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  • Telecom SudParis


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    Telecom SudParis, established in 1979 as the Institut national des télécommunications (INT), is a Grande École of the IMT (Institut Mines-Télécom). As a "Grande Ecole", it trains the elite engineers and managers of the future in the field of digital sciences and technology. Along with ten other Graduate schools, two universities, and seven research bodies, Telecom SudParis is a founding member of the Université Paris-Saclay.
    Our ambition is to train women and men of all origins, builders of the digital society, and contribute to its construction through teaching and research excellence, sources of innovation, and economic and social value. Telecom SudParis is a specialist in a field of study that is booming. Currently, we study cellular networks, big data, cloud, ultra-high-speed internet, and digital development policies - all areas in which we have proven research expertise.
    Télécom SudParis shares its campus located near Paris with Telecom Business School. The symbiosis between the two schools, unrivaled in France, helped to shape their own identity. It is a singular force in the many dimensions of their teaching, research, and innovation missions and a significant asset for their graduates.
    Telecom SudParis offers, through its programs and partnerships, a wide range of training programs. As such, Telecom SudParis offers numerous programs in fields ranging from applied mathematics to networks and information systems, including electronics, image, and multimedia.
    With more than 100 partnership agreements in 43 countries, Telecom SudParis is also resolutely open to international markets. Telecom SudParis is a founding member of the Université Paris-Saclay, an institution destined to be the largest scientific and technical campus in Europe, with nine other grandes écoles, two universities, and seven research organizations.
    Finally, Télécom SudParis supports more than 15 business start-ups a year. Among the first in France, its incubator is organizing the 2nd Entrepreneurship Competition in France, the Digital Start-up Trophy, to identify and support candidates from the Ile-de-France region.
    On 29th December 2014, the French government creates the "Université Paris-Saclay", and approved its statutes. The new scientific, cultural and professional public institution includes seven research organizations (CNRS, CEA, IHES, INRA, INRIA, ONERA, and INSERM), and 12 higher education and research institutions (Agro Paris-Tech, ECAM, HEC, X, ENS Cachan, ENSTAParis Tech, Supélec, GENES, IMT, IOGS) with two universities Paris Sud and Versailles - Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines.
    The purpose of this in education campuses of excellence, research, and innovation is to become the best European university and be in the top 10 worldwide.
    Telecom SudParis prepared its 2013-2017 strategic plan. It aims to serve the school's ambition: "Training women and men from all origins, builders of the digital society and contribute to its construction by teaching and research of excellence, sources of innovation and economic and social value."
    This strategy fits naturally into the overall strategy of the Institut Mines-Télécom for the 2013-2017 period.
    Developed in the frame of a phased approach, parallel to that of the Institut, the strategic approach of Telecom SudParis was initiated in June 2012 in Steering Committee with the appointment of a workshop of twelve persons representing the different functions of the school.
    In addition to scientific and technical knowledge in the ICT (Information and Communication Technology), the training provided at TELECOM SudParis helps students develop cultural, interpersonal, and social skills highly prized by international companies.
    Welcome to Telecom SudParis, a state graduate engineering school, which has continuously increased its notoriety over the past few years.
    This image, which we have built and continue to enhance, is primarily thanks to the faculty of Telecom SudParis and Telecom Business School and the quality of their educational activities. But this recognition, we have also developed it thanks to collaborative work with many industrial partners. This collaboration enables us to respond to the business world's evolving needs through the implementation of reforms of course content and the educational process.
    One of our ongoing ambitions is to permit our young engineers to position themselves as leaders in many sectors and make the most of the labor market's new opportunities.
    After earning a Master of Engineering, students may opt to specialize in research by pursuing their doctoral studies. The globally-oriented Université Paris-Saclay offers a Ph.D. program in Information and Communication Technologies and Sciences (ICTS), allowing students to earn their doctorate.
    Université Paris-Saclay also offers other research-oriented programs, such as a Master's of Science (MSc) and National Masters Degrees, in conjunction with partner universities. Our doctoral and master's programs offer student researchers an array of research topics.

    Telecom SudParis
    Founding year: 1979
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 0
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Christophe Digne (Dean)
    Number of staff: 0
    Type: Universities








    Address: Telecom SudParis, 9 rue Charles Fourier, Evry, Paris , 91011, France

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