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  • Chase Bridge Primary School


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    At Chase Bridge, we set high standards for work and behavior. Our most fundamental principle is that we believe intelligence and ability are not fixed and if our children develop skills such as resilience, resourcefulness, reflectiveness, and reciprocity (learning to share and work as a team), they can meet their full potential. We expect all members of the school community - children, staff, parents, and governors - to work together to maintain these standards and for children to work purposefully towards achieving their best at all times. Our school motto is Excel at Learning Express Your Talents Care for Others.
    Children are eligible to join the Nursery at the beginning of the autumn term (September) following their third birthday. If a space becomes available during the year we will offer it to the waiting list but parents should be aware that we have no guaranteed intake other than in September. Chase Bridge Primary School is maintained by the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames and follows its policy on admissions. The school is open to any child in the age range of 4+ to 11. As the school is often oversubscribed, it is not possible to guarantee a place to all applicants. If you are unsuccessful in gaining a place for your child, we will be pleased to tell you about the Borough appeals procedure. Parents with young children should refer to Richmond’s official guidance notes on starting school. Once you have been offered a place for your child to start at Chase Bridge, you will be invited to visit for a New Parents' evening and will also be offered a home visit in September before your child starts school.
    If at any time you have any questions, however small they may seem to you, please do call the school office. Children admitted to the Reception year are given opportunities to visit before they start school. During these times they can familiarise themselves with their surroundings and get to know their teachers. The school endeavors to ensure that children with disabilities can be admitted and play as full a part in school life as possible. The school governors have approved a disability access plan and policy. There are ramps at all entrances, three disabled toilets, and a sound-field system in the hall.
    At Chase Bridge, we recognize that it is everyone’s moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children. We endeavor to provide a safe and welcoming environment where children are respected and valued. The best interests of the child are considered at all times. We are committed to identifying concerns early and can implement early help where necessary. We are alert to the signs of abuse and neglect and follow our procedures to ensure that children receive effective support, protection, and justice. We know where a child is in immediate danger or at risk of significant harm action should be taken immediately to protect that child. Chase Bridge always maintains an attitude of it could happen here.
    Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children refers to protecting children from maltreatment preventing impairment of children’s health or development ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care and taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.
    At Chase Bridge, we run an extensive club provision for all the children in the school. These clubs are organized on a termly basis and are run by a combination of teachers, TAs, parents and sports coaches, and other outside providers. Clubs take place after school, at lunchtime, and occasionally before school.
    The internet is an extraordinary force for good but is not designed with children in mind. However one-third of users are under 18 and the part it plays in children's lives continues to grow: among 3-4-year-olds, in the last year, time online increased from 6 hours 48 minutes to 8 hours 18 minutes a week, and 12-15-year-olds now spend over 20 hours a week online. (Figures taken from the Children's Commissioner - Growing Up Digital January 2017 report). Through regular newsletters and events, this parent-run group aims to help explain the risks and promote the benefits of using the internet. Run by Chase Bridge parents and carers for Chase Bridge parents and carers, it is a valuable forum for you to share ideas, ask questions and find out the latest advice about new developments.
    Our assessment procedures are an essential part of how we help children achieve high standards. We regularly evaluate children’s knowledge, skills, and understanding through daily formative assessments and termly summative assessments. These assessments help establish children’s abilities and current strengths, as well as their next learning steps. Teachers use assessment information to inform their planning, ensuring lessons continually build on children’s strengths and address areas for development improving the quality of teaching and learning.
    Children are actively involved in our assessments, as they become better learners when they are given time to reflect on their success in lessons and are aware of their own learning goals. The qualitative and quantitative assessment information is shared regularly with parents throughout the year so that teachers and parents can work together to help children succeed.

    Chase Bridge Primary School
    Founding year: 1953
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 640
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Head Teacher: Andrew King
    Address: Kneller Road, Twickenham, GB, TW2 7DE, United Kingdom

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