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  • Castle Park Primary School


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    Castle Park Primary School’s website. We hope that you can find all of the information you need here and that it helps you gain an understanding of the work and life of our school and to appreciate the exciting opportunities on offer to children in our care. Castle Park Primary School is a school where pupils, staff, and parents/carers enjoy working and learning together. We are proud of the happy, caring learning environment that we achieve at Castle Park Primary School.

    Our vision for Castle Park Primary School is for our school to be a happy, caring, and supportive community where each child has the opportunity to realize their learning potential. From these secure beginnings, we hope our children will emerge as confident, responsible, and considerate citizens.

    Aims and Objectives:

    • Castle Park Primary School is an extension of the home and recognizes the supportive role played by members of the wider community
    • Our school family is special and underpinned by strong values such as compassion, kindness, honesty, and forgiveness.
    • Personal, social, and spiritual development enhances academic achievement.
    • The school is a center of learning, for pupils and staff, and that we can learn much from one another.
    • All members of the school community will have high expectations of behavior and achievement, for themselves and others.
    • The school community is part of the community of Wales and the Welsh language, culture and heritage will be celebrated.
    • All members of the school community are unique and we will positively value differences and individual strengths.
    • All members of the school community will take responsibility for themselves, others, and the environment around them.

    At Castle Park Primary School we consider equal opportunities as central to the ethos and activities within the school. Adults and pupils who make up the school community should feel valued and free from discrimination. We believe that we should cater to the needs of all children in our community, regardless of race, culture, religion, and ability. Extra-Curricular activities are seen as vital to the development of the whole child. At Castle Park Primary School we offer a wide range of activities, which increase self-esteem, broaden experience, build confidence, and provide experiences where success is shared. We offer extracurricular activities such as Chess, Country Dancing, Cooking, Cycling, Art, Gardening, Reading, crafts, and Sewing.

    We take great pride in the behavior of our pupils. The emphasis in the school is to praise positive behavior, attitude, and effort to increase children’s awareness of the need to make a positive contribution to their community.

    Castle Park Primary School
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 0
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Head Teacher: E. Bain






    Address: Church Rd, Caldicot, GB, NP26 4HN, United Kingdom

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