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Hebrew Academy of the Five Towns & Rockaway - High School


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HAFTR High School offers a warm, Torah-rich, student-centered environment where students enjoy a dual curriculum of intensive Judaic studies and rigorous academics in the humanities and sciences. A carefully developed, challenging course of study is designed to foster creative and independent thought and facilitate students' success in the finest yeshivot and universities.
Our wide array of extracurricular activities and clubs gives students numerous opportunities to engage and excel in community service, cultural arts, athletics, student government, religious and political activism, and academic competition and research. We inculcate our students with an appreciation of Torah values and our American heritage. Our graduates become productive members of society and articulate, dedicated Orthodox Jews who are passionately committed to being model citizens and advocates for the Jewish people.
HAFTR High School offers a wide range of activities, including scholastic teams, cultural clubs and programs, recreational clubs, athletic teams, community service, and chesed projects. College Bowl, Torah Bowl, Mock Trial, Debate, Math Team, and the Science and Engineering Institute are many academically oriented clubs and teams. Our cultural clubs include our renowned drama department, photography, girls' choir, art, political films, and the student newspaper, The Tattler. We encourage every student to participate in clubs and programs that reflect his or her interests and passions. Participation in clubs allows students to meet students from different classes and grades who share common interests. Also, clubs afford students the chance to develop their skills and talents in particular areas. Furthermore, involvement in clubs creates opportunities for students to take school leadership roles.
HAFTR High School is deeply committed to facilitating every student's academic, social, emotional, and religious growth, and are aesthetically beautiful and efficient Center for Student Services reflects this commitment. The Center for Student Services houses the HAFTR High School Achievement Center offices and classrooms, the school's Resource Room, the Test Accommodations Center, and the offices of all of the personnel who work with students to provide academic, social, or another type of support. The offices of HAFTR High School's Director of Student Services, Achievement Center teachers, school psychologists, and social workers are all located in the Center for Student Services. The Center enables all of the Student Services professionals to be effective and accessible to students, parents, and colleagues.
The goal of College Guidance is to assist you throughout the college admissions process. College Guidance makes recommendations based upon personal aspirations and talents, academic average and program, standardized test scores, Orthodox campus life, area of academic interest, extracurricular activities, geographical preferences, and personal finances. College is a match to be made, not a prize to be won. Recommendations may include the selection of a particular school within a college or university.
College admission has become increasingly competitive. Students should broaden their choices whenever possible. College Guidance will continue to recommend other schools where we feel our students can maintain an Orthodox lifestyle. For example, this year, HAFTR students applied to Brown University, Drexel University, Northwestern University, Penn State University, Rice University, Rutgers University, Syracuse University, Vanderbilt University, University of Connecticut, University of Delaware, University of Miami, University of Michigan, and schools to which they had very infrequently applied in the past.
In addition to assisting seniors in every step of the college admissions process, our expanded College Guidance team provides guidance services to all students in the freshman, sophomore, and junior classes. Each student is assigned to one counselor, who monitors the individual student's academic progress, guides the student in course selection, assists the student in Naviance, and introduces the student to the college search process.

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