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  • Emmaus Church of England and Catholic Primary School


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    A warm welcome to Emmaus Church of England and Catholic Primary School. We are a joint denominational school, the first in the country which was conceived as such and built to provide education for the children of Croxteth Park and fulfill the wishes of both the Liverpool Diocese and Archdiocese for a joint church school.
    We are proud of all our achievements. We are particularly proud of the success that the school community has found in working together showing understanding, sensitivity, and respect for each other's religious traditions. In March 2014, we were inspected by both the Catholic Archdiocese and the Church of England Diocese under a Section 48 Inspection and graded outstanding in all areas.
    We are committed to delivering a challenging and creative curriculum fit for the 21st Century Learner which fully embraces new technologies and a global dimension. In addition to following a National Curriculum, we are also a Centre of Excellence for French and offer a range of extracurricular activities including choir, guitar, violin, brass, woodwind instruments, orchestra, football, basketball, netball, cross country, fencing, and judo. We aim to help all children reach their full potential and to become balanced and socially competent individuals equipped to meet the demands of the adult world and have a real sense of responsibility towards others.
    The school sees itself as part of the local community. It views education as a partnership between home, school, and parish and we strive to encourage close and friendly relationships. Every effort is made to create and maintain a partnership that is beneficial to our children.
    We believe that we can only achieve the best for your child by close co-operation between home and school, with an opportunity for you to share in your child’s education. We are always available to talk to you about aspects of your child’s development. We concern ourselves with all areas of your child’s welfare and progress and we hope that you will share with us in making this a successful period in your child’s life.
    We are committed to creating a school based on the values of the Gospel, in which the traditions of the Anglican and Roman Catholic Churches are valued and affirmed by the whole community. Developing an inclusive environment where the individual talents of each member of the school community are valued and nurtured. Fostering within the school community, a sense of commitment and responsibility, respecting others and oneself. Delivering a broad and balanced curriculum which both challenges and supports the diverse needs of individual pupils and prepares them for the demands of the 21st Century. Promoting an ecological awareness and responsibility through developing concern and care for God's creation.
    We aim to prepare our children for all the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. Our curriculum is balanced and broadly based and promotes each child's spiritual, moral, cultural, mental, and physical development preparing them to be responsible and active citizens in future years.
    The curriculum at Emmaus School is determined by the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, the National Curriculum, Liverpool City Council Curriculum Guidelines, the Archdiocese and Diocese guidelines for Religious Education, and the school’s subject policies.
    At Emmaus School, British values are promoted in much of what we do, not least during our Collective Worship and Religious Education.
    Gold School Games Award is a government-led awards scheme that recognizes schools for their commitment to the development of physical education and sporting competition. The award of the Gold Mark is the highest award available and an indication of our commitment to school PE and sport.
    Good Diabetes Care in School Award. The Diabetes UK, Good Diabetes Care in School Award is a proud badge of recognition that sends out a message of competence and confidence in the school's management of medical conditions such as diabetes.
    Liverpool Reading Quality Mark. In February 2015 we were awarded the Gold Standard - the highest standard for this award.
    The Dyslexia Friendly Award is awarded to schools who can demonstrate that they are ‘dyslexia friendly’ in four areas 1) Leadership and Management, 2) Teaching and Learning 3) The Classroom Environment, 4) Partnership and liaison with parents, carers, governors, and concerned parties.

    Emmaus Church of England and Catholic Primary School
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 0
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Mr. Head Teacher: A Williams
    Address: Fir Tree Drive South, Croxteth Park, Liverpool, L12 0JE, United Kingdom

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