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  1. IBM

    Desarrollador Migración MQ/Java

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    Introducción Conduzca a IBM hacia el futuro traduciendo los requisitos del sistema al diseño y desarrollo de sistemas personalizados en un entorno ágil. El éxito de IBM está en sus manos a medida que transforma necesidades comerciales vitales en código e impulsa la innovación. Su trabajo potenciará a IBM y a sus clientes a nivel mundial, colaborando e integrando el código en los sistemas empresariales. Tendrá acceso a lo último en educación, herramientas y tecnología, y una trayectoria profesional ilimitada con el líder mundial en tecnología. ¡Venga a IBM y provoque un impacto global! Su función y responsabilidades Desarrollo Backend en Java y desarrollo en Spring Boot Conocimiento en desarrollo de aplicaciones usando protocolos de comunicación como REST, SOAP, y JSON Conocimiento basico en sistemas de mensajería como IBM QM, AWS MQ, Red Hat AMQ, Rabbit MQ o similares. Conocimiento de Contenedores y en Kubernetes. Conocimiento en AWS Cloud, EC2 y/o AWS EKS Experiencia en la utilización de herramientas de desarrollo de código como Git Experiencia en la implementación de soluciones en entornos de DevOps Conocimiento en la utilización de herramientas de automatización de pruebas como JUnit Conocimiento en Marcos de Trabajo como Scrum o Kanban y herramientas de Gestión como Jira o Azure Planning Experiencia profesional y técnica necesaria Desarrollo Backend en Java y desarrollo en Spring Boot Conocimiento en desarrollo de aplicaciones usando protocolos de comunicación como REST, SOAP, y JSON Conocimiento basico en sistemas de mensajería como IBM QM, AWS MQ, Red Hat AMQ, Rabbit MQ o similares. Conocimiento de Contenedores y en Kubernetes. Conocimiento en AWS Cloud, EC2 y/o AWS EKS Experiencia en la utilización de herramientas de desarrollo de código como Git Experiencia en la implementación de soluciones en entornos de DevOps Conocimiento en la utilización de herramientas de automatización de pruebas como JUnit Conocimiento en Marcos de Trabajo como Scrum o Kanban y herramientas de Gestión como Jira o Azure Planning Experiencia profesional y técnica preferida .
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    Introduction In this role, you'll work in one of our IBM Consulting Client Innovation Centers (Delivery Centers), where we deliver deep technical and industry expertise to a wide range of public and private sector clients around the world. Our delivery centers offer our clients locally based skills and technical expertise to drive innovation and adoption of new technology. As an Application Developer, you will lead IBM into the future by translating system requirements into the design and development of customized systems in an agile environment. The success of IBM is in your hands as you transform vital business needs into code and drive innovation. Your work will power IBM and its clients globally, collaborating and integrating code into enterprise systems. You will have access to the latest education, tools and technology, and a limitless career path with the world’s technology leader. Come to IBM and make a global impact! Your Role and Responsibilities Solution using multiple technologies to address functional needs, and convert design to functional and technical specifications. Provides and/or oversees business application functional support services to meet customer performance, availability, service level agreements and customer satisfaction targets. Ensures adherence to project management, software application development, testing, service management, change management, RCA and other relevant processes, standards, governance and controls Plan and manage medium to large scale, complex, integrated application or platform projects to ensure effective and efficient execution in line with guardrails of scope, timeline, budget and quality. Help defining coding best practices within team. Perform design reviews Required Technical and Professional Expertise Java 8 and above, Spring boot, REST API Design and development, Spring cloud, Spring Data/JPA/Hibernate, Database (SQL server/DB2), Docker, Container orchestration (Open Shift / Kubernetes), Messaging (Rabbit MQ / Kafka knowledge), CI/CD (Azure DevOps / Drone.io) & Monitoring & Alerting (AppDynamics / Prometheus) Preferred Technical and Professional Expertise ELK stack, Grafana & AWS
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    Introduction At IBM, work is more than a job - it's a calling: To build. To design. To code. To consult. To think along with clients and sell. To make markets. To invent. To collaborate. Not just to do something better, but to attempt things you've never thought possible. Are you ready to lead in this new era of technology and solve some of the world's most challenging problems? If so, lets talk. Your Role and Responsibilities Refer to Japanese Description Required Technical and Professional Expertise Refer to Japanese Description Preferred Technical and Professional Expertise Refer to Japanese Description
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    Introduction In this role, you'll work in one of our IBM Consulting Client Innovation Centers (Delivery Centers), where we deliver deep technical and industry expertise to a wide range of public and private sector clients around the world. Our delivery centers offer our clients locally based skills and technical expertise to drive innovation and adoption of new technology. As an Application Developer, you will lead IBM into the future by translating system requirements into the design and development of customized systems in an agile environment. The success of IBM is in your hands as you transform vital business needs into code and drive innovation. Your work will power IBM and its clients globally, collaborating and integrating code into enterprise systems. You will have access to the latest education, tools and technology, and a limitless career path with the world’s technology leader. Come to IBM and make a global impact! Your Role and Responsibilities Solution using multiple technologies to address functional needs, and convert design to functional and technical specifications. Provides and/or oversees business application functional support services to meet customer performance, availability, service level agreements and customer satisfaction targets. Ensures adherence to project management, software application development, testing, service management, change management, RCA and other relevant processes, standards, governance and controls Plan and manage medium to large scale, complex, integrated application or platform projects to ensure effective and efficient execution in line with guardrails of scope, timeline, budget and quality. Help defining coding best practices within team. Perform design reviews Required Technical and Professional Expertise Java 8 and above, Spring boot, REST API Design and development, Spring cloud, Spring Data/JPA/Hibernate, Database (SQL server/DB2), Docker, Container orchestration (Open Shift / Kubernetes), Messaging (Rabbit MQ / Kafka knowledge), CI/CD (Azure DevOps / Drone.io) & Monitoring & Alerting (AppDynamics / Prometheus) Preferred Technical and Professional Expertise ELK stack, Grafana & AWS
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    Introduction In this role, you'll work in one of our IBM Consulting Client Innovation Centers (Delivery Centers), where we deliver deep technical and industry expertise to a wide range of public and private sector clients around the world. Our delivery centers offer our clients locally based skills and technical expertise to drive innovation and adoption of new technology. A career in IBM Consulting embraces long-term relationships and close collaboration with clients across the globe. You will collaborate with visionaries across multiple industries to improve the hybrid cloud and AI journey for the most innovative and valuable companies in the world. Your ability to accelerate impact and make meaningful change for your clients is enabled by our strategic partner ecosystem and our robust technology platforms across the IBM portfolio, including IBM Software and Red Hat. Curiosity and a constant quest for knowledge serve as the foundation to success in IBM Consulting. In your role, you will be supported by mentors and coaches who will encourage you to challenge the norm, investigate ideas outside of your role, and come up with creative solutions resulting in ground-breaking impact for a wide network of clients. Our culture of evolution and empathy centers on long-term career growth and learning opportunities in an environment that embraces your unique skills and experience. Your Role and Responsibilities Should be able to work independently & good written and verbal communications skills.Ability to multi-task, work on product line/projects at once, Required Technical and Professional Expertise Overall 6-9 years of experience in implementing large Software products/solutions implementationsVery strong working experience (minimum 2-3 Years) on ABAP OOP concepts (very importantSuccessfully worked in products/solutions in enterprise or go to market scenariosHands-on on full stack technologies (Services, Java Script and DB) Preferred Technical and Professional Expertise Experience on Cloud and solutions like PCF/Docker & Appreciation for non-functional requirements: performance, scalability, user experience, security, maintainability- Good knowledge on CURD operation.Proficiency with Agile practices, Tivoli Workload Scheduler, JIRA, Confluence, SVN, GITReact JS /Angular hands-on experience is mandatory.
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    Introduction Un responsable du recrutement des partenaires dans le segment TI est responsable d'identifier, de recruter et d'accueillir des partenaires stratégiques afin d'améliorer la présence de l'entreprise sur le marché et les sources de revenus. Voici les valeurs générées par ce poste : Croissance des canaux : il stimule l'expansion de l'écosystème des partenaires de l'entreprise en identifiant et en recrutant stratégiquement de nouveaux partenaires, augmentant ainsi la portée et la pénétration du marché de l'entreprise. Expansion du marché : en recrutant des partenaires possédant de l'expertise dans des secteurs verticaux, des régions ou des segments de clientèle spécifiques, il permet à l'entreprise de pénétrer de nouveaux marchés et de cibler des groupes de nouveaux clients. Amélioration des revenus : grâce au recrutement de partenaires hautement performants, il contribue à la croissance des revenus en tirant parti de la clientèle et des canaux de vente existants du partenaire pour promouvoir et vendre les produits ou services de l'entreprise. Établissement de relations : il établit et entretien des relations avec des partenaires potentiels, favorisant la confiance et la collaboration qui peuvent conduire à des partenariats à long terme et mutuellement bénéfiques. Alignement stratégique : il veille à ce que les partenaires recrutés s'alignent avec les objectifs stratégiques, les valeurs et les marchés cibles de l'entreprise, maximisant ainsi l'efficacité du partenariat dans l'atteinte des objectifs d'affaires. Amélioration de la productivité : en recrutant des partenaires dotés de compétences, de ressources ou d'un accès au marché complémentaires, il améliore la productivité et l'efficacité globales de l'écosystème de partenaires. Innovation et différenciation : il recherche des partenaires qui apportent des solutions innovantes ou des propositions de valeur uniques, aidant l'entreprise à se démarquer sur le marché et à garder une longueur d'avance sur ses concurrents. Optimisation des canaux : il fournit un soutien, une formation et des ressources aux partenaires nouvellement recrutés pour les aider à commercialiser, vendre et soutenir efficacement les offres de l'entreprise. Informations sur le marché : il recueille des informations sur le marché et des commentaires de partenaires potentiels qui peuvent éclairer le développement de produits, les stratégies de mise en marché et les décisions commerciales générales. Avantage concurrentiel : en recrutant stratégiquement des partenaires qui complètent les forces de l'entreprise et remédient à ses faiblesses, il crée un avantage concurrentiel qui positionne l'entreprise pour réussir sur le marché. Votre rôle et vos responsabilités En tant que responsable du recrutement de partenaires chez IBM, vous aurez l'opportunité unique d'identifier, d'engager et de recruter de nouveaux partenaires de stockage dans notre écosystème d'intermédiaires. Adepte de la collaboration, de la communication et de l'empathie, vous soutiendrez et accompagnerez les nouveaux partenaires tout au long des étapes clés de l'intégration et de l'activation - de l'inscription à l'apprentissage pour l'optimisation des ressources d'IBM, jusqu’à l’atteinte des objectifs de revenus. Doté d'un sens inné du réseautage et de l'influence, vous établirez des relations avec des partenaires potentiels tout en expliquant l'intérêt de travailler avec IBM. En adoptant les principes de vente consultative et de pensée conceptuelle, vous démontrerez la valeur commerciale qui oblige à prioriser les produits IBM en ce qui concerne les solutions que les partenaires proposent à leurs clients. Une excellente intégration et une culture d'apprentissage de premier plan de l'industrie vous permettront d'avoir un impact positif et de réussir, tandis qu'un développement continu fera progresser votre carrière sur une trajectoire ascendante. Notre environnement de vente est collaboratif et expérientiel. Au sein d'une équipe, vous serez entouré d'esprits brillants et de cocréateurs passionnés – toujours prêts à aider et à se faire aider – vous appliquerez votre passion pour le travail, ce qui incitera nos clients à investir dans les produits et les services d'IBM. Votre rôle et vos responsabilités : Mélangeant parfaitement l'expertise des offres et des solutions d'IBM avec une compréhension approfondie du modèle d'exploitation et le positionnement concurrentiel de vos partenaires, vous identifierez des opportunités de création de valeur pour le partenaire, ses clients et IBM. En vous concentrant sur le succès mutuel, vous ferez participer les prospects par le biais de techniques interactives de cocréation, de cas d'utilisation et d'études de cas pertinentes. De plus, vous coordonnerez l'optimisation technique, la réussite des clients, la mise en marché et les experts de domaine pour démontrer l'ampleur et la valeur d'un partenariat avec IBM. Vos principales responsabilités incluent :Responsabilité totale de l'acquisition de partenaires : assumer l'entière responsabilité de l'identification, de l'engagement, du recrutement, de l'accueil et de l'activation de nouveaux partenaires.Priorisation des partenaires potentiels : rechercher et prioriser les partenaires potentiels en collaborant avec l'unité géographique et les responsables commerciauxIdentification proactive de la création de valeur : identifier de manière proactive les domaines d'opportunités et de création de valeur pour les partenaires cibles grâce aux technologies et services IBM. Expertise professionnelle et technique requise 5 à 10 ans d'expérience dans les canaux. Vous pouvez vous inspirer de ces quelques exemples ci-dessous.Maîtrise des principes consultatifs : démontrer la maîtrise des principes consultatifs qui peuvent persuader les partenaires commerciaux technologiques d'ajouter des solutions, des pratiques et des offres dans leur portefeuille d'offres clients.Expertise dans l'identification des points problématiques des partenaires : identifier et comprendre les points problématiques des partenaires, trouver des synergies et cocréer des solutions à valeur ajoutée pour leurs clients.Connaissance approfondie des technologies de solutions de stockage et de sécurité : posséder des connaissances profondes des technologies de solutions de stockage et de sécurité qui peuvent aider les partenaires à comprendre les intégrations et les améliorations avec les architectures et les investissements existants de leurs clients.Excellence dans l'établissement de relations : faire preuve d'une grande excellence dans l'établissement et le maintien de relations professionnelles avec des parties prenantes clés, tant en externe qu'en interne au sein d'une entreprise technologique. Expertise professionnelle et technique privilégié Stockage, serveurs, réseautique, compétences en sécuritéRecrutement d'écosystème et de canal
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    Introduction The Finance & Admin Business Analyst is essential to the ongoing profitable operations for one of the most globally recognized and respected companies in the world. By overseeing our financial activities, you will enable IBM to continue to bring to market ground-breaking innovations such as Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Solutions, Cloud Infrastructure, and Blockchain technologies, to name a few. Your Role and Responsibilities As Delivery Practitioner, you are responsible for transaction processing in Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable. If you thrive in a dynamic, collaborative workplace, IBM provides an environment where you will be challenged and inspired every single day. And if you relish the freedom to bring creative, thoughtful solutions to the table, there's no limit to what you can accomplish here. ResponsibilitiesCo-ordinate all accounting activities associated with the General Ledger particularly fixed assets, inter-company, inventory, cash and bank, indirect tax and accruals.Identify risks or opportunities to revenues, cost and profitability and propose appropriate actions.Ensure client Service Level Agreements (SLA) and timelines are met. Required Technical and Professional Expertise Minimum 0-1 year work experience in Finance and AccountingAbility to manage order fulfilment, Collecting and applying Cash paymentsExperience to identify duplicate records in the Vendor Invoice receipt, verify and process the invoice accurately and in timely mannerKnowledge to match Invoices and identify errors and resolve exceptions, prioritize invoices and reduce aging of invoiceBe part of a team that are Compliant to SOX – e.g. documents to be posted after due ApprovalExperience in handling manual and automatic payment requests along with verification and payment run proposalSolid understanding of Process Travel and Expense (T/E) claims and payments, duplicate payment resolution, recovery and vendor statement reconciliationsAbility to handle queries through calls and Email follow-upsWorking knowledge of basic accounting and various accounting principles.Ability to detect duplicate and or error records and take appropriate actionsProficient in expense management Preferred Technical and Professional Expertise Proficient in Microsoft Office applications and familiar with Accounting terminologiesExperience in handling queries via calls and emails is highly desiredComprehend and process data, handle order fulfilment, collect and apply cash paymentsFollows procedures, comfortable in adapting to transformation within business unitYou love collaborative environments that use agile methodologies to encourage creative design thinking and find innovative ways to develop with cutting edge marketing trendsAmbitious individual who can work under their own direction towards agreed targets/goals.Ability to manage change and be open to it good time management and an ability to work under stressProven interpersonal skills while contributing to team effort by accomplishing related results as neededMaintain technical knowledge by attending educational workshops, reviewing publicationsWe wish you great success in your career and encourage you to bring your best self to work with IBM.
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    Introduction In this role, you'll work in one of our IBM Consulting Client Innovation Centers (Delivery Centers), where we deliver deep technical and industry expertise to a wide range of public and private sector clients around the world. Our delivery centers offer our clients locally based skills and technical expertise to drive innovation and adoption of new technology. A career in IBM Consulting embraces long-term relationships, meaningful impact, and close collaboration with clients across the globe. You'll work with visionaries across multiple industries to improve the hybrid cloud and AI journey for the most innovative and valuable companies in the world. Your ability to accelerate impact and make meaningful change for your clients is enabled by our strategic partner ecosystem and our robust technology platforms across the IBM portfolio; including IBM Software and Red Hat. Curiosity and a constant quest for knowledge serve as the foundation to success in IBM Consulting. In your role, you'll be supported by mentors and coaches who will encourage you to challenge the norm, investigate ideas outside of your role, and come up with creative solutions resulting in ground breaking impact for a wide network of clients. Our culture of evolution and empathy centers on long-term career growth and learning opportunities in an environment that embraces your unique skills and experience. Your Role and Responsibilities As a developer at IBM, you'll work with clients to co-create solutions to major real-world challenges by using best practice technologies, tools, techniques, and products to translate system requirements into the design and development of customized systems. In your role, you may be responsible for:  Working across the entire system architecture  to design, develop, and support high quality, scalable products and interfaces for our clients You will design, develop and support application solutions with focus on SAP ABAP. You may also design, develop and/or re-engineer highly complex application components and integrate software packages, programs and reusable objects residing on multiple platforms. Designing and developing, data dictionary objects, data elements, domains, structures, views, lock objects, search helps and in formatting the output of SAP documents with multiple options. Required Technical and Professional Expertise 4-6 years of experience required. 6 months – 5 years ABAP HANA Experience. Have working experience on In-App extensionExperience in ABAP Reporting includes interactive, classical, ALV Reports Development experience in RICEF (Reports, Interfaces, Conversions, Enhancements, Forms and Reports) Preferred Technical and Professional Expertise Knowledge/Certification on HANA Knowledge and experience on SAP Workflow Advance ABAP BADI (Business Add-In)
  2. IBM


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    Introduction At IBM, work is more than a job - it's a calling: To build. To design. To code. To consult. To think along with clients and sell. To make markets. To invent. To collaborate. Not just to do something better, but to attempt things you've never thought possible. Are you ready to lead in this new era of technology and solve some of the world's most challenging problems? If so, lets talk. Your Role and Responsibilities Data and AI Development team is looking for enthusiastic and talented Backend development Engineerwith experience on Data Science and GenAI technologies to join us. Our services belong to watsonx.ai product portfolio. Our services are tightly integrated with IBM Cloud Pak for Data where customers can access a suite of leading data and AI capabilities in a unified experience. You are a DevOps/SRE, who will Design, develop and/or re-engineer complex product components, and integrate software packages, programs and reusable objects residing on multiple platforms. As an ambitious individual who can work under senior architect’s direction towards agreed targets and goals, you have the ability to manage change and to work under stress. You are curious to learn as demonstrated by your up-to-date technical knowledge. You are a good team player and you are familiar with Agile methodologies and principles and/or have experience working in an Agile team. We seek an applicant who will thrive in an open, dynamic, flexible, fun, spirited, collaborative environment; an individual who desires creative freedom and the opportunity to work in a high performing team. Job Responsibilities: As a Backend developer you will be responsible for development/ maintenance/ Support of the watsonx.ai applications through the full systems development lifecycle.Participate in the design and implementation of sophisticated software systemsYou will work with the Product Architects, Product Managers to understand various priorities and work towards the execution.Participate in software design and code reviews. Reviews include other Software Engineers and are held to ensure a high level of software quality and to share knowledge with team members.Participate in, and adhere to, professional software engineering practices using such tools and methodologies as Agile Software Development, Test Driven Development, Continuous Integration, Source Code Management (git), and GitHub. Ensure good code coverage. Support bug fixes during testing and deploy to target environments.Participate in the planning, creation and execution of automated test cases and load/performance testing. Create/maintain technical documentation. Hands on experience in handling and debugging customer issues, work with L2 support team.Maintain a high level of proficiency with Computer Science/Software Engineering knowledge and contribute to the technical skills growth of other team members.You will be providing vigilance and compliance to various software engineering, support and release processes e.g security, stack upgrades that are free of vulnerabilities etc. Required Technical and Professional Expertise 12+ years of professional/industrial experience in software development.Expertise in Openshift, Python, Pipeline, GPU inframanagement, PythonGood understanding of Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift Container Platform, Linux Operating Systems (such as Red Hat, Ubuntu, etc.).Expertise in Building Restful API, SDK APIs using different frameworks.Experience writing / executing Unit Tests and REST API automation Knowledge of network protocols such as TCP/IP, HTTP etc.Experience and working knowledge of version Control systems like Github and build tools like Maven/Gradle.Ability to learn and apply new technologies quickly.Strong sense of ownership of deliverables. Preferred Technical and Professional Expertise Degree in Computer Science, , Engineering, or equivalent professional experience.Working experience on Docker/Kubernetes, DevOps, Micro servicesExpertise in Openshift, Python, Pipeline, GPU inframanagement, PythonWilling to lead and work on quick proof of concepts.
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    Introduction Ready to re-imagine the product role? At IBM, as an Offering Manager, you are responsible for the full lifecycle of an offering: from validating need to determining the business model and defining the solution requirements. Going beyond the traditional focus of timetables and budgets, you use your keen insights into what customers want in their own business plan - and work across disciplines to build the best to a problem. If being the CEO of your offering excites you, consider an offering career at IBM. Your Role and Responsibilities IBM Technology Zone provides the infrastructure for various virtual and in-person events and enablement where clients, business partners and IBMers are provided a hands-on experience with IBM Technology. As the Manager of IBM Learning & Events, you would be responsible for overseeing the successful planning, development, and delivery of all events supported by IBM Technology Zone, ensuring successful delivery of IBM Learning courses, and liaising with event and enablement stakeholders to support and drive their user requirements. Note: event management in this context is creating and driving requirements to support live infrastructure for events. There are no event planning tasks such as location scouting, space planning, bid management, food & beverage, etc. as those details are taken care of by other teams or not required. • Accountable for overseeing the successful planning, development, and execution of technical hands-on labs at the yearly global TechXchange event, which includes alignment with TechXchange content leaders, track leaders and a strong interlock with the IBM Technology Zone senior leadership team to drive lab requirements, • Facilitate the review, approval or rejection of event and enablement requests submitted through Workshop Manager, in alignment with the IBM Learning and TechXchange Regional events teams, • Create interlocks with key stakeholders within the enablement and events teams to capture and drive requirements to increase revenue generation and better the user experience, • Responsible for removing any barriers that keep the IBM Technology Zone Events and Learning teams from executing on deliverables, • As part of the leadership team, you will be appointed as a Prestige Services Liaison responsible for providing support as an IBM Technology Zone subject matter expert to Executives within an allocated geography, Market, or brand, • Manage a team of event and learning technical specialists and leads, to ensure successful delivery of in-person and virtual enablement and events. Required Technical and Professional Expertise • 7+ years of experience managing large scale technical events and teams, • Solid knowledge of various infrastructures and technology - VMware, Cloud, SaaS, RedHat Virt, etc. • Proven ability to set direction for a team, drive to adhere to deadlines and provide successful results, • Possess strong leadership and communication skills, • Proven ability to predict needs, influence change and make critical decisions, • Ability to work in a fast-paced environment on a high-performance team. Preferred Technical and Professional Expertise • Understanding of IBM technology an asset, • Experience working in an enablement or learning organization, • Experience or knowledge of Rainfocus, • Experience with project management & process flow tools - Monday.com an asset.
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    Introduction In this role, you'll work in one of our IBM Consulting Client Innovation Centers (Delivery Centers), where we deliver deep technical and industry expertise to a wide range of public and private sector clients around the world. Our delivery centers offer our clients locally based skills and technical expertise to drive innovation and adoption of new technology. A career in IBM Consulting embraces long-term relationships and close collaboration with clients across the globe. You will collaborate with visionaries across multiple industries to improve the hybrid cloud and AI journey for the most innovative and valuable companies in the world. Your ability to accelerate impact and make meaningful change for your clients is enabled by our strategic partner ecosystem and our robust technology platforms across the IBM portfolio, including IBM Software and Red Hat. Curiosity and a constant quest for knowledge serve as the foundation to success in IBM Consulting. In your role, you will be supported by mentors and coaches who will encourage you to challenge the norm, investigate ideas outside of your role, and come up with creative solutions resulting in ground-breaking impact for a wide network of clients. Our culture of evolution and empathy centers on long-term career growth and learning opportunities in an environment that embraces your unique skills and experience. Your Role and Responsibilities Should be able to work independently & good written and verbal communications skills.Ability to multi-task, work on product line/projects at once, Required Technical and Professional Expertise Overall 6-9 years of experience in implementing large Software products/solutions implementationsVery strong working experience (minimum 2-3 Years) on ABAP OOP concepts (very importantSuccessfully worked in products/solutions in enterprise or go to market scenariosHands-on on full stack technologies (Services, Java Script and DB) Preferred Technical and Professional Expertise Experience on Cloud and solutions like PCF/Docker & Appreciation for non-functional requirements: performance, scalability, user experience, security, maintainability- Good knowledge on CURD operation.Proficiency with Agile practices, Tivoli Workload Scheduler, JIRA, Confluence, SVN, GITReact JS /Angular hands-on experience is mandatory.
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    Introduction In this role, you'll work in one of our IBM Consulting Client Innovation Centers (Delivery Centers), where we deliver deep technical and industry expertise to a wide range of public and private sector clients around the world. Our delivery centers offer our clients locally based skills and technical expertise to drive innovation and adoption of new technology. A career in IBM Consulting embraces long-term relationships, meaningful impact, and close collaboration with clients across the globe. You'll work with visionaries across multiple industries to improve the hybrid cloud and AI journey for the most innovative and valuable companies in the world. Your ability to accelerate impact and make meaningful change for your clients is enabled by our strategic partner ecosystem and our robust technology platforms across the IBM portfolio; including IBM Software and Red Hat. Curiosity and a constant quest for knowledge serve as the foundation to success in IBM Consulting. In your role, you'll be supported by mentors and coaches who will encourage you to challenge the norm, investigate ideas outside of your role, and come up with creative solutions resulting in ground breaking impact for a wide network of clients. Our culture of evolution and empathy centers on long-term career growth and learning opportunities in an environment that embraces your unique skills and experience. Your Role and Responsibilities As a developer at IBM, you'll work with clients to co-create solutions to major real-world challenges by using best practice technologies, tools, techniques, and products to translate system requirements into the design and development of customized systems. In your role, you may be responsible for:  Working across the entire system architecture  to design, develop, and support high quality, scalable products and interfaces for our clients You will design, develop and support application solutions with focus on SAP ABAP. You may also design, develop and/or re-engineer highly complex application components and integrate software packages, programs and reusable objects residing on multiple platforms. Designing and developing, data dictionary objects, data elements, domains, structures, views, lock objects, search helps and in formatting the output of SAP documents with multiple options. Required Technical and Professional Expertise 4-6 years of experience required. 6 months – 5 years ABAP HANA Experience. Have working experience on In-App extensionExperience in ABAP Reporting includes interactive, classical, ALV Reports Development experience in RICEF (Reports, Interfaces, Conversions, Enhancements, Forms and Reports) Preferred Technical and Professional Expertise Knowledge/Certification on HANA Knowledge and experience on SAP Workflow Advance ABAP BADI (Business Add-In)
  3. IBM

    Customer Relationship Manager

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    Introduction A career in IBM Consulting is rooted by long-term relationships and close collaboration with clients across the globe. You'll work with visionaries across multiple industries to improve the hybrid cloud and AI journey for the most innovative and valuable companies in the world. Your ability to accelerate impact and make meaningful change for your clients is enabled by our strategic partner ecosystem and our robust technology platforms across the IBM portfolio; including Software and Red Hat. Curiosity and a constant quest for knowledge serve as the foundation to success in IBM Consulting. In your role, you'll be encouraged to challenge the norm, investigate ideas outside of your role, and come up with creative solutions resulting in ground breaking impact for a wide network of clients. Our culture of evolution and empathy centers on long-term career growth and development opportunities in an environment that embraces your unique skills and experience. Your Role and Responsibilities Serve as a Customer Relationship Manager (CRM). The CRM is the voice of the customer, from initial customer contact through system implementation and sustainment. This multi-faceted role has many responsibilities to ensure that customer services are accurately defined, appropriately funded, and efficiently executed. The CRMs primary responsibility is to ensure effective communication to and from the customer to facilitate delivery of ALTESS services. The CRM is responsible for establishing and maintaining the customer Service Agreement (SA), which is the centerpiece of Service Delivery. This document is critical to accurately identify services and associated costs. The CRM will maintain this document throughout each period of performance and renew the SA annually to ensure continuity of services. The CRM will also prepare addendums to the SA for new customer projects that are requested during the period of performance. The CRM will provide overall project management. This includes onboarding new customers and creating project plans annually for customer sustainment, as well as any specific customer implementations. The CRM is responsible to collect any required information from the customer to facilitate projects and services and to ensure incorporation of that information into pertinent business, project, and technical documentation. Duties: Serve as primary point of contact for customers assigned. Coordinate all customer communication, including routine or ad hoc customer meetings, emails, instant messages, and special notifications. Create and maintain business documentation in coordination with the customer and ALTESS teams, including but not limited to: o Service Agreement o Cost Estimate o Addendums to Service Agreement o Updates to Customer Information Repository (ServiceNow) Develop trusted business relationships with customers, partner organizations, and divisions to create strong project teams. Utilize the Systems Engineering Framework methodology to manage new system implementations for customers from commencement to completion. Prepare and maintain all project documentation, including but not limited to: o Requirements o Proposal Document o High Level and Detailed Project Plans o Meeting Notes Work closely with customers and Engineering / Operations / Cybersecurity teams to define and deliver customer requirements. Present customer proposals to Engineering Review Board (ERB) for approval. Provide interface between technical teams to manage projects against cost, performance and schedule requirements as defined in SAs and other customer agreements. Track project milestones and report status to project team members and stakeholders, escalating issues to ALTESS leadership when required. Develop status reports and executive briefings for high profile projects. Maintain technical documentation in the customers Technical Data Package (TDP) in coordination with Engineering, Operations, and customers. Coordinate system builds and work closely with Operations to assemble and integrate system infrastructure components in accordance with the TDP, using ServiceNow to submit tasks for system administrators. Respond to customer requests for support that are received daily via email, phone, instant message (Microsoft Teams), and the Service Desk (ServiceNow). Monitor incidents and changes in ServiceNow and take ownership of customer tickets. Track customer tickets in ServiceNow to ensure progress through completion and follow up for issues, coordinating troubleshooting efforts as necessary. Serve as the first approver for customer change requests in ServiceNow, clarifying requirements and ensuring request is within scope of the customer SA. Present enterprise change requests for customers to Change Advisory Board (CAB) for approval. Schedule and facilitate recurring meetings with customers to review project status, address issues, determine plans and prioritize work, preparing agendas and meeting notes. Participate in internal meetings regarding customer service delivery status, reviewing metrics, planning maintenance windows for outages, and trouble ticket status in ServiceNow. Participate in customer led meetings as requested. Coordinate customer visits per policies and procedures, to include escorting customer team members in the data center and organizing any technical support required. Work to standardize customer documentation and delivery processes across customer base, in coordination with other functional and technical teams. Required Technical and Professional Expertise Bachelors degree in Information Technology or related field Five plus years of experience providing management for technical/IT projects Project Management Certification or equivalent Excellent verbal and written communication skills Proficient with Microsoft Office Applications (Teams, Outlook, OneNote, Excel, Project, Word, PowerPoint) Experience using ServiceNow Experience using SharePoint Preferred Technical and Professional Expertise ITIL v3 or v4 - Processes for incident, change management and service level management Security+ Certification
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    Introduction In this role, you'll work in one of our IBM Consulting Client Innovation Centers (Delivery Centers), where we deliver deep technical and industry expertise to a wide range of public and private sector clients around the world. Our delivery centers offer our clients locally based skills and technical expertise to drive innovation and adoption of new technology. As an Application Developer, you will lead IBM into the future by translating system requirements into the design and development of customized systems in an agile environment. The success of IBM is in your hands as you transform vital business needs into code and drive innovation. Your work will power IBM and its clients globally, collaborating and integrating code into enterprise systems. You will have access to the latest education, tools and technology, and a limitless career path with the world’s technology leader. Come to IBM and make a global impact! Your Role and Responsibilities Solution using multiple technologies to address functional needs, and convert design to functional and technical specifications.Provides and/or oversees business application functional support services to meet customer performance, availability, service level agreements and customer satisfaction targets.Ensures adherence to project management, software application development, testing, service management, change management, RCA and other relevant processes, standards, governance and controlsPlan and manage medium to large scale, complex, integrated application or platform projects to ensure effective and efficient execution in line with guardrails of scope, timeline, budget and quality. Help defining coding best practices within team.Perform design reviews Required Technical and Professional Expertise Java 8 and above, Spring boot, REST API Design and development, Spring cloud, Spring Data/JPA/Hibernate, Database (SQL server/DB2), Docker, Container orchestration (Open Shift / Kubernetes), Messaging (Rabbit MQ / Kafka knowledge), CI/CD (Azure DevOps / Drone.io) & Monitoring & Alerting (AppDynamics / Prometheus) Preferred Technical and Professional Expertise ELK stack, Grafana & AWS
  4. IBM

    PeopleSoft Application Analyst

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    Introduction As an Application Developer, you will lead IBM into the future by translating system requirements into the design and development of customized systems in an agile environment. The success of IBM is in your hands as you transform vital business needs into code and drive innovation. Your work will power IBM and its clients globally, collaborating and integrating code into enterprise systems. You will have access to the latest education, tools and technology, and a limitless career path with the world’s technology leader. Come to IBM and make a global impact! Your Role and Responsibilities • Functional experience working with Oracle PeopleSoft HCM application in one or more modules (HR, Payroll, Benefits and/or Time and Labour, Query Reporter) • Knowledge and experience supporting HCM (Human Capital Management) applications customized for unionized environments. • Analyzing and troubleshooting application behaviors, including data related issues, to identify the root cause, document findings and propose recommendations on how to fix the issues, which includes workarounds when required. • Implementing, upgrading, and supporting PeopleSoft Human Capital Management (HCM) version 8.9 (or greater). • Develop test scenarios and test cases for application changes and recommend solutions to problems. • Develop ad-hoc reports using PeopleSoft query manager. • Excellent analytical and critical thinking skills • Ability to read SQL. • Human Resources and/or Payroll Experience • Strong customer relationship skills • Ability to work under pressure with competing priorities and tight timelines. • Excellent communication and presentation skills. • Ability to bring innovative solutions to client challenges • Perform other project duties as assigned. Must be time flexible and willing to put in extra time when required by deadlines or system problems. Must possess effective communication and interpersonal skills. Strong excel skills and enjoy making meaningful evaluations of a given set of data (tables, excel files etc.) Technical knowledge would be an asset. A self-starter and able to work independently with limited supervision. Committed to learning new techniques and procedures. Ability to participate and collaborate in project type work environment. Flexible to work all shifts (days, nights, and evenings) and able to work weekends and be on-call when required Required Technical and Professional Expertise 10 years of experience in implementing, upgrading or supporting PeopleSoft Human Capital Management (HCM) version 8.9 (or greater) and PeopleTools version 10 years Functional experience working with Oracle PeopleSoft HCM application in one or more modules (HR, Payroll, Benefits and/or Time and Labour, Query Reporter) 10 years of experience in performing application support activities by troubleshooting and correcting issues and defects, reporting to management and liaising with business and end-user clients. Location: Ontario Preferred Technical and Professional Expertise Same as above
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    Introduction In this role, you'll work in one of our IBM Consulting Client Innovation Centers (Delivery Centers), where we deliver deep technical and industry expertise to a wide range of public and private sector clients around the world. Our delivery centers offer our clients locally based skills and technical expertise to drive innovation and adoption of new technology. A career in IBM Consulting embraces long-term relationships and close collaboration with clients across the globe. You will collaborate with visionaries across multiple industries to improve the hybrid cloud and AI journey for the most innovative and valuable companies in the world. Your ability to accelerate impact and make meaningful change for your clients is enabled by our strategic partner ecosystem and our robust technology platforms across the IBM portfolio, including IBM Software and Red Hat. Curiosity and a constant quest for knowledge serve as the foundation to success in IBM Consulting. In your role, you will be supported by mentors and coaches who will encourage you to challenge the norm, investigate ideas outside of your role, and come up with creative solutions resulting in ground-breaking impact for a wide network of clients. Our culture of evolution and empathy centers on long-term career growth and learning opportunities in an environment that embraces your unique skills and experience. Your Role and Responsibilities Should be able to work independently & good written and verbal communications skills.Ability to multi-task, work on product line/projects at once, Required Technical and Professional Expertise Overall 6-9 years of experience in implementing large Software products/solutions implementationsVery strong working experience (minimum 2-3 Years) on ABAP OOP concepts (very importantSuccessfully worked in products/solutions in enterprise or go to market scenariosHands-on on full stack technologies (Services, Java Script and DB) Preferred Technical and Professional Expertise Experience on Cloud and solutions like PCF/Docker & Appreciation for non-functional requirements: performance, scalability, user experience, security, maintainability- Good knowledge on CURD operation.Proficiency with Agile practices, Tivoli Workload Scheduler, JIRA, Confluence, SVN, GITReact JS /Angular hands-on experience is mandatory.
  5. IBM

    Appian Architect Developer

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    Introduction As an IBM Application Architect, you directly help clients transform their business and solve complex problems. You will define the scope and vision for projects that deliver customized solutions using your knowledge of IBM platforms. You are a technical leader, serving as a liaison among business partners, technical resources, and project stakeholders. Your Role and Responsibilities The Appian Architect/Senior Developer works with Business Analysts to understand business needs, influences requirement development, provides feedback regarding feasibility, understands the final requirements, and works with the different component teams, including Data, RPA, OCR, NLP, Workflow, Integration etc. to design and develop an end-to-end solution to meet the business needs while complying with the design parameters and best practices of the Intelligent Automation Platform (IAP). This role includes design and development of complex orchestration and case management solutions using Appian. Required Technical and Professional Expertise • 8+ years of experience in architecture, design and development of complex enterprise applications involving COTS packages and low code platforms. • 3+ years of experience with hands-on development of complex solutions using Appian including integrations, plugins etc. • 1+ years of experience with an RPA platform (one required, multiple preferred) – Blue Prism, UiPath • 5+ years of hands-on experience with at least 2 of the following components of the Intelligent Automation Platform - 1) Low Code Business Process Management System such as Appian, 2) Relational Database Management System such as SQL Server, Oracle or DB2, 3) OCR Software such as Hyperscience, 4) AI/ML using Python or IBM Watson products • Strong communication and collaboration skills • Track record of leading teams of 5 resources or more • Recent experience should be in hands-on application architecture and development of complex solutions and not in administrative program management, scrum lead, testing, coordination etc. • Computer Science and/or Business Information System background with mastery over Structured System Analysis and Software Design concepts. • Experience supporting and leading full automation project SDLC •This is a full-time position. The candidate can not work on any other IT or consulting work, while being employed in this position even on their own time in order to avoid conflict of interest. Preferred Technical and Professional Expertise • Knowledge and/or experience working with (integrating, configuring) Enterprise Resource Planning systems (SAP, Oracle Financials, PeopleSoft, etc.) • Knowledge and experience with leading teams in automation development initiatives • Experience with Public Sector Clients (US Federal, Higher Education, State and Local Governments)
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    Introduction In this role, you'll work in one of our IBM Consulting Client Innovation Centers (Delivery Centers), where we deliver deep technical and industry expertise to a wide range of public and private sector clients around the world. Our delivery centers offer our clients locally based skills and technical expertise to drive innovation and adoption of new technology. At IBM, work is more than a job - it's a calling: To build. To design. To code. To consult. To think along with clients and sell. To make markets. To invent. To collaborate. Not just to do something better, but to attempt things you've never thought possible. Are you ready to lead in this new era of technology and solve some of the world's most challenging problems? If so, let’s talk. Your Role and Responsibilities As a Strategy consultant with the IBM Enterprise strategy team, you will: Work with clients in a wide range of sectors & industries and solve their most pressing problemsShape and drive engagements end-to-end in areas of Corporate strategy, Digital strategy, IT Strategy, Cognitive enterprise, Eco platforms, and other large-scale business, process and operations transformationCreate value by reinventing the core of our client's businesses who are leading Global and Indian corporationsUnderstand company’s key strategic/operational issues (market definition, industry trends, client issues, and structure) by performing relevant assessments using IBM proprietary as well as Industry standard tools & methodologies to identify areas of improvements.Gather and analyse information/data, formulate & test hypotheses, conduct assessments to identify key issues and formulate a set of hypotheses to further analyse and address the issues with right solutions.Develop value proposition and business case for the client’s transformation journey Develop point of views on digital transformation, digital reinvention, cognitive enterprise across multiple client segmentsManage relevant client stakeholders in complex and intense consulting assignmentsEngage with CXOs, business leaders on a regular basis as part of client delivery and to present results recommendationsImplement recommendations in collaboration with client team membersParticipate in pre-sales meetings, proposal development and related business development efforts Identify/support IBM leaders in mining existing clients for additional business opportunitiesEnsure/support adherence to project charters and economics by managing project timelines, deliverables, and expenses. Required Technical and Professional Expertise Interested to work on engagements in the areas of Corporate/Business Strategy, IT Strategy, Platform Eco Strategy, Digital Reinvention, Process and Operations Transformation, etc.Excellent verbal and written communication with the ability to communicate complex ideas effectively. Strong analytical skills and high attention to detailExcellent time-management, with ability to adhere to challenging timelines.Ability to work collaboratively in a team environment and effectively with people at all levels in an organization.If needed, ability to work independently without supervision or with minimal supervision. Flexibility to work with cross-functional teams and industries/domains as per engagement requirementStrong logical reasoning skills.Demonstrated ability to learn and expand on existing skillsets. Ability to create powerful and impactful presentations and deliverables. Strong facilitation and customer presentation skills Preferred Technical and Professional Expertise Relevant Industry/Domain experience.Willingness to travel and flexible to adapt to a demanding lifestyle Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.Proven record of leadership in work setting and/or through extra-curricular activities.Very good understanding of PowerPoint, Excel and other MS Office tools
  6. IBM

    Oracle EPM Consultant

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    Introduction In this role, you'll work in one of our IBM Consulting Client Innovation Centers (Delivery Centers), where we deliver deep technical and industry expertise to a wide range of public and private sector clients around the world. Our delivery centers offer our clients locally based skills and technical expertise to drive innovation and adoption of new technology. A career in IBM Consulting is rooted by long-term relationships and close collaboration with clients across the globe. You'll work with visionaries across multiple industries to improve the hybrid cloud and AI journey for the most innovative and valuable companies in the world. Your ability to accelerate impact and make meaningful change for your clients is enabled by our strategic partner ecosystem and our robust technology platforms across the IBM portfolio; including Software and Red Hat. Curiosity and a constant quest for knowledge serve as the foundation to success in IBM Consulting. In your role, you'll be encouraged to challenge the norm, investigate ideas outside of your role, and come up with creative solutions resulting in ground breaking impact for a wide network of clients. Our culture of evolution and empathy centers on long-term career growth and development opportunities in an environment that embraces your unique skills and experience. Your Role and Responsibilities As a consultant you will serve as a client-facing practitioner who sells, leads and implements expert services utilizing the breadth of IBM's offerings and technologies. A successful Consultant is regarded by clients as a trusted business advisor who collaborates to provide innovative solutions used to solve the most challenging business problems. You will work developing solutions that excel at user experience, style, performance, reliability and scalability to reduce costs and improve profit and shareholder value. Your primary responsibilities include:Build, automate and release solutions based on clients priorities and requirements.Explore and discover risks and resolving issues that affect release scope, schedule and quality and bring to the table potential solutions.Make sure that all integration solutions meet the client specifications and are delivered on time. Required Technical and Professional Expertise Implementation Certified in Hyperion HFM version experience in writing and maintain clear, concise functional and technical specifications on HFM applications and business system processes. 5+ years of experience working with HFM and FDMEE.Strong experience in developing and maintaining FDMEE mappings, validation rules and new integration set up.Create technical solutions to meet business requirementsImplement plans to test business and functional processes. Preferred Technical and Professional Expertise Sound functional knowledge of financial process like Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash flow.Strong problem solving and troubleshooting skills with the ability to exercise mature judgment.Proficient on all components of HFM like Metadata setup, Ownership Management, Rules, Journals, Currency translation, Consolidation, and data integration with downstream systems.
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    Introduction The Finance & Admin Business Analyst is essential to the ongoing profitable operations for one of the most globally recognized and respected companies in the world. By overseeing our financial activities, you will enable IBM to continue to bring to market ground-breaking innovations such as Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Solutions, Cloud Infrastructure, and Blockchain technologies, to name a few. Your Role and Responsibilities As Senior Practitioner - Record to Report (R2R), You are responsible for general accounting which include reconciliations, preparation of Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss account, Fixed Assets Accounting, Intercompany Accounting, Cash & Bank Accounting financial analysis and reporting. If you thrive in a dynamic, collaborative workplace, IBM provides an environment where you will be challenged and inspired every single day. And if you relish the freedom to bring creative, thoughtful solutions to the table, there's no limit to what you can accomplish here.ResponsibilitiesCo-ordinate all accounting activities associated with the General Ledger particularly fixed assets, inter-company, inventory, cash and bank, indirect tax and accruals.Identify risks or opportunities to revenues, cost and profitability and propose appropriate actions.Ensure client Service Level Agreements (SLA) and timelines are met. Required Technical and Professional Expertise Commerce Graduate with minimum 2-4 years of experience in Record to Report (R2R) domain.Experience in preparing Balance Sheet, handling Month-End Close, Fixed Assets, Inter-company and Cash Reconciliations.Posting of Journal entries and recording the transaction in the ERP.Proven expertise in coordinating audits and manage customer expectationsDemonstrated expertise in managing report updates for Management reviews Preferred Technical and Professional Expertise Working knowledge of ERP environment preferred Ambitious individual who can work under their own direction towards agreed targets/goals.Ability to manage change and be open to it good time management and an ability to work under stress Proven interpersonal skills while contributing to team effort by accomplishing related results as neededMaintain technical knowledge by attending educational workshops, reviewing publicationsWe wish you great success in your career and encourage you to bring your best self to work with IBM.
  7. IBM

    Development Manager

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    Introduction At IBM, work is more than a job - it's a calling: To build. To design. To code. To consult. To think along with clients and sell. To make markets. To invent. To collaborate. Not just to do something better, but to attempt things you've never thought possible. Are you ready to lead in this new era of technology and solve some of the world's most challenging problems? If so, lets talk. Your Role and Responsibilities Software Development Managers ae responsible for the operations management of Software Development. This may include revenue, expense control, profit performance, management of the processes that include IPD, quality assurance, business controls and procedures, client satisfaction deployment and ratings, and plan administration. They may develop and administer development expense and support (cost) budgets. In depth operational and administrative knowledge is required in the day-to-day activities. They may be measured on budget attainment, client satisfaction and satisfactory audits. Required Technical and Professional Expertise 10+ years of professional/industrial experience in software development.Five years experience in managing development teams and people managementPlanning, Tracking, stakeholder management, conflict resolution, prioritisationTrack record of building teams that deliver on business commitments.Thorough understanding of the Agile development process.Expertise in C/C++ or GoLang or Python progrmaming languagesFamiliarity with Cloud providers like AWS, IBM Cloud..Knowledge of database technologies such as SQL, NoSQL and Graph Databases.Strong and intuitive communication skills.Good understanding of Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift Container Platform, Linux Operating Systems (such as Red Hat, Ubuntu, etc.).Expertise in Shell scriptingExperience and working knowledge of version Control systems like Github and JenkinsAbility to learn and apply new technologies quickly.Strong sense of ownership of deliverables. Preferred Technical and Professional Expertise Degree in Computer Science, , Engineering, or equivalent professional experience.Working experience on Docker/Kubernetes, the DevOps, Micro services, RedHat OpenShift, C/C++, GoLang or PythonWilling to lead and work on quick proof of concepts.
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    Introduction Software Developers at IBM are the backbone of our strategic initiatives to design, code, test, and deliver industry-leading solutions that make the world run today – planes and trains take off on time, bank transactions complete in the blink of an eye and the world remains safe because of the work our software developers do. Whether you are working on projects internally or for a client, software development is critical to the success of IBM and our clients worldwide. In the Instana Observability team, you will directly contribute to our Instana delivery platforms, automatic Kubernetes metrics collection, processing, and related dashboards for the Instana observability platform. Our engineering org is flat with a focus on autonomy. You’ll have the opportunity to build high-visibility features in our product in support of company strategy and objectives. You will use the latest software development tools, techniques and approaches and work with leading minds in the industry to build solutions you can be proud of. Your Role and Responsibilities What would you be doing at IBM? Software developers at IBM are the backbone of our overall strategy, and software development is the essential activity that drives the success of IBM and our clients worldwide. At IBM, you will use the latest software development tools, techniques and technologies and work with leading minds in the industry to build products, path-breaking technologies, and solutions that you can be proud of. Do you have the skills and passion for building the future? If yes, come and be part of a niche team at IBM Software Labs focused on building an AI-driven Digital Labor platform, Watson Orchestrate, an AI platform that offers digeys (aka digital employees) with custom skills that can automate today’s businesses. Look for more details at https://www.ibm.com/products/watson-orchestrate What are we looking for? We seek Senior Developers and Lead Developers with hands-on experience developing and supporting software products and services on cloud platforms. The ideal candidate would have rich experience building SaaS products/services, and incrementally deploying them on cloud environments with a deep understanding of platform development, system design, associated tools, technologies, and best practices. Experience in Test-driven development, quality through automation, application security etc., would be a plus. Required Technical and Professional Expertise 10+ years of programming experienceRobust system design and programming skills inPython-based backend application development,ReactJS with Typescript or NodeJS, GolangExperience with Containers, Docker, Kubernetes, LinuxExperience building distributed and scalable SaaS offerings based on REST APIs, microservices, and containers. Experience in system design and supporting cloud servicesAbility to learn and be productive on new technologies independently & quicklyExperience in technically coaching and guiding junior developers covering system design, code reviews etc.Good communication skills and technical leadership qualitiesAbility to effectively diagnose and resolve issues reported by clients from productionAbility to drive the issue resolution process end to end by taking full ownership and ensuring all stakeholders are updated on progress and resolution stepsAbility to do RCA for complex issues and take necessary actions to avoid it from happening in future developmentExperience in software development, with a focus on writing performance-optimized code and implementing secure coding practices. Preferred Technical and Professional Expertise None
  8. IBM

    Cloud Infrasturcture Architect

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    Introduction At IBM, work is more than a job - it's a calling: To build. To design. To code. To consult. To think along with clients and sell. To make markets. To invent. To collaborate. Not just to do something better, but to attempt things you've never thought possible. Are you ready to lead in this new era of technology and solve some of the world's most challenging problems? If so, lets talk. Your Role and Responsibilities Architectural Leadership: Work collaboratively within a team responsible for shaping the architecture and technical trajectory of our software networking and edge computing portfolio.Real-world Product Building: Leverage practical experience in building products to contribute valuable insights to the software engineering practices within the team.Domain Expertise: Possess a deep understanding of software networking and edge computing, utilizing this knowledge to develop informed opinions that play a pivotal role in shaping product direction and strategy.Collaboration and Adaptability: Collaborate seamlessly with diverse teams and contribute to other IBM product initiatives. A crucial aspect is the ability to extend expertise beyond your domain to promote a holistic understanding of interconnected domains.Flexible Mindset: Demonstrate flexibility in mindset to navigate and resolve points of intersection with other system components. Adaptability is key to finding mutually beneficial solutions.Effective Communication: Utilize strong communication skills to articulate complex technical concepts, fostering collaboration and understanding across interdisciplinary teams. Required Technical and Professional Expertise Proven Software Design and Development Expertise: Showcase a deep understanding and expertise in software design and development practices, coupled with an instinctually curious, self-motivated, and collaborative approach.Secure Enterprise Network Management Mastery: Demonstrate a wealth of experience in managing secure enterprise networks, particularly excelling in interconnecting applications deployed across diverse environments, including multiple and hybrid cloud locations as well as IT data centers.Strategic Collaboration with Product Engineering: Bring a wealth of experience in working closely with product engineering teams, actively contributing to the strategic direction and shaping of software products.Cloud-Centric Deployment Proficiency: Display proficiency in managing applications deployed in complex environments, specifically showcasing expertise in navigating challenges associated with multiple and hybrid cloud locations.Results-Driven Cybersecurity Leadership: Showcase a track record of providing results-driven leadership in the realm of cybersecurity, ensuring the security of interconnected applications within enterprise networks. Preferred Technical and Professional Expertise Proficiency in Modern Programming Languages: Possess a solid understanding of modern programming languages, with a specific emphasis on proficiency in languages such as GoLang, showcasing adaptability to cutting-edge technologies.Expertise in Linux Environment: Demonstrate strong knowledge and experience in working within Linux environments, illustrating a keen understanding of its intricacies and optimal configurations.Containerization and Orchestration Mastery: Showcase proficiency in containerization with Docker and orchestration using Kubernetes, highlighting the ability to design and manage scalable and efficient application deployments.Enterprise Networking Acumen: Exhibit a robust understanding of enterprise networking, encompassing the design, implementation, and management of secure and efficient network infrastructures.Adaptable Tech Stack Familiarity: Illustrate familiarity and comfort with a diverse technology stack, demonstrating knowledge in areas such as GoLang, Linux, Docker, Kubernetes, and enterprise networking, enabling versatility in addressing complex challenges.
  9. IBM

    Business Transformation Consultant

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    Introduction • As an OpenPages expert you will apply your deep expertise in OpenPages to come up with a solution for the customer using the tool. You will also have to ensure that the best practices prescribed for OpenPages are implemented on the ground, for the customer. Based on your expertise and skills gained over the years, you will have to review and guide customers and IBM partners. • Aside from participating in the above activities, you will apply your deep expertise in designing, running and monitoring the infrastructure to support IBM OpenPages applications on IBM / Private Cloud/Cloud Pak for Data. • As a senior consultant you will have responsibility towards services pre-sales activities also. You will be required to understand the customer requirement and create a SoW to be agreed with the customer. Your Role and Responsibilities Architects platforms which are highly scalable, responsive and serve as a foundation for building key enterprise components.Involved in all aspects of SDLC process from requirements, design, and build through deployment.Translates business requirements into working foundational components for platform thus ensuring functional and non-functional aspects are met.Effectively identifies opportunities for change, implements change and introduces new concepts, procedures, policies and tools while providing a clear explanation of benefits and purpose.Involved in working with business stakeholders, cross-functional teams.Documenting architectural standards, best practices and mentoring application teams on developing highly distributed, resilient and responsive applications.Assisting with the development of proposals, supporting business development activities and actively participating in the developer services community via knowledge sharing, best practice documentation and training.Familiar with a background of GRC(Governance, Risk and Compliance) or Risk Analytics will be an added advantage.Work collaboratively with Onshore & Offshore model.Troubleshoot and perform triage for Production issues Required Technical and Professional Expertise 15+ years of overall IT experience Relevant experience of 5+ years on OpenPagesExtensive experience in enterprise software leadership, project management, solution management, consulting and deliveryExperienced in Open Pages Solution ArchitectingDomain experience in Finance, Telecom, Hospital Management and LogisticsHands on experience in Big Data Solutions and ArchitectureA minimum of 5-7 years of experience in Product Software Development is required.A minimum of 5-7 years of experience in database application programming (SQL, PL/SQL and SQL PL), database administration and performance tuning on DB2 for LUW or Oracle is required.Experience with troubleshooting internal or external customer environments.Ability to work as part of a team in a fast-paced, dynamic development environment, and lead them to successDemonstrates verbal and written communications skillsDemonstrates strong analytical thinking and problem-solving skillsCreative approach to problem solving, innovation and issue resolutionSuperior interpersonal skills and the ability to collaborate actively and proactively with others in a cross-functional team Preferred Technical and Professional Expertise Experience with Analytics, Business Intelligence tools (Cognos) is desirable.Knowledge of the agile software development cycleFunctional knowledge of Banking/Finance industry/applications is desirableFamiliar with a background of GRC (Governance, Risk and Compliance) or Risk Analytics will be an added advantage.Financial Compliance, Operational Risk Management, Model Risk Management, Regulatory Change Management.
  10. IBM

    Quality Engineer-Automation

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    Introduction As a Test Specialist at IBM, your analytical and technical skills will directly impact the quality of the software we create. Come work in an agile environment where you will help each iteration reach the next level. Whether the testing is manual, automated, or cognitive, you hold a key role in releasing the best deliverables to IBM’ers and our clients. Your Role and Responsibilities Builds automation for the testing IT systems and applications. Has deep skills in multiple test automation tools and technologies and use these to build and maintain automation solutions to test applications and IT systems across the levels of testing. Responsible to understand testing requirements, building optimized test scenarios, developing automation to execute test along with test data and environment related automation, execute automated testing and achieve test outcome. Has understanding to all the contemporary technology trends - Agile, DevOps, Containers and so have ability to integrate testing automation into overall delivery automation. PH_DIGhotjobsPH_EA&Java2022 Required Technical and Professional Expertise Must have skills:SeleniumJavaAutomation TestingTosca Preferred Technical and Professional Expertise Must have skills:SeleniumJavaAutomation TestingTosca
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