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  • Whiteheath Infant and Nursery School


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    Our school is a happy, stimulating, and caring place and we expect high standards of behavior and good manners throughout the school. We endeavor to provide memorable experiences for our children. We continually encourage our children to explore, create and develop a real love of learning. We would be pleased to show you around Whiteheath Infant and Nursery School, for you to feel the friendly atmosphere here, allow you to see the children as they work and play together. We inspire, grow and recognize our achievements together”.

    Our school is:

    • A safe and happy place to learn
    • A vibrant community where we respect one another
    • An inclusive environment where we develop a love of learning
    • A place where everyone is challenged and their unique qualities are valued
    • A setting where we develop logical and creative thinking

    Pupils are very happy, polite, welcoming to visitors, friendly, enthusiastic, caring towards each other and they behave very well around the school, in their lessons, and on the playground. They speak very highly of their school and its staff, for whom they have great respect and they know that they are listened to and cared for. Pupils enjoy learning and they explain how the teachers encourage and challenge them and make learning fun. There are opportunities for pupils to take on roles of responsibility in the school including the school council and the eco-warriors.

    We differentiate our teaching so that all children gain access to learning. All teaching takes into account the different abilities and maturities of the children. Every class has daily access to Teaching Assistants who provide individual and small group support. Teachers use a range of teaching styles and strategies. They ensure their teaching supports visual, auditory, and kinaesthetic learners (i.e. children who learn better by ‘doing’). The children work in a variety of ways including whole class teaching, group or pair work, individual teaching, collaborative learning, and ‘circle time’.

    As a ‘Thinking School,’ we aim to work with the children to build a toolbox of thinking strategies that will promote success in their learning. To help the children develop a positive approach to learning we teach Habits of Mind such as persevering, communicating with clarity, and striving for accuracy. Here's Mind maps are a set of visual tools we use for organizing ideas and information. De Bono’s 6 Thinking Hats helps the children to think in different ways for different tasks. Philosophy for Children develops a community of inquiry where questions are valued and explored.

    Good behavior is necessary for a happy, well-regulated school, where staff and children respect each other and effective learning and teaching can take place. We help our children to learn to be kind, helpful, understanding, and tolerant of others. We also encourage them to show self-discipline, a sense of responsibility, and self-confidence. Good behavior is a vital component of this and there we have a set of principles to ensure we can meet this aim. We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. We have very high expectations of behavior. We expect all staff, pupils and their parents to take collective responsibility for maintaining these high standards.

    At Whitehead Infant and Nursery School, we believe that each person is special. We believe that all children should have their needs identified, monitored, and addressed. This will ensure any child with SEN (special educational needs) will have the best possible educational experiences to support their level of learning within a broad and balanced curriculum.

    Whiteheath Infant and Nursery School
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 0
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Ms. Co Head: C Weaving
    Address: Ladygate Lane, London, Greater London, HA4 7RF, United Kingdom

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