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Tanunda Lutheran School


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We believe that it is most important that the children develop relationships that are built on the Gospel values of Love, Courage, Justice, Humility, Compassion, Hope, Forgiveness, Quality, Service, and Appreciation.

  • To help children see the love of God in their lives and to help them share that joy with those around them.
  • To provide for each child, instruction in God’s Word and its place in our lives.
  • To provide a setting where children can respond to God’s Word through worship and Christian living.
  • To provide for each child, a wide range of experiences and activities which will stimulate interest in, and desire for learning.
  • To provide an atmosphere where each child is encouraged to develop his/her talents as fully as possible.
  • To give each child a solid foundation in all basic subject areas.
  • To provide an opportunity for each child to experience a wide range of creative experiences.

To provide an opportunity for the total mental, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual growth of each child.

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