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  • Anfield Road Primary School


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    We are delighted to welcome you to Anfield Road Primary School. Our school is a well-established school, which has been serving the community of Anfield for over 125 years. The school has always been a popular choice with generations of families for over a century.
    Our school is committed to a vision, which promotes high quality and excellence, ensuring the best outcomes for all our children, enabling them to access a world-class education.
    In addition to our Learning Challenge Curriculum, we promise that during your time in school you will: Have the opportunity to take part in residential visits. Learn about the history of your city. Create and sell things to raise money for the enterprise. Learn to swim. Learn to look after animals. Grow, tend and nurture a plant. Learn a musical instrument. Learn a foreign language. Have the opportunity to take part in cycling proficiency. Learn basic First Aid. Learn basic Road Safety. Perform to a wider audience. Experience live music on stage. Take part in annual fieldwork visits. Visit Art Galleries. Learn to reduce and recycle waste. Have the opportunity to be in Children’s University.
    At Anfield Road Primary School we have a unique philosophy and a special approach. We are fortunate to have a city center school with a fresh and vibrant team that can extend, challenge, and excite each child who comes here. From our Forest School, to our arts Atelier, we offer engaging and interesting resources that allow our children to experience much more than a standard classroom environment can.
    Our school is proud to be in the great city of Liverpool and acknowledges its location in many ways. We also strive to encourage all our pupils with particular emphasis on art, enterprise, creativity, and individual growth.
    Our two main drivers are Art and Enterprise. They are part of a philosophy that sets our school apart. At Anfield Road Primary School we believe that the early years of development are the most important, as this is when children are forming who they are as individuals.
    Learning is based on the principles of respect, responsibility, and community through exploration and discovery in a supportive and enriching environment based on the interests of the children. Creative learning and thinking are at the heart of everything we strive to achieve.
    The Arts drives the enterprise throughout the whole school. It is highly evident to any visitor how important the Arts are to us. In addition to curricular enterprise, we host at least three whole school enterprise initiatives per year. For example, we held a ‘festival of lights in December to celebrate all faiths worshipped by our children and families and sold artwork and crafts. Every two years we host an Arts Festival with five other schools from the area.
    The Atelier is our on-site fully purposed arts studio and a very special place. It's here that children can be at their most creative. They are encouraged to experiment with materials and techniques to create their artwork. We even have a kiln and potter's wheel to make ceramics.
    We have a functioning allotment as part of our outside recreation area. Children can learn about growing, harvesting, and even forestry and farming here. Our chicken coop even gives us fresh eggs - and we're now proud to say we have our very own goat!
    We have adopted the Kagan co-operative learning approach across the school which has made a huge impact on our teaching and learning. Kagan offers children the opportunity to teach each other by working in teams, pairs, or as a whole class.
    Our Nursery is the perfect place for pre-schoolers. Available from two-year-olds and upwards, there are morning and afternoon sessions, flexible options are available.
    From the very start, your child can enjoy the Anfield Road philosophy and be part of our family. Their journey can take them through to First, Middle, and Upper Schools but it is not a requirement.
    Our overarching aim in First School is for every child to be able to read by 6, and the staff will endeavor, via high-quality teaching and first-class intervention using Read Write Inc. for this to happen.
    In reception, children will learn through high-quality play-based activities in the outdoor and indoor environment through continuous provision, which provides opportunities for the children to further develop and consolidate learning with peers.
    Children in First School follow our Learning Challenge curriculum and families will be welcomed to our various enterprise events. We see parents as partners in their child’s learning and development and work alongside them at home.

    Anfield Road Primary School
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 0
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Head Teacher: Claire Drew-Williams
    Address: 125 Anfield Rd, Anfield, Liverpool, L4 0TN, United Kingdom

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