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  • Queenswell Junior School


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    Queenswell Junior School is a community school for children aged 7 to 11. Queenswell is a dynamic school, committed to providing a rich education that interests, enthuses, and rewards each child. We have high expectations for every child and are dedicated to meeting each child’s individual needs by developing their curiosity and confidence to learn – both now and in their future.
    Our Religious Education program aims to develop children’s knowledge and understanding of all the major faiths, promoting tolerance and respect for each other as members of our multi-cultural community, underpinned by fundamental British values.
    Our committed and skilled team of teachers and support staff work together to plan and deliver creative and stimulating lessons which inspire every child. We actively foster the moral, social and physical development of each child within a safe and supportive learning environment.
    The learning environment is supported by our modern, well-designed facilities which include up to date technology in every classroom, landscaped grounds that include spacious play areas, quiet areas, a sports field, football pitch, and additional tennis courts
    We recognize that about 10% of our school population can be classed as higher achievers or gifted pupils, in one or several areas of the curriculum. We believe that children who fall into this group need special and extra provisions to ensure they reach their potential. Activities are arranged within the classroom and some external activities to ensure those children who may be gifted in a particular area are nurtured.
    We have a clear system of consequences should a child choose not to follow our school rules. These are also discussed at the beginning of every school year. Consequences range from a quick and gentle warning, to ’ time–out’ and missed privileges. Should a child misbehave repeatedly we would endeavor to solve the problem in partnership with their parents/ carers. For some children, a personal behavior plan with clear targets would be agreed with a strengthened system of consequences. In extreme cases the Headteacher has the right to exclude a child – this may be over the lunchtime period. The governors would become involved in cases of appeal.
    We believe that all children, whatever their home background, ethnicity, home language, physical disability, religion, gender, or ability, have the right to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum that reflects the society in which we live, promotes the best dispositions for learning and ensures good progress. We want to keep you informed of the curriculum your child will be following throughout their time in our school.
    Children transfer from the Infant School to the Junior School at the end of year 2 via an application process. There are close links between the schools. The children have many opportunities to meet each other, for example in assemblies, joint reading sessions, and buddying with older children. Infant children have several opportunities to visit the Junior School during the summer term and their new class teachers also visit them in their Infant classrooms.
    Parents/ carers also have the opportunity to visit the Junior School in the summer term before your child transfers here in September. Our pupils and staff offer a guided tour and there is an opportunity to meet and talk with the Headteacher.

    Queenswell Junior School
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 0
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Mr. Head Teacher: Spencer Clayton
    Address: Sweets Way, Whetstone, London, N20 0NQ, United Kingdom

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