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  • Lauriston School


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    Lauriston is currently working in partnership with the federation of Daubeney and Sebright Schools. At Lauriston, we provide a rich and stimulating curriculum whereby all children enjoy learning. We endeavor to develop a lifelong love of learning and the acquisition of skills that will prepare our children for their future lives.
    At Lauriston, we support all children to develop a life-long love of learning through a broad curriculum that builds confidence, nurtures the whole child, and empowers them to become responsible citizens.
    At Lauriston School, we are committed to ensuring our children understand the importance of being active, having a healthy lifestyle, and enjoy sports and games activities. The impact will be measured by skill audits, assessments, analysis of attendance, and further measures of success.
    School governors have a responsibility for supporting their schools, while also holding them to account. At Lauriston, Governors are actively involved in all aspects of school life and contribute time and energy to ensure the school continually improves. Governors share the school’s aims and values and are keen to enhance the environment, provide the right resources and see that every child receives the best possible education. The purpose of the Governing Body is to help the school to provide the best possible education for its pupils. They work closely with the Executive Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team to set the school’s strategic aims and policies and actively work to monitor, support, and improve the quality of teaching and learning for all pupils. The role of the Governing Body is one of the strategic oversight governors are not involved in the day-to-day running of the school. That is the responsibility of the Headteacher.
    Our governors represent our wider school community: elected parent and staff governors, one Local Authority nominee, and co-opted members from the wider community. They have a mix of skills, experiences, and backgrounds to help provide the best possible support to the School.
    Every child from Reception onwards, who has either been in Local Authority Care, or has been entitled to Free School Meals at any time in the last 6 years, is eligible for Pupil Premium funding. This funding is given directly to schools to provide additional resources and support to ensure that all children reach their potential. At Lauriston, we have 95 children eligible for funding and we use this funding for Learning Mentor support, in-class Teacher Assistant support, external agency support, resources, training for staff on how to support this group of children best, as well as subsidies if requested, of music lessons, trips, after school clubs and breakfast club for pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium. We ensure that every child at Lauriston has equal access to all learning opportunities.
    At Lauriston, we are passionate about and committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and we expect all staff and visitors to share this commitment. We are fully committed to ensuring that consistent effective safeguarding procedures are in place to support families, children, and staff at school. We have robust policies in place for ensuring the well-being of our children. These policies underpin our practice and values shared by every single member of staff in our school. Copies are available from the school office. Any concerns about children are passed through the members of staff who are trained as “Designated Child Protection Officers” in the school in compliance with the “sharing of information” guidance.
    Lauriston School Council is up and running, Learning Mentors meet with the children weekly and Joannie Andrews one of our Local Authority Governors meets with the council regularly. The minutes from the School Council meetings are displayed in ‘The Street’ and are a regular item at Senior Leadership Team meetings.
    The garden is a complex living environment. It evolves and changes day by day nurturing life in a myriad of forms. An endless resource for learning discovery and magic. Through the garden, we explore the biodiversity of our world and our interaction with it. We find insects whose delicacy and strength amaze us. Spiders, whose silken threads glisten through the seasons as they wrap their captured prey in cocoons of fiber.
    Invertebrates and fungi interlink the soil with the plants which grow in it, symbiotic relationships helping the bigger story unfold. We sow seeds, watching them germinate and develop as we plant out our vegetables and flowers to form a living picture to fill our days with color and scent. Our handiwork brings forth untold visitors who buzz and chirp and creep and crawl as they find company and food and places to live. We harvest and cook and eat our crops, we collect and store and reuse our seeds. There is no waste, as nature intended because we compost everything the garden does not need, recycling the nutrients and minerals to feed the soil.

    Lauriston School
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 0
    Leadership: Mr. Head of School: Louis Harris
    Address: Rutland Road, London, GB, E9 7JS, United Kingdom

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