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  • National University Jauretche


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    National University Arturo Jauretche University is an expression of the current value of the idea of the famous university nationalism that promotes the establishment of cultural and technological sovereignty, this being the basis of our economic independence and the industrialization of our country for the social wellbeing of our people.
    The National University Arturo Jauretche (UNAJ for its initials in Spanish) was created in 2009 to offer an educative opportunity following the local needs, linked to the formation of qualified people and the scientific and technological demands required by the process of social inclusion started in 2003.
    Since its foundation, the University has undertaken activities showing a great interest in local development. This can be seen in its academic programs and the number of actions done with joint efforts with the different community members.
    UNAJ has signed more than 50 cooperation agreements with several universities from different regions to undertake activities and research and exchange programs in areas of mutual benefit. UNAJ starts its story on December, 29th, 2009, when the Argentine National Congress enacts the Law 26.576 to create the National University Arturo Jauretche, in Florencio Varela, Buenos Aires. Since then, a set of planning, organization, and management actions of the new educational proposal start. This proposal has its basis on the National Project that made it possible, and its pillars are democratic values, educational rights, interdisciplinary work, and a relation committed with the community.
    In 2011, president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner attended the official launch event and stated: “UNAJ is part of a true indirect policy of security, as education guarantees that society can grow more and in a better way, with equal opportunities for everyone.” In January 2011, the National University of La Plata assigned and transferred the Ex-YPF laboratory building to UNAJ (9 hectares and a building in Calchaquí 6200), in a ceremony in which the president officially signed the document that made this session useful.The total number of enrolled students in the first study cycle was 3046. In 2015, the number was tripled, having today 10700 students attending our University and 9200 students enrolled to start their studies in 2016.
    The origin of the enrolled students has changed over the four years of academic activities. In 2011, 78.4% of the students lived in Florencio Varela. However, since 2012 the University has acquired a regional profile, with the incorporation of students from different parts of the Conurbano Sur. In 2011, 94% of the students were the first generation of university students in their families. This percentage has slightly changed. Another feature of our students is that the average age is 26. Maternal and Child Health program addresses maternal and child policies, perinatal networks, innovations in this field, and contributions for policy-making from areas such as nutrition, early child development, and neurosciences. The program seeks to promote the production of knowledge and interactions between professors, researchers, and social actors linked to the field of study of Maternal and Child Health from an ethical perspective.
    Socio-Cultural Dimensions and Communication of Health standing at the intersection of Social Sciences and Health, this program combines approaches coming from disciplines like sociology, anthropology, social communication, and psychology. The program’s goal is to promote research, transfer, and training projects with an interdisciplinary approach and use socio-cultural and communicational tools to address sanitary issues.
    Policies and Management of Health Service Networks program seek to contribute to diminishing the gaps between theory and practices in the sanitary area. It addresses issues such as health policies and systems, tools for managing network services, new technologies and management of health service networks, regional integration, and compared health systems, networks, and the right to health, and economy of health. Transmissible Diseases program studies the epidemiology of the regional distribution of resistant bacterial strains and to develop a methodology for early detection circulation, characteristics of strains and load of disease of viral and bacterial pathogens of interest to our population developing methodologies for detecting agents of interest according to the needs of the local population and the indigenous strains explore new immunogens with potential for developing vaccines.
    Community Health program’s goal is to generate and share knowledge related to conditions of health, disease, attention, and care for the population living in the region where the University is located. It studies the health situation from the perspective of social determinants of health to achieve a better understanding of socio-sanitary phenomena and contribute to policy-making.
    Oil and Complex Systems’ primary goal of this program is to understand different behaviors of physical systems at diverse scales. A complementary goal is to contribute to the understanding and modeling of physical processes and phenomena related to oil extraction when enhanced oil recovery mechanisms are used, aiming at developing techniques of computer modeling useful for the oil industry.

    National University Jauretche
    Founding year: 2009
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 10700
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Lic. Ernesto Fernando Villanueva (Rector)
    Number of staff: 0
    Type: Universities





    Address: National University Jauretche, Av. Calchaquí 6200, Florencio Varela, 1888, Argentina

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