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About Me

Found 10 results

  1. Stanley Park High is a very successful mixed community school for students of all abilities between the ages of 11 and 19 years. Although we have a long history of schooling in the local area, in 2006 we were designated a ‘One School Pathfinder’ by the London Borough of Sutton. This designation required us to design a new school that not only responded to the outcomes in our vision statement but also had to be innovative and forward-thinking to prepare our students for life in the 21st Century. In addition, it had to be an inspiration to other schools. We feel that we have got this right and our new state-of-the-art school opened in January 2012. Human Beings are a social species. Learning is a social activity. We understand that life in the 21st Century will be strongly dependent on social interaction. Consequently, we believe that the ability to form excellent relationships will be critical to our student's learning and success in the future. Consequently, everything we do is designed to maximize the chances of such relationships. Our ‘Four Schools within One’ concept is central to this. We are highly ambitious for the future success of the school, as we are for each student that is entrusted into our care. We believe that our nationally recognized curriculum structure and innovative approaches to learning and teaching, when coupled with our extremely high expectations, will provide the perfect platform for achievement and success. Our Vision Statement is based on the fact that for children and adults to be inspired to learn it is our fundamental belief that our school provides: A curriculum that responds to the needs of every individual irrespective of their age and aptitude. Learning experiences that are diverse, flexible, rich, experiential, and active. Positive, effective relationships within a collaborative and sustainable community. Academic, social, and emotional intelligence. A number of our students and staff are involved in action research practices to improve learning and inquiry at SPH. These range from EPQ study and guided mentoring for our sixth form students MA study through our partnership with St. Mary’s University, to classroom investigations led by students. We offer internship opportunities for Post-16 students (including a thriving partnership with students from High Tech High) a research base for external MA and Ph.D. students (this year we have Ph.D. colleagues researching our unique practices in one of our autism bases) and the opportunity to link-in with our MA programs run by St. Mary’s (School Leadership and Pedagogy) held on-site here at SPH. We believe that a gulf has opened up between what schools provide and what our children and young people need. We will ensure that our students are literate, numerate, and gain academic qualifications. However, our emphasis is not solely on testing and passing exams at the expense of other skills and qualities that we believe are just as vital in today’s and tomorrow’s world. We offer engaging, collaborative, and interactive learning processes that provide an ideal mix of theoretical and practical learning. As a result of this, our curriculum is recognized, both locally and nationally, as transforming the learning experience of all our students. Students study in a variety of contexts, which cater to all abilities, from the point of entry into school. This ensures the effective learning of all students. We are charged with preparing our students for a future that nobody can predict, but will inevitably involve considerable and fast-paced changes. Key amongst these changes will be globalization and business innovation, with a move to an increasingly interconnected and interdependent world where all human lives will be intertwined, regardless of where they live on the planet. Much of this globalization and business innovation will be the result of developments in the multi-media world. Given this future, we are delighted to be an exciting, forward-thinking, and innovative school. Housed in a ‘state of the art’ building with facilities and equipment that fully meet the demands of learning, our vision statement is ‘Igniting a Passion for Learning. This shows a strong commitment to our view that education should be exciting and challenging so that it instills a love of learning. Consequently, whilst we fully support the need for our students to have the necessary knowledge and understanding to pass examinations, we strongly believe that the ability for any individual to succeed and be happy in the future will be strongly dependent on them acquiring a wider range of skills and attributes.
  2. Stanley Primary School, formed in September 2010 from Stanley Infant and Nursery School and Stanley Junior School, sits at the heart of the local community and serves a mixed ethnic and social area. We enjoy a very high level of commitment and enthusiasm from all our staff, pupils, parents, and governors that creates a tangibly happy and purposeful atmosphere. The school is founded on the excellent academic, creative, and sporting strengths of both its predecessors and offers a wide range of activities, both within the curriculum and out of school hours, which develop the children’s interests and their self-confidence and celebrates their achievements. We have now completed our expansion to four forms of entry from Reception to Year 6. As part of this, we are very pleased to have benefited from a major rebuilding and refurbishment program which has provided us with the best possible facilities to meet the demands of education in the 21st century. The governing body members are appointed for a term of 4 years. The full governing body meets every term and observers are welcome to attend meetings (by arrangement with the Chair of Governors) but may be asked to leave if confidential matters are being discussed. Governors work in partnership with the Headteacher and the senior leadership of the school, acting as ‘critical friends’ who both support and challenge. Governors do not get involved in the day-to-day operations of the school, although there are some statutory responsibilities set out in The School Governance Regulations 2013 and The Governance Handbook for academies, multi-academy trusts, and maintained schools. Much of governors’ work is done through sub-committees, to whom responsibilities are delegated to ensure the work the school does will deliver the strategic objectives set, and to benchmark the school’s performance against external comparators. Stanley Primary is a mainstream primary school for children aged 3 – 11 years. We are proud of our reputation of being an inclusive and supportive school and work hard to meet the needs of all children in our role. We have a specialist provision on-site, The Peartree Centre, for children (of primary school age) with a statement or EHC Plan for Autism or Social/Communication difficulties. Places to this provision are entirely allocated by the Local Authority. Children who are on roll at Stanley Primary School do not have automatic access to The Peartree Centre. Children who are on roll at The Peartree Centre benefit from integration into the mainstream as appropriate, for example, certain lessons or lunchtimes. For further information about how Stanley Primary and The Peartree Centre work together, please call our office number and ask to speak to The SENDCO and/or the Head of Peartree. All Richmond-maintained schools have a similar approach to meeting the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs and disabilities and are supported by the Local Authority to ensure that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, make the best possible progress in school. All schools in the area are supported to be as inclusive as possible, with the needs of pupils with Special Educational Need/s and/or Disability being met in a mainstream setting wherever possible, where families want this to happen. Our Living Classroom is a beautifully crafted wildlife garden that has been created with funds raised by FOSP. The garden includes a lovely pond with accessible pathways, and plans include an orchard. Councillor Jane Boulton, Mayor of Richmond Borough, officially opened the Living Classroom at Stanley's annual May Fair on Sunday 17 May 2015. We were delighted to win a Silver Gilt award at the Richmond Borough in Bloom awards on Thursday 9 July 2015. Many congratulations to Naomi Johns, Molly Gartland, and the FOSP team of volunteers- a fantastic achievement for the Living Classroom’s first year. Our values education project involves teaching the children 8 values throughout the year and having a rewards system to praise those children who adhere to these values. The values are Aspiration, Cooperation, Courage, Gentleness, Honesty, Respect, Responsibility, and Tolerance. Each week we are giving special certificates to those children who demonstrate good values, and these will be displayed in the office reception area. Through the teaching of Stanley Values, we reflect the multi-ethnic and inclusive nature of the school community and also promote British Values to prepare children for life in modern Britain. Examples of this include teaching about democracy through the School Council teaching about British history through the observance of a minute’s silence on Remembrance Day teaching about a range of comparative religions and marking a range of festivals in assemblies. CEOP is the National Crime Agency’s ‘Child Exploitation and Online Protection’ service. CEOP works with child protection partners across the UK and overseas to identify the main threats to children and coordinates activity against these threats to bring offenders to account. CEOP protects children from harm online and offline, directly through National Crime Agency-led operations and in partnership with local and international agencies. View full school
  3. We are a three-form entry junior school with Gold Artsmark status, which nurtures caring, confident and successful children with a "Sense of Pride" in all they do. Visitors comment on our school as having a very good learning environment with a family feel about it. At Stanley Park Junior School we value all aspects of learning across a wide curriculum, with our aim to nurture the knowledge, skills, and enthusiasm that lead towards life-long learning and prepare everyone for a successful role in life. Ofsted (2014) commented, “The rich and varied curriculum promotes learning well. It enables pupils to apply skills they have already learned in different subjects. Pupils are inspired by the themed days, which provide memorable learning opportunities.” You’ll find our classrooms to be hives of activity, creativity, and learning - making Stanley Park a special place for children. We value the ideas and support from parents through regular surveys, coffee mornings, workshops, family evenings, and social events organized by a very successful Parent Teacher Association. We have an “open door” policy that welcomes pop-in meetings, appointments, and e-mails for any communication. We keep parents informed through regular newsletters, texts, and e-mails. Most of all, we aim to make every child feel valued, listened to, and successful. Children are always expected to put in as much effort as they can, and are rewarded for this. We provide many opportunities for our pupils to take on additional responsibilities. They can become class monitors, elected eco and school council representatives, sports leaders, or mini-mentors. They raise funds to build their budget so that they can choose charities and resources for the school. We believe that every child and adult matters. At Stanley Park Junior School, we work together as staff, parents, carers and governors, in a fun, safe, and inclusive environment. We strive to create a rich, varied and challenging curriculum that provides inspirational learning opportunities for all children as they aspire to become successful learners, confident individuals, and responsible citizens with a sense of pride in themselves and their school. To support the development of successful learners, confident individuals, and responsible citizens we: Nurture emotional well-being and provide experiences that support children towards making choices that lead towards a healthy and active lifestyle. Develop children’s understanding of safe and secure environments, managing risks, and equipping them with strategies to build positive relationships and to cope with peer pressure, including safe and responsible use of the internet. Instill positive attitudes towards learning, through a stimulating and challenging curriculum, that motivates children through enjoyable learning experiences that promote high achievement for all. Encourage children’s commitment toward making a positive contribution towards other people and the world in which they live. Inspire confident and resilient children who have developed knowledge and skills that create enthusiasm for life and learning in the 21st Century. Reflect on our approach to all aspects of school life, striving to find the best way forward to benefit the school and our community, treating everyone with fairness and respect. Promote the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. Embrace our "Sense of Pride". We all want the best for the children at Stanley Park Junior School – this is set out above in our Vision and Values. We recognize that this can best be achieved when the home and school work in partnership - sharing the responsibilities and pleasures of preparing young people for the future. At Stanley Park Junior School we are committed to providing an inclusive education, where there is equality of opportunity and where all children can achieve their potential, including those identified as having a Special Educational Need and/or Disability. As a school, we pride ourselves on our commitment to provide an all-around education that supports pupils’ academic and personal development. View full school
  4. We are a friendly school with a well-deserved reputation for excellence in learning. Our committed and talented staff provide a challenging curriculum and have high expectations for the success of all children. Lessons, after-school activities, and visits provide a wide range of exciting learning opportunities. Stanley Park Infants’ School has many strengths and we provide a caring and supportive environment for children to learn. Our Parent Teacher Friends Association plays an important role in our school community. As well as fund-raising, the PTFA arranges social events for children, parents, and staff. Governors also play an active role in the life of the school. These strengths result in an ethos that values individuals and makes Stanley Park Infants’ a very special place to work, play and learn. Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning and provide an environment that prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens. At Stanley Park Infants we are all working together to become super learners. This means that we are learning about the qualities that make someone a super learner, and we are working to become better learners by stretching our learning muscles. For example, to be like 'The Questioner', we are stretching our questioning learning muscles by asking questions to further our learning. This is based on research and theory, which has been adapted to suit our school. The super learner qualities are displayed in the 'Stanley Park Learning Mind', and each one has a super learner character. The success of the approach is that schools take a whole-school approach to the teaching of thinking. This means that thinking becomes central and explicit and all teachers and students develop a common thinking language and toolbox. As students move from lesson to lesson and teacher to the teacher they will be using the same tools and strategies as part of a coherent and well-planned approach. This applies to both primary and secondary schools. Each school will identify and select specific thinking tools which can be used across the curriculum. These tools will develop specific types of thinking and thinking processes. The students will develop an understanding of how they think and be able to articulate how they think. Teachers will talk about thinking with their students. View full school
  5. Stanley Park High is a very successful mixed community school for students of all abilities between the ages of 11 and 19 years. Although we have a long history of schooling in the local area, in 2006 we were designated a ‘One School Pathfinder’ by the London Borough of Sutton. This designation required us to design a new school that not only responded to the outcomes in our vision statement but also had to be innovative and forward-thinking to prepare our students for life in the 21st Century. In addition, it had to be an inspiration to other schools. We feel that we have got this right and our new state-of-the-art school opened in January 2012. Human Beings are a social species. Learning is a social activity. We understand that life in the 21st Century will be strongly dependent on social interaction. Consequently, we believe that the ability to form excellent relationships will be critical to our student's learning and success in the future. Consequently, everything we do is designed to maximize the chances of such relationships. Our ‘Four Schools within One’ concept is central to this. We are highly ambitious for the future success of the school, as we are for each student that is entrusted into our care. We believe that our nationally recognized curriculum structure and innovative approaches to learning and teaching, when coupled with our extremely high expectations, will provide the perfect platform for achievement and success. Our Vision Statement is based on the fact that for children and adults to be inspired to learn it is our fundamental belief that our school provides: A curriculum that responds to the needs of every individual irrespective of their age and aptitude. Learning experiences that are diverse, flexible, rich, experiential, and active. Positive, effective relationships within a collaborative and sustainable community. Academic, social, and emotional intelligence. A number of our students and staff are involved in action research practices to improve learning and inquiry at SPH. These range from EPQ study and guided mentoring for our sixth form students MA study through our partnership with St. Mary’s University, to classroom investigations led by students. We offer internship opportunities for Post-16 students (including a thriving partnership with students from High Tech High) a research base for external MA and Ph.D. students (this year we have Ph.D. colleagues researching our unique practices in one of our autism bases) and the opportunity to link-in with our MA programs run by St. Mary’s (School Leadership and Pedagogy) held on-site here at SPH. We believe that a gulf has opened up between what schools provide and what our children and young people need. We will ensure that our students are literate, numerate, and gain academic qualifications. However, our emphasis is not solely on testing and passing exams at the expense of other skills and qualities that we believe are just as vital in today’s and tomorrow’s world. We offer engaging, collaborative, and interactive learning processes that provide an ideal mix of theoretical and practical learning. As a result of this, our curriculum is recognized, both locally and nationally, as transforming the learning experience of all our students. Students study in a variety of contexts, which cater to all abilities, from the point of entry into school. This ensures the effective learning of all students. We are charged with preparing our students for a future that nobody can predict, but will inevitably involve considerable and fast-paced changes. Key amongst these changes will be globalization and business innovation, with a move to an increasingly interconnected and interdependent world where all human lives will be intertwined, regardless of where they live on the planet. Much of this globalization and business innovation will be the result of developments in the multi-media world. Given this future, we are delighted to be an exciting, forward-thinking, and innovative school. Housed in a ‘state of the art’ building with facilities and equipment that fully meet the demands of learning, our vision statement is ‘Igniting a Passion for Learning. This shows a strong commitment to our view that education should be exciting and challenging so that it instills a love of learning. Consequently, whilst we fully support the need for our students to have the necessary knowledge and understanding to pass examinations, we strongly believe that the ability for any individual to succeed and be happy in the future will be strongly dependent on them acquiring a wider range of skills and attributes. View full school
  6. We are very proud of our inclusive and innovative school and all of our fantastic pupils, staff, parents, and community. Stanley Grove is a Bright Futures Educational Trust school, working together with a group of schools across the North West to provide the very best education for all of our pupils. Being a part of Bright Futures Educational Trust means that our pupils and staff can access resources from across the Trust’s schools, continually challenging and supporting each other in our Multi Academy Trust. We have a rich curriculum offer that explores both the knowledge and skills necessary to become successful and well-rounded individuals who can find their way through the world and positively contribute to society. We actively promote and nurture the curiosity and questioning nature of pupils using Philosophy for Children as a way of exploring the curriculum. We develop the professional awareness and curiosity of our teachers through our unique approach to teaching and learning development known as ‘Reflective Inquiry’ as well as exploring a wide range of current educational research. This is just a simple way of understanding what connects our schools and provides a meaningful foundation for authentic collaborative partnerships, working together on the same underlying principles. We understand that by having common bonds and through developing meaningful relationships which we can continually grow, develop and improve together. We place a great deal of emphasis on developing our children as Independent, Collaborative, Inquisitive, Reflective, Creative, Resilient, Happy, Curious, Confident, Risk-takers. We have many collaborative partnerships both within Bright Futures and outside of our organization. For example, we are an active member of a national network of schools known as Challenge Partners, a network of over 400 schools. We have strong links with Manchester University and other Educational institutes and we work closely with the Manchester Museum and Whitworth Gallery as well as many other partners. We are very proud of our school, our learners, and the vibrant community we serve. At Stanley Grove, we believe in developing skills that will enable our pupils to be happy, independent, and confident. Our curriculum gives collaborative learning opportunities as well as enrichment opportunities that widen children’s horizons and raise aspirations. Lessons are planned to give children the chance to be curious, reflective, and take risks. This allows them to develop resilience. Our staff is also supported to be reflective to ensure that we are always improving and learning ourselves. Wellbeing for both our pupils and staff is at the heart of our curriculum Mindfulness and Thrive Time are just two of how we support children to have good mental health. The wide variety of creative projects that we run in partnership with our local businesses and the University of Manchester, provide our community with free family fun throughout the year. Our recent building project was completed this year and we are now welcoming visitors through our new entrance on Parry Rd. Pupils across the school are enjoying their fantastic classrooms in our new extension, and refurbishment of our existing building. We also have access to our new Learning Research Centre, studio, dining hall, shared learning spaces, and 3G sports pitch. Over Summer 2017 the final external works were completed, and we now have fully landscaped school grounds boasting lots of new play and sports equipment for the children to enjoy. Stanley Grove Primary Academy is an inclusive school where all pupils are encouraged to do their best and to prepare themselves for successful lives. All the opportunities provided to children at Stanley Grove are designed to help them grow into confident and happy life-long learners. Our pupils follow the Stanley Code. We expect everyone in our school community to know, remember and understand the school code. It is expected that they will be regularly referred to in an age-appropriate way. As a Rights Respecting School, we use the articles to link our positive messages regarding the behavior we would like to see the children display. At the beginning of each academic year, as part of the SEAL ‘New Beginnings’ unit, the class teacher will consult with their class to revisit the school code. The code will be displayed in the classroom in a form that is accessible to the children. Class teachers use the PBIS (Positive behavior intervention and support) strategies to promote good behavior in class. These focus on the use of affirmative language and the use of praise. Stanley Grove Primary Academy is passionate about changing behavior and not simply controlling it using punitive measures. Our school has a joint Governing Body with Rushbrook Primary Academy. It exists to support and challenge the staff at the school and to ensure that our children get an outstanding education that they deserve. It is made up of parents, staff, members of the community, and other co-opted Governors with expertise and experience in education or related fields. We meet termly as a Full Governing Body and several sub-committees meet between those times. There will be chances to meet us at various events throughout the year. Educational Visits and learning outside the classroom are an integral part of life at Stanley Grove Primary Academy, furthering the education of the pupils, we consider it vital that we maintain a broad and balanced curriculum. This includes ensuring that pupils have first-hand experiences and have a chance to see and take part in activities outside the classroom. We are part of a vibrant and lively community and we encourage all classes to take part in that community as well as inviting them into our school. Our school grounds provide rich opportunities that can engage all pupils effectively in understanding sustainability and the environment. Visits outside of school, including residential opportunities, are built into our curriculum and enhance children’s learning. View full school
  7. We are very proud of our inclusive and innovative school and all of our fantastic pupils, staff, parents, and community. Stanley Grove is a Bright Futures Educational Trust school, working together with a group of schools across the North West to provide the very best education for all of our pupils. Being a part of Bright Futures Educational Trust means that our pupils and staff can access resources from across the Trust’s schools, continually challenging and supporting each other in our Multi Academy Trust. We have a rich curriculum offer that explores both the knowledge and skills necessary to become successful and well-rounded individuals who can find their way through the world and positively contribute to society. We actively promote and nurture the curiosity and questioning nature of pupils using Philosophy for Children as a way of exploring the curriculum. We develop the professional awareness and curiosity of our teachers through our unique approach to teaching and learning development known as ‘Reflective Inquiry’ as well as exploring a wide range of current educational research. This is just a simple way of understanding what connects our schools and provides a meaningful foundation for authentic collaborative partnerships, working together on the same underlying principles. We understand that by having common bonds and through developing meaningful relationships which we can continually grow, develop and improve together. We place a great deal of emphasis on developing our children as Independent, Collaborative, Inquisitive, Reflective, Creative, Resilient, Happy, Curious, Confident, Risk-takers. We have many collaborative partnerships both within Bright Futures and outside of our organization. For example, we are an active member of a national network of schools known as Challenge Partners, a network of over 400 schools. We have strong links with Manchester University and other Educational institutes and we work closely with the Manchester Museum and Whitworth Gallery as well as many other partners. We are very proud of our school, our learners, and the vibrant community we serve. At Stanley Grove, we believe in developing skills that will enable our pupils to be happy, independent, and confident. Our curriculum gives collaborative learning opportunities as well as enrichment opportunities that widen children’s horizons and raise aspirations. Lessons are planned to give children the chance to be curious, reflective, and take risks. This allows them to develop resilience. Our staff is also supported to be reflective to ensure that we are always improving and learning ourselves. Wellbeing for both our pupils and staff is at the heart of our curriculum Mindfulness and Thrive Time are just two of how we support children to have good mental health. The wide variety of creative projects that we run in partnership with our local businesses and the University of Manchester, provide our community with free family fun throughout the year. Our recent building project was completed this year and we are now welcoming visitors through our new entrance on Parry Rd. Pupils across the school are enjoying their fantastic classrooms in our new extension, and refurbishment of our existing building. We also have access to our new Learning Research Centre, studio, dining hall, shared learning spaces, and 3G sports pitch. Over Summer 2017 the final external works were completed, and we now have fully landscaped school grounds boasting lots of new play and sports equipment for the children to enjoy. Stanley Grove Primary Academy is an inclusive school where all pupils are encouraged to do their best and to prepare themselves for successful lives. All the opportunities provided to children at Stanley Grove are designed to help them grow into confident and happy life-long learners. Our pupils follow the Stanley Code. We expect everyone in our school community to know, remember and understand the school code. It is expected that they will be regularly referred to in an age-appropriate way. As a Rights Respecting School, we use the articles to link our positive messages regarding the behavior we would like to see the children display. At the beginning of each academic year, as part of the SEAL ‘New Beginnings’ unit, the class teacher will consult with their class to revisit the school code. The code will be displayed in the classroom in a form that is accessible to the children. Class teachers use the PBIS (Positive behavior intervention and support) strategies to promote good behavior in class. These focus on the use of affirmative language and the use of praise. Stanley Grove Primary Academy is passionate about changing behavior and not simply controlling it using punitive measures. Our school has a joint Governing Body with Rushbrook Primary Academy. It exists to support and challenge the staff at the school and to ensure that our children get an outstanding education that they deserve. It is made up of parents, staff, members of the community, and other co-opted Governors with expertise and experience in education or related fields. We meet termly as a Full Governing Body and several sub-committees meet between those times. There will be chances to meet us at various events throughout the year. Educational Visits and learning outside the classroom are an integral part of life at Stanley Grove Primary Academy, furthering the education of the pupils, we consider it vital that we maintain a broad and balanced curriculum. This includes ensuring that pupils have first-hand experiences and have a chance to see and take part in activities outside the classroom. We are part of a vibrant and lively community and we encourage all classes to take part in that community as well as inviting them into our school. Our school grounds provide rich opportunities that can engage all pupils effectively in understanding sustainability and the environment. Visits outside of school, including residential opportunities, are built into our curriculum and enhance children’s learning.
  8. We are a three-form entry junior school with Gold Artsmark status, which nurtures caring, confident and successful children with a "Sense of Pride" in all they do. Visitors comment on our school as having a very good learning environment with a family feel about it. At Stanley Park Junior School we value all aspects of learning across a wide curriculum, with our aim to nurture the knowledge, skills, and enthusiasm that lead towards life-long learning and prepare everyone for a successful role in life. Ofsted (2014) commented, “The rich and varied curriculum promotes learning well. It enables pupils to apply skills they have already learned in different subjects. Pupils are inspired by the themed days, which provide memorable learning opportunities.” You’ll find our classrooms to be hives of activity, creativity, and learning - making Stanley Park a special place for children. We value the ideas and support from parents through regular surveys, coffee mornings, workshops, family evenings, and social events organized by a very successful Parent Teacher Association. We have an “open door” policy that welcomes pop-in meetings, appointments, and e-mails for any communication. We keep parents informed through regular newsletters, texts, and e-mails. Most of all, we aim to make every child feel valued, listened to, and successful. Children are always expected to put in as much effort as they can, and are rewarded for this. We provide many opportunities for our pupils to take on additional responsibilities. They can become class monitors, elected eco and school council representatives, sports leaders, or mini-mentors. They raise funds to build their budget so that they can choose charities and resources for the school. We believe that every child and adult matters. At Stanley Park Junior School, we work together as staff, parents, carers and governors, in a fun, safe, and inclusive environment. We strive to create a rich, varied and challenging curriculum that provides inspirational learning opportunities for all children as they aspire to become successful learners, confident individuals, and responsible citizens with a sense of pride in themselves and their school. To support the development of successful learners, confident individuals, and responsible citizens we: Nurture emotional well-being and provide experiences that support children towards making choices that lead towards a healthy and active lifestyle. Develop children’s understanding of safe and secure environments, managing risks, and equipping them with strategies to build positive relationships and to cope with peer pressure, including safe and responsible use of the internet. Instill positive attitudes towards learning, through a stimulating and challenging curriculum, that motivates children through enjoyable learning experiences that promote high achievement for all. Encourage children’s commitment toward making a positive contribution towards other people and the world in which they live. Inspire confident and resilient children who have developed knowledge and skills that create enthusiasm for life and learning in the 21st Century. Reflect on our approach to all aspects of school life, striving to find the best way forward to benefit the school and our community, treating everyone with fairness and respect. Promote the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. Embrace our "Sense of Pride". We all want the best for the children at Stanley Park Junior School – this is set out above in our Vision and Values. We recognize that this can best be achieved when the home and school work in partnership - sharing the responsibilities and pleasures of preparing young people for the future. At Stanley Park Junior School we are committed to providing an inclusive education, where there is equality of opportunity and where all children can achieve their potential, including those identified as having a Special Educational Need and/or Disability. As a school, we pride ourselves on our commitment to provide an all-around education that supports pupils’ academic and personal development.
  9. Stanley Primary School, formed in September 2010 from Stanley Infant and Nursery School and Stanley Junior School, sits at the heart of the local community and serves a mixed ethnic and social area. We enjoy a very high level of commitment and enthusiasm from all our staff, pupils, parents, and governors that creates a tangibly happy and purposeful atmosphere. The school is founded on the excellent academic, creative, and sporting strengths of both its predecessors and offers a wide range of activities, both within the curriculum and out of school hours, which develop the children’s interests and their self-confidence and celebrates their achievements. We have now completed our expansion to four forms of entry from Reception to Year 6. As part of this, we are very pleased to have benefited from a major rebuilding and refurbishment program which has provided us with the best possible facilities to meet the demands of education in the 21st century. The governing body members are appointed for a term of 4 years. The full governing body meets every term and observers are welcome to attend meetings (by arrangement with the Chair of Governors) but may be asked to leave if confidential matters are being discussed. Governors work in partnership with the Headteacher and the senior leadership of the school, acting as ‘critical friends’ who both support and challenge. Governors do not get involved in the day-to-day operations of the school, although there are some statutory responsibilities set out in The School Governance Regulations 2013 and The Governance Handbook for academies, multi-academy trusts, and maintained schools. Much of governors’ work is done through sub-committees, to whom responsibilities are delegated to ensure the work the school does will deliver the strategic objectives set, and to benchmark the school’s performance against external comparators. Stanley Primary is a mainstream primary school for children aged 3 – 11 years. We are proud of our reputation of being an inclusive and supportive school and work hard to meet the needs of all children in our role. We have a specialist provision on-site, The Peartree Centre, for children (of primary school age) with a statement or EHC Plan for Autism or Social/Communication difficulties. Places to this provision are entirely allocated by the Local Authority. Children who are on roll at Stanley Primary School do not have automatic access to The Peartree Centre. Children who are on roll at The Peartree Centre benefit from integration into the mainstream as appropriate, for example, certain lessons or lunchtimes. For further information about how Stanley Primary and The Peartree Centre work together, please call our office number and ask to speak to The SENDCO and/or the Head of Peartree. All Richmond-maintained schools have a similar approach to meeting the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs and disabilities and are supported by the Local Authority to ensure that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, make the best possible progress in school. All schools in the area are supported to be as inclusive as possible, with the needs of pupils with Special Educational Need/s and/or Disability being met in a mainstream setting wherever possible, where families want this to happen. Our Living Classroom is a beautifully crafted wildlife garden that has been created with funds raised by FOSP. The garden includes a lovely pond with accessible pathways, and plans include an orchard. Councillor Jane Boulton, Mayor of Richmond Borough, officially opened the Living Classroom at Stanley's annual May Fair on Sunday 17 May 2015. We were delighted to win a Silver Gilt award at the Richmond Borough in Bloom awards on Thursday 9 July 2015. Many congratulations to Naomi Johns, Molly Gartland, and the FOSP team of volunteers- a fantastic achievement for the Living Classroom’s first year. Our values education project involves teaching the children 8 values throughout the year and having a rewards system to praise those children who adhere to these values. The values are Aspiration, Cooperation, Courage, Gentleness, Honesty, Respect, Responsibility, and Tolerance. Each week we are giving special certificates to those children who demonstrate good values, and these will be displayed in the office reception area. Through the teaching of Stanley Values, we reflect the multi-ethnic and inclusive nature of the school community and also promote British Values to prepare children for life in modern Britain. Examples of this include teaching about democracy through the School Council teaching about British history through the observance of a minute’s silence on Remembrance Day teaching about a range of comparative religions and marking a range of festivals in assemblies. CEOP is the National Crime Agency’s ‘Child Exploitation and Online Protection’ service. CEOP works with child protection partners across the UK and overseas to identify the main threats to children and coordinates activity against these threats to bring offenders to account. CEOP protects children from harm online and offline, directly through National Crime Agency-led operations and in partnership with local and international agencies.
  10. We are a friendly school with a well-deserved reputation for excellence in learning. Our committed and talented staff provide a challenging curriculum and have high expectations for the success of all children. Lessons, after-school activities, and visits provide a wide range of exciting learning opportunities. Stanley Park Infants’ School has many strengths and we provide a caring and supportive environment for children to learn. Our Parent Teacher Friends Association plays an important role in our school community. As well as fund-raising, the PTFA arranges social events for children, parents, and staff. Governors also play an active role in the life of the school. These strengths result in an ethos that values individuals and makes Stanley Park Infants’ a very special place to work, play and learn. Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning and provide an environment that prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens. At Stanley Park Infants we are all working together to become super learners. This means that we are learning about the qualities that make someone a super learner, and we are working to become better learners by stretching our learning muscles. For example, to be like 'The Questioner', we are stretching our questioning learning muscles by asking questions to further our learning. This is based on research and theory, which has been adapted to suit our school. The super learner qualities are displayed in the 'Stanley Park Learning Mind', and each one has a super learner character. The success of the approach is that schools take a whole-school approach to the teaching of thinking. This means that thinking becomes central and explicit and all teachers and students develop a common thinking language and toolbox. As students move from lesson to lesson and teacher to the teacher they will be using the same tools and strategies as part of a coherent and well-planned approach. This applies to both primary and secondary schools. Each school will identify and select specific thinking tools which can be used across the curriculum. These tools will develop specific types of thinking and thinking processes. The students will develop an understanding of how they think and be able to articulate how they think. Teachers will talk about thinking with their students.
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