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  • Avenue Primary School


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    Avenue Primary School is situated in Manor Park, East London. Avenue is a large and diverse Primary School brimming with character and charm. Staff and Governors work together to provide the children with a purposeful learning environment and one in which they will feel happy and secure.

    Whilst ensuring we place great emphasis on high standards of academic achievement we value the effort our children put into their learning and we take care to nurture, within each of them, a love of learning that we hope will continue with them throughout their lives.

    We seek to develop our pupil’s self-esteem, promote positive learning behavior and support them in becoming thoughtful, interested, and caring individuals. We regard our partnership with you, the parents/carers, as a vital part of your children's education. We aim to involve you as much as possible in all aspects of your children's time with us.

    ‘All pupils and members of staff at our school are provided with opportunities to fulfill their potential whatever their sex, race, color ethnic or national origin, marital status, age, sexual orientation, disability, or religious belief.’

    We are committed to ensuring that equality is a fundamental part of our drive to improve and that all members of the Avenue Primary School Community should expect the best…to be the best.’

    Whole School Aims:

    • To ensure that all pupils whatever their race, gender, age, or ability feel valued and supported to achieve their best
    • To promote positive learning attitudes and behavior and create safe and effective learning environments where all children and staff show mutual respect for one another
    • To provide effective and strategic leadership at all levels
    • To deliver high standards of teaching that enable children to make progress and reach high standards of attainment.

    Our School Rules:

    • We always do our best
    • We show respect for others by listening and cooperating
    • We act safely at all times
    • We look after our school, our environment and respect other people’s things
    • We use kind words.

    At Avenue Primary School we believe that all our pupils have the right to an education that is appropriate to them as individuals. Every child should have equal opportunities and entitlement and, as far as possible, we aim to minimize the difficulties that pupils may experience with their learning. We aim to achieve this by ensuring regular review of our practices, provision, and curriculum.

    At Avenue Primary School we believe that every child should have equal opportunities and entitlement. We view Inclusion as the early identification and minimizing of any barriers to learning and participating within a broad and balanced curriculum. All children in our school are valued as equal members of the learning community and have access to a common range of experiences and opportunities to extend their achievement in a learning community that recognizes the strengths of diversity, is positively anti-racist, and acts against all forms of discrimination. By Inclusion, we mean both social inclusion in its widest sense addressing issues of gender, multi-linguism, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status as well as inclusion for children with SEN and or disabilities. We take action to promote inclusion which is reflected in policies, planning, curriculum delivery, recording, reporting, and achievement. All our policies aim to promote equality of opportunity for pupils regardless of gender, race, ability, or culture.

    At Avenue Primary we are committed to providing pupils with good quality P.E and sporting provision so that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles. Our pupils participate in indoor and outdoor physical activities every week and enjoy the facilities of a purpose-built sports hall and a large Multi-Use Games Provision.

    Our P.E lead, alongside our Sports coach and other coaches, aims at all times to improve the quality of P.E and sport provision within the school whilst ensuring that this area of provision becomes firmly embedded into the life of the School.

    Avenue Primary School
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 0
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Ms. Head Teacher: H. Nazif
    Address: Meanley Road, Manor Park, Newham, London, E12 6AR, United Kingdom

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