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  • Simon Marks Jewish Primary School


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    At Simon Marks Jewish Primary School we are committed to ensuring that every pupil leaves our school with high aspirations, an enduring enthusiasm for learning, and the confidence to address the world on their terms. We are committed to the concept of lifelong learning by identifying opportunities for professional development, Jewish family education, and community learning of a high standard. Central to our success is the significance we attach to the relationships between the school, the parent body, and the local community.
    Simon Marks Jewish Primary School is a one-form entry, inclusive, modern orthodox Jewish school which nurtures strong ties with Israel. We welcome children from across the spectrum of Jewish practice and also from local families who are sympathetic to and respect the school’s Jewish and inclusive ethos. The school will admit 30 children to the reception class, including children for whom the school has been named in an Education, Health, and Care Plan. In the case of oversubscription, the school will give priority to those who meet a religious practice test based on guidelines from the Chief Rabbi. Those applicants wishing to be considered as priority applicants for available places will need to obtain a Certificate of Religious Practice (CRP) based on criteria such as the family’s synagogue attendance, prior commitment to Jewish education, and voluntary work within the community. All unsuccessful applicants will be placed on a waiting list and children will be ranked on the list by the admission criteria above. The waiting list will be maintained throughout the school year. Ranking on the waiting list is strictly based on the admissions criteria listed above. Priority will not be given to children based on the date of their application.
    Parents should make a formal application to the local authority by completing the In-Year application form. The Supplementary Information Form and Certificate of Religious Practice should be returned to the school. Applications will be considered in conformity with the oversubscription criteria and without delay. If a waiting list exists for the age-appropriate class a CRP will be required and the applicant will be added to the list. If there is a vacancy a CRP might not be required. I f a place in a Reception class is offered before a child is of compulsory school age, parents can request that their child’s entry be deferred until later in the same school year. This means that the place is held for the child and is not available to be offered to another child. Parents would not, however, be able to defer entry beyond the beginning of the term after the child’s fifth birthday, nor beyond the academic year for which the original application was accepted. The school is committed to taking its fair share of children who are vulnerable and/or hard to place, as set out in locally agreed protocols. Accordingly, outside the normal admissions round the governing body is empowered to give absolute priority to a child where admission is requested under a local protocol that has been agreed for the current school year. The governing body has this power even when admitting the child would mean exceeding the published admission number (PAN).
    Simon Marks is a school where children learn to achieve through working with and helping others to respect the diversity of the community in which they live and learn to contribute to Jewish continuity and the wider society. We teach key skills and knowledge that lead to understanding and develop the confidence to succeed. We are committed to providing a caring, happy, welcoming environment that meets the needs of each child and ensures that all children have equal access to a broad and balanced curriculum including interaction with, and appreciation of, the arts.
    Our learning community is facilitated by a leadership structure that communicates the purpose and direction of the school and a system of informed continuous professional development. Our professional staff team actively seeks to take up opportunities to further their knowledge and skills.
    A word about the composition of the Governing Board membership: two are Parent Governors, elected for four-year terms by all current parents at the school. The staff elects a Governor too. And, as a voluntary-aided faith school, we currently have six Foundation Governors, appointed for three years each by the Simon Marks Jewish Primary School Trust.
    The health and safety of our pupils and staff are of the utmost importance. In recent years we resurfaced part of the school playground to remove some hazards and to install a softer play area. We are fortunate to have two full-time security guards, Greg Guzsaly and Iulian-Mihai Mereuta, who are employed by a security company approved by the Community Security Trust. Greg and Iulian are highly valued members of our school community and ensure children enter and leave safely with a known parent or carer. The school has a detailed policy covering all matters of health and safety, available on request from the school office.
    Children have unique personalities and abilities. We aim to meet the school community’s educational, social, emotional, and physical needs by creating an environment that encourages everyone to achieve their full potential.
    In the past two years, the government has allocated funds to enhance the teaching of Physical Education and promoting healthy, active lifestyles for all children. In 2013-2014 the school invested in new wall bars and apparatus in the hall which is accessed by all pupils during their indoor PE sessions. In 2014-2015 the school invested in new playground markings which all children access at playtimes making these times more enjoyable and active.

    Simon Marks Jewish Primary School
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 0
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Ms. Head Teacher: Gulcan Metin Asdoyuran
    Address: 75 Cazenove Road, London, GB, N16 6PD, United Kingdom

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