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  • Jeddah Prep and Grammar School


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    JPGS brings children together from many nations to learn and grow together. Our experienced and fully qualified staff of local and expatriate teachers are dedicated to providing children with the very best that international education has to offer. We wish to stand proud as a beacon of academic excellence the life lessons of lasting impact and great worth: self-discipline, the integrity of character, care for others, and a sense of values permeate every aspect of your child’s time here.
    Education does not only take place in the classroom but on the sports pitch, performing on stage or exploring in the field, and so all students at JPGS are encouraged to take risks, develop existing interests and try new ones via participation in our enrichment program. These elements combine to provide our pupils with the knowledge and skills to thrive in a globally mobile, competitive world.
    A child’s time at school must be a period of growth for each individual to explore their mind’s full potential. As the children develop, they have the chance to become an elder of the school, to mentor younger children, to put something back into the community to learn to lead.
    Jeddah Prep and Grammar School provides a unique educational opportunity in the most cosmopolitan city of Saudi Arabia. At the heart of the school’s ethos are the needs of the children. We cater to these needs by providing a nurturing environment providing opportunities for academic achievement and fostering individual talents and strengths.
    Whether living and working at home or abroad, choosing a school for your son or daughter is a most responsible task. Because our children’s education, quite rightly, will always be a priority, the choice of the ‘right’ school for them can be a complicated decision.
    Since it was opened in 1967, the School has established a worldwide reputation for high academic standards, incorporating the traditional values of good manners, discipline, competition, and commitment to the School.
    We seek to provide a stimulating environment, in which individuals will grow in confidence, skill, knowledge, and compassion and the School’s ethos is shaped by the people who teach and study here. Jeddah Prep and Grammar School seeks to attract a broad range of pupils with diverse talents and an appetite for education. When they arrive, our pupils bring much of the character of our School through the gates with them.
    Many of the qualities which attract parents to Jeddah Prep and Grammar School also draw men and women of great dedication and ability to teach here. Staff is encouraged to explore enthusiasms in and out of the classroom, and to develop their teaching styles within a framework of shared principles: that learning matters, that all members of the community deserve to be treated with care and respect, and that every lesson or activity is a fresh opportunity to awake interest and develop understanding.
    As an overseas School, we follow the National Curriculum for England and Wales up to the age of 14. From there, an International GCSE program is undertaken. Students can be offered the opportunity to pursue A-Levels courses within the School after 16. We are highly conscious of the need to ensure that our students are well prepared for eventual integration into the education systems and societies to which they will be returning. We have a great deal of experience assisting students in their continuing education to various locations throughout the world.
    Here at JPGS, we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) which are set standards for learning, development, and care for children from FS1 until the end of the FS2. This is a two-year program that starts at FS1 and ends in FS2.
    It aims to develop each child to their full potential by offering a ‘principled, play-based approach to learning and development’. Young children learn best through play. Our teachers at JPGS will be able to provide your child with appropriate play and learning experiences for their stage of development and help them develop new skills. The activities that are provided for young children will underpin the skills they need to work towards the Early Learning Goals at the end of their FS2 year at the school. The EYFS curriculum enables practitioners to recognize their child’s strengths and areas where they need more support to develop new skills.
    Our curriculum is exciting innovative stimulating cutting-edge different and blends our traditional grammar school education with unusual challenges designed to stretch even the ablest young child.
    We teach the basics thoroughly along with a wide range of skill-based activities to seek to broaden the mind and develop natural inquisitiveness. Enthusiastic and knowledgeable staff from the Prep School provide the majority of the teaching with additional classroom input from Grammar School subject specialists.
    Our aim is that all our students are happy and successful in school. The Grammar School offers a comprehensive and academically rigorous British curriculum. It has a culturally diverse student body comprising approximately 400 students from Years 7 to 13. Students meet together every morning in vertical mentoring groups which allow students to mix with other students from all-year groups. Teaching groups, however, comprise of students from the same year group and students in Key Stage 3 learn together mainly in their teaching group.
    Jeddah Prep and Grammar School offers opportunities for exceptional academic success coupled with tremendous opportunities for personal and social development. At JPGS a combination of careful planning and monitoring and excellent teaching enables students to exceed their expected “A” Level grades.
    The academic attainment of our students has led to a near 100% placement rate in Further or Higher Education across the world, with the vast majority of our students being offered admission in some of the top universities in the UK, USA, and Canada. The continued growth in the popularity of the “A” Level program at JPGS has meant that this year’s intake of 33 students has continued the steady increase since 2012 when we admitted 20 students Ativan for sale in Y12. Admission is selective, with students expected to have a minimum of 6 IGCSE grades of B and above (with at least C in Maths and English).

    Jeddah Prep and Grammar School
    Founding year: 1967
    Website: Visit Website
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Mark S. Bedford (Head)
    Address: Jeddah Prep and Grammar School, Al Amal Street, An Naim , Jeddah, 23526, Saudi Arabia

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