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  • Aspengrove School


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    Our Spirit of Inquiry philosophy digs deep. It goes beyond teaching facts, presenting knowledge, covering a pre-set curriculum. Our entire mindset and educational framework are based on curiosity and reflection, whether in the classroom, on the athletic field, or in the community. We encourage students to ask ‘how’ and ‘why.’ They do not merely memorize knowledge they construct it on their own through inquiry. The result: students become conscientious critical thinkers who understand what knowledge has to do with their world.
    In 2002 a handful of parents started talking about the need for an independent school in Nanaimo. Some had attended independent schools themselves and wanted to give their children the same opportunity. Others were looking for an alternative to the public system.
    Early in 2003, these founding directors began gathering support and the necessary approvals for a new school. They leased two acres of land on Portsmouth Road, built a 6,500-square-foot classroom building with modular components, and fenced in the property’s playground and grassy field.
    Aspen groves doors opened to 38 students for the first day of school on September 8, 2003. Enrollment more than doubled in Aspengrove’s second year. Families in the community had found what they were looking for: high academic standards, small class sizes, and individual attention.
    Aspen Grove School’s curriculum is designed to develop the whole child. We apply the International Baccalaureate Programme curriculum, one of the world’s most rigorous and highly esteemed education programs. Individual attention is at the core of Aspengrove’s curriculum. Through regular communication and ongoing assessment by teachers, a child’s learning profile and specific needs are identified. We set enrichment goals and address areas for academic support; we then review the plan throughout the year.
    What are our highest hopes for our children? That they have every opportunity to discover who they are, what they are passionate about, and how they can live a meaningful life and contribute to the world. At Aspengrove School, our purpose is to work with families and their children to see these hopes realized. How do we do this?
    With dedicated teachers who bring their passions and expertise to the classroom—teachers who place students at the center of every learning experience teachers who cherish each student’s unique potential and strive to enrich and nurture each student’s talents. Our students are well-supported.
    With the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program, which is founded on a philosophy of inquiry. Internationally recognized, the IB builds the necessary knowledge, skills, and habits of mind that students need for success in school and life. Our students are lifelong learners.
    With a community that provides a place for young people to explore and become their very best selves. Through participation in the arts, music, sports, service projects, outdoor pursuits, international trips, or the myriad of other opportunities, students learn the value of getting involved and making a contribution. Our students are community-minded, global citizens.
    We know there are many schools to choose from. We hope you will include us in your considerations. We invite you to visit us—take a tour, visit classes, meet some of our students and teachers, chat with the Admissions team. We are very proud of our school! Find out how we will work together to see your hopes realized.
    The aspen is one of the world’s most robust trees and is one of the first to re-establish a major disaster such as a wildfire. The aspen has an extensive root structure, and their nutrients come through the parent tree’s root system into the immature saplings. This allows the sapling to proliferate and grow apart from the parent tree while maintaining an unseen attachment that promotes the new tree’s strength and vigor. It is this symbol to which we aspire as a community.
    Like the aspen, we, at Aspengrove, are committed to providing our children with the roots to thrive through a secure, nurturing environment. We will support them in their growth and development and endeavor to provide them with an unseen but internalized moral code of conduct that will promote community awareness, respect for their environment, the beings who live within that environment, and a love of learning and exploration.
    Also, like the aspen, we are committed to taking this journey as a community. We recognize that the interconnectedness of our school family, the greater community we live in, and the world community as a whole is an excellent source of resources and potential that can benefit everyone. We have created a system of families, teachers, students, and a community who work together, support each child to achieve their full potential, and provide them with the roots to ground them in security and well-being and the wings to achieve their dreams.

    Aspengrove School
    Founding year: 2003
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 300
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Mrs. Jo-Anne Kingstone (Head)
    Number of staff: 0
    Address: ASPENGROVE SCHOOL, 7660 Clark Drive Lantzville, British Columbia, V0R 2H0, Canada

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