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St Andrews RC Secondary School


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In our Catholic school community, we teach that we are all created by God who has lovingly enriched our lives with unique talents and great potential for doing good in the world. In this context, the development and delivery of Curriculum for Excellence is focused on achieving our Vision of Excellence stated below:

We will deliver:

  • The highest levels of attainment and achievement for every individual young person
  • Positive aspirational destinations for all our young people as they leave school.

We create a learning culture of the highest aspirations and motivation, where all young people are fully engaged and challenged. In every classroom, dynamic, varied, and high-ordered teaching and learning develops a thirst for learning in all our young people to ensure they achieve their potential to become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens, and effective contributors to society. In every learning area, our learners experience active and collaborative learning experiences are given responsibility for their learning and opportunities to co-operate with others in that learning. Our staff ensures that all learning experiences are meaningful to the digital generation and develop skills and knowledge.

We create a safe, secure, and happy environment in which young people will thrive, built on mutual respect and love. Our Catholic values and spirituality permeate every aspect of our school life and we pray together as a community. As a community, we reach out in charity, compassion, and respect to others at a local, national and global level. Staff develops and nurtures positive relationships founded on the highest expectations and standards of success, Our young people know our highest expectations and standards of success and make these their own. The voice of our young people is central to the ongoing improvement of our school.

An extensive program of discussion is underway with education authorities and headteachers, which is involving engagement with young people and parents. The report A Curriculum for Excellence has created a unified set of purposes and principles for the whole curriculum in Scotland, throughout the early years, primary school and secondary school. We will deliver:

  • The highest levels of attainment and achievement for every individual young person
  • Positive aspirational destinations for all our young people as they leave school.

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