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  • LCBI High School


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    This school's mission shall be to provide a high-quality education for youth, helping them discover their gifts and develop their potential as members of the family of God through a sound academic, worship, and boarding school experience.
    LCBI is a Christian boarding school that has been in operation for over 100 years. The school offers a variety of outstanding academic and extra-curricular programs. Also, LCBI High School is an ecumenical and faith-centered school. We provide an environment where people can approach and explore faith in their terms. Students from across Canada and around the world study at our school.
    The purpose of LCBI Mission Experience Trips is to allow students of LCBI to have meaningful experiences and live out their faith in a tangible way. Teams have participated in urban outreaches to people living in poverty and experiencing homelessness, packed food for the hungry at food banks, and cleaned up green spaces to beautify neighborhoods. There has been participation in cultural exchange with local youth and residents, and work in local schools with various ages.
    The LCBI Mission Team has returned from their week of service at Foundations For His Ministry Mission in Vicente Guerrero, Mexico. They had a fantastic experience serving alongside other groups from Montana, California, and Canada.
    They understood this ministry's work and goals through the mission's home for 75 children, separate daycare for 120 kids, a men's rehabilitation center, a medical clinic, outreach programs, and Bible College. They supported the staff and their work through assisting with meals, working in the kitchen, painting and doing maintenance projects, weeding, and cleaning. And of course, there was lots of time spent with the children – in the "Cuna" or nursery, at the daycare, in the gym, playing games in the evenings, and being able to give lots of hugs and smiles all week. The LCBI students were a fantastic team with true servant hearts and shared the love of God very openly with each other and with everyone they met. We want to thank everyone for their prayers, encouragement, and support for this mission experience. Our team has come back changed and with full and grateful hearts.

    LCBI High School
    Founding year: 1911
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 0
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Ms. Andrea Klassen (Principal)
    Number of staff: 0






    Address: LCBI High School, Box 459 Ash Street & 4th Ave Outlook, Saskatchewan, S0L 2N0, Canada

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