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  • Rednal Hill Junior School


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    Rednal Hill Junior School comes under the umbrella of the Birmingham local authority. It is situated on the southwestern border of the city close to the Lickey Hills at Longbridge. The area has a strong history with car manufacture although much of the original site has now been developed with a new technology park, housing, and amenities.
    The school was built in 1952 and has three forms of entry from Year 3 to Year 6. It offers full wrap-around care from 7.30 am until 6 pm each day. The building provides access to the full range of curriculum needs and has its purpose-built dining and refreshment area. Good use is made of spacious grounds which provide ample scope for sport and recreation. Included on the grounds is a vegetable garden with a woodland walk, pond, and science area.
    We belong to a class community, a school community, and our family community. We enjoy working and playing in these communities. We understand that in a community there are rules and responsibilities. We also belong to bigger communities: Longbridge, Britain, and the World. We like to know about these communities and find out about the other people who share them with us. We all have lots of things in common. We want to be a responsible citizens by appreciating and caring for the communities that we live in. We are learning about our changing world and finding out how we fit into it and how we can make a positive difference. We celebrate differences and understand that people think differently and have their values and beliefs too.
    We like to work with our friends and encourage and support them to do well. We are good at teamwork and we know that sometimes we can achieve more together than we can on our own. We try to take on board the ideas of other people as well as sharing our fantastic ideas. We like other people to know that they can trust us and that we will be honest. In return, we want other people to be able to trust us. We are friendly to everyone at our school and value old friendships and new ones. We communicate well with others by listening and respectfully speaking to them. We are aware of the needs of other people and try to consider them in everything we say and do. We support others and demonstrate generosity, patience, and kindness.
    We know that we have choices to make every day. Some of those choices could have positive or negative outcomes. We want to make good choices so that we can enjoy school and life and that the people around us can enjoy themselves too. We can make these choices ourselves. We are aware that we will have to make choices for the rest of our life and that some of these will be moral choices. We are developing our own beliefs about what is right and wrong so that we can follow our conscience. We choose to stand up for other people. We do not tolerate bullying of any kind and we work hard to educate others to ensure that there is no discrimination in our school. We understand that our justice system is designed to encourage people to make good choices.
    At Rednal Hill we want people to respect us and be considerate of our needs. We show this respect to our friends, peers, and all adults. We are polite to everyone. We are aware of other people’s needs and show consideration. We are kind and demonstrate care for others by looking after people and sharing with them. We are patient and supportive as we want to help other people to be the best that they can be. We are appreciative of what others do for us. In school, we show respect to adults by following the school rules and listening to what we are asked to do. We show respect for ourselves, for others, and our environment. We look after the resources that we have and help to keep our school looking wonderful.
    We are all different and amazing! We like the fact that we are not all the same - we all have different strengths and different personalities. We are developing self-awareness and an understanding of our own identity. We want to reflect on what we do well and decide what things we could do even better. We are confident and independent: we like to be resourceful and problem-solve. We all believe in ourselves and know that we can achieve great things. We are free to be ourselves and should know our own beliefs and opinions and it is good to share these respectfully. We are aware of who we are and how other people see us. We are proud to stand up for ourselves and what we believe in. We are assertive.

    Rednal Hill Junior School
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 0
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Mr. Head Teacher: R. Jones
    Address: Irwin Avenue, Rednal, Birmingham, B45 8QY, United Kingdom

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