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Deebing Heights State School


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Deebing Heights State School is a brand new primary school, opened in January 2016. The school is based on Rawlings Road, in the suburb of Deebing Heights. It is a co-educational state school that caters to prep to year six students. The school is expected to grow to approximately 1000 students by 2026.

a School renowned for achieving our vision of Excellence in Teaching Excellence in Learning and Excellence in Partnerships. Our school opened in 2016 with modern facilities and furniture, but at the heart of what we do, are old fashioned values:

  • Safety (safe, supportive, inclusive, disciplined)
  • Respect (collaborative and supportive relationships)
  • Responsibility (leadership and accountability)
  • Learning (high quality, high equity, significant improvement, and lifelong)

Our school is committed to achieving the core priorities of Attendance Achievement (literacy, numeracy, English, Maths, and Science), Enrolment (maintaining and improving our market share), High standards of behavior and

Public perception. The following shared beliefs and understandings support our school to achieve our vision, enact our values and deliver performance outcomes in our core priority areas: All students can achieve high standards, given the right support at the right time. All teachers can teach to high standards, given the right assistance Excellence is achieved through collaboration, not isolation.

Our school is driven by a performance and development culture of systems and processes that are: Precise (regular analysis and discussion of data), Personalised (differentiated teaching and learning for students and differentiated support for staff), and involve: Professional Learning (developing an expert teaching team).

The Australian Curriculum sets consistent high standards for what all young Australians should learn as they progress through schooling. It prepares Australia's next generation for the future and lays the building blocks for generations to come. The Australian Curriculum focuses on learning area content and achievement standards that describe what students will learn and how teachers will teach. It also gives attention to seven general capabilities that are important for life and work in the 21st century and three issues identified in the Melbourne Declaration as needing more attention than they have received in curricula to date. The general capabilities and the cross-curriculum priorities are not added as additional subjects. They are dealt with, where relevant, through the learning area content on which the Curriculum is built.

In each Curriculum, the content descriptions specify what all young people should be taught. The achievement standards set out the depth of understanding and sophistication of students' skills at points in their schooling. The Australian Curriculum focuses on three cross-curriculum priorities: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures, Asia and Australia's engagement with Asia, and sustainability. The seven general capabilities incorporated into the Australian Curriculum are literacy, numeracy, information and communication technology capability, critical and creative thinking, personal and social capability, Ethical understanding, and intercultural understanding. At Deebing Heights State School, there is a particular emphasis on students mastering literacy and numeracy basics.

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