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Royal House Language School


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Royal House Language School was established in September 2003. The original enrollment was 186 pupils. Now our school community has reached almost 2450 students and we continue to attract more every year. It is a school known for high academic standards and expectations and an ever-evolving curriculum that meets the demands of an ever-changing national and international community.

Royal House is committed to providing distinctive high-quality education with an emphasis on each student's emotional, physical, and intellectual well-being. Each student comes to our school excited and eager to learn and it is our sincere goal to sustain that excitement and create lifelong learners through the care, support, and guidance of well-educated and dedicated teachers and staff.

Through Royal House's well-rounded educational program students will have ample time and are encouraged to participate in a variety of extracurricular activities designed to inspire self-confidence and to promote healthy social interactions with their peers.

We are always keeping an eye on the horizon and so, it is our mission to create a dynamic environment in which the pursuit of providing our students with the skills and confidence to become well-balanced and responsible global citizens while preserving their cultural identity and individualism will always dictate the direction and growth of our school/community.

At Royal House, we strongly believe that the PARENT-STUDENT-SCHOOL link is the KEY to success! We believe that this partnership is necessary to promote the positive attitudes needed to guide and support the learning process for children. I’m always willing to discuss any comments or concerns you may have to ensure that this link remains strong.

Royal House's mission is to empower children in mind, body, and spirit to be successful citizens while inspiring them to be lifelong learners. The priority of the school is to challenge children to achieve their full academic, social, emotional, behavioral, and physical potential. The school values academic excellence and believes that it is achieved by creating a warm and supportive atmosphere where each child is appreciated and respected. In Royal House School we respect our students’ individuality and different ways of learning. Our objective is to develop a child - using a well-centered approach that allows students to become self-confident, independent grown-ups. The school affirms that every child can learn and be successful. It is our philosophy and belief that children and their needs are the main concern of us all.

The school follows the curriculum of the Egyptian Ministry of Education. In addition, the school sets its curriculum supplemented by books of British publishers. Students learn a strong and rigorous curriculum – English Language Arts, Arabic, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Religion (Islam or Christianity). Apart from Arabic, Religion, and Social Studies, all subjects are taught through the medium of the English language. Starting from First Primary children choose a second language either French or German. Library, Music, Art, Home Economics, Technology, and Computer classes are also offered regularly.

Sports and fitness play a vital part in a student’s development. Royal House Language School offers an exhilarating range of sports activities like swimming, horseback riding, football, volleyball, basketball, handball, and table tennis. Our extracurricular program provides opportunities for students to explore their interests and hobbies. It also allows the students to build up their self-confidence, positive attitude, and social skills. Sports activities allow children to participate in a group and develop a sense of fair play and teamwork.

The school offers a creative and enjoyable Summer School Program during the summer vacation for Royal House Language School students and students of other schools. The Summer Program combines academics and entertainment. It features:

  • Swimming lessons with experienced instructors from Ahly Sporting Club
  • English, Arabic, Math classes
  • Quran
  • Music
  • Art and Crafts
  • Horseback riding
  • Computer
  • Cooking
  • Outdoor activities

Our kindergarteners develop control of their behavior through the guidance and support of warm, caring, and highly qualified staff. Our teachers with a strong background in early childhood education can best provide for children what they need to grow physically, emotionally, and intellectually.

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