba mais sobre nossa cultura e vida na PepsiCo: https://stories.pepsicojobs.com/ #LI-BRASIL Principais responsabilidades: Responsável pelas negociações, vendas e entregas das linhas de produtos PepsiCo definidos para o seu canal de atuação, dentro da máxima disciplina na execução dos padrões e políticas da companhia: fiscal, financeiro, contábil e comercial.Responsável por garantir o atingimento/superação dos objetivos de vendas, respeitando a política comercial e mantendo o crescimento sustentável de sua rota.Utilizar o veículo disponibilizado pela empresa, bem como garantir a sua melhor condução e preservação, de acordo com as leis de trânsito vigentes e políticas da Cia.Responsável pela utilização e manuseio do coletor de dados, de acordo com a orientação da empresa. Qualifications Quem estamos buscando? Ensino Médio completo.Experiência na área de Vendas, preferêncialmente em Bens de Consumo.CNH categoria C, D ou E.Residir em Ipatinga, Coronel Fabriciano e Timóteo - MG. Disponibilidade para viagens.O que você pode esperar de nós: Um ambiente de trabalho híbrido que promove um equilíbrio saudável entre vida pessoal e profissional;Uma cultura dinâmica e inclusiva;Uma equipe de apoio que irá encorajar o seu crescimento e desenvolvimento profissional;Oportunidade de trabalhar com projetos relevantes e impactantes para o negócio;Oportunidade de retribuir à comunidade com nossos Programas de Voluntariado;
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    Overview PepsiCo’s mission is to ‘Create more smiles with every sip and every bite.’ This means that we are continuing to integrate purpose into our business strategy and doing even more for our planet and our people. We recognize that we have not only an opportunity, but a responsibility to use our scale and reach to help build a more sustainable food system—one that can provide nutrition and enjoyment and drive economic growth and social development while protecting and restoring the planet. One of the key priorities of our sustainability agenda is supporting a circular economy by reducing, recycling, and reinventing our packaging.   We are a creatively driven team that leverages the power of Design Thinking to solve brand and business problems that drive meaningful value and growth. Our team’s mission is to lead the innovation agendas to accelerate PepsiCo’s Global brands and businesses and transform beyond its core. We innovate with the intent; to solve real problems, for real people, in the real world. We innovate to incite positive change—for people, brands, business, and the world around us. Every day we strive to bring excitement, refreshment, and fun to people through our brands and experiences with the fearlessness and passion of a startup. Our goal is clear: to connect PepsiCo’s beverage, snacks, and nutrition portfolios, with today’s hyper-connected, networked users and consumers hungry for meaningful, authentic, and relevant brand experiences across multiple touchpoints and regions of the world. Responsibilities This is where you come in: We are looking for a full-time Design Senior Manager for the Corporate Brand Identity team in our New York City office. You will lead the development of creative communications solutions for our PepsiCo corporate internal and external audiences.   You will provide creative leadership and oversee the development and quality execution of enterprise-wide internal/external, and consumer-facing corporate brand communications. Reporting to the team Senior Design Director and in partnership with the Corp Brand function capabilities, you will educate, launch, and develop inspiring visual/messaging for global internal and external communications. You will partner closely with the corporate brand and communications function for the development, review, and approval of all ongoing communications across global, corporate, and regional business units and functions.    Responsibilities: Inspire and creatively lead the Corp Brand Design TeamGenerate creative design briefs and proposals (visions, scenarios, concepts)Lead, inspire, and guide the design team through the creative development processManage implementation of review, feedback and approval process for all priority initiatives with key stakeholders, including capability leads within the Corp Brand Team.Ensure all creative solutions are executed following guidance, intent, and spirit of the corporate guidelinesEnsure work is produced to agreed scopes and timescales in partnership with PepsiCo Corporate Comms, BU’s, Functions and external partners.Ensure all stakeholders understand their role and responsibilities throughout the creative process. Develop strong relationships with internal peers and cross-functional teams that can provide support and expertise in specific areasAssist with managing vendors when requiredParticipate in research/insights activities and effectively translate employee/customer needs into actionable design communication concepts.Supports the PepsiCo Design Organization in building and cultivating a strong internal/external design network. Qualifications 10+ years in a brand identity, corporate identity, campaign creation or design communications roleExtraordinary ability in using the Adobe Creative Suite software’s Strong presentation skills and confident in front of senior level internal teamsClear communicator who can deliver insights in an engaging, fresh, and impactful mannerSelf-starter who thrives on working collaboratively in a highly matrixed environmentSense of fiscal responsibility, experience managing vendors and budgetsPassion for art, design, photography, video, digital storytelling Expert Typographic Skills and type design experienceMust have strong knowledge of key branding disciplines and previous experience within project management on corporate branding assignments and/or identity assignmentsAbility to work in ambiguous and dynamic work environment; is comfortable with risk and uncertaintyWorks well with others to deliver results; keeps others informed to avoid unnecessary surprisesMust be willing and able to travel 10% of the timeCompensation and Benefits: The expected compensation range for this position is between $106,300 - $177,850 based on a full-time schedule.Location, confirmed job-related skills and experience will be considered in setting actual starting salaryBonus based on performance and eligibility; target payout is 15% of annual salary paid out annually.Paid time off subject to eligibility, including paid parental leave, vacation, sick, and bereavement.In addition to salary, PepsiCo offers a comprehensive benefits package to support our employees and their families, subject to elections and eligibility: Medical, Dental, Vision, Disability, Health and Dependent Care Reimbursement Accounts, Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Insurance (Accident, Group Legal, Life), Defined Contribution Retirement Plan. EEO Statement All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, protected veteran status, or disability status. PepsiCo is an Equal Opportunity Employer: Female / Minority / Disability / Protected Veteran / Sexual Orientation / Gender Identity If you'd like more information about your EEO rights as an applicant under the law, please download the available EEO is the Law & EEO is the Law Supplement documents. View PepsiCo EEO Policy. Please view our Pay Transparency Statement.
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    Overview This position is responsible for providing direction and leadership to Customer Services Department in order to enable the business to have increased market responsiveness and customer satisfaction. The job holder will be responsible for developing and maintaining an efficient sales order management system to provide support to Sales while ensuring the integrity of sales orders and dispatches record keeping. The position will also be responsible for ordering management from 3rd Party Warehouses in close coordination with Logistics and 3rd Party Operators. Responsibilities Ensure that an efficient & appropriate customer order processing & management system is in place and the sales forecasts are being properly monitored.Ensure all sales orders processing and on-time delivery of products to customers in liaison with Commercial Finance and FG Warehouse while fully complying to PepsiCo policies and providing best customer services.Ensure that all sales orders are processed in a timely manner with minimum possible processing time.Ensure proper stock levels of finished goods are maintained as per plan and latest sales trends in all Distribution CentersInventory Management of all Finished Goods at 3rd Party Distribution Centers while ensuring a complete and true record keeping of all inventories.Ensure that physical stock taking of all inventories at DCs is being carried out on a regular basis, as per the company policies, and all reconciling issues are resolved in a timely manner.Ensure that all customer services and distribution KPIs are met or exceeded.Ensure that distributor orders are in line with AOP , with making sure that orders are placed on SAP RFTMaintain good, professional relationship with all the customers, both internal and external. Develop a customer complaint handling system for service levels and effectively resolve all complaints received.Provide leadership to reporting staff to develop them into a high performance team.Clarify roles, set performance standards and guide reporting staff around core work Qualifications B.S. degree from an accredited university. Degree in business management / Engineering.1 + year of experience in SC / Customer Service is a plus.Excel is a must Proven ability to perform in-depth data analysis and present insights in a clear manner Proficient in utilizing Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint for data analysis and presentations. Listens well and seeks input from others. Knows how to effectively communicate and sell his/her ideas at all levels. Excellent english verbal and written communication skills. Relationship building skills and ability to influence - Ability to influence at all levels and build relationship with key stakeholders (salses , logistics , production planning , accounting , control )Persuasive Communication (Clear, fluent concise communication, gaining agreement and commitment)
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    Overview PepsiCo Beverages: Sales Leadership Program​ Location: Calgary, AB At PepsiCo Canada we are always on the lookout for great talent – and that search often brings us to campuses like yours! So, why choose the Sales Leadership Program?​ ​ Positive impact - We dare for positive change, creating a more sustainable supply chain of healthier products Big brand experience & innovation - We dare to empower Early Talent to play an active role in the future of our iconic brands. Lead from the start - We dare to enable leaders at all levels with training and meaningful opportunities to grow. A space to be you - We dare to put each other first, speak fearlessly and celebrate everyone’s perspective Responsibilities What critical experiences will you get?​ You will have the opportunity to learn the business from the ground up through our robust Sales Leadership Program which includes a wide breadth of experiences. Through demonstrating proven results and leadership skills, you will be uniquely qualified for future people leadership opportunities within PepsiCo Canada.​ ​ With all of our new grad opportunities, you will develop valuable leadership skills by:​ Utilizing your problem-solvingskills to grow volume, revenue, and profitability. Influencing and collaborating with the fieldsales team, key accounts and customers to meet consumer demands within the Region. ​Understanding and implementing our go to market strategies including:Direct to Store Delivery, Warehouse Distribution and Third Party ​Working with customers to execute sales strategies, merchandise, build displays, manage inventory, and implement promotional events. ​Leveraging your analytical skills to conduct business reviews with key decision makers.​Leading a team of people depending on the location and division you are working in. Qualifications Who is PepsiCo looking for?​ Bachelor’s Degree completed by August 2024​Strong leadership, passion and a desire to make an impact!​Outstanding communication and interpersonal skills​Exceptional organizational skills, as demonstrated by your ability to handle multiple priorities, problem solve complex or difficult situations and meet deadlines or targets​Competitive and team-orientedfocus with a winning attitude​Hold a valid driver’s license and have a clean record ​What you can expect from us:​ An opportunity to be meaningful and impactful within your work and projects​Competitive compensation, benefits, pension, RRSP contribution and vacation time​A flexible working environment that promotes a healthy work-life balance​A dynamic and inclusive culture that promotes you to bring your whole-self to work​A supportive team that will encourage your professional growth and development ​ The Company  PepsiCo is a playground for curious people. We invite thinkers, doers, and changemakers to champion innovation, take calculated risks, and challenge the status quo. From executives to team members on the front lines, we’re excited about the future. We take chances. Together, we dare to make the world a better place.     Our associates are the magic ingredient. Each of them plays an integral role in helping create deep connections between people and our products. Think about your last group celebration: Chances are, one of our iconic brands was by your side. At PepsiCo, you’re invited to be a part of a global team of innovators who make, move, and sell these products—which are enjoyed by more than 1 billion people a day.     A career at PepsiCo means working in a culture where everyone’s welcome. Here, you can dare to be yourself. No matter who you are or where you’re from, you can influence the people around you and the world at large. By showing up, you’ll have the opportunity to learn, develop and grow your skills for the future. Our supportive teams can fuel your professional goals to make a global impact on people and the planet.      Join us. Dare for Better.  #PBC
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    Overview As an Commerce Platforms Solution Engineer, you will play a pivotal role in designing, developing, and implementing scaled Commerce (B2B / B2C) solutions using state-of-the-art technologies leveraging the PepsiCo PEPCommerce platforms. You will collaborate closely with a cross-functional team to build advanced commerce applications and processes, supporting our needs in the China market. Responsibilities - Directing and overseeing high level strategic and tactical decisions for the prioritization of expansion and development of our Commerce platform. - Articulate business and customer value to the development team and use it to guide prioritization. Own the development roadmap for our commerce Technology platform. - Work with our Product Owners and Business Stakeholders to define the scope and goals of products and features. - Work together with our team of experienced Architects and developers, exploring user needs and understanding how they can be best translated into new iterations of current or new features for Commerce platform. - Actively participate and often manage backlog refinement, daily stand-ups, and retrospectives. - Act as a mentor to developers, architects and other team members in agile best practice, process, and tactical work. - Primary point of contact for LatAm related Commerce Solutions for the Global Commerce Platform - Understanding unique regional needs, demands, priorities, people, and culture - Match needs with Platform services, capabilities, and offerings. - Technical and vendor evaluations, Architecting new LatAm commerce solutions needs in partnership with EA and other Commerce leads - Works with Sector IT, sector businesses, and regional agencies/System Integrators to design and deliver solutions. - Broad industry understanding and technical SME for Commerce Solutions in the region - Manage Sector/region Solution Portfolio Qualifications 10+ years in a team leadership role defining solutions/Leading teams for modern eCommerce solutions at scale in a corporate environment comparable to PepsiCo. 10+ years of software development in PHP, Java/Salesforce (cloudcraze/demandware preferred) and deep knowledge of web protocols (HTTP), web services and Restful API’s. knowledge of one or more commerce platforms like ATG, SAP Hybris or other preferred. 7+ years of relevant front-end development preferably in ReactNative or in any front enf mobile technologies 5+ years working on cloud native technologies (Azure, AWS, Google Cloud) Wide breadth of IT experiences in all stages of commerce engagements including marketing content strategy (CMS), experience management and conversion/sale. Deep understanding and experience with evolutionary software architectures that utilize micro services, APIs, event driven platforms. Deep experience with CI/CD, devops development automation Highly effective collaboration and consensus-building skills, working across cross-functional organizations Experience with Lean product development and agile software development principles and process Excellent communication skills with the ability to identify audience needs and talk at the right level Fluent English & Chinese Speaker Highly effective collaboration and consensus-building skills, working across cross-functional organizations Ability to build trust and credibility, quick solve problems, work with a team to identify the best solutions, manage many moving parts, and sell our platform services and solutions. Ability to look at the big picture and understand context of business needs and help set IT roadmap Ability to deal with competing priorities while staying productive Team Leadership and confidence Ability to “sell” and take people along Ability to listen and understand other perspectives and consider them in decisions
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    Overview We Are PepsiCo PepsiCo products are enjoyed by consumers more than one billion times a day in more than 200 countries and territories around the world. PepsiCo generated more than $79 billion in net revenue in 2021, driven by a complementary beverage and convenient foods portfolio that includes LAY’S ®️, DORITOS ®️, CHEETOS ®️, GATORADE ®️, PEPSI ®️, QUAKER ®️ and more. PepsiCo's product portfolio includes a wide range of enjoyable foods and beverages, including many iconic brands that generate more than $1 billion each in estimated annual retail sales. Guiding PepsiCo is our vision to Be the Global Leader in Beverages and Convenient Foods by Winning with PepsiCo Positive (pep+). pep+ is our strategic end-to-end transformation that puts sustainability and human capital at the center of how we will create value and growth by operating within planetary boundaries and inspiring positive change for planet and people. Our employees drive our culture. No two days are the same; we are dynamic and full of passionate teams that embrace new ideas through our collaborative spirit. At PepsiCo, we know that our company can only succeed when our associates and the society we serve flourishes. We are committed to fostering a diverse workforce by creating a collaborative, equitable and inclusive space where everyone, regardless of what we look like, where we come from or who we love, has a voice. At PepsiCo we create a Space to be y( )u. Learn more about our culture and life at PepsiCo: https://stories.pepsicojobs.com/ Define Hydration brands key growth priorities and deliver an AOP plans to ensure growth through consumer centric tools, data analysis & compelling marketing plans Responsibilities Lead cross-functional projects for hydration liaising with internal stakeholders (Franchise, Finance, R&D and SC.) to drive AOP marketing initiatives including communication, innovation and on-ground activationActively manage and track all A&M activities ensuring adherence to budget and highlight risks/ gaps to the leadershipConduct robust cost benefit analysis for each initiative to ensure overall economics are in line with brand and business objectivesAssist in the development & execution of brand AOP by conducting thorough brand assessment leverage the brand growth levers modelPartner with key suppliers and agencies (research and creative houses) on the relevant projectsManage packaging development and execution process ensuring final designs adhere to brand guidelines from design briefing to print proof Develop & communicate channel specific initiatives with Franchise to ensure bottling partner alignmentPartner with activations manager to ensure flawless execution of on-ground activities and eventsWork closely with media team to track social media performance and ensure adherence to “Brilliant basics” process Qualifications Experience/Education University Degree - BA Minimum of 3 to 4 years of relevant experienceAbility to communicate clearly, read and write effectively in English & ArabicCompetencies Leadership Skills, able to lead conversation with bottlers and senior management. Multitasker: Able to handle several campaigns and activities launching across different markets at the same time Strong Communication SkillsDealing with Ambiguity
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    Overview We are PepsiCo Sales. We are game changers, mountain movers and history makers. We are a diverse group, spread among 200 countries and united by a shared set of values and goals. That’s why we Perform with Purpose. Together, we blaze new trails, succeed, celebrate and never settle for second best. At PepsiCo, we’re committed to performing well as individuals and in teams, to strengthen the company as a whole. This position contributes to the Frito Lay sales and distribution operating unit. Are you hungry to be a part of the World’s largest portfolio of billion dollar food and beverage brands who's specifically responsible for the growth of some of America’s favorite snack foods, including Fritos®, Lay's®, Doritos®, Cheetos®, and Tostitos®? What makes you unique makes us better, and now is a better time than ever to explore the opportunities of Frito Lay- PepsiCo. As a District Sales Leader Designate for Frito Lay you will complete a 6+ month onboarding program to assimilate and develop the necessary skillset to successfully promote into the District Sales Leader position. During your onboarding we will provide you with 4-6 months of route level training to learn the foundation of the business and develop an understanding of our Direct Store Delivery (DSD) network and supply chain, while teaching you the role of the frontline route sales reps you will eventually lead. Upon completion of the designate training program, you will promote to a District Sales Leader assuming responsibility for all aspects of running a sales district; leading 10-15 Route Sales Representatives (RSR’s) while leading a $5-15 Million dollar business. Your strong leadership skills, interpersonal skills and ability to thrive in a dynamic, constantly changing work environment is vital to your success in this role. Learn more about the role here: https://rise.articulate.com/share/6xKSMvchqPviABhL_l8vrtsgGiRs4odR#/ Responsibilities Successfully complete all activities included in the Sales District Leader Designate onboarding programEffectively develop, build and maintain positive relationships with customers (store management) while growing sales/selling in/executing sales programs and initiativesLead district meetings focused on a plan to achieve sales objectives and goals Conduct one-with-one meetings and “work withs” with your route sales reps to discuss performance, selling and customer service skillsCoach your team to successfully sell against baseline and promotional opportunitiesDevelop sales strategies through collecting and interpreting statistical data utilizing PepsiCo specific applications Partner with product supply team to build accurate forecasts based on promotions and historical performance to ensure product availabilityPrepare and deliver sales presentations to customers as requiredAbility to work a flexible schedule including early mornings, evenings, weekends, and/or holidays Qualifications Bachelor’s degreeA minimum of 2 years leading a team of frontline employeesConsumer packaged goods experience in a Direct Store Delivery environment preferred Ability to motivate yourself and others while delivering excellent communication, negotiation, influencing, and follow up skillsProficient in Microsoft Office Suite (Outlook, Word, Excel, Power Point)Must have a valid driver’s license Must meet DOT & Fleet qualificationsSafe driving record strongly preferredAble and willing to lift up to 40 lbs. periodicallyThis position is limited to persons with indefinite right to work in the United StatesCompensation & Benefits: The expected compensation range for this position is between $53,900 - $84,050 based on a full-time scheduleLocation, confirmed job-related skills and experience will be considered in setting actual starting salaryPaid time off subject to eligibility, including paid parental leave, vacation, sick, and bereavementIn addition to salary, PepsiCo offers a comprehensive benefits package to support our employees and their families, subject to elections and eligibility: Medical, Dental, Vision, Disability, Health and Dependent Care Reimbursement Accounts, Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Insurance (Accident, Group Legal, Life), Defined Contribution Retirement Plan EEO Statement All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, protected veteran status, or disability status. PepsiCo is an Equal Opportunity Employer: Female / Minority / Disability / Protected Veteran / Sexual Orientation / Gender Identity If you'd like more information about your EEO rights as an applicant under the law, please download the available EEO is the Law & EEO is the Law Supplement documents. View PepsiCo EEO Policy. Please view our Pay Transparency Statement
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    Overview We are PepsiCo Sales. We are game changers, mountain movers and history makers. We are a diverse group, spread among 200 countries and united by a shared set of values and goals. That’s why we Perform with Purpose. Together, we blaze new trails, succeed, celebrate and never settle for second best. At PepsiCo, we’re committed to performing well as individuals and in teams, to strengthen the company as a whole. This position contributes to the Frito Lay sales and distribution operating unit. Are you hungry to be a part of the World’s largest portfolio of billion dollar food and beverage brands who's specifically responsible for the growth of some of America’s favorite snack foods, including Fritos®, Lay's®, Doritos®, Cheetos®, and Tostitos®? What makes you unique makes us better, and now is a better time than ever to explore the opportunities of Frito Lay- PepsiCo. As a District Sales Leader Designate for Frito Lay you will complete a 6+ month onboarding program to assimilate and develop the necessary skillset to successfully promote into the District Sales Leader position. During your onboarding we will provide you with 4-6 months of route level training to learn the foundation of the business and develop an understanding of our Direct Store Delivery (DSD) network and supply chain, while teaching you the role of the frontline route sales reps you will eventually lead. Upon completion of the designate training program, you will promote to a District Sales Leader assuming responsibility for all aspects of running a sales district; leading 10-15 Route Sales Representatives (RSR’s) while leading a $5-15 Million dollar business. Your strong leadership skills, interpersonal skills and ability to thrive in a dynamic, constantly changing work environment is vital to your success in this role. Learn more about the role here: https://rise.articulate.com/share/6xKSMvchqPviABhL_l8vrtsgGiRs4odR#/ Responsibilities Successfully complete all activities included in the Sales District Leader Designate onboarding programEffectively develop, build and maintain positive relationships with customers (store management) while growing sales/selling in/executing sales programs and initiativesLead district meetings focused on a plan to achieve sales objectives and goals Conduct one-with-one meetings and “work withs” with your route sales reps to discuss performance, selling and customer service skillsCoach your team to successfully sell against baseline and promotional opportunitiesDevelop sales strategies through collecting and interpreting statistical data utilizing PepsiCo specific applications Partner with product supply team to build accurate forecasts based on promotions and historical performance to ensure product availabilityPrepare and deliver sales presentations to customers as requiredAbility to work a flexible schedule including early mornings, evenings, weekends, and/or holidays Qualifications Bachelor’s degreeA minimum of 2 years leading a team of frontline employeesConsumer packaged goods experience in a Direct Store Delivery environment preferred Ability to motivate yourself and others while delivering excellent communication, negotiation, influencing, and follow up skillsProficient in Microsoft Office Suite (Outlook, Word, Excel, Power Point)Must have a valid driver’s license Must meet DOT & Fleet qualificationsSafe driving record strongly preferredAble and willing to lift up to 40 lbs. periodicallyCompensation and Benefits: The expected compensation range for this position is between $48,500 - $75,700 based on a full-time schedule.Location, confirmed job-related skills and experience will be considered in setting actual starting salarPaid time off subject to eligibility, including paid parental leave, vacation, sick, and bereavement.In addition to salary, PepsiCo offers a comprehensive benefits package to support our employees and their families, subject to elections and eligibility: Medical, Dental, Vision, Disability, Health and Dependent Care Reimbursement Accounts, Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Insurance (Accident, Group Legal, Life), Defined Contribution Retirement Plan. EEO Statement All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, protected veteran status, or disability status. PepsiCo is an Equal Opportunity Employer: Female / Minority / Disability / Protected Veteran / Sexual Orientation / Gender Identity If you'd like more information about your EEO rights as an applicant under the law, please download the available EEO is the Law & EEO is the Law Supplement documents. View PepsiCo EEO Policy. Please view our Pay Transparency Statement
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    Overview The Role: As a Customer Service Specialist (Merchandiser), you will have the opportunity to learn what it takes to develop and sustain a growing snack food business and stretch your current skills by daily merchandising and replenishment of our products to a set group of grocery stores. You will learn to write orders for mainline and perimeter racks, execute planograms, pricing and point of sale material. You will be provided with a robust onboarding/training program to set you up for success! Location: Okotoks, AB Job Type - Part Time Hours: 30 - 40 hrs/week Shift: Days/ Afternoon Pay Rate: $22.83/hour The Company: PepsiCo Canada is recognized as one of Canada’s top 100 employers. PepsiCo products are enjoyed by consumers more than one billion times a day in more than 200 countries and territories around the world. Our product portfolio includes 22 world-famous, billion-dollar brands; from Gatorade to Quaker, Tropicana to Lay’s and more. We make hundreds of enjoyable foods and beverages that are loved throughout the world. PepsiCo's effort to help build a more sustainable food system represents a key element of the company's broader vision of accelerated, sustainable growth known as Winning with Purpose. As part of this vision, PepsiCo is striving to be a better company by further integrating purpose into the core of its business and brands and doing even more for people and the planet. Our purpose efforts include fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment, supporting the communities where we live and work, and improving choices in our portfolio through reformulations and new products. At PepsiCo Canada, we are focused on delighting our consumers by delivering high-quality products and exciting brand campaigns. Our people are critical to our success and by supporting their personal growth and development and providing them with the tools they need to succeed, PepsiCo Canada is a company you’ll be proud to join! Responsibilities What you’ll be working on: Merchandizing of our entire line-up to various retail partnersExecuting merchandising programs at store levelDirect communication with our retail partners (store managers/site owners)Providing exceptional customer serviceRotating all beverage productsWriting orders for mainline and perimeter racksMaintaining planograms, pricing and POSAdhere to merchandising guidelinesGenerate daily store orders through HH4Unsaleable ManagementComplete and participate in one on one & District meetingsPlease be sure to watch our Realistic job preview video to get a feel for the role and hear from our employees by following the link: [https://vimeo.com/674929379/a298f942ae ] Qualifications Who’s a good fit for the team: High School diploma required, University/College is an assetA Valid full G or Class 5 driver’s license, clean driving record and reliable transportationExcellent customer service skillsInterest in working on your own with minimal supervisionA competitive mindset and the drive to be the bestStrong Communication, organizational skills and possess a high energy levelRetail and/or food service experience would be an assetA desire to be physically active and work in a fast-paced environmentSuccessful applicants will be required to pass a background check which includes a criminal record check, a reference check, a general employment verification, and confirmation of high school (or equivalent credential) completion. What you can expect from us: Competitive compensation, benefits, pension, RRSP contribution and vacation timeA flexible working environment that promotes a healthy work-life balanceA dynamic and inclusive culture that promotes you to bring your whole-self to workA supportive team that will encourage your professional growth and developmentAn opportunity to be meaningful and impactful within your work and projectsAn opportunity to give back to the community with our Always on Volunteer 360 ProgramAn organization that aims to use their scale, reach and expertise to build a more sustainable worldAt PepsiCo Canada, our priority remains the health, safety and wellbeing of all our associates. We have added new safety protocols and procedures to ensure we can safely bring smiles to our communities across Canada. #PBC
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    Responsibilities Виконання установленого плану продажів по всім категоріям;Виконання національних/локальних задач і цілей компанії;Розвиток ввіреної території, розширення активної клієнтської бази (АКБ);Забезпечення та підтримка стандартів компанії по візуалізації та мерчандайзингу в торгових точках; Контроль за рівнем дебіторської заборгованості;Виконання задач по пенетрації та ефективності холодильного/торгового обладнання; Підтримка довгострокових партнерських взаємовідносин з клієнтами. Qualifications Досвід роботи в сфері FMCG від одного року; Освіта —вища, середньо-спеціальна; Водійське посвідчення категорії «В» та власне авто (автомобільний маршрут); Володіння ПК, MS Office на рівні користувача; Орієнтованість на клієнта, демонстрація цінностей компанії, орієнтованість на результат; Комунікабельність і здатність до навчання.
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    Responsibilities Управляти навантажувачем і всіма спеціальними вантажозахоплювальними механізмами і пристроями під час навантаження, вивантаження та укладання в штабелі різних видів вантажів;Переміщувати за допомогою навантажувача сировину і матеріали в спеціально відведені для нього місця зберігання. Qualifications Освіта — середня;Досвід роботи від 1 року;Наявність посвідчення на право керування навантажувачем;Знання правил будови і безпечної експлуатації навантажувача;Знання правила охорони праці на автомобільному транспорті та правил дорожнього руху.
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    Responsibilities Somos a PepsiCo: Fazer parte da PepsiCo significa estar em uma das maiores empresas de alimentos e bebidas do mundo, com produtos que são apreciados mais de um bilhão de vezes por dia, por consumidores de mais de 200 países, e que está engajada em ajudar a construir um sistema alimentar mais sustentável. No Brasil desde 1953, a PepsiCo conta com marcas reconhecidas como QUAKER®, TODDY®, TODDYNHO®, ELMA CHIPS®, RUFFLES®, DORITOS®, CHEETOS®, FANDANGOS®, EQLIBRI™, GATORADE®, KERO COCO®, H2OH!®, PEPSI® entre outras. A PepsiCo é uma empresa que oferece oportunidades únicas e contrata pessoas qualificadas e diversas, independente de sexo, raça, identidade de gênero, religião, nacionalidade, idade ou deficiência. Aqui você encontra um time diverso, formado por pessoas únicas, livres para ser quem são,movidas a desafios em um ambiente dinâmico, que buscam crescimento profissional e são inspiradas por nossa missão de Criar Mais Sorrisos a Cada Gole e a Cada Mordida. Somos motivados(as) a inovar e desenvolver produtos de qualidade para diversas ocasiões de consumo, guiados(as) sempre por sete comportamentos: Foco no Consumidor, Agir como Dono, Focar e Fazer Acontecer com Rapidez, Expressar opinião sem medo, Elevar o nível do talento e da diversidade, Celebrar o sucesso e Agir com integridade. Saiba mais sobre nossa cultura e vida na PepsiCo: https://stories.pepsicojobs.com/ #LI-BRASIL No que você vai trabalhar: Responsável pelas negociações, vendas e entregas das linhas de produtos PepsiCo definidos para o seu canal de atuação, dentro da máxima disciplina na execução dos padrões e políticas da companhia: fiscal, financeiro, contábil e comercial.Responsável por garantir o atingimento/superação dos objetivos de vendas, respeitando a política comercial e mantendo o crescimento sustentável de sua rotaUtilizar o veículo disponibilizado pela empresa, bem como garantir a sua melhor condução e preservação, de acordo com as leis de trânsito vigentes e políticas da Cia.Responsável pela utilização e manuseio do coletor de dados, de acordo com a orientação da empresa.“A companhia se reserva o direito de modificar as especificações, habilidades e requerimentos da posição de acordo com suas necessidades” Qualifications Quem estamos buscando? Ensino Médio completo.Experiência na área de Vendas, preferencialmente em Bens de Consumo.CNH categoria C, D ou E.O que você pode esperar de nós: Um ambiente de trabalho híbrido que promove um equilíbrio saudável entre vida pessoal e profissional;Uma cultura dinâmica e inclusiva;Uma equipe de apoio que irá encorajar o seu crescimento e desenvolvimento profissional;Oportunidade de trabalhar com projetos relevantes e impactantes para o negócio;Oportunidade de retribuir à comunidade com nossos Programas de Voluntariado; Na PepsiCo, valorizamos a diversidade e a inclusão e reconhecemos como a coisa certa a fazer para o nosso negócio e sociedade. A PepsiCo é uma empresa que oferece oportunidades únicas e contrata pessoas qualificadas e diversas, independente de sexo, raça, identidade de gênero, religião, nacionalidade, idade ou deficiência. Acreditamos que somos Mais Fortes quando temos representatividade dentro da companhia, independentemente de nossa aparência, de onde viemos ou de quem amamos. A diversidade de talentos e um ambiente inclusivo promovem o engajamento dos(as) funcionários(as), promovem a criatividade e impulsionam a inovação. A companhia se reserva o direito de modificar as especificações, habilidades e requerimentos da posição de acordo com suas necessidades.
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    Overview We Are PepsiCo Join PepsiCo and dare to transform! We are the perfect place for curious people, thinkers and change agents. From leadership to front lines, we're excited about the future and working together to make the world a better place. Being part of PepsiCo means being part of one of the largest food and beverage companies in the world, with our iconic brands consumed more than a billion times a day in more than 200 countries. In PepsiCo Mexico is one of the most important consumer products companies in the country. Our product portfolio, which includes 22 of the world's most iconic brands, such as Sabritas, Gamesa, Quaker, Pepsi, Gatorade and Sonrics, has been a part of Mexican homes for more than 116 years. A career at PepsiCo means working in a culture where all people are welcome. Here, you can dare to be you. No matter who you are, where you're from, or who you love, you can always influence the people around you and make a positive impact in the world. Know a little more: PepsiCoJobs Join PepsiCo, dare to transform. Responsibilities The Opportunity The SAP S4 WM/EWM Application Development Sr. Analyst role supports the development of Inventory Management, Warehouse Management & Extended Warehouse Management capability of the PepsiCo Global Template (PGT). Objectives of the role are to ensure that the Global Template supports the execution of business processes related to the warehousing activity as the solution is deployed in the scoped sectors. Your Impact As Enterprise Solutions Sr Analyst your responsibilities would consist of: SAP EWM /ABAP Certification preferred. 3-5 years of experience EWM Application Development with a focus on SAP Chain Management and Extended Warehouse Management. 1+ years of SAP S4 experience preferred. Strong experience in SAP Make To Deploy end-to-end process design and development, including integration with cross functional areas within SAP. Familiar with MTD processes in PepsiCo or similar companies in the same industry. Solving highly complex problems within the work team, and with cross functional teams. Strong influencing, facilitating, and consulting skills in working with stakeholders at all levels in the organization and across departments. Ability to work flexible hours based on varying business requirements & ability to quickly adapt to changes in timelinesand sequences. Adaptability and flexibility including ability to manage deadline pressure, ambiguity and change. Ability to travel to different warehouse sites within North America to provide hands on support during Go-Live. Ability to travel to different warehouse sites within North America to provide hands-on support during Go-Live. Qualifications Who Are We Looking For? 1.-Experience 4 - 6 years of experience with: SAP EWM/ ABAP Certification preferred. 3-5 years of experience configuring, deploying, and managing SAP ERP with a focus on SAP Chain Management and Extended Warehouse Management. 1+ years of SAP S4 experience preferred. Experience managing IT operations or DevSecOps desirable Demonstrated ability to effectively communicate with all levels of the organization Ability to work flexible hours based on varying business requirements Solves highly complex problems within their work team Strong influencing, facilitating, and consulting skills in working with stakeholders at all levels in the organization and acrossSAP EWM ABAP CertificationSAP S4 skilledMS Office - Excel - ExpertIf this is an opportunity that interests you, we encourage you to apply even if you do not meet 100% of the requirements. What can you expect from us: Opportunities to learn and develop every day through a wide range of programs. Internal digital platforms that promote self-learning. Development programs according to Leadership skills. Specialized training according to the role. Learning experiences with internal and external providers. We love to celebrate success, which is why we have recognition programs for seniority, behavior, leadership, moments of life, among others. Financial wellness programs that will help you reach your goals in all stages of life. A flexibility program that will allow you to balance your personal and work life, adapting your working day to your lifestyle. And because your family is also important to us, they can also enjoy benefits such as our Wellness Line, thousands of Agreements and Discounts, Scholarship programs for your children, Aid Plans for different moments of life, among others. We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at our company. We do not discriminate based on race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, or disability status. We respect and value diversity as a work force and innovation for the organization.
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    Overview PepsiCo Beverages: Sales Leadership Program - Ottawa​ At PepsiCo Canada we are always on the lookout for great talent – and that search often brings us to campuses like yours! So, why choose the Sales Leadership Program? Positive impact - We dare for positive change, creating a more sustainable supply chain of healthier products.Big brand experience & innovation - We dare to empower Early Talent to play an active role in the future of our iconic brands.Lead from the start - We dare to enable leaders at all levels with training and meaningful opportunities to grow.A space to be you - We dare to put each other first, speak fearlessly and celebrate everyone’s perspective. Responsibilities What critical experiences will you get?​ You will have the opportunity to learn the business from the ground up through our robust Sales Leadership Program which includes a wide breadth of experiences. Through demonstrating proven results and leadership skills, you will be uniquely qualified for future people leadership opportunities within PepsiCo Canada.​ ​ With all of our new grad opportunities, you will develop valuable leadership skills by:​ ​Utilizing your problem-solvingskills to grow volume, revenue, and profitability. Influencing and collaborating with the fieldsales team, key accounts and customers to meet consumer demands within the Region. ​Understanding and implementing our go to market strategies including:Direct to Store Delivery, Warehouse Distribution and Third Party ​Working with customers to execute sales strategies, merchandise, build displays, manage inventory, and implement promotional events. ​Leveraging your analytical skills to conduct business reviews with key decision makers.​Leading a team of people depending on the location and division you are working in. ​ Qualifications Who is PepsiCo looking for?​ Bachelor’s Degree completed by August 2024​Strong leadership, passion and a desire to make an impact!​Outstanding communication and interpersonal skills​Exceptional organizational skills, as demonstrated by your ability to handle multiple priorities, problem solve complex or difficult situations and meet deadlines or targets​Competitive and team-orientedfocus with a winning attitude​Hold a valid driver’s license and have a clean record​What you can expect from us:​ An opportunity to be meaningful and impactful within your work and projects​Competitive compensation, benefits, pension, RRSP contribution and vacation time​A flexible working environment that promotes a healthy work-life balance​A dynamic and inclusive culture that promotes you to bring your whole-self to work​A supportive team that will encourage your professional growth and development​The Company PepsiCo is a playground for curious people. We invite thinkers, doers, and changemakers to champion innovation, take calculated risks, and challenge the status quo. From executives to team members on the front lines, we’re excited about the future. We take chances. Together, we dare to make the world a better place. Our associates are the magic ingredient. Each of them plays an integral role in helping create deep connections between people and our products. Think about your last group celebration: Chances are, one of our iconic brands was by your side. At PepsiCo, you’re invited to be a part of a global team of innovators who make, move, and sell these products—which are enjoyed by more than 1 billion people a day. A career at PepsiCo means working in a culture where everyone’s welcome. Here, you can dare to be yourself. No matter who you are or where you’re from, you can influence the people around you and the world at large. By showing up, you’ll have the opportunity to learn, develop and grow your skills for the future. Our supportive teams can fuel your professional goals to make a global impact on people and the planet. Join us. Dare for Better.
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    Overview Why PepsiCo? PepsiCo products are enjoyed by consumers one billion times a day in more than 200 countries and territories around the world. PepsiCo generated more than $83 billion in net revenue in 2022, driven by a complementary food and beverage portfolio that includes Frito-Lay, Gatorade, Pepsi-Cola, Quaker, and Tropicana. PepsiCo's product portfolio includes a wide range of enjoyable foods and beverages, including 22 brands that generate more than $1 billion each in estimated annual retail sales. At the heart of PepsiCo is Performance with Purpose – our goal to deliver top-tier financial performance while creating sustainable growth and shareholder value. In practice, Performance with Purpose means providing a wide range of foods and beverages from treats to healthy eats; finding innovative ways to minimize our impact on the environment and reduce our operating costs; providing a safe and inclusive workplace for our employees globally; and respecting, supporting and investing in the local communities where we operate. Why PepsiCo Design? At PepsiCo design, we have a saying: “We’re crazy enough to think we can inspire the future.” This is what drives us, in everything we imagine, develop and execute. Our goal is clear: to connect PepsiCo’s beverage, snacks and nutrition portfolios, with today’s hyper-connected, networked users and consumers hungry for meaningful, authentic and relevant brand experiences across multiple touch points and regions of the world. PepsiCo Design & Innovation is a creatively driven team that leverages the power of Design Thinking to solve brand and business problems that drive meaningful value and growth. Our mission is to elevate the role of design and design thinking as a function, process, mindset, and as culture in PepsiCo and the broader business world. We are a consumer-centric organization with a start-up mentality within our larger organization; we partner with world-class partners in Marketing, Insights, and R&D to strategically drive business results with purpose. Responsibilities Management of PepsiCo Design and Innovation function’s global strategic initiatives inclusive of building strategic frameworks and roadmaps, developing actionable solutions for business critical workstreams and facilitating the management of strategy projectsContinuously provide thought leadership to partners, including the Design leadership team, and other design leaders on a broad range of business-critical topicsIdentify and deconstruct business issues and develop strategic, analytical, and financial frameworks to conduct analyses.Manage and build “executive ready” project deliverables for critical executive engagementsPartner with design leaders on the planning and execution of the function wide strategic planning process including identifying priorities, managing quarterly reviews and status updates Audit and identifying new opportunities to enhance the efficiency of the function. Responsible for partnering across disciplines within PepsiCo and external partners to ensure design business projects are delivered on-time.Supports the PepsiCo Design Organization in building and cultivating a strong external design network. Qualifications Bachelor’s degree required.10+ years of experience leading strategy and/or transformation within a large, complex organization (Design function preferred);Ability to interpret and translate visual models/dialogue and aggregate into tangible plans and meaningful actions to drive resultsSelf-driven, capable of achieving results in a highly matrixed and global environment with little directionDraw on diverse perspectives to solve business and strategic challenges and drive effective solutionsSelf-driven, thrives in ambiguous situations and is capable of achieving results in a heavily matrixed and global environment with little directionHighly analytical, able to interpret and translate data, visual models/dialogue and aggregate into tangible plans and meaningful actions to drive resultsStrong strategic thinker with proven track record in process design and re-engineeringExcellent written and verbal communication skills along with strong executive presence. Able to synthesize large quantities of information, present recommendations and effectively influence senior leadershipDemonstrate solid project management, collaboration and facilitation skills to work across businesses, sectors, and functions.Must be extremely organized and able to manage competing priorities, gain stakeholder alignment to move initiatives forwardPrevious experience in effectively leading teams through change or transformationSkilled communicator with a demonstrated ability to synthesize large quantities of information and present recommendations and influence at all levels across the organizationAbility to work globally, strategically and collaboratively across businesses, sectors, and functionsCompensation and Benefits: The expected compensation range for this position is between $106,300 - $177,850 based on a full-time schedule.Location, confirmed job-related skills and experience will be considered in setting actual starting salaryBonus based on performance and eligibility; target payout is 15% of annual salary paid out annually.Paid time off subject to eligibility, including paid parental leave, vacation, sick, and bereavement.In addition to salary, PepsiCo offers a comprehensive benefits package to support our employees and their families, subject to elections and eligibility: Medical, Dental, Vision, Disability, Health and Dependent Care Reimbursement Accounts, Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Insurance (Accident, Group Legal, Life), Defined Contribution Retirement Plan. EEO Statement All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, protected veteran status, or disability status. PepsiCo is an Equal Opportunity Employer: Female / Minority / Disability / Protected Veteran / Sexual Orientation / Gender Identity If you'd like more information about your EEO rights as an applicant under the law, please download the available EEO is the Law & EEO is the Law Supplement documents. View PepsiCo EEO Policy. Please view our Pay Transparency Statement
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