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  • Hope Secondary School


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    In partnership with parents and the community, we are committed to providing a caring, structured, and flexible environment where our students will experience academic and personal growth in an atmosphere of cooperation and mutual respect. We have designed the HSS student planner to contain information and guidelines that will enable students to set and achieve high and realistic educational goals. Students should read through all the information and carry their student planner to all classes and use the dated pages to keep track of all assignments and events and the record of achievement chart to record marks.

    Ms. Wilkins and Mr. Relland are available to help students in the areas of academic achievement, career, and social/emotional development, helping our students become productive, well-adjusted adults. They offer individual counseling to help students resolve personal or interpersonal problems. They also offer small group counseling to help students enhance listening and communication skills, learn to empathize with others, and find social support through healthy peer relationships. The primary responsibility of our counselors is the well-being of our students. Registration and orientation of new students, Personal counseling, Career Counseling and liaison with post-secondary institutions Grad transitions and scholarship information, Course planning, questions, or concerns, Requesting homework for ill students (teachers require a minimum of 24 hours to fulfill requests), Liaison and make referrals to:

    • Child & Youth Mental Health
    • Hope & Area Transition Society
    • Hope Community Services
    • Community-Based Drug & Alcohol Worker
    • District Child Care Counselor
    • Hospital/Home Bound Teacher
    • School-Based Team & Peer Support

    Parents/guardians are invited to become involved in meetings and activities sponsored by our PAC. The PAC mandate is to advise the school board, principal, and staff regarding any matter relating to the school. Our Executive, elected at the Annual General Meeting, meets monthly and plans general meetings featuring parents' topics of interest. The school administration consults with and through our PAC on all significant issues. You may make an appointment in the Student Services room to see your counselor at any time.

    Our Work Ethic Roll recognizes students who have a minimum of 5 G's (good work habits), no N's (needs improvement) on their report cards, and a maximum of 3 unexcused late.

    The goal is to provide students with opportunities to integrate school-based learning with community-based work experience and to develop employability skills to work effectively and collaboratively in the workplace. Secondary School Apprenticeship is a Trades Career program with paid workplace training where a student registers with the Industry Training Authority. Earn while you learn.

    We are always looking for parent drivers to help with athletics events and would greatly appreciate your support. If you are available to drive to a game, a tournament, or another team event, please complete the following paperwork in advance to allow time for processing.

    Hope Secondary School
    Founding year: FindME
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 0
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Mrs. Rosalee Floyd (Principal)</li><li><i class="fa fa-venus"></i><b>Gender: </b>Mixed (Co-education)</li><li><i class="fa fa-group"></i><b>Grades or Year Groups: </b>Grade 7 to Grade 12</li><li><i class="fa fa-map-pin"></i><b>Postal Code: </b>V0X 1L0
    Number of staff: 0
    Address: Hope Secondary School, 444 Stuart Street . Hope, British Columbia, V0X 1L0, Canada

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