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  • Mentone Grammar


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    We embrace the holistic development of all members of our School Community. We do so within our highly acknowledged Together-Apart-Together coeducational model. From the Early Learning Centre to Year 12, we provide age and stage appropriate programs designed to engage the modern learner in a dynamic environment. We do so with some of the most outstanding Teaching and Learning resources in the country. All of these resources acknowledge the importance of everyone's well-being and provide them with the opportunity to learn to the highest level. It is a great time to be a member of this School Community – we have so much to be proud of. We have all of the traditions of a great School while being highly contemporary in our practice.

    Students graduate from Mentone Grammar with a broad range of skills designed to ensure they lead meaningful lives into the future. Our School Values of Integrity, Discipline, Endeavour, Resilience, Caring, Respect, and Service provide young people with a robust and safe framework to live by both at School and outside.

    Mentone Grammar's vision is to develop resilient young people with a wide range of skills, interests, and attributes to take their place in a changing world through a leading coeducational environment that challenges and motivates within a caring community. Mentone Grammar's mission is to provide its students with a contemporary learning environment in which well-resourced and committed staff leads to engaging academic, pastoral, and co-curricular programs. Mentone Grammar is an Anglican school that welcomes students of all backgrounds and religious beliefs. Our Values are Caring, Respect, Integrity, Endeavour, Service, Discipline, and Resilience. We are committed to these values, which we work to include in school life every day.

    We are very proud of our history and the progress we have made from our humble beginnings in 1923 in the Frogmore residence, where the Principal's office is presently located, to the vibrant and dynamic School that we have today. Over the decades, our School has continued to grow, develop, and maintain a robust educational excellence reputation.

    Around the Campuses, our teaching aims to be learner-centered, flexible, and relevant. We recognize that our students come to learning with their understandings, assumptions, and motivations. Student knowledge, understanding, and skills are encouraged in a festive setting by interacting with peers and valuing and respecting diversity.

    In support of our classrooms, all students are encouraged to discover their gifts and explore their passions. As the development of the whole person is a crucial goal of Mentone Grammar, a diverse range of co-curricular activities, including music, theatre, dance, drama, chess, sport, debating, public speaking, community service and engagement, cadets and local and international Learning Journeys are well resourced and highly valued. Our students are encouraged to engage in service to others and have a strong sense of being part of our local and global communities.

    We choose the very best in expert staff. Collaborative teaching culture is a powerful feature of Mentone Grammar's success. Detailed curriculum planning, well-researched teaching practices, and excellent professional learning are all designed to enhance student learning. Teacher mentoring and peer appraisal are designed to improve teaching and learning and are linked to our well-managed professional learning program.

    Our Explicit Improvement Agenda support our teachers (EIA) developed from the Australian Council of Educational Research (ACER) input that underpins our Teaching and Learning Framework. Visible learning is practiced by staff in all teaching and learning settings. Visible learning is the outcome of the research of Professor John Hattie, who brought together the research of what influences learning the most.

    At Mentone Grammar, our teaching aims to be learner-centered, flexible, and relevant. We recognize that each learner comes to learning with their understandings, assumptions, and motivations. Student knowledge, understanding, and skills are developed in a festive setting through interacting with peers, information, teachers, and the broader community. Teaching and Learning practices at Mentone Grammar provide social and individual learning opportunities and place these in relevant and meaningful contexts. We provide supportive and engaging learning environments and value and recognize diversity to provide dynamic engagement and deep learning.

    We aim to develop in our students the capacity to

    • reflect on problems,
    • apply specific knowledge and skills,
    • work collaboratively with others in our community,
    • think creatively with metacognition, and
    • find solutions.

    For individuals, the ability to be confidently engaged in lifelong learning is a highly desired skill.

    Our students are encouraged to play an active role in their learning. They are challenged to communicate their ideas in various ways and use technology to enhance their learning. An important goal is to help the students develop the skills required to pursue university or post-secondary qualifications leading to employment successfully.

    Our teachers believe that all students can learn. Prior knowledge is assessed, particularly in literacy and numeracy, to ensure that each individual can develop, and both formative and summative assessment is used to inform teaching and learning. Meaningful data on individuals and cohorts is collected, analyzed, and provided to relevant parties within our community. A differentiated approach is designed to meet the learning needs of each student.

    Authentic learning tasks provide clear criteria before beginning the task to enable each student to demonstrate what they have learned. Teachers engage in moderation to ensure consistency in the judgment of learning standards. The learning programs on offer at Mentone Grammar are tailored to encourage all students to discover their gifts and achieve their best. As the whole person's development is a crucial goal of the School, a diverse range of co-curricular activities, including music, chess, drama, and sport, are well resourced and highly valued. Our students are encouraged to engage in service to others and have a strong sense of being part of our local and global communities.

    At Mentone Grammar, we believe that all learning is enhanced when a student's Emotional Intelligence is maximized. Students with high Emotional Intelligence can recognize and name emotions in themselves and others; they can link emotion to cause and consequence and harness their emotions to enhance thinking and deepen understanding.

    A collaborative learning culture is a powerful feature of Mentone Grammar. Curriculum planning, teaching practices, and professional learning are all designed to improve student learning. Teacher mentoring and teacher appraisal is designed to improve teaching and learning and linked to the professional learning program. Both within the School and in the broader community, collaborative partnerships are valued.

    Mentone Grammar
    Founding year: 1923
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 1530
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Mr. Mal Cater (Principal)
    Number of staff: 0






    Address: Mentone Grammar, 63 Venice Street Mentone, Victoria, 3194, Australia

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