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  • Little Ilford School


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    Founded in 1957, Little Ilford School is a successful mixed multicultural 11-16 secondary school with 9 forms of entry situated in the London Borough of Newham. We are a proud, diverse, and celebratory institution that enjoys an excellent reputation and strives to be an outward-facing school working closely with our community.
    We are culturally rich with an ethos based around praise, support, and caring for each other. We have very high aspirations for the students whatever their personal or social challenges we systematically remove all barriers to learning to ensure that all of our students can fulfill their potential and leave us as fully active citizens of the Manor Park community.
    Most of our students begin at LIS well below national standards but achieve in line with, or exceed, national standards when they leave in Year 11 our students achieve well above national rates of progression. We expect all of our students to excel.
    We intend to ensure that our students achieve even higher rates of progress and outcomes through high-quality learning and teaching and a curriculum that provides opportunities for all students to excel.
    Our mission is to help students to gain key skills to meet the demands of the 21st century, through Reviewing their progress and dealing positively with praise, setbacks, and criticism, Analysing and evaluating information, and judging its relevance and value, Connecting their own and others' ideas and experiences in inventive and original ways.
    Our students will develop qualities to enable them to be self-aware and emotionally intelligent, through working towards goals (including long-term goals) and showing initiative, commitment and perseverance, Managing their emotions, and building and maintaining relationships, Taking responsibility, and showing confidence in themselves and their contribution to the school.
    The organization of students’ learning will be evaluated and transformed to ensure that Students have opportunities to generate ideas and explore possibilities in inventive, enterprising, or entrepreneurial ways. Students explicitly learn essential transferable skills, which they apply across all subjects.
    At Little Ilford School we take pride in our levels of experienced and highly trained staff. This ensures the quality of learning in the school is of a high standard and promotes effective learning.
    We enable all students, whatever their ability or background, to make the best possible progress in acquiring knowledge, understanding, and essential skills, undertaken in partnership with our teachers.
    We offer the chance to experience achievement and ensure that students develop attitudes to learning which prepare them for the opportunities and responsibilities of the 21st-century world.
    Lessons are planned for ensuring pupil progress and care is taken to stretch and challenge all students in a supportive environment. Students are regularly assessed and feedback is a regular feature of all lessons.
    We encourage independent learning and help students to be clear about the next steps they need to take to fulfill their potential. Teaching strategies are varied to stimulate interest and progress and lead to high academic outcomes. Strategies include group work, questioning, hot seating, pair work, oral rehearsal before writing, individual extended tasks, tests, and assessment.
    All teachers encourage students to take risks in their learning: it is only when students venture out of their comfort zone that progress can be made. The staff creates safe and inclusive learning environments for risks to be taken. Regular training of all staff is undertaken and we have created an ethos in the school where teachers are the lead learners.
    At LIS we believe that greater involvement and greater partnership between the school and parents leads to further success for our students. At the same time, FLIS provides a forum for parents to express their views, contribute to school initiatives, and plan workshops to support and develop parenting skills. FLIS also develops community links and provides opportunities for the community to socialize and learn together.

    Little Ilford School
    Founding year: 1957
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 0
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Head Teacher: Ian Wilson
    Address: Rectory Road, Manor Park, London, E12 6JB, United Kingdom

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