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Fairfield College Preparatory School


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Something happens between the time a 14-year-old boy enrolls and an 18-year-old young man graduates from Fairfield Prep. Of course, he has completed an outstanding, rigorous college preparatory education conducted in and out of the classroom. He has discovered new interests, debated ideas, grown in faith, played on a sports team, performed on stage and learned more about the world around him through an education steeped in values.

But he also has gained a sense that looking outward — rather than focusing on himself — is the most important. At Prep, we call this idea "Men for Others." Rooted in our Jesuit Catholic tradition — and stretching back to the founder of the Jesuits, St. Ignatius of Loyola — we educate and challenge our boys to reach outside of themselves to learn about their community and their world through serving others. In the classroom and through athletics, in after-school activities and through service, Prep boys learn about themselves and God.

Fairfield College Preparatory School is a Jesuit, Catholic School of excellence forming young men of intellectual competence, who possess the conscience to make wise decisions, a compassion for others, and a commitment to justice in our global society.

Fairfield College Preparatory School strives to be a reflective community of faith, in which students revere their relationship with God and with one another. We are committed to graduating transformational leaders who will respond to global and ecological challenges in an interconnected world marked by profound change.

For more than 75 years, thousands of boys have been transformed through their Prep education. And while our graduates are high achievers in terms of college acceptances, artistic performances, and athletic awards, our true mark of excellence is the proven quality of their leadership in society. We hope you and your family join in this tradition.

Having a diverse student body is an integral part the Fairfield Prep mission in forming young men of intellectual competence. As a Catholic, Jesuit school of excellence, Prep seeks and supports a diverse stuent body through our SEED (Students for Educational Excellence through Diversity) program.

Begun nearly three decades ago, SEED’s goal is to maximize the academic potential of each student. The program is primarily focused on providing support services for students from diverse backgrounds, including socio-economic, racial, cultural, religious and geographic.

As Prep seeks to foster compassion and a commitment to justice in our students, we believe it is important to bring to the forefront the wide array of multicultural viewpoints so that we can develop young men who are equipped to thrive in an increasingly global world.

Fairfield Prep believes in educating the whole person. As a college preparatory school, Prep seeks to transform young boys into men of intellectual competence. That means a rigorous, hands-on education where our students learn both inside and outside of the classroom. Boys read and write calculate and draw form opinions and then defend them. They're taught by faculty who love what they do and have chosen to do it in our all-boys high school. At an all-boys atmosphere, students find they can concentrate on their studies, without the distraction of social pressures.

At Fairfield Prep, we believe in preparing our students for a digitally-focused 21st Century. That means allowing them to develop technological skills to help them succeed both at Prep and in their lives beyond Prep. In 2014, Prep launched a 1:1 iPad program that combined our classic, Jesuit education with the most up-to-date and advanced learning tools available. Today, our students utilize an array of software and online databases integrated with the iPad in every aspect of their Prep education — from learning in the classroom to reading texts to note-taking.

Prep is a place that challenges boys to stretch, to reach outside themselves to learn about their community and their world through serving others. In the classroom and through athletics, in after-school activities and through service, boys learn about themselves and God.

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