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  • Queenswell Infant and Nursery School


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    We are a community Infant and Nursery School for children between three and seven We have a Nursery for 78 part-time children we can offer 13 of these as full-time places available on a fee-paying basis. We have three classes of thirty children in each year group. We are a School with many environmentally aware features including rainwater harvesting, solar panels, wildlife areas, and recycling schemes. Queenswell Infant and Nursery School are an inclusive and welcoming School.
    Our school is a special place to learn because we are a safe and happy school. Every child’s contribution is listened to, respected, and valued. Each child is encouraged years old. We provide a stimulating and creative curriculum for everyone. Our school building is fully accessible to people with physical disabilities. There is excellent behavior, with clear rules that treat everyone fairly. We are a kind, hard-working staff. We have a supportive community.
    We provide individual keyboard lessons with a keyboard teacher from the London Borough of Barnet Music Office. There are a limited number of places and there is a charge for these lessons. All children have individual needs and sometimes children will need extra help with their learning. These children may be higher achievers, children with special educational needs, children learning English as an additional language, children with specific medical needs, and children with physical disabilities.
    Our school provides special support by Planning a challenging curriculum to extend children’s interests and knowledge. Enjoying a very good relationship with health professionals to obtain advice and further training as needed. Providing good role models to children. Providing extra challenge to those who may need it.
    We have a positive approach to behavior with an underlying co-operation between School and home. Our rules are designed to keep children safe and create a happy and pleasant atmosphere for everyone. They are explained at the beginning of every school year and regularly reinforced.
    We believe that you are your child’s first and most important teacher. We want to develop a partnership with you that supports all aspects of your child’s learning and development. Should you wish to discuss any issues relating to your child at school you are welcome to make an appointment to see the Class Teacher and/or the Head Teacher.

    Queenswell Infant and Nursery School
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 0
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Head Teacher: Karen Smith
    Address: Sweets Way, Whetstone, London, N20 0NQ, United Kingdom

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