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Woodford Green Primary School


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Our school is a one-form-entry school with an onsite Nursery, based in Waltham Forest and on the border of Redbridge. Surrounded by Epping Forest, the school retains a village school ethos, with a family atmosphere and character.

It has a long history, with the reputation of being the oldest primary school in the London Borough of Waltham Forest. We have a special oak tree in the middle of our playground which is thought to be about 500 years old. Today, as in its earliest days, our school aims to enable every pupil to develop to their full potential, providing them with a quality education within a caring environment.

We are proud of our pupils, school, and staff, supported by the Governing Board. But don’t take our word for it, please feel free to come and see for yourself. Our school is a place where everyone is valued and supported, where we all work hard to be the best that we can be, both as learners and as responsible citizens and members of society.

Our School Values:

  • Support each other and celebrate success
  • Have respect and tolerance for ourselves and each other Be honest
  • Be kind to others Have self-discipline
  • Be responsible for yourself and your actions Are polite and considerate
  • Work well in a team
  • Work hard to do your best

You must regularly talk to your children about how to keep safe when accessing the online world. Children must understand that internet use is underpinned by trust but at the same time, children should understand that there are consequences for misuse of this technology. All children at Woodford Green Primary have the opportunity to work with computers and digital equipment from age four to eleven. They are taught how to use ICT tools safely to find, explore, analyze and present information responsibly and creatively to advance their learning across the curriculum.

While technology can help us communicate, do work, learn and have fun, it is also important to remember that technology can potentially be dangerous. We recognize the importance of educating children and young people in using these technologies safely. This is achieved by ensuring children within our school understand the benefits and risks of using this technology. We provide safeguards and awareness for users to enable them to control their online experiences.

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