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    En tant qu’associé aux ventes, vous serez le visage de la marque pour nos clients de détail et serez responsable de la création de la meilleure expérience client de sa catégorie dans le magasin. En tant qu’associé aux ventes, vous vous engagerez activement avec un groupe diversifié et souvent important de personnes, en utilisant votre produit, votre marque, votre activité et vos connaissances de la communauté pour vous assurer que chaque client a une expérience positive mémorable. Vous ferez partie d’une équipe, en veillant à ce que l’engagement des clients soit la priorité absolue, tout en aidant à la maintenance visuelle et opérationnelle quotidienne du magasin. Joignez-vous à la famille North Face La face nord a été construite sur un amour pour le plein air et le désir de permettre tous les types d’exploration, pour tous les gens, de leurs arrière-cours à l’Himalaya. Au cours des 50 dernières années, nous avons vécu selon notre « vrai Nord », la conviction que l’exploration a le pouvoir de nous changer, de nous mettre au défi et de nous aider à voir le monde sous de nouvelles perspectives. Pour aider à déclencher un mouvement mondial d’exploration en plein air, d’amour pour le monde naturel et d’un engagement indéfectible à le protéger, nous accueillons et encourageons les nouveaux participants à l’extérieur. Nous étendons notre portée en appuyant les organismes sans but lucratif, en établissant des programmes qui relient les participants à des possibilités de loisirs près de chez eux et en créant un lien avec de jeunes leaders, en les inspirant à explorer et à conserver. Alors que nous entrons dans notre sixième décennie, nous nous engageons à : Permettre l’exploration et le frisson de l’inconnu pour autant de personnes que possible.Protégez les endroits où nous vivons, jouons et opérons.Faire évoluer la façon dont nous fabriquons nos produits en améliorant notre performance environnementale et notre responsabilité sociale dans la chaîne d’approvisionnement.Comment vous allez faire une différence Responsabilités : Fournir un haut niveau d’engagement client personnalisé.Servir de ressource unique pour les clients, en leur fournissant des connaissances et des recommandations pertinentes basées sur les produits, la communauté et les activités.Démontrer une volonté d’apprendre et de partager une activité, une communauté et un produit pertinents. pour créer une expérience mémorable et précieuse pour le client.Atteindre les objectifs de vente et de productivité en utilisant toutes les ressources disponibles pour répondre aux besoins des clients.Aider à l’exécution et à la maintenance des directives visuelles et des normes, y compris, mais sans s’y limiter, la présentation des marchandises, l’entretien ménager, le réapprovisionnement des produits.Assumer les fonctions de caissier au besoin.Aider à l’exécution de toutes les initiatives de prévention des pertes.Aider à l’entretien visuel et opérationnel global du magasin.Ce que vous apportez Obligatoire Capacité à s’engager véritablement et confortablement avec un groupe diversifié de clients.Expérience de service à la clientèle .Capacité de collaborer, de travailler en équipe et de s’adapter en milieu de travail.Capacité de travailler selon un horaire flexible pour répondre aux besoins de l’entreprise; nécessitera des week-ends, des soirées et des jours fériés.Excellentes compétences en communication écrite et verbale.Connaissances, expérience et/ou volonté d’en apprendre davantage sur les produits, les activités, la communauté pertinente pour la clientèle du magasin.Souci du détail.Compétences informatiques, y compris le traitement de texte, les feuilles de calcul et les logiciels.Préféré Diplôme d’études secondaires ou GED.Physique Utiliser de l’équipement et de la technologie de bureau (c.-à-d. ordinateurs, tablettes, téléphones, copieurs, etc.) .Debout requis pour l’ensemble du quart de travail.Pliez, soulevez, ouvrez et déplacez le produit jusqu’à 50 livres au besoin.Utilisez des échelles pour le merchandising visuel, les réglages de la lumière et le placement de la bannière de fenêtre.Libre d’être, inclusion et diversité En tant qu’entreprise axée sur la performance, nous nous efforçons de favoriser une culture d’appartenance basée sur le respect, la connexion, l’ouverture et l’authenticité. Nous nous engageons à construire et à maintenir un milieu de travail qui célèbre la diversité de nos associés, leur permettant d’apporter leur moi authentique au travail chaque jour. Qu’est-ce que c’est pour vous Nous sommes dans l’entreprise de libérer le potentiel humain, motivé par les idées, l’énergie et l’engagement de nos gens. C’est pourquoi nous offrons des avantages complets qui encouragent le bienêtre mental, physique et financier de tous les associés VF. En ce qui concerne les avantages, nous sommes le paquet total. Allez dans MyVFBenefits.com et cliquez sur « Vous cherchez à rejoindre VF? » pour en savoir plus. N’ARRÊTEZ JAMAIS D’EXPLORER™ Notre société mère, VF Corporation VF est l’une des plus grandes entreprises de vêtements, de chaussures et d’accessoires au monde qui relie les gens aux modes de vie, aux activités et aux expériences qu’ils chérissent grâce à notre famille de marques emblématiques de vêtements de plein air, de vêtements actifs et de travail. Au cœur de notre voyage se trouve notre objectif à l’échelle de l’entreprise: nous alimentons des mouvements de modes de vie durables et actifs pour l’amélioration des personnes et de notre planète. C’est notre but. C’est la raison pour laquelle nous venons au travail tous les jours. C’est un engagement partagé par nos associés mondiaux de toutes les marques. Notre objectif nous unit et nous amène à poursuivre nos objectifs, ensemble. C’est notre vocation. Pour en savoir plus, vfc.com. Nous n’avons qu’une seule question. Êtes-vous dedans? Sales Associate As a Sales Associate you will be the face of the brand to our retail customers and will be responsible for creating best-in-class customer experience in the store. As a Sales Associate, you will actively engage with a diverse and often large group of people, using your product, brand, activity and community knowledge to ensure each customer has a memorable positive experience. You will serve as part of a team, ensuring that customer engagement is the top priority, while also assisting in the daily visual and operational maintenance of the store. Join the North Face Family The North Face was built on a love for the outdoors and the desire to enable all types of exploration, for all people, from their backyards to the Himalayas. Over the last 50 years we've lived by our “true north,” the belief that exploration has the power to change us, to challenge us and to help us see the world from new perspectives. To help ignite a global movement of outdoor exploration, love for the natural world and an unwavering commitment to protect it, we welcome and encourage new participants to the outdoors. We extend our reach through support of non-profit organizations, establishing programs that connect participants with close-to-home recreation opportunities, and creating a connection with young leaders, inspiring them to explore and conserve. As we enter our sixth decade, we pledge to: Empower exploration and the thrill of the unknown for as many people as possible. Protect the places where we live, play, and operate. Evolve the way we make our products by improving our environmental performance and social responsibility in the supply chain. How You Will Make a Difference Responsibilities: Provide a high level of personalized customer engagement. Serve as a one stop resource for customers, providing them with relevant product, community, and activity-based knowledge and recommendations. Demonstrate a willingness to learn and to share relevant activity, community, and product. knowledge to create a memorable and valuable experience for the customer. Achieve sales and productivity goals by utilizing all available resources to meet the customers’ needs. Assist in the execution and maintenance of visual directives and standards, including but not limited to merchandise presentation, housekeeping, product replenishment. Assume cashier duties as needed. Assist in the execution of all Loss Prevention initiatives. Assist in the overall visual and operational maintenance of the store. What You Bring Required Ability to genuinely and comfortably engage with a diverse group of customers Customer service experience Ability to collaborate, work as a team, and be adaptable in the workplace Ability to work a flexible schedule to meet the needs of the business; will require weekends, evenings, and holidays Excellent written and verbal communication skills Knowledge, experience and/or willingness to learn about the products, activities, community relevant to the store’s customer base Attention to detail Proficient computer skills including word processing, spreadsheets, and software programs Preferred High School Diploma or GED Physical Operate office equipment and technology (i.e., computers, tablets, phones, copier, etc.) Standing required for entire work shift Bend, lift, open and move product up to 50 pounds as needed Use ladders for visual merchandising, light adjustments, and window banner placement Free to Be, Inclusion & Diversity As a purpose-led, performance driven company, we strive to foster a culture of belonging based on respect, connection, openness, and authenticity. We are committed to building and maintaining a workplace that celebrates the diversity of our associates, allowing them to bring their authentic selves to work every day. What’s In It for You We’re in the business of unleashing human potential, driven by the ideas, energy and commitment of our people. That’s why we offer comprehensive benefits that encourage mental, physical and financial well-being for all VF associates. When it comes to benefits, we’re the total package. Go to MyVFBenefits.com and click on “Looking to Join VF?” to learn more. NEVER STOP EXPLORING™ Our Parent Company, VF Corporation VF is one of the world’s largest apparel, footwear and accessories companies connecting people to the lifestyles, activities and experiences they cherish through our family of iconic outdoor, active and workwear brands. At the heart of our journey lies our company-wide purpose: We power movements of sustainable and active lifestyles for the betterment of people and our planet. This is our purpose. It’s the reason we come to work every day. It’s a commitment shared by our global associates across all brands. Our purpose unites us and leads us to pursue our goals, together. This is our calling. Learn more at vfc.com We just have one question. Are you in? R-20240625-0036
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    Sales Associate As a Sales Associate you will be the face of the brand to our retail customers and will be responsible for creating best-in-class customer experience in the store. As a Sales Associate, you will actively engage with a diverse and often large group of people, using your product, brand, activity and community knowledge to ensure each customer has a memorable positive experience. You will serve as part of a team, ensuring that customer engagement is the top priority, while also assisting in the daily visual and operational maintenance of the store. Join the North Face Family The North Face was built on a love for the outdoors and the desire to enable all types of exploration, for all people, from their backyards to the Himalayas. Over the last 50 years we've lived by our “true north,” the belief that exploration has the power to change us, to challenge us and to help us see the world from new perspectives. To help ignite a global movement of outdoor exploration, love for the natural world and an unwavering commitment to protect it, we welcome and encourage new participants to the outdoors. We extend our reach through support of non-profit organizations, establishing programs that connect participants with close-to-home recreation opportunities, and creating a connection with young leaders, inspiring them to explore and conserve. As we enter our sixth decade, we pledge to: Empower exploration and the thrill of the unknown for as many people as possible. Protect the places where we live, play, and operate. Evolve the way we make our products by improving our environmental performance and social responsibility in the supply chain. How You Will Make a Difference Responsibilities: Provide a high level of personalized customer engagement. Serve as a one stop resource for customers, providing them with relevant product, community, and activity-based knowledge and recommendations. Demonstrate a willingness to learn and to share relevant activity, community, and product. knowledge to create a memorable and valuable experience for the customer. Achieve sales and productivity goals by utilizing all available resources to meet the customers’ needs. Assist in the execution and maintenance of visual directives and standards, including but not limited to merchandise presentation, housekeeping, product replenishment. Assume cashier duties as needed. Assist in the execution of all Loss Prevention initiatives. Assist in the overall visual and operational maintenance of the store. What You Bring Required Ability to genuinely and comfortably engage with a diverse group of customers Customer service experience Ability to collaborate, work as a team, and be adaptable in the workplace Ability to work a flexible schedule to meet the needs of the business; will require weekends, evenings, and holidays Excellent written and verbal communication skills Knowledge, experience and/or willingness to learn about the products, activities, community relevant to the store’s customer base Attention to detail Proficient computer skills including word processing, spreadsheets, and software programs Preferred High School Diploma or GED Physical Operate office equipment and technology (i.e., computers, tablets, phones, copier, etc.) Standing required for entire work shift Bend, lift, open and move product up to 50 pounds as needed Use ladders for visual merchandising, light adjustments, and window banner placement Free to Be, Inclusion & Diversity As a purpose-led, performance driven company, we strive to foster a culture of belonging based on respect, connection, openness, and authenticity. We are committed to building and maintaining a workplace that celebrates the diversity of our associates, allowing them to bring their authentic selves to work every day. What’s In It for You We’re in the business of unleashing human potential, driven by the ideas, energy and commitment of our people. That’s why we offer comprehensive benefits that encourage mental, physical and financial well-being for all VF associates. When it comes to benefits, we’re the total package. Go to MyVFBenefits.com and click on “Looking to Join VF?” to learn more. NEVER STOP EXPLORING™ Our Parent Company, VF Corporation VF is one of the world’s largest apparel, footwear and accessories companies connecting people to the lifestyles, activities and experiences they cherish through our family of iconic outdoor, active and workwear brands. At the heart of our journey lies our company-wide purpose: We power movements of sustainable and active lifestyles for the betterment of people and our planet. This is our purpose. It’s the reason we come to work every day. It’s a commitment shared by our global associates across all brands. Our purpose unites us and leads us to pursue our goals, together. This is our calling. Learn more at vfc.com We just have one question. Are you in? En tant qu’associé aux ventes, vous serez le visage de la marque pour nos clients de détail et serez responsable de la création de la meilleure expérience client de sa catégorie dans le magasin. En tant qu’associé aux ventes, vous vous engagerez activement avec un groupe diversifié et souvent important de personnes, en utilisant votre produit, votre marque, votre activité et vos connaissances de la communauté pour vous assurer que chaque client a une expérience positive mémorable. Vous ferez partie d’une équipe, en veillant à ce que l’engagement des clients soit la priorité absolue, tout en aidant à la maintenance visuelle et opérationnelle quotidienne du magasin. Joignez-vous à la famille North Face La face nord a été construite sur un amour pour le plein air et le désir de permettre tous les types d’exploration, pour tous les gens, de leurs arrière-cours à l’Himalaya. Au cours des 50 dernières années, nous avons vécu selon notre « vrai Nord », la conviction que l’exploration a le pouvoir de nous changer, de nous mettre au défi et de nous aider à voir le monde sous de nouvelles perspectives. Pour aider à déclencher un mouvement mondial d’exploration en plein air, d’amour pour le monde naturel et d’un engagement indéfectible à le protéger, nous accueillons et encourageons les nouveaux participants à l’extérieur. Nous étendons notre portée en appuyant les organismes sans but lucratif, en établissant des programmes qui relient les participants à des possibilités de loisirs près de chez eux et en créant un lien avec de jeunes leaders, en les inspirant à explorer et à conserver. Alors que nous entrons dans notre sixième décennie, nous nous engageons à : Permettre l’exploration et le frisson de l’inconnu pour autant de personnes que possible.Protégez les endroits où nous vivons, jouons et opérons.Faire évoluer la façon dont nous fabriquons nos produits en améliorant notre performance environnementale et notre responsabilité sociale dans la chaîne d’approvisionnement. Comment vous allez faire une différence Responsabilités : Fournir un haut niveau d’engagement client personnalisé.Servir de ressource unique pour les clients, en leur fournissant des connaissances et des recommandations pertinentes basées sur les produits, la communauté et les activités.Démontrer une volonté d’apprendre et de partager une activité, une communauté et un produit pertinents. pour créer une expérience mémorable et précieuse pour le client.Atteindre les objectifs de vente et de productivité en utilisant toutes les ressources disponibles pour répondre aux besoins des clients.Aider à l’exécution et à la maintenance des directives visuelles et des normes, y compris, mais sans s’y limiter, la présentation des marchandises, l’entretien ménager, le réapprovisionnement des produits.Assumer les fonctions de caissier au besoin.Aider à l’exécution de toutes les initiatives de prévention des pertes.Aider à l’entretien visuel et opérationnel global du magasin. Ce que vous apportez Obligatoire Capacité à s’engager véritablement et confortablement avec un groupe diversifié de clients.Expérience de service à la clientèle .Capacité de collaborer, de travailler en équipe et de s’adapter en milieu de travail.Capacité de travailler selon un horaire flexible pour répondre aux besoins de l’entreprise; nécessitera des week-ends, des soirées et des jours fériés.Excellentes compétences en communication écrite et verbale.Connaissances, expérience et/ou volonté d’en apprendre davantage sur les produits, les activités, la communauté pertinente pour la clientèle du magasin.Souci du détail.Compétences informatiques, y compris le traitement de texte, les feuilles de calcul et les logiciels. Préféré Diplôme d’études secondaires ou GED. Physique Utiliser de l’équipement et de la technologie de bureau (c.-à-d. ordinateurs, tablettes, téléphones, copieurs, etc.) .Debout requis pour l’ensemble du quart de travail.Pliez, soulevez, ouvrez et déplacez le produit jusqu’à 50 livres au besoin.Utilisez des échelles pour le merchandising visuel, les réglages de la lumière et le placement de la bannière de fenêtre. Libre d’être, inclusion et diversité En tant qu’entreprise axée sur la performance, nous nous efforçons de favoriser une culture d’appartenance basée sur le respect, la connexion, l’ouverture et l’authenticité. Nous nous engageons à construire et à maintenir un milieu de travail qui célèbre la diversité de nos associés, leur permettant d’apporter leur moi authentique au travail chaque jour. Qu’est-ce que c’est pour vous Nous sommes dans l’entreprise de libérer le potentiel humain, motivé par les idées, l’énergie et l’engagement de nos gens. C’est pourquoi nous offrons des avantages complets qui encouragent le bien-être mental, physique et financier de tous les associés VF. En ce qui concerne les avantages, nous sommes le paquet total. Allez dans MyVFBenefits.com et cliquez sur « Vous cherchez à rejoindre VF? » pour en savoir plus. N’ARRÊTEZ JAMAIS D’EXPLORER™ Notre société mère, VF Corporation VF est l’une des plus grandes entreprises de vêtements, de chaussures et d’accessoires au monde qui relie les gens aux modes de vie, aux activités et aux expériences qu’ils chérissent grâce à notre famille de marques emblématiques de vêtements de plein air, de vêtements actifs et de travail. Au cœur de notre voyage se trouve notre objectif à l’échelle de l’entreprise: nous alimentons des mouvements de modes de vie durables et actifs pour l’amélioration des personnes et de notre planète. C’est notre but. C’est la raison pour laquelle nous venons au travail tous les jours. C’est un engagement partagé par nos associés mondiaux de toutes les marques. Notre objectif nous unit et nous amène à poursuivre nos objectifs, ensemble. C’est notre vocation. Pour en savoir plus, vfc.com. Nous n’avons qu’une seule question. Êtes-vous dedans? R-20240625-0037
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    Sales Associate As a Sales Associate you will be the face of the brand to our retail customers and will be responsible for creating best-in-class customer experience in the store. As a Sales Associate, you will actively engage with a diverse and often large group of people, using your product, brand, activity and community knowledge to ensure each customer has a memorable positive experience. You will serve as part of a team, ensuring that customer engagement is the top priority, while also assisting in the daily visual and operational maintenance of the store. Join the North Face Family The North Face was built on a love for the outdoors and the desire to enable all types of exploration, for all people, from their backyards to the Himalayas. Over the last 50 years we've lived by our “true north,” the belief that exploration has the power to change us, to challenge us and to help us see the world from new perspectives. To help ignite a global movement of outdoor exploration, love for the natural world and an unwavering commitment to protect it, we welcome and encourage new participants to the outdoors. We extend our reach through support of non-profit organizations, establishing programs that connect participants with close-to-home recreation opportunities, and creating a connection with young leaders, inspiring them to explore and conserve. As we enter our sixth decade, we pledge to: Empower exploration and the thrill of the unknown for as many people as possible. Protect the places where we live, play, and operate. Evolve the way we make our products by improving our environmental performance and social responsibility in the supply chain. How You Will Make a Difference Responsibilities: Provide a high level of personalized customer engagement. Serve as a one stop resource for customers, providing them with relevant product, community, and activity-based knowledge and recommendations. Demonstrate a willingness to learn and to share relevant activity, community, and product. knowledge to create a memorable and valuable experience for the customer. Achieve sales and productivity goals by utilizing all available resources to meet the customers’ needs. Assist in the execution and maintenance of visual directives and standards, including but not limited to merchandise presentation, housekeeping, product replenishment. Assume cashier duties as needed. Assist in the execution of all Loss Prevention initiatives. Assist in the overall visual and operational maintenance of the store. What You Bring Required Ability to genuinely and comfortably engage with a diverse group of customers Customer service experience Ability to collaborate, work as a team, and be adaptable in the workplace Ability to work a flexible schedule to meet the needs of the business; will require weekends, evenings, and holidays Excellent written and verbal communication skills Knowledge, experience and/or willingness to learn about the products, activities, community relevant to the store’s customer base Attention to detail Proficient computer skills including word processing, spreadsheets, and software programs Preferred High School Diploma or GED Physical Operate office equipment and technology (i.e., computers, tablets, phones, copier, etc.) Standing required for entire work shift Bend, lift, open and move product up to 50 pounds as needed Use ladders for visual merchandising, light adjustments, and window banner placement Free to Be, Inclusion & Diversity As a purpose-led, performance driven company, we strive to foster a culture of belonging based on respect, connection, openness, and authenticity. We are committed to building and maintaining a workplace that celebrates the diversity of our associates, allowing them to bring their authentic selves to work every day. What’s In It for You We’re in the business of unleashing human potential, driven by the ideas, energy and commitment of our people. That’s why we offer comprehensive benefits that encourage mental, physical and financial well-being for all VF associates. When it comes to benefits, we’re the total package. Go to MyVFBenefits.com and click on “Looking to Join VF?” to learn more. NEVER STOP EXPLORING™ Our Parent Company, VF Corporation VF is one of the world’s largest apparel, footwear and accessories companies connecting people to the lifestyles, activities and experiences they cherish through our family of iconic outdoor, active and workwear brands. At the heart of our journey lies our company-wide purpose: We power movements of sustainable and active lifestyles for the betterment of people and our planet. This is our purpose. It’s the reason we come to work every day. It’s a commitment shared by our global associates across all brands. Our purpose unites us and leads us to pursue our goals, together. This is our calling. Learn more at vfc.com We just have one question. Are you in? Hiring Range: $12.60 USD - $18.90 USD per hour Minimum Start Rate: $14.00 Benefits at VF Corporation: This position is a part-time or limited time position (ie., internship) and is not eligible for all of the benefit plans offered at VF Corporation. There are some benefits the company offers that this position can participate in. You can review a general overview of the benefits provided at VF by visiting www.MyVFbenefits.com and by clicking Looking to Join VF? Detailed information on the benefits options you qualify for will be provided upon hire. Please note, our hiring ranges are determined and built from market pay data. Although all positions have a hiring range based upon market data, this position has a minimum starting rate that is listed above. In determining the specific compensation for this position, we comply with all local, state, and federal laws. At VF, we value a diverse, inclusive workforce and we provide equal employment opportunity for all applicants and employees. All qualified applicants for employment will be considered without regard to an individual’s race, color, sex, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, national origin or ancestry, citizenship, physical or mental disability, medical condition, family care status, marital status, domestic partner status, sexual orientation, genetic information, military or veteran status, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local laws. If you are unable to submit your application because of incompatible assistive technology or a disability, please contact us at peopleservices@vfc.com. VF will reasonably accommodate qualified individuals with disabilities to the extent required by applicable law. Pursuant to all applicable local Fair Chance Ordinance requirements, including but not limited to the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance, VF will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records.
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    Sales Associate As one of our passionate, fun and dedicated Sales Associates, you will be the voice of our brand while elevating the consumer experience through genuine consumer connections and selling our original/innovative products. As an invaluable part of our team, you will thrive in an environment where individuality and authenticity are celebrated. If you aspire to a career in retail and are looking for a company dedicated to your personal growth to evolve into a leader of tomorrow, then Vans is for you. Join the Vans Family Vans® is the original action sports footwear company, rooted in authenticity and creativity. Founded in 1966, we have thrived on a legacy of impacting our greater community through four pillars: action sports, music, art and street culture. We are constantly inspired by the creative voyagers within our company and community. For them, creativity is about the journey, not just the output. Our mission is to empower everyone to use creativity to discover themselves. Our vision is to create a world where anyone can be their unique self. At Vans, our culture sets us apart and influences everything we do. We are driven by our five values: We have HEART – also referred to as the “Van Doren Spirit”. We are relentlessly CURIOUS about our consumers and the world around us. We are UNAPOLOGETICALLY AUTHENTIC and wholeheartedly believe the most “Off the Wall” thing you can do is be yourself. We are driven by a spirit of INGENUITY. And we are passionate about local COMMUNITIES. And most of all, we are a family that has fun together. At Vans we empower creative exploration and inspire youth culture through a commitment to inclusivity. We welcome anyone and everyone into our global family and proudly celebrate and environment where individuality is embraced, equal opportunities thrive, and everyone is empowered to reach their greatest potential. By joining our family, you will be immersed in an environment of incredibly supportive and collaborative people. We work hard across a multitude of initiatives to bring the Van Doren Spirit to life. We live for what we do. How You Will Make a Difference What you will do: Build sales by maintaining a consumer centric mindset and using selling behaviors through genuine interactions with consumers. Ensure the store is consistently recovered and consumer ready by meeting brand standards. Use strong verbal and nonverbal communication skills to exceed sales results. Regularly interact with consumers within the store, providing a high level of customer service. Adhere to policies, procedures and practices that align with company directives. Skills for Success What you bring: Proven communication skills Ability to work a flexible schedule to meet the needs of the business; will require weekends, evenings, and holidays Ability to be solution oriented Ability to be flexible in a fast paced environment 0-1 years of related professional/retail experience is preferred A formal education and subsequent undergraduate/graduate degrees are nice to have, but we are most interested in your total experience and professional achievements. What’s in it For You We’re in the business of unleashing human potential, driven by the ideas, energy and commitment of our people. That’s why we offer comprehensive benefits that encourage mental, physical and financial well-being for all VF associates. When it comes to benefits, we’re the total package. Go to MyVFBenefits.com and click on “Looking to Join VF?” to learn more. Free To Be, Inclusion & Diversity As a purpose-led, performance driven company, we strive to foster a culture of belonging based on respect, connection, openness and authenticity. We are committed to building and maintaining a workplace that celebrates the diversity of our associates, allowing them to bring their authentic selves to work every day. Our Parent Company, VF Corporation VF is one of the world’s largest apparel, footwear and accessories companies connecting people to the lifestyles, activities and experiences they cherish through our family of iconic outdoor, active and workwear brands. At the heart of our journey lies our company-wide purpose: We power movements of sustainable and active lifestyles for the betterment of people and our planet. This is our purpose. It’s the reason we come to work every day. It’s a commitment shared by our global associates across all brands. Our purpose unites us and leads us to pursue our goals, together. This is our calling. Learn more at vfc.com We just have one question. Are you in? Hiring Range: $12.60 USD - $18.90 USD per hour Minimum Start Rate: $14.00 Benefits at VF Corporation: This position is a part-time or limited time position (ie., internship) and is not eligible for all of the benefit plans offered at VF Corporation. There are some benefits the company offers that this position can participate in. You can review a general overview of the benefits provided at VF by visiting www.MyVFbenefits.com and by clicking Looking to Join VF? Detailed information on the benefits options you qualify for will be provided upon hire. Please note, our hiring ranges are determined and built from market pay data. Although all positions have a hiring range based upon market data, this position has a minimum starting rate that is listed above. In determining the specific compensation for this position, we comply with all local, state, and federal laws. At VF, we value a diverse, inclusive workforce and we provide equal employment opportunity for all applicants and employees. All qualified applicants for employment will be considered without regard to an individual’s race, color, sex, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, national origin or ancestry, citizenship, physical or mental disability, medical condition, family care status, marital status, domestic partner status, sexual orientation, genetic information, military or veteran status, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local laws. If you are unable to submit your application because of incompatible assistive technology or a disability, please contact us at peopleservices@vfc.com. VF will reasonably accommodate qualified individuals with disabilities to the extent required by applicable law. Pursuant to all applicable local Fair Chance Ordinance requirements, including but not limited to the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance, VF will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records.
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    Sales Associate As a Sales Associate you will be the face of the brand to our retail customers and will be responsible for creating best-in-class customer experience in the store. As a Sales Associate, you will actively engage with a diverse and often large group of people, using your product, brand, activity and community knowledge to ensure each customer has a memorable positive experience. You will serve as part of a team, ensuring that customer engagement is the top priority, while also assisting in the daily visual and operational maintenance of the store. Join the North Face Family The North Face was built on a love for the outdoors and the desire to enable all types of exploration, for all people, from their backyards to the Himalayas. Over the last 50 years we've lived by our “true north,” the belief that exploration has the power to change us, to challenge us and to help us see the world from new perspectives. To help ignite a global movement of outdoor exploration, love for the natural world and an unwavering commitment to protect it, we welcome and encourage new participants to the outdoors. We extend our reach through support of non-profit organizations, establishing programs that connect participants with close-to-home recreation opportunities, and creating a connection with young leaders, inspiring them to explore and conserve. As we enter our sixth decade, we pledge to: Empower exploration and the thrill of the unknown for as many people as possible. Protect the places where we live, play, and operate. Evolve the way we make our products by improving our environmental performance and social responsibility in the supply chain. How You Will Make a Difference Responsibilities: Provide a high level of personalized customer engagement. Serve as a one stop resource for customers, providing them with relevant product, community, and activity-based knowledge and recommendations. Demonstrate a willingness to learn and to share relevant activity, community, and product. knowledge to create a memorable and valuable experience for the customer. Achieve sales and productivity goals by utilizing all available resources to meet the customers’ needs. Assist in the execution and maintenance of visual directives and standards, including but not limited to merchandise presentation, housekeeping, product replenishment. Assume cashier duties as needed. Assist in the execution of all Loss Prevention initiatives. Assist in the overall visual and operational maintenance of the store. What You Bring Required Ability to genuinely and comfortably engage with a diverse group of customers Customer service experience Ability to collaborate, work as a team, and be adaptable in the workplace Ability to work a flexible schedule to meet the needs of the business; will require weekends, evenings, and holidays Excellent written and verbal communication skills Knowledge, experience and/or willingness to learn about the products, activities, community relevant to the store’s customer base Attention to detail Proficient computer skills including word processing, spreadsheets, and software programs Preferred High School Diploma or GED Physical Operate office equipment and technology (i.e., computers, tablets, phones, copier, etc.) Standing required for entire work shift Bend, lift, open and move product up to 50 pounds as needed Use ladders for visual merchandising, light adjustments, and window banner placement Free to Be, Inclusion & Diversity As a purpose-led, performance driven company, we strive to foster a culture of belonging based on respect, connection, openness, and authenticity. We are committed to building and maintaining a workplace that celebrates the diversity of our associates, allowing them to bring their authentic selves to work every day. What’s In It for You We’re in the business of unleashing human potential, driven by the ideas, energy and commitment of our people. That’s why we offer comprehensive benefits that encourage mental, physical and financial well-being for all VF associates. When it comes to benefits, we’re the total package. Go to MyVFBenefits.com and click on “Looking to Join VF?” to learn more. NEVER STOP EXPLORING™ Our Parent Company, VF Corporation VF is one of the world’s largest apparel, footwear and accessories companies connecting people to the lifestyles, activities and experiences they cherish through our family of iconic outdoor, active and workwear brands. At the heart of our journey lies our company-wide purpose: We power movements of sustainable and active lifestyles for the betterment of people and our planet. This is our purpose. It’s the reason we come to work every day. It’s a commitment shared by our global associates across all brands. Our purpose unites us and leads us to pursue our goals, together. This is our calling. Learn more at vfc.com We just have one question. Are you in? Hiring Range: $12.60 USD - $18.90 USD per hour Minimum Start Rate: $14.00 Benefits at VF Corporation: This position is a part-time or limited time position (ie., internship) and is not eligible for all of the benefit plans offered at VF Corporation. There are some benefits the company offers that this position can participate in. You can review a general overview of the benefits provided at VF by visiting www.MyVFbenefits.com and by clicking Looking to Join VF? Detailed information on the benefits options you qualify for will be provided upon hire. Please note, our hiring ranges are determined and built from market pay data. Although all positions have a hiring range based upon market data, this position has a minimum starting rate that is listed above. In determining the specific compensation for this position, we comply with all local, state, and federal laws. At VF, we value a diverse, inclusive workforce and we provide equal employment opportunity for all applicants and employees. All qualified applicants for employment will be considered without regard to an individual’s race, color, sex, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, national origin or ancestry, citizenship, physical or mental disability, medical condition, family care status, marital status, domestic partner status, sexual orientation, genetic information, military or veteran status, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local laws. If you are unable to submit your application because of incompatible assistive technology or a disability, please contact us at peopleservices@vfc.com. VF will reasonably accommodate qualified individuals with disabilities to the extent required by applicable law. Pursuant to all applicable local Fair Chance Ordinance requirements, including but not limited to the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance, VF will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records.
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    Supervisor As a passionate, fun and dedicated Floor Supervisor, you are an important part of the store leadership team, ensuring the highest level of customer engagement through sales results and supervising the store team. You foster a positive and inclusive work environment and provide sales-related feedback and coaching associate performance daily. You assist in coaching and supervision of the store team, while emulating a best in class customer experience. If you aspire to a career in retail and are looking for a company dedicated to your personal development to continue your growth into a leader of tomorrow, then Vans is for you. Join the Vans Family Vans® is the original action sports footwear company, rooted in authenticity and creativity. Founded in 1966, we have thrived on a legacy of impacting our greater community through four pillars: action sports, music, art and street culture. We are constantly inspired by the creative voyagers within our company and community. For them, creativity is about the journey, not just the output. Our mission is to empower everyone to use creativity to discover themselves. Our vision is to create a world where anyone can be their unique self. At Vans, our culture sets us apart and influences everything we do. We are driven by our five values: We have HEART – also referred to as the “Van Doren Spirit”. We are relentlessly CURIOUS about our consumers and the world around us. We are UNAPOLOGETICALLY AUTHENTIC and wholeheartedly believe the most “Off the Wall” thing you can do is be yourself. We are driven by a spirit of INGENUITY. And we are passionate about local COMMUNITIES. And most of all, we are a family that has fun together. At Vans we empower creative exploration and inspire youth culture through a commitment to inclusivity. We welcome anyone and everyone into our global family and proudly celebrate and environment where individuality is embraced, equal opportunities thrive, and everyone is empowered to reach their greatest potential. By joining our family, you will be immersed in an environment of incredibly supportive and collaborative people. We work hard across a multitude of initiatives to bring the Van Doren Spirit to life. We live for what we do. How You Will Make a Difference What you will do: Assist in strategically maximizing store sales, achieving store sales goals and monitor sales progress & results against key targets. Help foster a consumer centric mindset and model selling behaviors through genuine interactions with consumers. Provide direct feedback, coaching and supervision of the associates and the in-store experience. Help coach and lead a team to exceed sales results. Ensure that the store team is engaging with each customer to create an authentic brand experience and assist with visual merchandising standards within the store. Adhere to policies, procedures, standards and practices that align with company directives. Foster a great consumer experience in all situations, leading by example. Skills for Success What you bring: Ability to coach and motivate a team to excel at sales & profit results, meet business goals by driving results through the store team Ability to work a flexible schedule to meet the needs of the business; will require weekends, evenings, and holidays 1+ years of experience in retail preferred but not required Proven communication skills, both written and verbal Solution oriented mindset and ability to be flexible in a fast-paced environment A formal education and subsequent undergraduate/graduate degrees are nice to have, but we are most interested in your total experience and professional achievements What’s in it For You We’re in the business of unleashing human potential, driven by the ideas, energy and commitment of our people. That’s why we offer comprehensive benefits that encourage mental, physical and financial well-being for all VF associates. When it comes to benefits, we’re the total package. Go to MyVFBenefits.com and click on “Looking to Join VF?” to learn more. Free To Be, Inclusion & Diversity As a purpose-led, performance driven company, we strive to foster a culture of belonging based on respect, connection, openness and authenticity. We are committed to building and maintaining a workplace that celebrates the diversity of our associates, allowing them to bring their authentic selves to work every day. Our Parent Company, VF Corporation VF is one of the world’s largest apparel, footwear and accessories companies connecting people to the lifestyles, activities and experiences they cherish through our family of iconic outdoor, active and workwear brands. At the heart of our journey lies our company-wide purpose: We power movements of sustainable and active lifestyles for the betterment of people and our planet. This is our purpose. It’s the reason we come to work every day. It’s a commitment shared by our global associates across all brands. Our purpose unites us and leads us to pursue our goals, together. This is our calling. Learn more at vfc.com We just have one question. Are you in? Hiring Range: $14.44 USD - $21.66 USD per hour Minimum Start Rate: $16.75 Benefits at VF Corporation: This position is a part-time or limited time position (ie., internship) and is not eligible for all of the benefit plans offered at VF Corporation. There are some benefits the company offers that this position can participate in. You can review a general overview of the benefits provided at VF by visiting www.MyVFbenefits.com and by clicking Looking to Join VF? Detailed information on the benefits options you qualify for will be provided upon hire. Please note, our hiring ranges are determined and built from market pay data. Although all positions have a hiring range based upon market data, this position has a minimum starting rate that is listed above. In determining the specific compensation for this position, we comply with all local, state, and federal laws. At VF, we value a diverse, inclusive workforce and we provide equal employment opportunity for all applicants and employees. All qualified applicants for employment will be considered without regard to an individual’s race, color, sex, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, national origin or ancestry, citizenship, physical or mental disability, medical condition, family care status, marital status, domestic partner status, sexual orientation, genetic information, military or veteran status, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local laws. If you are unable to submit your application because of incompatible assistive technology or a disability, please contact us at peopleservices@vfc.com. VF will reasonably accommodate qualified individuals with disabilities to the extent required by applicable law. Pursuant to all applicable local Fair Chance Ordinance requirements, including but not limited to the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance, VF will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records.
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    Vans BTS Seasonal Sales Associate Get ready for back-to-school with Vans! Join our team as a Seasonal Sales Associate and help our customers find their perfect kicks. Apply now to be part of the excitement and share your passion for great customer service! *This position will support the store during our back-to-school season with potential to transition to regular employment* Why should you apply? Competitive hourly wage Flexible hours GREAT FOOT IN THE DOOR! High level performance may lead to longer-term employment with Vans. 50% off product in store discounts across VF Brands (Vans, The North Face Timberland, and more!) Responsibilities: Build sales by maintaining a consumer centric mindset and using selling behaviors through genuine interactions with consumers. Ensure the store is consistently recovered and consumer ready by meeting brand standards. Use strong verbal and nonverbal communication skills to exceed sales results. Regularly interact with consumers within the store, providing a high level of customer service. Adhere to policies, procedures and practices that align with company directives. Qualifications: Proven communication skills Ability to work a flexible schedule to meet the needs of the business; will require weekends, evenings, and holidays Ability to be solution oriented Ability to be flexible in a fast-paced environment 0-1 years of related professional/retail experience is preferred A formal education and subsequent undergraduate/graduate degrees are nice to have, but we are most interested in your total experience and professional achievements. Free to Be, Inclusion & Diversity As a purpose-led, performance driven company, we strive to foster a culture of belonging based on respect, connection, openness, and authenticity. We are committed to building and maintaining a workplace that celebrates the diversity of our associates, allowing them to bring their authentic selves to work every day. Our Parent Company, VF Corporation VF is one of the world’s largest apparel, footwear and accessories companies connecting people to the lifestyles, activities and experiences they cherish through our family of iconic outdoor, active and workwear brands. At the heart of our journey lies our company-wide purpose: We power movements of sustainable and active lifestyles for the betterment of people and our planet. This is our purpose. It’s the reason we come to work every day. It’s a commitment shared by our global associates across all brands. Our purpose unites us and leads us to pursue our goals, together. This is our calling. Learn more at vfc.com We just have one question. Are you in? Hiring Range: $11.97 USD - $17.96 USD per hour Minimum Start Rate: $14.00 Benefits at VF Corporation: This position is a part-time or limited time position (ie., internship) and is not eligible for all of the benefit plans offered at VF Corporation. There are some benefits the company offers that this position can participate in. You can review a general overview of the benefits provided at VF by visiting www.MyVFbenefits.com and by clicking Looking to Join VF? Detailed information on the benefits options you qualify for will be provided upon hire. Please note, our hiring ranges are determined and built from market pay data. Although all positions have a hiring range based upon market data, this position has a minimum starting rate that is listed above. In determining the specific compensation for this position, we comply with all local, state, and federal laws. At VF, we value a diverse, inclusive workforce and we provide equal employment opportunity for all applicants and employees. All qualified applicants for employment will be considered without regard to an individual’s race, color, sex, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, national origin or ancestry, citizenship, physical or mental disability, medical condition, family care status, marital status, domestic partner status, sexual orientation, genetic information, military or veteran status, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local laws. If you are unable to submit your application because of incompatible assistive technology or a disability, please contact us at peopleservices@vfc.com. VF will reasonably accommodate qualified individuals with disabilities to the extent required by applicable law. Pursuant to all applicable local Fair Chance Ordinance requirements, including but not limited to the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance, VF will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records.
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    Supervisor As a Supervisor, you will direct, develop and motivate a team of brand associates, ensuring a consistent best-in-class customer experience that aligns with our brand purpose and values. You will partner with the Store Manager and Assistant Store Manager to maximize profitability by ensuring that customer engagement, merchandising, operations, and community connection are all consistent and in compliance with company standards. You will assume an active role in your own cross functional development through the brand’s quarterly DOR rotations and Module-Based Leadership Training Program. The North Face, a VF Company At The North Face we dare to lead the world forward through Exploration. We were born to Explore. We were born to Disrupt. We were born to Lead. The North Face is the premier exploration company in the world. Founded in the counterculture of Berkeley, CA in 1966 we have a long and storied legacy of enabling exploration, loving and protecting wild places, and creating iconic and technically advanced product. We believe that exploration is a mindset – both on the mountain and off the mountain – and it infuses everything we do. As a community of explorers, we stay curious about new ideas, places and people. By joining The North Face, you will help provide the best gear for our athletes and the modern-day explorer. You will also have the opportunity, tools and environment to more deeply explore the world around you and make meaningful, lasting connections. How You Will Make a Difference Coach and develop staff to exceed individual and store productivity goals. Engage customers in conversation around The North Face products, activities and local community events. Supervise floor coverage and activities, including opening and closing store as scheduled. In partnership with the Store Manager, provide training and ongoing development of store staff in customer engagement and all company programs, policies and procedures. Support the Store Manager in achieving all financial and operational objectives including expense control, Loss Prevention, store audits, and weekly reporting. Partner with the Store Manager on the implementation of visual merchandising directives and maintain standards consistent with company brand strategies; ensures merchandise on selling floor is replenished appropriately. Partner with the Store Manager to ensure compliance and adherence to policies and procedures, standards and practices, and company directives. Model behavior that respects the background, experience, and cultural differences of others, while upholding the integrity and values of the VF Corporation and the brand. Promote an environment that encourages participation, creativity, and learning by sharing best practices and building on the ideas of others. What You Bring Required 1+ years of store management experience in a fast-paced, highly engaging retail environment Proven ability to meet and exceed sales results Ability to work a flexible schedule to meet the needs of the business; will require weekends, evenings, and holidays Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written Ability to prioritize tasks in a fast-paced store environment Proven ability to meet business goals by driving results through store team Willingness and desire to learn and to share knowledge of products, local community, experiences and activities relevant to the store’s customer base Ability and desire to provide a highly engaging customer experience through individual service, conversation and relationship building Excellent decision-making ability in a fast-paced environment Detail orientated Proficient computer skills including word processing, spreadsheets, and software programs Preferred Experience in a specialty retail environment, outdoor apparel industry or experience with outdoor equipment sales preferred. High School Diploma or GED Physical Operate office equipment and technology (i.e., computers, tablets, phones, copier, etc.) Standing required for entire work shift Bend, lift, open and move product up to 50 pounds as needed Use ladders for visual merchandising, light adjustments, and window banner placement Free to Be, Inclusion & Diversity As a purpose-led, performance driven company, we strive to foster a culture of belonging based on respect, connection, openness, and authenticity. We are committed to building and maintaining a workplace that celebrates the diversity of our associates, allowing them to bring their authentic selves to work every day. What’s In It for You We’re in the business of unleashing human potential, driven by the ideas, energy and commitment of our people. That’s why we offer comprehensive benefits that encourage mental, physical and financial well-being for all VF associates. When it comes to benefits, we’re the total package. Go to MyVFBenefits.com and click on “Looking to Join VF?” to learn more. NEVER STOP EXPLORING™ Our Parent Company, VF Corporation VF is one of the world’s largest apparel, footwear and accessories companies connecting people to the lifestyles, activities and experiences they cherish through our family of iconic outdoor, active and workwear brands. At the heart of our journey lies our company-wide purpose: We power movements of sustainable and active lifestyles for the betterment of people and our planet. This is our purpose. It’s the reason we come to work every day. It’s a commitment shared by our global associates across all brands. Our purpose unites us and leads us to pursue our goals, together. This is our calling. Learn more at vfc.com We just have one question. Are you in? Hiring Range: $18.82 USD - $28.22 USD per hour Minimum Start Rate: $18.17 Incentive Potential: This position is eligible for additional compensation awards that may include an annual incentive plan, sales incentive, or commission potential. Specific details of the additional compensation eligibility for this position will be provided during the recruiting and interview process. Benefits at VF Corporation: You can review a general overview of each benefit program offered, including this year's medical plan rates on www.MyVFbenefits.com and by clicking Looking to Join VF? Detailed information on your benefits will be provided during the hiring process. Please note, our hiring ranges are determined and built from market pay data. Although all positions have a hiring range based upon market data, this position has a minimum starting rate that is listed above. In determining the specific compensation for this position, we comply with all local, state, and federal laws. At VF, we value a diverse, inclusive workforce and we provide equal employment opportunity for all applicants and employees. All qualified applicants for employment will be considered without regard to an individual’s race, color, sex, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, national origin or ancestry, citizenship, physical or mental disability, medical condition, family care status, marital status, domestic partner status, sexual orientation, genetic information, military or veteran status, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local laws. If you are unable to submit your application because of incompatible assistive technology or a disability, please contact us at peopleservices@vfc.com. VF will reasonably accommodate qualified individuals with disabilities to the extent required by applicable law. Pursuant to all applicable local Fair Chance Ordinance requirements, including but not limited to the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance, VF will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records.
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    Service Delivery Technician II: Become the Newest Member of the VF Family The primary responsibility of the Service Delivery Technician II is to provide end user services support to VF employees that will allow them to efficiently utilize technology to complete their work. The Service Delivery Technician II will provide advanced technical support while accurately utilizing the incident and request management system to respond to customer needs. You will elevate the customer service experience by providing exceptional customer service. How You Will Make a Difference: Identify, triage, and resolve technical problems of moderate complexity. Accurately, document, track, and monitor problems using applicable systems and tools. Provide support to end users for computer, application, system, device, access and hardware issues. Accept various projects, develop work plans, and ensure timely completion as directed.Must have strong interpersonal skills and a desire to thrive in a team-oriented environment. Installation and Support of company required hardware (desktops, laptops, printers, VoIP, scanners, phones, tablets) and software.Be a resource to the IT Platforms (Zoom, Local Backups, Local Servers, Local Networks, etc.) that may need assistance with Projects and support of the day to day IT Infrastructure at the location they supportHelp maintain an accurate stockroom inventory of personal computer devices (laptops/desktops) and peripherals (monitors, keyboards, docks) Monitor hardware and application performance based on expected benchmarks and provide feedback to the EUS LeadershipAssist users with new technology training when introducing new offerings (MFA, OneDrive, Self Service, etc.) helping the VF workforce to adapt and embrace technology to work more efficientlyProvide tech bar type service for face to face engagement with VF associatesSupport conferencing/collaboration technology leveraging VF solutions of Audio/Visual displays (Zoom, telephony, etc...)Hardware configuration and deployment following VF standardsWillingness to work flexible shifts and scheduling including nights, weekends, and holidaysOther duties as assigned Years of Related Professional Experience: 2-5 years Educational/ Position Requirements: Preferably an AA/BS degree in Computer Science or related technology fieldTechnical certifications such as MCSE, MCTS, A+, Cisco preferredExperience IS/IT environment, technical knowledge of workstation hardware and software, printers, network, mobile devices and peripheral equipment such as scanners, tape-drive, etc.Ability to work with peers in collaborate teamsExcellent verbal and written communication skillsWillingness to work flexible shifts and scheduling including nights, weekends, and holidaysAvailable to participate in a 24x7 on call rotation including weekends and holidays Special Physical and/or Mental Requirements: Potential to travel by air and overnight, as required 20% amount of time. Lifting and/or bending, lifting 10 lbs of weight. Hiring Range: $23.40 USD - $29.25 USD per hour Incentive Potential: This position is eligible for additional compensation awards that may include an annual incentive plan, sales incentive, or commission potential. Specific details of the additional compensation eligibility for this position will be provided during the recruiting and interview process. Benefits at VF Corporation: You can review a general overview of each benefit program offered, including this year's medical plan rates on www.MyVFbenefits.com and by clicking Looking to Join VF? Detailed information on your benefits will be provided during the hiring process. Please note, our hiring ranges are determined and built from market pay data. In determining the specific compensation for this position, we comply with all local, state, and federal laws. At VF, we value a diverse, inclusive workforce and we provide equal employment opportunity for all applicants and employees. All qualified applicants for employment will be considered without regard to an individual’s race, color, sex, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, national origin or ancestry, citizenship, physical or mental disability, medical condition, family care status, marital status, domestic partner status, sexual orientation, genetic information, military or veteran status, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local laws. If you are unable to submit your application because of incompatible assistive technology or a disability, please contact us at peopleservices@vfc.com. VF will reasonably accommodate qualified individuals with disabilities to the extent required by applicable law. Pursuant to all applicable local Fair Chance Ordinance requirements, including but not limited to the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance, VF will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records.
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    Now that you’ve found the job description, what’s next? At The North Face we dare to lead the world forward through Exploration. We were born to Explore, Disrupt and to Lead. We were born to Love Wild Places and to Spark Curiosity. We believe that exploration is a mindset - both on the mountain and off the mountain - and it infuses everything we do. As a community of explorers, we stay curious about new ideas, places, and people. So, before we get to the job details, take a minute to learn a little more about us – our values and our culture. If you can see yourself working side-by-side with a team of adventure-loving people, The North Face just may be the place for you. To learn more about our values and our culture, visit The North Face Careers or www.thenorthface.com. Position: Sr. Product Testing Analyst What will you do? A day in the life of a Sr. Product Testing Analyst at The North Face looks a little like this. The primary responsibilities of the Sr. Product Test Analyst Footwear are to ensure all aspects of our product are thoroughly tested subjectively and objectively, oversee our HPEL lab, and our materials testing lab. This role is to aid the product creation teams in ensuring each project meets the intended consumer expectation for performance, fit, durability, and the overall experience. The role is responsible coordinate with all 3rd party testing groups, or our external advance development group (e.g. All Triangles), and the appropriate level of tester for each given project. Let’s break down that day-in-the-life a bit more. The goal is that the Sr. Product Test Analyst is the product creation teams trusted resource of ensuring that our products meet the intended end use deliverable.Manage the product testing process for subjective and objective testing.Conduct all fit tests from initial stages of the product creation process through commercialization.Distribute field test samples to product testers during each stage gate of development, compile and analyze the results, deliver these results to a diverse product creation team.Run and maintain Instron testing equipment and software – create reports that help Footwear Development improve products, foams, performance components.Create testing protocols to understand foam performance and mechanical properties.Create SOP and teach protocols.Lead for the 3D printer utilized by multiple divisions and / or brands.Manage maintenance.Establish and manage the printing queue prioritization.Maintain printing materials (budget and acquisitions)Create SOP for operation – shared resources.Create, maintain, and improve the Last LibraryWebsite with last data for design, category management, and development (i.e. templates, specification sheets).Create last descriptors for quick references to last variances.The Sr. Product Testing Analyst is responsible for managing and maintaining the footwear product testers (from TNF sponsored athletes to recreational end users), growing those that truly help pre-predict the level of experience intended for a given project.This role is also responsible for managing the objective testing of performance foams, or other materials that make up performance components within our DEN RiNo Test Lab. Overseeing the actual Instron Testing or coordinating external partners for objective test required.This role will oversee the human performance testing lab (e.g. 3D motion cameras, force plates, VO2 analytics) once established in the DEN RiNo Testing Lab. What do you need to succeed? We all have unique skills that we bring to work and celebrate every day. For this role, there are foundation skills you’ll need to succeed and excel. Additionally, while formal education in a related field is great to have, we are most interested in your 3-5 years of experience and professional achievements. The foundation skills you will need in this position are: Must be detail oriented but able to present the big picture.Works effectively within a team.Self-motivated, able to manage themselves, the projects, and multiple parties Influential in building positive partnerships with cross functional teams.Excellent communication and presentation skills.Knowledge of footwear construction, materials/fabrics, and how these influence end use experiences.Understands materials, fit, function, and end use requirements.Forward thinking and strategic skills.Strong problem-solving skills.Must be able to handle multiple priorities in efficient manner. What do we offer you? At The North Face, we know you expect as much from us as we do from you. That is why we make a commitment to support and grow our people. We offer extensive development and growth opportunities for your current and future positions, a competitive compensation package, and a strong benefits package that includes medical, dental, vision, and 401(k). Our commitment extends beyond this and into your daily work life. We strive to foster a diverse and inclusive culture based on respect, connection, and authenticity. Our focus on DEI is at the foundation of who we are and what we do. To learn more about The North Face’s benefits package, follow this MyVFBenefits.com and click “Looking to Join VF”. To learn more about The North Face’s Diversity and Inclusion efforts, go to www.thenorthface.com. Now WE have a question for YOU. Are you in? Hiring Range: $69,984.00 USD - $87,480.00 USD annually Incentive Potential: This position is eligible for additional compensation awards that may include an annual incentive plan, sales incentive, or commission potential. Specific details of the additional compensation eligibility for this position will be provided during the recruiting and interview process. Benefits at VF Corporation: You can review a general overview of each benefit program offered, including this year's medical plan rates on www.MyVFbenefits.com and by clicking Looking to Join VF? Detailed information on your benefits will be provided during the hiring process. Please note, our hiring ranges are determined and built from market pay data. In determining the specific compensation for this position, we comply with all local, state, and federal laws. At VF, we value a diverse, inclusive workforce and we provide equal employment opportunity for all applicants and employees. All qualified applicants for employment will be considered without regard to an individual’s race, color, sex, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, national origin or ancestry, citizenship, physical or mental disability, medical condition, family care status, marital status, domestic partner status, sexual orientation, genetic information, military or veteran status, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local laws. If you are unable to submit your application because of incompatible assistive technology or a disability, please contact us at peopleservices@vfc.com. VF will reasonably accommodate qualified individuals with disabilities to the extent required by applicable law. Pursuant to all applicable local Fair Chance Ordinance requirements, including but not limited to the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance, VF will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records.
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    Dock Clerk (2nd Shift) Schedule: Monday - Thursday ; 4PM - 2:30AM Pay: $17.50/hr + 6.25% Shift Differential ($18.59/hr) What you will do: Perform a combination of manual and clerical shipping and receiving duties with a computer system for tracking, logging, verifying, and reporting.Follow shipping practices and procedures, and transportation routing, schedules, and requirements.Assist with coordinating the activities of incoming and outgoing shipmentsFollow shipping practices and procedures, and transportation routing, schedules and requirements.Verify quantity, weight, and conformance of materials to stated identificationLog’s receipt of items on system, processes freight bills, packing sheets, and other documentsReport’s materials shipped and bills of lading, posts weight and shipping charges and routes merchandise to destinationsVerify and keep records on incoming and outgoing shipments and prepare items for shipmentInspect incoming shipments, reject damaged items, and record shortages Skills for Success: Experience with office computer software, such as Microsoft Office Suite. Specifically: Outlook, Word, and Excel. Ability to learn PKMS.Must be able to read, write and comprehend instructions, e-mails, and other correspondence in the English language.Communicate effectively with other departments, Supervisor(s) and Manager(s).Ability to be detail oriented.Ability to operate a variety of standard business machines such as: computer, keyboard, calculator, fax, and photocopier. VF Guiding Principles: Live with Integrity, Act Courageously, Be Curious, Act with Empathy, and Persevere. Join the VF Family We are one of the world’s largest apparel, footwear and accessories companies connecting people to the lifestyles, activities and experiences they cherish through our family of iconic outdoor, active and workwear brands. At the heart of our journey lies our company-wide purpose: We power movements of sustainable and active lifestyles for the betterment of people and our planet. This is our purpose. It’s the reason we come to work every day. It’s a commitment shared by all our global associates across brands. Our purpose unites us and leads us to pursue our goals, together. This is our calling. We believe that when you discover the difference between a career and a calling, you get so much more out of life. When those lines begin to blur, you start to limit yourself much less and start aiming for more. That’s what we want for everyone who joins us at VF. And frankly, that’s what it takes to thrive here. Here you can do the best work of your life. We are purpose led and performance driven, people-focused and supportive. Most importantly, we believe that everyone should be empowered to be their authentic self and we power an internal movement of inclusion and belonging. Our teams are built on a global mindset, sparked by sharp minds of diverse individuals and reflects the global consumers we serve. Bring your energy and fresh perspective, contribute to our movement and build your future with us. Free To Be, Inclusion & Diversity As a purpose-led, performance driven company, we strive to foster a culture of belonging based on respect, connection, openness and authenticity. We are committed to building and maintaining a workplace that celebrates the diversity of our associates, allowing them to bring their authentic selves to work every day. Hiring Range: $16.00 USD - $20.00 USD per hour Incentive Potential: This position is eligible for additional compensation awards that may include an annual incentive plan, sales incentive, or commission potential. Specific details of the additional compensation eligibility for this position will be provided during the recruiting and interview process. Benefits at VF Corporation: You can review a general overview of each benefit program offered, including this year's medical plan rates on www.MyVFbenefits.com and by clicking Looking to Join VF? Detailed information on your benefits will be provided during the hiring process. Please note, our hiring ranges are determined and built from market pay data. In determining the specific compensation for this position, we comply with all local, state, and federal laws. At VF, we value a diverse, inclusive workforce and we provide equal employment opportunity for all applicants and employees. All qualified applicants for employment will be considered without regard to an individual’s race, color, sex, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, national origin or ancestry, citizenship, physical or mental disability, medical condition, family care status, marital status, domestic partner status, sexual orientation, genetic information, military or veteran status, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local laws. If you are unable to submit your application because of incompatible assistive technology or a disability, please contact us at peopleservices@vfc.com. VF will reasonably accommodate qualified individuals with disabilities to the extent required by applicable law. Pursuant to all applicable local Fair Chance Ordinance requirements, including but not limited to the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance, VF will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records.
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    Vans BTS Seasonal Sales Associate Get ready for back-to-school with Vans! Join our team as a Seasonal Sales Associate and help our customers find their perfect kicks. Apply now to be part of the excitement and share your passion for great customer service! *This position will support the store during our back-to-school season with potential to transition to regular employment* Why should you apply? Competitive hourly wage Flexible hours GREAT FOOT IN THE DOOR! High level performance may lead to longer-term employment with Vans. 50% off product in store discounts across VF Brands (Vans, The North Face Timberland, and more!) Responsibilities: Build sales by maintaining a consumer centric mindset and using selling behaviors through genuine interactions with consumers. Ensure the store is consistently recovered and consumer ready by meeting brand standards. Use strong verbal and nonverbal communication skills to exceed sales results. Regularly interact with consumers within the store, providing a high level of customer service. Adhere to policies, procedures and practices that align with company directives. Qualifications: Proven communication skills Ability to work a flexible schedule to meet the needs of the business; will require weekends, evenings, and holidays Ability to be solution oriented Ability to be flexible in a fast-paced environment 0-1 years of related professional/retail experience is preferred A formal education and subsequent undergraduate/graduate degrees are nice to have, but we are most interested in your total experience and professional achievements. Free to Be, Inclusion & Diversity As a purpose-led, performance driven company, we strive to foster a culture of belonging based on respect, connection, openness, and authenticity. We are committed to building and maintaining a workplace that celebrates the diversity of our associates, allowing them to bring their authentic selves to work every day. Our Parent Company, VF Corporation VF is one of the world’s largest apparel, footwear and accessories companies connecting people to the lifestyles, activities and experiences they cherish through our family of iconic outdoor, active and workwear brands. At the heart of our journey lies our company-wide purpose: We power movements of sustainable and active lifestyles for the betterment of people and our planet. This is our purpose. It’s the reason we come to work every day. It’s a commitment shared by our global associates across all brands. Our purpose unites us and leads us to pursue our goals, together. This is our calling. Learn more at vfc.com We just have one question. Are you in? Hiring Range: $12.60 USD - $18.90 USD per hour Minimum Start Rate: $14.00 Benefits at VF Corporation: This position is a part-time or limited time position (ie., internship) and is not eligible for all of the benefit plans offered at VF Corporation. There are some benefits the company offers that this position can participate in. You can review a general overview of the benefits provided at VF by visiting www.MyVFbenefits.com and by clicking Looking to Join VF? Detailed information on the benefits options you qualify for will be provided upon hire. Please note, our hiring ranges are determined and built from market pay data. Although all positions have a hiring range based upon market data, this position has a minimum starting rate that is listed above. In determining the specific compensation for this position, we comply with all local, state, and federal laws. At VF, we value a diverse, inclusive workforce and we provide equal employment opportunity for all applicants and employees. All qualified applicants for employment will be considered without regard to an individual’s race, color, sex, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, national origin or ancestry, citizenship, physical or mental disability, medical condition, family care status, marital status, domestic partner status, sexual orientation, genetic information, military or veteran status, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local laws. If you are unable to submit your application because of incompatible assistive technology or a disability, please contact us at peopleservices@vfc.com. VF will reasonably accommodate qualified individuals with disabilities to the extent required by applicable law. Pursuant to all applicable local Fair Chance Ordinance requirements, including but not limited to the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance, VF will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records.
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    Full-Time/Part-Time Sales Associate Job Description Title:Sales Associate Department:Store Operations Reports to:Store Sales Manager BASIC FUNCTIONS Selling and customer service. Helps the Store Sales Manager or Assistant Sales Manager in basic daily operations of the store. Performs other duties as required/assigned by supervisor SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS, DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Sales Generation Helps the Store Sales Manager or Assistant Sales Manager in achieving monthly sales plan projections through personal selling. Follows the Store Sales Manager’s or Assistant Sales Manager’s direction as to product knowledge and Company image Customer Service Successfully completes Company training programs to ensure excellent customer service. Merchandising Helps implement basic merchandising principles and standards for proper sales floor display. Follows the Store Sales Manager’s or Assistant Sales Manager’s direction for setting up signage and display of all catalogs, newspaper advertisements and seasonal promotions. Helps ensure all stock is represented on the sales floor. Reports product problems to the Store Sales Manager or Assistant Sales Manager. Helps make sure store adheres to Company housekeeping standards. Daily Store Operations and Documentation Carries out all day-to-day activities according to Company policy and procedure. Helps the Store Sales Manager or Assistant Sales Manager complete and use basic Company systems and required forms or documents, as requested. Uses POS equipment as determined and intended by Company. Protection of Company Assets Helps account for all movement of merchandise into and out of the store. Helps protect Company assets by taking necessary security measures during and after store operating hours. Reports all cases of suspected internal and external theft to the Store Sales Manager or Assistant Sales Manager. Is not authorized to possess a premises key. Store Maintenance and Appearance Helps the Store Sales Manager or Assistant Sales Manager maintain the overall physical sales floor standards (i.e., walls patched/painted, carpets cleaned as necessary, stockroom organized, etc.). Helps the Store Sales Manager or Assistant Sales Manager maintain routine housekeeping on products. PHYSICAL CAPABILITIES REQUIRED Stamina to fulfill the work requirements of week to include evenings, weekends and holidays. Ability to move and lift up to 50lbs in products using proper equipment and techniques. Ability to use all equipment, ladders and fixtures provided by Company to merchandise the store and complete other job duties. SKILLS, ATTRIBUTES AND EXPERIENCE REQUIRED Minimum of a high school education. At least 18 years of age. Retail sales experience preferred. Oral and written communication skills. Professional appearance and presentation. Ability to take and follow directions. Hiring Range: $12.60 USD - $18.90 USD per hour Minimum Start Rate: $14.00 Incentive Potential: This position is eligible for additional compensation awards that may include an annual incentive plan, sales incentive, or commission potential. Specific details of the additional compensation eligibility for this position will be provided during the recruiting and interview process. Benefits at VF Corporation: This position is a part-time or limited time position (i.e., internship) and is not eligible for all of the benefits plans offered at VF Corporation. There are some benefits the company offers that this position can participate in. You can review a general overview of the benefits provided at VF by visiting www.MyVFbenefits.com and by clicking Looking to Join VF? Detailed information on the benefits options you qualify for will be provided upon hire. Please note, our hiring ranges are determined and built from market pay data. Although all positions have a hiring range based upon market data, this position has a minimum starting rate that is listed above. In determining the specific compensation for this position, we comply with all local, state, and federal laws. At VF, we value a diverse, inclusive workforce and we provide equal employment opportunity for all applicants and employees. All qualified applicants for employment will be considered without regard to an individual’s race, color, sex, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, national origin or ancestry, citizenship, physical or mental disability, medical condition, family care status, marital status, domestic partner status, sexual orientation, genetic information, military or veteran status, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local laws. If you are unable to submit your application because of incompatible assistive technology or a disability, please contact us at peopleservices@vfc.com. VF will reasonably accommodate qualified individuals with disabilities to the extent required by applicable law. Pursuant to all applicable local Fair Chance Ordinance requirements, including but not limited to the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance, VF will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records.
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    Supervisor As a passionate, fun and dedicated Floor Supervisor, you are an important part of the store leadership team, ensuring the highest level of customer engagement through sales results and supervising the store team. You foster a positive and inclusive work environment and provide sales-related feedback and coaching associate performance daily. You assist in coaching and supervision of the store team, while emulating a best in class customer experience. If you aspire to a career in retail and are looking for a company dedicated to your personal development to continue your growth into a leader of tomorrow, then Vans is for you. Join the Vans Family Vans® is the original action sports footwear company, rooted in authenticity and creativity. Founded in 1966, we have thrived on a legacy of impacting our greater community through four pillars: action sports, music, art and street culture. We are constantly inspired by the creative voyagers within our company and community. For them, creativity is about the journey, not just the output. Our mission is to empower everyone to use creativity to discover themselves. Our vision is to create a world where anyone can be their unique self. At Vans, our culture sets us apart and influences everything we do. We are driven by our five values: We have HEART – also referred to as the “Van Doren Spirit”. We are relentlessly CURIOUS about our consumers and the world around us. We are UNAPOLOGETICALLY AUTHENTIC and wholeheartedly believe the most “Off the Wall” thing you can do is be yourself. We are driven by a spirit of INGENUITY. And we are passionate about local COMMUNITIES. And most of all, we are a family that has fun together. At Vans we empower creative exploration and inspire youth culture through a commitment to inclusivity. We welcome anyone and everyone into our global family and proudly celebrate and environment where individuality is embraced, equal opportunities thrive, and everyone is empowered to reach their greatest potential. By joining our family, you will be immersed in an environment of incredibly supportive and collaborative people. We work hard across a multitude of initiatives to bring the Van Doren Spirit to life. We live for what we do. How You Will Make a Difference What you will do: Assist in strategically maximizing store sales, achieving store sales goals and monitor sales progress & results against key targets. Help foster a consumer centric mindset and model selling behaviors through genuine interactions with consumers. Provide direct feedback, coaching and supervision of the associates and the in-store experience. Help coach and lead a team to exceed sales results. Ensure that the store team is engaging with each customer to create an authentic brand experience and assist with visual merchandising standards within the store. Adhere to policies, procedures, standards and practices that align with company directives. Foster a great consumer experience in all situations, leading by example. Skills for Success What you bring: Ability to coach and motivate a team to excel at sales & profit results, meet business goals by driving results through the store team Ability to work a flexible schedule to meet the needs of the business; will require weekends, evenings, and holidays 1+ years of experience in retail preferred but not required Proven communication skills, both written and verbal Solution oriented mindset and ability to be flexible in a fast-paced environment A formal education and subsequent undergraduate/graduate degrees are nice to have, but we are most interested in your total experience and professional achievements What’s in it For You We’re in the business of unleashing human potential, driven by the ideas, energy and commitment of our people. That’s why we offer comprehensive benefits that encourage mental, physical and financial well-being for all VF associates. When it comes to benefits, we’re the total package. Go to MyVFBenefits.com and click on “Looking to Join VF?” to learn more. Free To Be, Inclusion & Diversity As a purpose-led, performance driven company, we strive to foster a culture of belonging based on respect, connection, openness and authenticity. We are committed to building and maintaining a workplace that celebrates the diversity of our associates, allowing them to bring their authentic selves to work every day. Our Parent Company, VF Corporation VF is one of the world’s largest apparel, footwear and accessories companies connecting people to the lifestyles, activities and experiences they cherish through our family of iconic outdoor, active and workwear brands. At the heart of our journey lies our company-wide purpose: We power movements of sustainable and active lifestyles for the betterment of people and our planet. This is our purpose. It’s the reason we come to work every day. It’s a commitment shared by our global associates across all brands. Our purpose unites us and leads us to pursue our goals, together. This is our calling. Learn more at vfc.com We just have one question. Are you in? Hiring Range: $15.20 USD - $22.80 USD per hour Minimum Start Rate: $16.75 Benefits at VF Corporation: This position is a part-time or limited time position (ie., internship) and is not eligible for all of the benefit plans offered at VF Corporation. There are some benefits the company offers that this position can participate in. You can review a general overview of the benefits provided at VF by visiting www.MyVFbenefits.com and by clicking Looking to Join VF? Detailed information on the benefits options you qualify for will be provided upon hire. Please note, our hiring ranges are determined and built from market pay data. Although all positions have a hiring range based upon market data, this position has a minimum starting rate that is listed above. In determining the specific compensation for this position, we comply with all local, state, and federal laws. At VF, we value a diverse, inclusive workforce and we provide equal employment opportunity for all applicants and employees. All qualified applicants for employment will be considered without regard to an individual’s race, color, sex, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, national origin or ancestry, citizenship, physical or mental disability, medical condition, family care status, marital status, domestic partner status, sexual orientation, genetic information, military or veteran status, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local laws. If you are unable to submit your application because of incompatible assistive technology or a disability, please contact us at peopleservices@vfc.com. VF will reasonably accommodate qualified individuals with disabilities to the extent required by applicable law. Pursuant to all applicable local Fair Chance Ordinance requirements, including but not limited to the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance, VF will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records.
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    Sales Associate As one of our passionate, fun and dedicated Sales Associates, you will be the voice of our brand while elevating the consumer experience through genuine consumer connections and selling our original/innovative products. As an invaluable part of our team, you will thrive in an environment where individuality and authenticity are celebrated. If you aspire to a career in retail and are looking for a company dedicated to your personal growth to evolve into a leader of tomorrow, then Vans is for you. Join the Vans Family Vans® is the original action sports footwear company, rooted in authenticity and creativity. Founded in 1966, we have thrived on a legacy of impacting our greater community through four pillars: action sports, music, art and street culture. We are constantly inspired by the creative voyagers within our company and community. For them, creativity is about the journey, not just the output. Our mission is to empower everyone to use creativity to discover themselves. Our vision is to create a world where anyone can be their unique self. At Vans, our culture sets us apart and influences everything we do. We are driven by our five values: We have HEART – also referred to as the “Van Doren Spirit”. We are relentlessly CURIOUS about our consumers and the world around us. We are UNAPOLOGETICALLY AUTHENTIC and wholeheartedly believe the most “Off the Wall” thing you can do is be yourself. We are driven by a spirit of INGENUITY. And we are passionate about local COMMUNITIES. And most of all, we are a family that has fun together. At Vans we empower creative exploration and inspire youth culture through a commitment to inclusivity. We welcome anyone and everyone into our global family and proudly celebrate and environment where individuality is embraced, equal opportunities thrive, and everyone is empowered to reach their greatest potential. By joining our family, you will be immersed in an environment of incredibly supportive and collaborative people. We work hard across a multitude of initiatives to bring the Van Doren Spirit to life. We live for what we do. How You Will Make a Difference What you will do: Build sales by maintaining a consumer centric mindset and using selling behaviors through genuine interactions with consumers. Ensure the store is consistently recovered and consumer ready by meeting brand standards. Use strong verbal and nonverbal communication skills to exceed sales results. Regularly interact with consumers within the store, providing a high level of customer service. Adhere to policies, procedures and practices that align with company directives. Skills for Success What you bring: Proven communication skills Ability to work a flexible schedule to meet the needs of the business; will require weekends, evenings, and holidays Ability to be solution oriented Ability to be flexible in a fast paced environment 0-1 years of related professional/retail experience is preferred A formal education and subsequent undergraduate/graduate degrees are nice to have, but we are most interested in your total experience and professional achievements. What’s in it For You We’re in the business of unleashing human potential, driven by the ideas, energy and commitment of our people. That’s why we offer comprehensive benefits that encourage mental, physical and financial well-being for all VF associates. When it comes to benefits, we’re the total package. Go to MyVFBenefits.com and click on “Looking to Join VF?” to learn more. Free To Be, Inclusion & Diversity As a purpose-led, performance driven company, we strive to foster a culture of belonging based on respect, connection, openness and authenticity. We are committed to building and maintaining a workplace that celebrates the diversity of our associates, allowing them to bring their authentic selves to work every day. Our Parent Company, VF Corporation VF is one of the world’s largest apparel, footwear and accessories companies connecting people to the lifestyles, activities and experiences they cherish through our family of iconic outdoor, active and workwear brands. At the heart of our journey lies our company-wide purpose: We power movements of sustainable and active lifestyles for the betterment of people and our planet. This is our purpose. It’s the reason we come to work every day. It’s a commitment shared by our global associates across all brands. Our purpose unites us and leads us to pursue our goals, together. This is our calling. Learn more at vfc.com We just have one question. Are you in? Hiring Range: $12.60 USD - $18.90 USD per hour Minimum Start Rate: $14.00 Benefits at VF Corporation: This position is a part-time or limited time position (ie., internship) and is not eligible for all of the benefit plans offered at VF Corporation. There are some benefits the company offers that this position can participate in. You can review a general overview of the benefits provided at VF by visiting www.MyVFbenefits.com and by clicking Looking to Join VF? Detailed information on the benefits options you qualify for will be provided upon hire. Please note, our hiring ranges are determined and built from market pay data. Although all positions have a hiring range based upon market data, this position has a minimum starting rate that is listed above. In determining the specific compensation for this position, we comply with all local, state, and federal laws. At VF, we value a diverse, inclusive workforce and we provide equal employment opportunity for all applicants and employees. All qualified applicants for employment will be considered without regard to an individual’s race, color, sex, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, national origin or ancestry, citizenship, physical or mental disability, medical condition, family care status, marital status, domestic partner status, sexual orientation, genetic information, military or veteran status, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local laws. If you are unable to submit your application because of incompatible assistive technology or a disability, please contact us at peopleservices@vfc.com. VF will reasonably accommodate qualified individuals with disabilities to the extent required by applicable law. Pursuant to all applicable local Fair Chance Ordinance requirements, including but not limited to the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance, VF will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records.
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    Sales Associate As a Sales Associate you will be the face of the brand to our retail customers and will be responsible for creating best-in-class customer experience in the store. As a Sales Associate, you will actively engage with a diverse and often large group of people, using your product, brand, activity and community knowledge to ensure each customer has a memorable positive experience. You will serve as part of a team, ensuring that customer engagement is the top priority, while also assisting in the daily visual and operational maintenance of the store. Join the North Face Family The North Face was built on a love for the outdoors and the desire to enable all types of exploration, for all people, from their backyards to the Himalayas. Over the last 50 years we've lived by our “true north,” the belief that exploration has the power to change us, to challenge us and to help us see the world from new perspectives. To help ignite a global movement of outdoor exploration, love for the natural world and an unwavering commitment to protect it, we welcome and encourage new participants to the outdoors. We extend our reach through support of non-profit organizations, establishing programs that connect participants with close-to-home recreation opportunities, and creating a connection with young leaders, inspiring them to explore and conserve. As we enter our sixth decade, we pledge to: Empower exploration and the thrill of the unknown for as many people as possible. Protect the places where we live, play, and operate. Evolve the way we make our products by improving our environmental performance and social responsibility in the supply chain. How You Will Make a Difference Responsibilities: Provide a high level of personalized customer engagement. Serve as a one stop resource for customers, providing them with relevant product, community, and activity-based knowledge and recommendations. Demonstrate a willingness to learn and to share relevant activity, community, and product. knowledge to create a memorable and valuable experience for the customer. Achieve sales and productivity goals by utilizing all available resources to meet the customers’ needs. Assist in the execution and maintenance of visual directives and standards, including but not limited to merchandise presentation, housekeeping, product replenishment. Assume cashier duties as needed. Assist in the execution of all Loss Prevention initiatives. Assist in the overall visual and operational maintenance of the store. What You Bring Required Ability to genuinely and comfortably engage with a diverse group of customers Customer service experience Ability to collaborate, work as a team, and be adaptable in the workplace Ability to work a flexible schedule to meet the needs of the business; will require weekends, evenings, and holidays Excellent written and verbal communication skills Knowledge, experience and/or willingness to learn about the products, activities, community relevant to the store’s customer base Attention to detail Proficient computer skills including word processing, spreadsheets, and software programs Preferred High School Diploma or GED Physical Operate office equipment and technology (i.e., computers, tablets, phones, copier, etc.) Standing required for entire work shift Bend, lift, open and move product up to 50 pounds as needed Use ladders for visual merchandising, light adjustments, and window banner placement Free to Be, Inclusion & Diversity As a purpose-led, performance driven company, we strive to foster a culture of belonging based on respect, connection, openness, and authenticity. We are committed to building and maintaining a workplace that celebrates the diversity of our associates, allowing them to bring their authentic selves to work every day. What’s In It for You We’re in the business of unleashing human potential, driven by the ideas, energy and commitment of our people. That’s why we offer comprehensive benefits that encourage mental, physical and financial well-being for all VF associates. When it comes to benefits, we’re the total package. Go to MyVFBenefits.com and click on “Looking to Join VF?” to learn more. NEVER STOP EXPLORING™ Our Parent Company, VF Corporation VF is one of the world’s largest apparel, footwear and accessories companies connecting people to the lifestyles, activities and experiences they cherish through our family of iconic outdoor, active and workwear brands. At the heart of our journey lies our company-wide purpose: We power movements of sustainable and active lifestyles for the betterment of people and our planet. This is our purpose. It’s the reason we come to work every day. It’s a commitment shared by our global associates across all brands. Our purpose unites us and leads us to pursue our goals, together. This is our calling. Learn more at vfc.com We just have one question. Are you in? Hiring Range: $12.60 USD - $18.90 USD per hour Minimum Start Rate: $14.00 Benefits at VF Corporation: This position is a part-time or limited time position (ie., internship) and is not eligible for all of the benefit plans offered at VF Corporation. There are some benefits the company offers that this position can participate in. You can review a general overview of the benefits provided at VF by visiting www.MyVFbenefits.com and by clicking Looking to Join VF? Detailed information on the benefits options you qualify for will be provided upon hire. Please note, our hiring ranges are determined and built from market pay data. Although all positions have a hiring range based upon market data, this position has a minimum starting rate that is listed above. In determining the specific compensation for this position, we comply with all local, state, and federal laws. At VF, we value a diverse, inclusive workforce and we provide equal employment opportunity for all applicants and employees. All qualified applicants for employment will be considered without regard to an individual’s race, color, sex, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, national origin or ancestry, citizenship, physical or mental disability, medical condition, family care status, marital status, domestic partner status, sexual orientation, genetic information, military or veteran status, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local laws. If you are unable to submit your application because of incompatible assistive technology or a disability, please contact us at peopleservices@vfc.com. VF will reasonably accommodate qualified individuals with disabilities to the extent required by applicable law. Pursuant to all applicable local Fair Chance Ordinance requirements, including but not limited to the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance, VF will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records.
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    Vans BTS Seasonal Sales Associate Get ready for back-to-school with Vans! Join our team as a Seasonal Sales Associate and help our customers find their perfect kicks. Apply now to be part of the excitement and share your passion for great customer service! *This position will support the store during our back-to-school season with potential to transition to regular employment* Why should you apply? Competitive hourly wage Flexible hours GREAT FOOT IN THE DOOR! High level performance may lead to longer-term employment with Vans. 50% off product in store discounts across VF Brands (Vans, The North Face Timberland, and more!) Responsibilities: Build sales by maintaining a consumer centric mindset and using selling behaviors through genuine interactions with consumers. Ensure the store is consistently recovered and consumer ready by meeting brand standards. Use strong verbal and nonverbal communication skills to exceed sales results. Regularly interact with consumers within the store, providing a high level of customer service. Adhere to policies, procedures and practices that align with company directives. Qualifications: Proven communication skills Ability to work a flexible schedule to meet the needs of the business; will require weekends, evenings, and holidays Ability to be solution oriented Ability to be flexible in a fast-paced environment 0-1 years of related professional/retail experience is preferred A formal education and subsequent undergraduate/graduate degrees are nice to have, but we are most interested in your total experience and professional achievements. Free to Be, Inclusion & Diversity As a purpose-led, performance driven company, we strive to foster a culture of belonging based on respect, connection, openness, and authenticity. We are committed to building and maintaining a workplace that celebrates the diversity of our associates, allowing them to bring their authentic selves to work every day. Our Parent Company, VF Corporation VF is one of the world’s largest apparel, footwear and accessories companies connecting people to the lifestyles, activities and experiences they cherish through our family of iconic outdoor, active and workwear brands. At the heart of our journey lies our company-wide purpose: We power movements of sustainable and active lifestyles for the betterment of people and our planet. This is our purpose. It’s the reason we come to work every day. It’s a commitment shared by our global associates across all brands. Our purpose unites us and leads us to pursue our goals, together. This is our calling. Learn more at vfc.com We just have one question. Are you in? Hiring Range: $14.49 USD - $21.74 USD per hour Minimum Start Rate: $17.00 Benefits at VF Corporation: This position is a part-time or limited time position (ie., internship) and is not eligible for all of the benefit plans offered at VF Corporation. There are some benefits the company offers that this position can participate in. You can review a general overview of the benefits provided at VF by visiting www.MyVFbenefits.com and by clicking Looking to Join VF? Detailed information on the benefits options you qualify for will be provided upon hire. Please note, our hiring ranges are determined and built from market pay data. Although all positions have a hiring range based upon market data, this position has a minimum starting rate that is listed above. In determining the specific compensation for this position, we comply with all local, state, and federal laws. At VF, we value a diverse, inclusive workforce and we provide equal employment opportunity for all applicants and employees. All qualified applicants for employment will be considered without regard to an individual’s race, color, sex, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, national origin or ancestry, citizenship, physical or mental disability, medical condition, family care status, marital status, domestic partner status, sexual orientation, genetic information, military or veteran status, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local laws. If you are unable to submit your application because of incompatible assistive technology or a disability, please contact us at peopleservices@vfc.com. VF will reasonably accommodate qualified individuals with disabilities to the extent required by applicable law. Pursuant to all applicable local Fair Chance Ordinance requirements, including but not limited to the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance, VF will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records.
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    Vans BTS Seasonal Sales Associate Get ready for back-to-school with Vans! Join our team as a Seasonal Sales Associate and help our customers find their perfect kicks. Apply now to be part of the excitement and share your passion for great customer service! *This position will support the store during our back-to-school season with potential to transition to regular employment* Why should you apply? Competitive hourly wage Flexible hours GREAT FOOT IN THE DOOR! High level performance may lead to longer-term employment with Vans. 50% off product in store discounts across VF Brands (Vans, The North Face Timberland, and more!) Responsibilities: Build sales by maintaining a consumer centric mindset and using selling behaviors through genuine interactions with consumers. Ensure the store is consistently recovered and consumer ready by meeting brand standards. Use strong verbal and nonverbal communication skills to exceed sales results. Regularly interact with consumers within the store, providing a high level of customer service. Adhere to policies, procedures and practices that align with company directives. Qualifications: Proven communication skills Ability to work a flexible schedule to meet the needs of the business; will require weekends, evenings, and holidays Ability to be solution oriented Ability to be flexible in a fast-paced environment 0-1 years of related professional/retail experience is preferred A formal education and subsequent undergraduate/graduate degrees are nice to have, but we are most interested in your total experience and professional achievements. Free to Be, Inclusion & Diversity As a purpose-led, performance driven company, we strive to foster a culture of belonging based on respect, connection, openness, and authenticity. We are committed to building and maintaining a workplace that celebrates the diversity of our associates, allowing them to bring their authentic selves to work every day. Our Parent Company, VF Corporation VF is one of the world’s largest apparel, footwear and accessories companies connecting people to the lifestyles, activities and experiences they cherish through our family of iconic outdoor, active and workwear brands. At the heart of our journey lies our company-wide purpose: We power movements of sustainable and active lifestyles for the betterment of people and our planet. This is our purpose. It’s the reason we come to work every day. It’s a commitment shared by our global associates across all brands. Our purpose unites us and leads us to pursue our goals, together. This is our calling. Learn more at vfc.com We just have one question. Are you in? Hiring Range: $14.49 USD - $21.74 USD per hour Minimum Start Rate: $17.00 Benefits at VF Corporation: This position is a part-time or limited time position (ie., internship) and is not eligible for all of the benefit plans offered at VF Corporation. There are some benefits the company offers that this position can participate in. You can review a general overview of the benefits provided at VF by visiting www.MyVFbenefits.com and by clicking Looking to Join VF? Detailed information on the benefits options you qualify for will be provided upon hire. Please note, our hiring ranges are determined and built from market pay data. Although all positions have a hiring range based upon market data, this position has a minimum starting rate that is listed above. In determining the specific compensation for this position, we comply with all local, state, and federal laws. At VF, we value a diverse, inclusive workforce and we provide equal employment opportunity for all applicants and employees. All qualified applicants for employment will be considered without regard to an individual’s race, color, sex, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, national origin or ancestry, citizenship, physical or mental disability, medical condition, family care status, marital status, domestic partner status, sexual orientation, genetic information, military or veteran status, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local laws. If you are unable to submit your application because of incompatible assistive technology or a disability, please contact us at peopleservices@vfc.com. VF will reasonably accommodate qualified individuals with disabilities to the extent required by applicable law. Pursuant to all applicable local Fair Chance Ordinance requirements, including but not limited to the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance, VF will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records.
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    Sales Associate As one of our passionate, fun and dedicated Sales Associates, you will be the voice of our brand while elevating the consumer experience through genuine consumer connections and selling our original/innovative products. As an invaluable part of our team, you will thrive in an environment where individuality and authenticity are celebrated. If you aspire to a career in retail and are looking for a company dedicated to your personal growth to evolve into a leader of tomorrow, then Vans is for you. Join the Vans Family Vans® is the original action sports footwear company, rooted in authenticity and creativity. Founded in 1966, we have thrived on a legacy of impacting our greater community through four pillars: action sports, music, art and street culture. We are constantly inspired by the creative voyagers within our company and community. For them, creativity is about the journey, not just the output. Our mission is to empower everyone to use creativity to discover themselves. Our vision is to create a world where anyone can be their unique self. At Vans, our culture sets us apart and influences everything we do. We are driven by our five values: We have HEART – also referred to as the “Van Doren Spirit”. We are relentlessly CURIOUS about our consumers and the world around us. We are UNAPOLOGETICALLY AUTHENTIC and wholeheartedly believe the most “Off the Wall” thing you can do is be yourself. We are driven by a spirit of INGENUITY. And we are passionate about local COMMUNITIES. And most of all, we are a family that has fun together. At Vans we empower creative exploration and inspire youth culture through a commitment to inclusivity. We welcome anyone and everyone into our global family and proudly celebrate and environment where individuality is embraced, equal opportunities thrive, and everyone is empowered to reach their greatest potential. By joining our family, you will be immersed in an environment of incredibly supportive and collaborative people. We work hard across a multitude of initiatives to bring the Van Doren Spirit to life. We live for what we do. How You Will Make a Difference What you will do: Build sales by maintaining a consumer centric mindset and using selling behaviors through genuine interactions with consumers. Ensure the store is consistently recovered and consumer ready by meeting brand standards. Use strong verbal and nonverbal communication skills to exceed sales results. Regularly interact with consumers within the store, providing a high level of customer service. Adhere to policies, procedures and practices that align with company directives. Skills for Success What you bring: Proven communication skills Ability to work a flexible schedule to meet the needs of the business; will require weekends, evenings, and holidays Ability to be solution oriented Ability to be flexible in a fast paced environment 0-1 years of related professional/retail experience is preferred A formal education and subsequent undergraduate/graduate degrees are nice to have, but we are most interested in your total experience and professional achievements. What’s in it For You We’re in the business of unleashing human potential, driven by the ideas, energy and commitment of our people. That’s why we offer comprehensive benefits that encourage mental, physical and financial well-being for all VF associates. When it comes to benefits, we’re the total package. Go to MyVFBenefits.com and click on “Looking to Join VF?” to learn more. Free To Be, Inclusion & Diversity As a purpose-led, performance driven company, we strive to foster a culture of belonging based on respect, connection, openness and authenticity. We are committed to building and maintaining a workplace that celebrates the diversity of our associates, allowing them to bring their authentic selves to work every day. Our Parent Company, VF Corporation VF is one of the world’s largest apparel, footwear and accessories companies connecting people to the lifestyles, activities and experiences they cherish through our family of iconic outdoor, active and workwear brands. At the heart of our journey lies our company-wide purpose: We power movements of sustainable and active lifestyles for the betterment of people and our planet. This is our purpose. It’s the reason we come to work every day. It’s a commitment shared by our global associates across all brands. Our purpose unites us and leads us to pursue our goals, together. This is our calling. Learn more at vfc.com We just have one question. Are you in? Hiring Range: $15.12 USD - $22.68 USD per hour Minimum Start Rate: $19.67 Benefits at VF Corporation: This position is a part-time or limited time position (ie., internship) and is not eligible for all of the benefit plans offered at VF Corporation. There are some benefits the company offers that this position can participate in. You can review a general overview of the benefits provided at VF by visiting www.MyVFbenefits.com and by clicking Looking to Join VF? Detailed information on the benefits options you qualify for will be provided upon hire. Please note, our hiring ranges are determined and built from market pay data. Although all positions have a hiring range based upon market data, this position has a minimum starting rate that is listed above. In determining the specific compensation for this position, we comply with all local, state, and federal laws. At VF, we value a diverse, inclusive workforce and we provide equal employment opportunity for all applicants and employees. All qualified applicants for employment will be considered without regard to an individual’s race, color, sex, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, national origin or ancestry, citizenship, physical or mental disability, medical condition, family care status, marital status, domestic partner status, sexual orientation, genetic information, military or veteran status, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local laws. If you are unable to submit your application because of incompatible assistive technology or a disability, please contact us at peopleservices@vfc.com. VF will reasonably accommodate qualified individuals with disabilities to the extent required by applicable law. Pursuant to all applicable local Fair Chance Ordinance requirements, including but not limited to the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance, VF will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records.
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    Supervisor As a passionate, fun and dedicated Floor Supervisor, you are an important part of the store leadership team, ensuring the highest level of customer engagement through sales results and supervising the store team. You foster a positive and inclusive work environment and provide sales-related feedback and coaching associate performance daily. You assist in coaching and supervision of the store team, while emulating a best in class customer experience. If you aspire to a career in retail and are looking for a company dedicated to your personal development to continue your growth into a leader of tomorrow, then Vans is for you. Join the Vans Family Vans® is the original action sports footwear company, rooted in authenticity and creativity. Founded in 1966, we have thrived on a legacy of impacting our greater community through four pillars: action sports, music, art and street culture. We are constantly inspired by the creative voyagers within our company and community. For them, creativity is about the journey, not just the output. Our mission is to empower everyone to use creativity to discover themselves. Our vision is to create a world where anyone can be their unique self. At Vans, our culture sets us apart and influences everything we do. We are driven by our five values: We have HEART – also referred to as the “Van Doren Spirit”. We are relentlessly CURIOUS about our consumers and the world around us. We are UNAPOLOGETICALLY AUTHENTIC and wholeheartedly believe the most “Off the Wall” thing you can do is be yourself. We are driven by a spirit of INGENUITY. And we are passionate about local COMMUNITIES. And most of all, we are a family that has fun together. At Vans we empower creative exploration and inspire youth culture through a commitment to inclusivity. We welcome anyone and everyone into our global family and proudly celebrate and environment where individuality is embraced, equal opportunities thrive, and everyone is empowered to reach their greatest potential. By joining our family, you will be immersed in an environment of incredibly supportive and collaborative people. We work hard across a multitude of initiatives to bring the Van Doren Spirit to life. We live for what we do. How You Will Make a Difference What you will do: Assist in strategically maximizing store sales, achieving store sales goals and monitor sales progress & results against key targets. Help foster a consumer centric mindset and model selling behaviors through genuine interactions with consumers. Provide direct feedback, coaching and supervision of the associates and the in-store experience. Help coach and lead a team to exceed sales results. Ensure that the store team is engaging with each customer to create an authentic brand experience and assist with visual merchandising standards within the store. Adhere to policies, procedures, standards and practices that align with company directives. Foster a great consumer experience in all situations, leading by example. Skills for Success What you bring: Ability to coach and motivate a team to excel at sales & profit results, meet business goals by driving results through the store team Ability to work a flexible schedule to meet the needs of the business; will require weekends, evenings, and holidays 1+ years of experience in retail preferred but not required Proven communication skills, both written and verbal Solution oriented mindset and ability to be flexible in a fast-paced environment A formal education and subsequent undergraduate/graduate degrees are nice to have, but we are most interested in your total experience and professional achievements What’s in it For You We’re in the business of unleashing human potential, driven by the ideas, energy and commitment of our people. That’s why we offer comprehensive benefits that encourage mental, physical and financial well-being for all VF associates. When it comes to benefits, we’re the total package. Go to MyVFBenefits.com and click on “Looking to Join VF?” to learn more. Free To Be, Inclusion & Diversity As a purpose-led, performance driven company, we strive to foster a culture of belonging based on respect, connection, openness and authenticity. We are committed to building and maintaining a workplace that celebrates the diversity of our associates, allowing them to bring their authentic selves to work every day. Our Parent Company, VF Corporation VF is one of the world’s largest apparel, footwear and accessories companies connecting people to the lifestyles, activities and experiences they cherish through our family of iconic outdoor, active and workwear brands. At the heart of our journey lies our company-wide purpose: We power movements of sustainable and active lifestyles for the betterment of people and our planet. This is our purpose. It’s the reason we come to work every day. It’s a commitment shared by our global associates across all brands. Our purpose unites us and leads us to pursue our goals, together. This is our calling. Learn more at vfc.com We just have one question. Are you in? Hiring Range: $17.48 USD - $26.22 USD per hour Minimum Start Rate: $19.75 Benefits at VF Corporation: This position is a part-time or limited time position (ie., internship) and is not eligible for all of the benefit plans offered at VF Corporation. There are some benefits the company offers that this position can participate in. You can review a general overview of the benefits provided at VF by visiting www.MyVFbenefits.com and by clicking Looking to Join VF? Detailed information on the benefits options you qualify for will be provided upon hire. Please note, our hiring ranges are determined and built from market pay data. Although all positions have a hiring range based upon market data, this position has a minimum starting rate that is listed above. In determining the specific compensation for this position, we comply with all local, state, and federal laws. At VF, we value a diverse, inclusive workforce and we provide equal employment opportunity for all applicants and employees. All qualified applicants for employment will be considered without regard to an individual’s race, color, sex, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, national origin or ancestry, citizenship, physical or mental disability, medical condition, family care status, marital status, domestic partner status, sexual orientation, genetic information, military or veteran status, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local laws. If you are unable to submit your application because of incompatible assistive technology or a disability, please contact us at peopleservices@vfc.com. VF will reasonably accommodate qualified individuals with disabilities to the extent required by applicable law. Pursuant to all applicable local Fair Chance Ordinance requirements, including but not limited to the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance, VF will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records.
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    Sales Associate As a Sales Associate you will be the face of the brand to our retail customers and will be responsible for creating best-in-class customer experience in the store. As a Sales Associate, you will actively engage with a diverse and often large group of people, using your product, brand, activity and community knowledge to ensure each customer has a memorable positive experience. You will serve as part of a team, ensuring that customer engagement is the top priority, while also assisting in the daily visual and operational maintenance of the store. Join the North Face Family The North Face was built on a love for the outdoors and the desire to enable all types of exploration, for all people, from their backyards to the Himalayas. Over the last 50 years we've lived by our “true north,” the belief that exploration has the power to change us, to challenge us and to help us see the world from new perspectives. To help ignite a global movement of outdoor exploration, love for the natural world and an unwavering commitment to protect it, we welcome and encourage new participants to the outdoors. We extend our reach through support of non-profit organizations, establishing programs that connect participants with close-to-home recreation opportunities, and creating a connection with young leaders, inspiring them to explore and conserve. As we enter our sixth decade, we pledge to: Empower exploration and the thrill of the unknown for as many people as possible. Protect the places where we live, play, and operate. Evolve the way we make our products by improving our environmental performance and social responsibility in the supply chain. How You Will Make a Difference Responsibilities: Provide a high level of personalized customer engagement. Serve as a one stop resource for customers, providing them with relevant product, community, and activity-based knowledge and recommendations. Demonstrate a willingness to learn and to share relevant activity, community, and product. knowledge to create a memorable and valuable experience for the customer. Achieve sales and productivity goals by utilizing all available resources to meet the customers’ needs. Assist in the execution and maintenance of visual directives and standards, including but not limited to merchandise presentation, housekeeping, product replenishment. Assume cashier duties as needed. Assist in the execution of all Loss Prevention initiatives. Assist in the overall visual and operational maintenance of the store. What You Bring Required Ability to genuinely and comfortably engage with a diverse group of customers Customer service experience Ability to collaborate, work as a team, and be adaptable in the workplace Ability to work a flexible schedule to meet the needs of the business; will require weekends, evenings, and holidays Excellent written and verbal communication skills Knowledge, experience and/or willingness to learn about the products, activities, community relevant to the store’s customer base Attention to detail Proficient computer skills including word processing, spreadsheets, and software programs Preferred High School Diploma or GED Physical Operate office equipment and technology (i.e., computers, tablets, phones, copier, etc.) Standing required for entire work shift Bend, lift, open and move product up to 50 pounds as needed Use ladders for visual merchandising, light adjustments, and window banner placement Free to Be, Inclusion & Diversity As a purpose-led, performance driven company, we strive to foster a culture of belonging based on respect, connection, openness, and authenticity. We are committed to building and maintaining a workplace that celebrates the diversity of our associates, allowing them to bring their authentic selves to work every day. What’s In It for You We’re in the business of unleashing human potential, driven by the ideas, energy and commitment of our people. That’s why we offer comprehensive benefits that encourage mental, physical and financial well-being for all VF associates. When it comes to benefits, we’re the total package. Go to MyVFBenefits.com and click on “Looking to Join VF?” to learn more. NEVER STOP EXPLORING™ Our Parent Company, VF Corporation VF is one of the world’s largest apparel, footwear and accessories companies connecting people to the lifestyles, activities and experiences they cherish through our family of iconic outdoor, active and workwear brands. At the heart of our journey lies our company-wide purpose: We power movements of sustainable and active lifestyles for the betterment of people and our planet. This is our purpose. It’s the reason we come to work every day. It’s a commitment shared by our global associates across all brands. Our purpose unites us and leads us to pursue our goals, together. This is our calling. Learn more at vfc.com We just have one question. Are you in? Hiring Range: $13.86 USD - $20.79 USD per hour Minimum Start Rate: $15.25 Benefits at VF Corporation: This position is a part-time or limited time position (ie., internship) and is not eligible for all of the benefit plans offered at VF Corporation. There are some benefits the company offers that this position can participate in. You can review a general overview of the benefits provided at VF by visiting www.MyVFbenefits.com and by clicking Looking to Join VF? Detailed information on the benefits options you qualify for will be provided upon hire. Please note, our hiring ranges are determined and built from market pay data. Although all positions have a hiring range based upon market data, this position has a minimum starting rate that is listed above. In determining the specific compensation for this position, we comply with all local, state, and federal laws. At VF, we value a diverse, inclusive workforce and we provide equal employment opportunity for all applicants and employees. All qualified applicants for employment will be considered without regard to an individual’s race, color, sex, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, national origin or ancestry, citizenship, physical or mental disability, medical condition, family care status, marital status, domestic partner status, sexual orientation, genetic information, military or veteran status, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local laws. If you are unable to submit your application because of incompatible assistive technology or a disability, please contact us at peopleservices@vfc.com. VF will reasonably accommodate qualified individuals with disabilities to the extent required by applicable law. Pursuant to all applicable local Fair Chance Ordinance requirements, including but not limited to the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance, VF will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records.
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    Join the VF Family VF Corporation (NYSE: VFC) outfits consumers worldwide with its diverse portfolio of iconic lifestyle brands, Iing Vans®, The North Face®, Timberland®, etc. Founded in 1899, VF is one of the world’s largest apparel, footwear, and accessories companies, with socially and environmentally responsible operations spanning numerous geographies, product categories, and distribution channels. VF is Id to delivering innovative products to consumers and creating long-term value for Its customers and shareholders. For more information, visit www.vfc.com. Job Title: Technical Designer How You Will Make a Difference What you will do: Partner with the brand developer on product development commercialization within expected timelines. Ensure that the brand standards are upheld at all stages of the sampling process and partner with internal and external stakeholders to ensure that any product developed is not only fit for purpose but avert of risk and compatible for bulk production in the allocated manufacturing site. To ensure a comprehensive and smooth handover from product development to production. With the support of data analytics, manage vendor performance and drive continuous improvement within the supply base Continue to evolve self and skills to be able to adapt to the changing needs of the business To work collaboratively to deliver the Quality Strategy Principal Accountabilities: Provide technical expertise and support to internal and external stakeholders at all stages of the product development process. Provide technical training to internal and external stakeholders. Support factory and QA/QE teams to understand VF SOP and product standards. Carry out risk assessment evaluation as early in the process as permits, identify potential problems and make practical suggestions to mitigate risk. Influence and own the outcome. Review and where process determines, approve samples (virtual, actual) for fit, workmanship and construction. Communicate clear and concise comments to optimize the outcome at the next stage of the process. Make recommendations (cost considered) and review / update patterns where required. Where sample submission is poor, video call or visit the vendor to review the sample together, discuss the challenges and agree next steps. Issue comments / updates to the system promptly after sample review and complete the sample logbook. Participate in the vendor review meetings to discuss sample submission performance and manage continuous improvement plan. Attend and participate in development meetings / virtual fit reviews (live model or mannequin) Work with the brand TD, sourcing and vendor to set up and support the technical preparations for these meetings to ensure maximum outcome and efficiency for everyone. Know the capabilities of the sample rooms and production sites you work with Identify if there is any risk of the factory not achieving required standards, or if there are additional standards/SOP needed. Partner with QA / QE to execute. Understand results of product related testing and support with technical input, to eliminate risk in advance of bulk production. Set up and manage the handover Meeting of all styles to regional production QA teams. Attend PP meetings as required (risk basis) Validate patterns before sending to vendors, where needed. Update BOMs as needed. Participate in and support new initiatives and projects. Strategic Role & Leadership Builds trusting and collaborative relationships with key teams across the business. Openly seeks out individuals internally and at the factory level to share relevant information that benefits the customer, business and VF associates Debates and provides authentic dialogue with stakeholders to achieve the shared goal Actively listens to others and exchanges ideas Applies facts and adapts own communication style and language based on the audience and situation. Be proactive, effective and timely when communicating with all personnel Provide active coaching to vendors and regional team members to encourage and foster new knowledge while ensuring VFs values are upheld To provide timely decisions to vendor to avoid potential delay or inaccuracy in sample making or production Knowledge & Skill Requirements Knowledge in garment structure, fitting, and workmanship Knowledge in outerwear/sportswear would be an advantage. Experience in apparel, garment, and footwear Free to Be, Inclusion & Diversity As a purpose-led, performance driven company, we strive to foster a culture of belonging based on respect, connection, openness, and authenticity. We are committed to building and maintaining a workplace that celebrates the diversity of our associates, allowing them to bring their authentic selves to work every day. Skills for Success Years of related professional experience: 5 years Educational position requirements: A formal education and subsequent undergraduate/graduate degrees are nice to have, but we are most interested in your total experience and professional achievements. What we expect you already know: High school diploma or equivalent; Bachelor’s Degree preferred Minimum 5 years of relevant experience Advanced English proficiency VF Guiding Principles: Live with Integrity, Act Courageously, Be Curious, Act with Empathy, and Persevere. What’s In It for You We’re in the business of unleashing human potential, driven by the ideas, energy and commitment of our people. That’s why we offer comprehensive benefits that encourage mental, physical and financial well-being for all VF associates. When it comes to benefits, we’re the total package. Go to MyVFBenefits.com and click on “Looking to Join VF?” to learn more. Our Parent Company, VF Corporation VF is one of the world’s largest apparel, footwear and accessories companies connecting people to the lifestyles, activities and experiences they cherish through our family of iconic outdoor, active and workwear brands. At the heart of our journey lies our company-wide purpose: We power movements of sustainable and active lifestyles for the betterment of people and our planet. This is our purpose. It’s the reason we come to work every day. It’s a commitment shared by our global associates across all brands. Our purpose unites us and leads us to pursue our goals, together. This is our calling. Learn more at vfc.com. We just have one question. Are you in? R-20240624-0001
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    Sales Associate As one of our passionate, fun and dedicated Sales Associates, you will be the voice of our brand while elevating the consumer experience through genuine consumer connections and selling our original/innovative products. As an invaluable part of our team, you will thrive in an environment where individuality and authenticity are celebrated. If you aspire to a career in retail and are looking for a company dedicated to your personal growth to evolve into a leader of tomorrow, then Vans is for you. Join the Vans Family Vans® is the original action sports footwear company, rooted in authenticity and creativity. Founded in 1966, we have thrived on a legacy of impacting our greater community through four pillars: action sports, music, art and street culture. We are constantly inspired by the creative voyagers within our company and community. For them, creativity is about the journey, not just the output. Our mission is to empower everyone to use creativity to discover themselves. Our vision is to create a world where anyone can be their unique self. At Vans, our culture sets us apart and influences everything we do. We are driven by our five values: We have HEART – also referred to as the “Van Doren Spirit”. We are relentlessly CURIOUS about our consumers and the world around us. We are UNAPOLOGETICALLY AUTHENTIC and wholeheartedly believe the most “Off the Wall” thing you can do is be yourself. We are driven by a spirit of INGENUITY. And we are passionate about local COMMUNITIES. And most of all, we are a family that has fun together. At Vans we empower creative exploration and inspire youth culture through a commitment to inclusivity. We welcome anyone and everyone into our global family and proudly celebrate and environment where individuality is embraced, equal opportunities thrive, and everyone is empowered to reach their greatest potential. By joining our family, you will be immersed in an environment of incredibly supportive and collaborative people. We work hard across a multitude of initiatives to bring the Van Doren Spirit to life. We live for what we do. How You Will Make a Difference What you will do: Build sales by maintaining a consumer centric mindset and using selling behaviors through genuine interactions with consumers. Ensure the store is consistently recovered and consumer ready by meeting brand standards. Use strong verbal and nonverbal communication skills to exceed sales results. Regularly interact with consumers within the store, providing a high level of customer service. Adhere to policies, procedures and practices that align with company directives. Skills for Success What you bring: Proven communication skills Ability to work a flexible schedule to meet the needs of the business; will require weekends, evenings, and holidays Ability to be solution oriented Ability to be flexible in a fast paced environment 0-1 years of related professional/retail experience is preferred A formal education and subsequent undergraduate/graduate degrees are nice to have, but we are most interested in your total experience and professional achievements. What’s in it For You We’re in the business of unleashing human potential, driven by the ideas, energy and commitment of our people. That’s why we offer comprehensive benefits that encourage mental, physical and financial well-being for all VF associates. When it comes to benefits, we’re the total package. Go to MyVFBenefits.com and click on “Looking to Join VF?” to learn more. Free To Be, Inclusion & Diversity As a purpose-led, performance driven company, we strive to foster a culture of belonging based on respect, connection, openness and authenticity. We are committed to building and maintaining a workplace that celebrates the diversity of our associates, allowing them to bring their authentic selves to work every day. Our Parent Company, VF Corporation VF is one of the world’s largest apparel, footwear and accessories companies connecting people to the lifestyles, activities and experiences they cherish through our family of iconic outdoor, active and workwear brands. At the heart of our journey lies our company-wide purpose: We power movements of sustainable and active lifestyles for the betterment of people and our planet. This is our purpose. It’s the reason we come to work every day. It’s a commitment shared by our global associates across all brands. Our purpose unites us and leads us to pursue our goals, together. This is our calling. Learn more at vfc.com We just have one question. Are you in? Hiring Range: $12.60 USD - $18.90 USD per hour Minimum Start Rate: $14.00 Benefits at VF Corporation: This position is a part-time or limited time position (ie., internship) and is not eligible for all of the benefit plans offered at VF Corporation. There are some benefits the company offers that this position can participate in. You can review a general overview of the benefits provided at VF by visiting www.MyVFbenefits.com and by clicking Looking to Join VF? Detailed information on the benefits options you qualify for will be provided upon hire. Please note, our hiring ranges are determined and built from market pay data. Although all positions have a hiring range based upon market data, this position has a minimum starting rate that is listed above. In determining the specific compensation for this position, we comply with all local, state, and federal laws. At VF, we value a diverse, inclusive workforce and we provide equal employment opportunity for all applicants and employees. All qualified applicants for employment will be considered without regard to an individual’s race, color, sex, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, national origin or ancestry, citizenship, physical or mental disability, medical condition, family care status, marital status, domestic partner status, sexual orientation, genetic information, military or veteran status, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local laws. If you are unable to submit your application because of incompatible assistive technology or a disability, please contact us at peopleservices@vfc.com. VF will reasonably accommodate qualified individuals with disabilities to the extent required by applicable law. Pursuant to all applicable local Fair Chance Ordinance requirements, including but not limited to the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance, VF will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records.
    • Full Time
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    Supervisor As a passionate, fun and dedicated Floor Supervisor, you are an important part of the store leadership team, ensuring the highest level of customer engagement through sales results and supervising the store team. You foster a positive and inclusive work environment and provide sales-related feedback and coaching associate performance daily. You assist in coaching and supervision of the store team, while emulating a best in class customer experience. If you aspire to a career in retail and are looking for a company dedicated to your personal development to continue your growth into a leader of tomorrow, then Vans is for you. Join the Vans Family Vans® is the original action sports footwear company, rooted in authenticity and creativity. Founded in 1966, we have thrived on a legacy of impacting our greater community through four pillars: action sports, music, art and street culture. We are constantly inspired by the creative voyagers within our company and community. For them, creativity is about the journey, not just the output. Our mission is to empower everyone to use creativity to discover themselves. Our vision is to create a world where anyone can be their unique self. At Vans, our culture sets us apart and influences everything we do. We are driven by our five values: We have HEART – also referred to as the “Van Doren Spirit”. We are relentlessly CURIOUS about our consumers and the world around us. We are UNAPOLOGETICALLY AUTHENTIC and wholeheartedly believe the most “Off the Wall” thing you can do is be yourself. We are driven by a spirit of INGENUITY. And we are passionate about local COMMUNITIES. And most of all, we are a family that has fun together. At Vans we empower creative exploration and inspire youth culture through a commitment to inclusivity. We welcome anyone and everyone into our global family and proudly celebrate and environment where individuality is embraced, equal opportunities thrive, and everyone is empowered to reach their greatest potential. By joining our family, you will be immersed in an environment of incredibly supportive and collaborative people. We work hard across a multitude of initiatives to bring the Van Doren Spirit to life. We live for what we do. How You Will Make a Difference What you will do: Assist in strategically maximizing store sales, achieving store sales goals and monitor sales progress & results against key targets. Help foster a consumer centric mindset and model selling behaviors through genuine interactions with consumers. Provide direct feedback, coaching and supervision of the associates and the in-store experience. Help coach and lead a team to exceed sales results. Ensure that the store team is engaging with each customer to create an authentic brand experience and assist with visual merchandising standards within the store. Adhere to policies, procedures, standards and practices that align with company directives. Foster a great consumer experience in all situations, leading by example. Skills for Success What you bring: Ability to coach and motivate a team to excel at sales & profit results, meet business goals by driving results through the store team Ability to work a flexible schedule to meet the needs of the business; will require weekends, evenings, and holidays 1+ years of experience in retail preferred but not required Proven communication skills, both written and verbal Solution oriented mindset and ability to be flexible in a fast-paced environment A formal education and subsequent undergraduate/graduate degrees are nice to have, but we are most interested in your total experience and professional achievements What’s in it For You We’re in the business of unleashing human potential, driven by the ideas, energy and commitment of our people. That’s why we offer comprehensive benefits that encourage mental, physical and financial well-being for all VF associates. When it comes to benefits, we’re the total package. Go to MyVFBenefits.com and click on “Looking to Join VF?” to learn more. Free To Be, Inclusion & Diversity As a purpose-led, performance driven company, we strive to foster a culture of belonging based on respect, connection, openness and authenticity. We are committed to building and maintaining a workplace that celebrates the diversity of our associates, allowing them to bring their authentic selves to work every day. Our Parent Company, VF Corporation VF is one of the world’s largest apparel, footwear and accessories companies connecting people to the lifestyles, activities and experiences they cherish through our family of iconic outdoor, active and workwear brands. At the heart of our journey lies our company-wide purpose: We power movements of sustainable and active lifestyles for the betterment of people and our planet. This is our purpose. It’s the reason we come to work every day. It’s a commitment shared by our global associates across all brands. Our purpose unites us and leads us to pursue our goals, together. This is our calling. Learn more at vfc.com We just have one question. Are you in? Hiring Range: $15.20 USD - $22.80 USD per hour Minimum Start Rate: $17.95 Benefits at VF Corporation: This position is a part-time or limited time position (ie., internship) and is not eligible for all of the benefit plans offered at VF Corporation. There are some benefits the company offers that this position can participate in. You can review a general overview of the benefits provided at VF by visiting www.MyVFbenefits.com and by clicking Looking to Join VF? Detailed information on the benefits options you qualify for will be provided upon hire. Please note, our hiring ranges are determined and built from market pay data. Although all positions have a hiring range based upon market data, this position has a minimum starting rate that is listed above. In determining the specific compensation for this position, we comply with all local, state, and federal laws. At VF, we value a diverse, inclusive workforce and we provide equal employment opportunity for all applicants and employees. All qualified applicants for employment will be considered without regard to an individual’s race, color, sex, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, national origin or ancestry, citizenship, physical or mental disability, medical condition, family care status, marital status, domestic partner status, sexual orientation, genetic information, military or veteran status, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local laws. If you are unable to submit your application because of incompatible assistive technology or a disability, please contact us at peopleservices@vfc.com. VF will reasonably accommodate qualified individuals with disabilities to the extent required by applicable law. Pursuant to all applicable local Fair Chance Ordinance requirements, including but not limited to the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance, VF will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records.
    • Full Time
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    Sales Associate As one of our passionate, fun and dedicated Sales Associates, you will be the voice of our brand while elevating the consumer experience through genuine consumer connections and selling our original/innovative products. As an invaluable part of our team, you will thrive in an environment where individuality and authenticity are celebrated. If you aspire to a career in retail and are looking for a company dedicated to your personal growth to evolve into a leader of tomorrow, then Vans is for you. Join the Vans Family Vans® is the original action sports footwear company, rooted in authenticity and creativity. Founded in 1966, we have thrived on a legacy of impacting our greater community through four pillars: action sports, music, art and street culture. We are constantly inspired by the creative voyagers within our company and community. For them, creativity is about the journey, not just the output. Our mission is to empower everyone to use creativity to discover themselves. Our vision is to create a world where anyone can be their unique self. At Vans, our culture sets us apart and influences everything we do. We are driven by our five values: We have HEART – also referred to as the “Van Doren Spirit”. We are relentlessly CURIOUS about our consumers and the world around us. We are UNAPOLOGETICALLY AUTHENTIC and wholeheartedly believe the most “Off the Wall” thing you can do is be yourself. We are driven by a spirit of INGENUITY. And we are passionate about local COMMUNITIES. And most of all, we are a family that has fun together. At Vans we empower creative exploration and inspire youth culture through a commitment to inclusivity. We welcome anyone and everyone into our global family and proudly celebrate and environment where individuality is embraced, equal opportunities thrive, and everyone is empowered to reach their greatest potential. By joining our family, you will be immersed in an environment of incredibly supportive and collaborative people. We work hard across a multitude of initiatives to bring the Van Doren Spirit to life. We live for what we do. How You Will Make a Difference What you will do: Build sales by maintaining a consumer centric mindset and using selling behaviors through genuine interactions with consumers. Ensure the store is consistently recovered and consumer ready by meeting brand standards. Use strong verbal and nonverbal communication skills to exceed sales results. Regularly interact with consumers within the store, providing a high level of customer service. Adhere to policies, procedures and practices that align with company directives. Skills for Success What you bring: Proven communication skills Ability to work a flexible schedule to meet the needs of the business; will require weekends, evenings, and holidays Ability to be solution oriented Ability to be flexible in a fast paced environment 0-1 years of related professional/retail experience is preferred A formal education and subsequent undergraduate/graduate degrees are nice to have, but we are most interested in your total experience and professional achievements. What’s in it For You We’re in the business of unleashing human potential, driven by the ideas, energy and commitment of our people. That’s why we offer comprehensive benefits that encourage mental, physical and financial well-being for all VF associates. When it comes to benefits, we’re the total package. Go to MyVFBenefits.com and click on “Looking to Join VF?” to learn more. Free To Be, Inclusion & Diversity As a purpose-led, performance driven company, we strive to foster a culture of belonging based on respect, connection, openness and authenticity. We are committed to building and maintaining a workplace that celebrates the diversity of our associates, allowing them to bring their authentic selves to work every day. Our Parent Company, VF Corporation VF is one of the world’s largest apparel, footwear and accessories companies connecting people to the lifestyles, activities and experiences they cherish through our family of iconic outdoor, active and workwear brands. At the heart of our journey lies our company-wide purpose: We power movements of sustainable and active lifestyles for the betterment of people and our planet. This is our purpose. It’s the reason we come to work every day. It’s a commitment shared by our global associates across all brands. Our purpose unites us and leads us to pursue our goals, together. This is our calling. Learn more at vfc.com We just have one question. Are you in? Hiring Range: $13.61 USD - $20.41 USD per hour Minimum Start Rate: $15.20 Benefits at VF Corporation: This position is a part-time or limited time position (ie., internship) and is not eligible for all of the benefit plans offered at VF Corporation. There are some benefits the company offers that this position can participate in. You can review a general overview of the benefits provided at VF by visiting www.MyVFbenefits.com and by clicking Looking to Join VF? Detailed information on the benefits options you qualify for will be provided upon hire. Please note, our hiring ranges are determined and built from market pay data. Although all positions have a hiring range based upon market data, this position has a minimum starting rate that is listed above. In determining the specific compensation for this position, we comply with all local, state, and federal laws. At VF, we value a diverse, inclusive workforce and we provide equal employment opportunity for all applicants and employees. All qualified applicants for employment will be considered without regard to an individual’s race, color, sex, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, national origin or ancestry, citizenship, physical or mental disability, medical condition, family care status, marital status, domestic partner status, sexual orientation, genetic information, military or veteran status, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local laws. If you are unable to submit your application because of incompatible assistive technology or a disability, please contact us at peopleservices@vfc.com. VF will reasonably accommodate qualified individuals with disabilities to the extent required by applicable law. Pursuant to all applicable local Fair Chance Ordinance requirements, including but not limited to the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance, VF will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records.
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