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  • Paterson Park School


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    Established in 1932 as the Johannesburg SDA Church School, we moved to Orange Grove in 1953 and became known as Paterson Park School. The school provides a warm, caring environment where all children can learn to relate positively to each other, staff, and other adults. It recognizes the uniqueness of each individual and priority is given to helping every learner develop socially, spiritually, emotionally, academically, and physically to the fullest extent possible.
    Paterson Park is a Christian school. The teachers are dedicated to encouraging learners to develop a love for God, love and acceptance of other people, and healthy self-esteem.
    Paterson Park School’s staff integrates the teaching of Christian values into all subject areas and encourages each learner to adopt high moral standards. While Seventh-day Adventist beliefs are presented a tolerance and understanding of all religions are encouraged.
    It is expected that all learners will gain an appreciation of Christian worship and spiritual fellowship with a strong emphasis being placed on cooperative behavior and self-discipline by learners themselves. Our school is proud of its high academic standard and pleasant learning environment. We expect that children who are accepted into our school will maintain the high standards which set our school apart from many others.
    Paterson Park School has established a strict uniform code and expects children to wear the correct uniform at all times. Learners are required to maintain high standards of neatness and tidiness in dress and grooming. Hair needs to be in a short, neat, conservative style for boys and the girls must tie their hair up if it reaches past collar length. No long bangs or braids are allowed to hang over the eyes. Only navy blue or white hair accessories are allowed. Our school has adopted a sun-safe policy regarding the wearing of school caps which are worn throughout the year.
    Paterson Park School offers a program based on the Christian philosophy of God being the Creator and Saviour of the earth. The fundamental premise upon which our educational philosophy is based is the belief that this gospel touches every aspect of life. The educational program in this school is designed so that the power of the gospel may become a reality in all aspects of the lives of our learners.
    Paterson Park School exists to provide a warm, caring, Christian environment where all children can learn to relate positively to each other, staff, and other adults. The school recognizes the uniqueness of each individual and priority is given to helping each child develop socially, spiritually, emotionally, academically, and physically to provide a balance for life skills and life’s choices, preparing the mind for truth, the hands for service, and the heart for heaven. As a result of our belief in the holistic approach to education, we emphasize the importance of developing a healthy lifestyle.
    As Paterson Park School is a Christian school each staff member is dedicated to encouraging learners to develop a love for God and a saving relationship with Jesus Christ which will be expressed in unselfish service, self-discipline, and a better understanding of biblical principles by which to make decisions.
    The school encourages the participation of parents in its education program. Parents are expected to attend the annual general meeting in the second week of school as well as parent evenings in April, August, and November for interviews with the teachers and to collect their child’s report. We also expect parents to support all Church promotions by bringing their children to participate.

    Paterson Park School
    Founding year: 1953
    Website: Visit Website
    Leadership: Mrs. JT Hlanze (Principal)



    Address: Paterson Park School, 3 10th St, Orange Grove, Johannesburg, 2192, South Africa

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