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  • Moston Fields Primary School


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    We are hard working and caring school community that strives to grow our children as life-long learners. Since the last Ofsted inspection, staff, parents, governors, and children have been working hard to develop our school ethos, community, and the learning experiences that we offer.
    Our vision is to provide an inspiring education that sets all children up with the knowledge, skills, and motivation needed to become learners for life – in the classroom and beyond. Our children will become caring, responsible future citizens that the community is proud of.
    We are an improving school where every second count and, with our new Senior Leadership team, we are busy putting key plans in place to ensure that all children achieve and thrive at Moston Fields. We will also continue to develop opportunities for parents and carers to be involved in school. Our Parent Focus Group is a key part of this. All of our work will have the ultimate aim of developing our children into confident, articulate learners and active citizens of the future.
    Moston Fields is a caring and inclusive school community that inspires and motivates pupils to reach their full potential both inside and outside of their classroom. We have a dedicated team of staff who are committed to providing the best provision for all pupils, including those with additional needs. This year, to create a more open-ended home learning activity that gives children the chance to use and extend their learning around the foundation subjects and practice their core basic skills, we have introduced Learning Logs. These Learning Logs will allow for each child to produce their homework at their level and reflect their interests. It will also allow their creativity and research skills to be developed, as they find varying ways to present their homework. Initially, this is for KS1 and KS2 but Reception will take up as the year progresses.
    Children in Nursery and Reception at Moston Fields are taught using the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). This sets the standards for learning, development, and cares for children from birth until the end of the Reception year. It aims to develop each child to their full potential by offering a ‘principled, play-based approach to learning and development’. Young children learn best through play and Early Years Practitioners will be able to provide your child with appropriate play and learning experiences for their stage of development and help them develop new skills. The activities that are provided for young children will underpin the skills they need to work towards the Early Learning Goals at the end of their Reception year at the school. The EYFS curriculum enables practitioners to recognize their child’s strengths and areas where they need more support to develop new skills.
    At Moston Fields Primary, Nursery, and Reception pupils will be accessing a rich language-based curriculum all based around specific high-quality key texts that have been chosen to give children a range of learning opportunities across the seven key areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework. Our life skills curriculum is driven by the school's mission statement to provide fun and engaging opportunities for children to develop key life skills, essential for living in the wider world. The children will develop skills and knowledge and become resilient when faced with a challenge.
    The pupil premium is a grant given to schools for each child who claims free school meals currently or who has done so in the past. It is really important that all parents/carers of children eligible to do so, register for free school meals even if you don’t choose to have them as the grant enables us to provide extra resources for your children. Research has shown that children who have been on/ are on Free School Meals don’t attain as highly as other children in school.
    The government provides this grant so that we can commission/allocate additional support to ensure that they do. The support can be in a short burst or over a longer-term such as a term or two terms. It may take the form of 1-1 or small group teaching and maybe an evidence-based intervention. It may also be used to develop teaching and learning approaches to support the acceleration of outcomes. It may also be used to help break down any barriers to learning that individuals or groups have. At Moston Fields, we are currently developing our intervention programs ensuring that what we utilize is evidence-based and able to show impact. The government allows us to spend this money in a variety of ways making sure that it impacts children in terms of improving their literacy and mathematical skills and their social and emotional well-being and happiness.
    Keeping children safe in education is statutory guidance for schools and colleges who must have regard to it when carrying out their duties to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. This means that they should comply with it unless exceptional circumstances arise. Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families and carers has a role to play in safeguarding children. To fulfill this responsibility effectively, all professionals should make sure their approach is child-centered. This means that they should consider, at all times, what is in the best interests of the child.

    Moston Fields Primary School
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 0
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Head Teacher: Sarah Murray
    Address: Brookside Road, Moston, Manchester, M40 9GJ, United Kingdom

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