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  • St Pauls CofE Primary School


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    Welcome to St. Paul’s School. This academic year we have worked together as a school community to review our school values. We wanted values that reflected both our Christian faith and the inclusiveness that is such an important part of the ethos of our school.
    The children who attend St. Paul’s School come from a range of cultures and faiths, and we celebrate this diversity. Our new school values of “Respect, Trust, Compassion” reflect the teachings of Jesus, as well as providing a good foundation for the children’s future lives.
    We are very ambitious for our children, and they are for themselves. We provide a rich and engaging curriculum.
    St. Paul’s is a voluntary aided Church of England School for children aged 3 to 11. St. Paul’s Primary School is first and foremost a Church of England foundation that strives to offer all pupils, staff, parents, and friends the experience of a loving, caring and worshipping community.
    St. Paul’s Primary School is first and foremost a Church of England foundation that strives to offer all pupils, staff, parents, and friends the experience of a loving, caring and worshipping community. We aim to work in partnership with family and parish communities, complementing and supporting all on their faith journey.
    We are concerned with the development of the whole child: spiritually, intellectually, socially, emotionally, and physically. Therefore whilst the school provides for a broad and balanced curriculum to meet the needs of pupils of all abilities, a major aim is to enable all pupils to develop an understanding of themselves, of others, and society in general.
    We believe that we are all children of God and therefore everyone is of value in the sight of God. Each has their gifts to contribute to our community and together they make up a valued part of our school.
    We are committed to an equal opportunities policy and will stand firm in the rejection of all prejudice. We strive to develop a community where mutual respect reigns, where value is placed on social and cultural diversity, where personal standards of behavior and work are high, and where all grow to recognize their responsibilities, both to themselves and others.
    At St. Paul’s we provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all our children. Our curriculum is based on the National Curriculum and covers the following subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, Religious Education, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), History, Geography, Music, Physical Education, PSHE, Citizenship, Design and Technology, Art.
    Foundation Stage Classes follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum Guidance which encourages learning through play and offers a variety of experiences from six broad areas of learning. From Year One to Year 6 children follows the National Curriculum.
    At St Paul’s we want every child to be successful. We know that the sooner children learn to read, the greater their success at school. The teaching of phonics is a key strategy that is used to help our children to read and write. Phonics is a way of teaching early readers to match the sounds with the letter shapes.
    We start teaching phonics in Nursery and continue throughout Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Some children in Years 3 to 6 may continue to be taught phonics if this is needed to help with their reading skills.
    Phonics is taught through discrete phonic sessions, regular reading sessions and will often be referred to throughout the school day linking it with many of the other curriculum subjects.
    St. Paul’s is a Church of England School and our values are based on our belief in the teachings of Christ. We are happy to admit children from other faiths and enjoy the diversity this brings to our community. We follow the religious education syllabus laid down by Southwark Diocesan Board which teaches children about Christianity while also helping them to understand other faiths, in particular Judaism and Islam. Religious assemblies are held daily and all children participate in our worship.
    Children are encouraged to care and show respect for themselves and the thoughts and feelings of others. In class regular circle time discussions cover citizenship and other issues. During this time all children’s contributions are valued and pupils learn to accept that every individual has a right to be heard. Pupils are taught how the body works, how to keep it safe and healthy, and about the dangers of unhealthy living. This is taught discretely and through science, religious education, and literacy.
    Physical exercise is taught regularly to all children during the school day and several after-school clubs encourage further participation. Swimming is provided in Key Stage Two. With a strong emphasis on a healthy lifestyle, we encourage understanding about the good effects of exercise and the variety of sports available to our children. We reward good team players and believe that every child can gain pleasure and satisfaction from the sport

    St Pauls CofE Primary School
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 0
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Head Teacher: Dr. Maggie Brady
    Address: Penrose Street, Walworth, London, SE17 3DT, United Kingdom

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