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Integrated Islamic School Kota Damansara


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Whenever the word ibadah is mentioned, most of the time the picture that comes to mind is solat, whenever jihad is mentioned, fighting on the battlefield is the picture that comes to mind. And whenever reminders are made regarding one’s responsibility to contribute to Islam, sadeqah to mosques and orphans are commonly remembered.

The ibadah requires support more so now in the field of knowledge and education. The way knowledge and education have been insidiously secularised and offered to the world of Islam by the so-called western progressive elite has successfully reduced the Muslims to mere “shells” devoid of spirit, leadership, courage, and has removed the crown of knowledge from us. Over the years the spirit of the Ummah has been slowly disintegrated until they are ready now to be served at banquets of the kuffars.

Education today is regarded as nothing else but a passport to a high standard of living. The “products” from this education system feed the lifestyle generated by secular materialism and so we have hazy and fuzzy “successful” people oblivious of their highest status of God’s creations, their duties, and function, and their real purpose in life. Intuitively searching for happiness, in the end after a lifetime of the chase, they realize how short-lived is the happiness offered by the materials of this world.

The institution of IIS, its holistic integrated curriculum, the Khalifah Program being implemented, embodies the struggle to bring back the correct upbringing of our children so that once again we will see the spirit and iman of the sahabah in them. We, the founders, the parents, and the teachers must stay true and be steadfast to this objective. Alhamdulillah, for the blessings and everything and everyone’s contribution so far.

The real challenge for the Muslim educationists today is to rediscover the roots of a truly Islamic education system (tarbiyyah-based) that extends deep into the foundations of our Islamic social, cultural, political, economic, and historical existence. In short, tarbiyyah, derived from the root word ‘Rabb’ which means the Protector, Educator, and Planner of all things, embodies a practical, integrated and holistic Islamic education system that aims to reconstruct our Islamic identity and way of life in our children and ourselves.

IISKD is a sincere manifestation of these ideas translated into a modest reality. Our motto reminds us of the important fundamentals of an Islamic education system –“Knowledge and taqwa, a secret of success”. Thus, the programs in IISKD are tarbiyyah-centered, tailored toward the transfer of knowledge (not content or information) that is the prerequisite for laying the foundations of taqwa in the hearts of our children.

The educational aims of an excellent Islamic school should target the wholesome and all-encompassing development of a child and his or her potentials. Developing a child implies the positive stimulation of the spirit (faith-based), the intellectual (the acquisition of knowledge), the philosophical (a culture of inquiry), the rational (comprehension and analysis of the subject), moral (value-laden), aesthetic (appreciation of the arts), physical (strong and healthy), social (positive interactions towards self and society) and the affective (concerned for the rights and welfare of others).

The daunting task of educating our children rests heavily on the shoulders of parents and teachers as ‘partners’ in tarbiyyah. After caring for and preparing them with the skills to live life, the responsibility of parents extends to ensuring that the best possible arrangements are made within the community to facilitate quality learning experiences. But before entrusting our children to a formal educational system or institution, parents bear the primary responsibility to equip and reinforce the basic principles of good character and morality (the elements of taqwa) in their children as a necessary foundation to formal learning.

The task of choosing the most appropriate school is an onerous one for many parents, because any effect from the experience of the early school years, will have major impressions, even the negative, on a child throughout his learning years and even his life. Parents must be well-informed and meticulous regarding the criteria for choosing an educational institution for their young.

Needless to say, IISKD hopes to be a partner with parents to fulfill these expectations as an act of trust to Allah s.w.t and to ensure our children develop effectively as the future ‘Khalifah fil ard’ in current challenging times. It is also indispensable in helping them to adjust themselves successfully in times of great change.

We know that this gargantuan task is an Amanah that is beyond our capacity to fulfill alone. Thus, the gathering of words and pictures inked in this prospectus represent the unity of thought and effort to share these ideas with parents, friends, and all who are in search of truly Islamic education.

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