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  • St Ann's Church of England Primary School


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    Welcome to the St Ann’s Church of England Primary School situated in South Tottenham, London. St Ann's School aims to provide a Christian context for learning that is caring, stable, and academically challenging. It is our wish that the whole school community develops a love of learning.

    We will strive to provide all involved with the necessary skills and opportunities, to take an active role in learning, to reach their full potential. The school and wider community will work together to show respect and care for each other and the environment.

    St. Ann’s School aims to provide a Christian context for learning that is caring, stable, and academically challenging. It is our wish that the whole school community develops a love of learning and an understanding of our Christian values.

    School aims:

    • We are committed to providing a secure and stable environment with shared expectations of the children’s conduct. We feel that a settled and calm environment is essential if meaningful learning is to take place.
    • We aim to provide continuity and progression in the children’s learning.
    • We are aware of the requirements of the National Curriculum and would encourage our children to achieve the highest individual standards, through the use of differentiated learning strategies. This will be achieved by targeted interventions.
    • We aim to develop in each child a sense of self-worth, and an awareness of his/her importance in the school and the local community.
    • Through the Christian life of the school, we aim to give the children an understanding of moral values, other faiths, and cultures particularly in their relationships with others.

    Our Foundation Values are central to the mission of the school and underpin our Collective worship. Each half term we break down these values into weekly thoughts and prayers drawing inspiration from the relevant Bible reading.

    Children who have been entered into the 'Gold Book' for outstanding learning or behavior three times in a term receive a 'Gold Certificate' in Celebration Assembly to which their family is invited.

    The school aims to cater for the all-around development of each child - intellectual, physical, spiritual, moral, and social -and to help each child to achieve self-discipline and self-respect as well as respect for others, in a secure environment of Christian love and care.

    The school teaches to the National Curriculum programs of study and attainment targets. We have introduced the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) to help deliver the curriculum excitingly and engagingly.

    The Nursery and Reception classes belong to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). Children learn through play and exploration, active learning, and creating & thinking critically. There are three prime areas of learning: personal, social & emotional development physical development & communication & language.

    KS1 classes (Year 1 and Year 2) follow the National Curriculum, with emphasis on reading, writing, speaking & listening, mathematics and science. They use units from Milepost 1 of the IPC.

    KS2 follows the National Curriculum, with an emphasis on English, maths, and science. Years 3 & 4 use units from Milepost 2 of the IPC, whereas Years 5 & 6 use units from Milepost 3.

    To achieve these principles St Ann's teaches children Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). Children are taught a range of science topics in line with the National Curriculum which links to Geography, History, and Art units from the International Primary Curriculum (IPC). This is a challenging curriculum that focuses explicitly on children’s learning. The structure of the IPC is based on subject, personal, and internationally-minded learning goals and unique units of work that help children acquire knowledge, skills, and understanding in an active, exciting and involved classroom.

    The aim is to help each child to be able to read fluently and with understanding so that reading becomes a source of real pleasure and enjoyment.

    Reading is a complex skill that is taught thoroughly and systematically at St Ann’s. We start developing a love of reading in the Nursery by introducing an exciting range of books to the children. They learn to love and know key authors by making props for stories, acting out stories, and enjoying the fun and rich language of stories. All children take books home from their classroom to share with parents in every year group.

    Learning with the IPC takes a global approach helping children to connect their learning to where they are living now as well as looking at the learning from the perspective of other people in other countries.

    St Ann's Church of England Primary School
    Founding year: 1858
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 0
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Mr. Mark Lancaster (Head)
    Address: Avenue Road, Tottenham, London, England, N15 5JG, United Kingdom

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