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Christian College Geelong


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Our goal is to help students identify fully with God's purpose and meaning of their lives – so they can directly contribute to making our world a better place. At our College, we call this doing 'good work' – and along with our five core values of Faith, Grace, Hope, Love, and Truth – this provides the foundation for our Vision Statement: "At the end of their journey at Christian College, our students will be ready to make a positive difference to the lives of others, through 'good work' that is excellent, ethical and engaged in local, national and global contexts."
A successful student at our College is not merely one who gets a good job and is blessed with wealth and possessions. Nor is a student's time with us defined by a 'score' at the end of their studies. We believe education is a growth journey, where students transform into not only good learners but good people. Our College promotes 'serving,' hoping to inspire students to make life better for other people, not just themselves. Our students are encouraged to become active participants in their educational journey. They are given greater autonomy to learn and a voice to direct where that learning might seek relevance.
Christian College Geelong began in 1980 from humble beginnings, when a single wing of the St Augustine's Orphanage in Highton was leased to create a small school of 60 students, with classes from Prep to Year 10. Despite a small number of enrolments in the foundation years, the College's Board, families, and staff always maintained a strong faith that Christian College would grow into a significant addition to the educational landscape of the Geelong region, as so it would eventually come to fruition. As enrolments grew, the opportunity arose in 1987 to purchase the buildings and playing fields at the original grounds in Highton, now known as our Middle School – Highton, and Christian College then became a pilot school for the introduction of VCE studies.
Our five core values underpin the expectations of all interactions within our College. HOPE is moving forward with assurance, regardless of circumstances. Our students will face many challenges on the path to achieving their goals; HOPE gives us the character and resilience needed to face them. FAITH is complete trust in God's promises. As our students search for their own identity in a confusing world, they can always have FAITH in God's plan for them.
LOVE is seeking to serve and honor others ahead of ourselves. Our students are encouraged to be selfless in their interactions with others, thus emulating the LOVE God has for them. GRACE is the secret to real joy and gladness of heart. In the face of greed and envy, GRACE allows our students to treat others with compassion, as they aim for a higher purpose - God's purpose. TRUTH is freedom, the key that unlocks wisdom and maturity. The TRUTH protects our students' hearts and minds from falsehoods so that they can find true meaning and happiness.
Our College believes transformative learning happens when you go 'beyond the curriculum.' Embracing 21st-century learning in every way, our College is continually challenging how we teach our students – making education less about the teacher at the front of the classroom and more about our teachers being facilitators for our learners.
Ground-breaking concepts such as 'Building Learning Power,' where students take ownership of their intellectual development, and 'MYTEEN,' where students take control of their emotional development, give our young people the chance to guide their personal growth. We not only provide our students with facts and skills, but we also teach them 'how to think.'
Whether in classrooms, in our local community, or through the vast array of field trips, camps, or interstate and international tours, our students benefit from real-world, meaningful experiences that enrich their educational journey. Fostering leadership and collaboration between students are two fundamental principles of our approach. These critical qualities are continually promoted and reinforced through students' responsibilities and the innovative teaching activities they are exposed to.
Our wide choice of VCE, VET, and VCAL pathways linked to anticipated tertiary studies, our state-of-the-art Sport and Art facilities, and transformative experiences such as our 'Back Creek Farm' Rural Studies and those offered through our renowned Music and Drama programs give our students the chance to explore their God-given gifts and interests to their fullest.  Our specialized and dedicated teachers work in a culture where going 'above and beyond' to create the best possible learning environment is the norm. Their caring nature is underpinned by our College values of Faith, Grace, Hope, Love, and Truth. Our College celebrates diversity, understanding that every student's journey is different. They are supported by our trademark pastoral care program, which prepares our young people to meet every year's challenges while helping them explore their Christian faith.

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