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  • Pioneer House High School


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    As a brand new school Pioneer House welcomes its first students in September 2016, we have 14 pupils in Key stage 3 and 11 in Key stage 5. The school meets the needs of pupils with significant learning difficulties through our exciting and innovative vocational curriculum pupils will make outstanding progress to become confident, independent young people who enjoy life and make a positive contribution to their community.
    It is both a pleasure and a privilege to lead the school, as it builds on the strengths of the Piper Hill Learning Trust, towards a future as a strong contributor to excellent specialist provision locally, regionally, and nationally. Our academies are encouraged to develop as their distinctive institutions, believing this is how they can best respond to local needs. We do, however, work within a common structure and ethos rooted within the PLT vision. Good test and examination outcomes are the keys to providing the best life chances for children and we are creating a collaborative culture of continuous and joint improvement in teaching and learning with a focus on the basics.
    All pupils must have a Statement of Special Educational Needs or an Education, Health, and Care Plan naming the school. At Pioneer House we offer a strong focus on applied learning, with the curriculum focus growing as the students move through the Key Stages e.g. catering and hospitality and horticulture through simulated and real-life work experience. Effective and strong links will be forged with local businesses.
    In the process of considering naming Pioneer House in a plan, the LA must consult with the school and the school will consider the appropriateness of the placement for an individual and would also ensure that naming a child for Pioneer House would be in the best interests of the children and whether the school could meet their needs.
    We can only accept referrals from Local Authorities (LA). Whilst parents are welcome to visit the school and can be provided with information about the school, the school cannot proceed to the admissions stage without local authority support. Parents wishing their children to benefit from our provisi8on should ask their local authority to name our school in their child’s EHCP.
    Although parents can indicate to their local authority the school of preference to be named the authority may not agree with the placement identified. In such circumstances, parents have the right of appeal to the First-tier Tribunal (SEN & Disability). The school will adhere to LA decisions.
    All information relating to the proposed placement of any individual is confidential. There will be open and regular communication with relatives, carers, and advocates, which acknowledge and respect the needs of each user. The school will liaise with the local authority to ensure they are kept up to date.
    All subjects are taught to all pupils aimed specifically at their levels of learning, where each pupil receives a broad, balanced, relevant, and differentiated curriculum. There is also be a strong focus on applied learning e.g. catering and hospitality, and land-based studies through simulated and real-life work experience, and work opportunities.
    Students continue to develop their skills, knowledge, and understanding in English, Mathematics, Science, ICT, PSHE, PE, RE, Modern language, art, food technology, and design technology, citizenship, careers, and humanities through the school with additional time being spent on applied learning as they move through the key stages.
    All students will have individual key targets in the functional key skill areas of Communication, Application of Number, and ICT. They also have an individual key target in each skill for Life and Learning curriculum area, including Team Working, Independent Enquiry, and Self-Management to increase their personal, social, and emotional development. These individual key targets inform all curriculum delivery and personalized planning.
    At Pioneer House we work closely with our pupils to develop their skills as independent travelers by the time they leave us in KS5. Where pupils are not yet traveling independently parents and carers are invited to apply for travel assistance to Manchester City Council’s travel coordination unit (TCU), for travel assistance solutions. E-safety is an integral part of children’s education in today’s digital world and is embedded in their learning at school. We also want to help our parents and children improve their understanding of e-safety issues so they can learn to use the internet and all digital media safely and securely.

    Pioneer House High School
    Founding year: 2016
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 0
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Head Teacher: Wendy Godfrey
    Address: 200 Yewtree Lane, Northern Moor, Manchester, M23 0FF, United Kingdom

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