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Minsk State Higher Radiotechnical College


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The Radio Engineering College cooperates with educational institutions and enterprises of the Republic of Belarus: the Belarusian State University, the Belarusian State Polytechnic Academy, the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Gomel Higher Technical University of Electrical Engineering, Minsk Vocational School No. 71 of machine-building enterprises, the Integral, "BT and Informatics," "Horizon."

The Radio Engineering College cooperates in the framework of international projects with the Mittweida Graduate School, the University of Applied Sciences (Germany), the Auden Technical College (Denmark), the Vilnius College of Higher Education (Lithuania), the Kaunas College of Higher Education (Lithuania), the Kaunas Collegium, Jonus Radvili (Lithuania), Kiev professional-pedagogical college named by A.M. Makarenko (Ukraine), the Technical University of Gabrovo (Bulgaria), the International Institute of Management (Arkhangelsk, Russia).

Since the establishment of the technical school, the name of the school has changed, the curricula have changed, new graduates have come to replace graduates, wishing to acquire professional skills, many teachers retired, young people came to the acquired experience and high-level skills over the years. Moreover, only a massive work of teachers, increasing the tradition of college and fame among the enterprises of the Republic, was not changed.

Over the years, more than 21,000 specialists have been trained in our educational institution, more than 900 people with higher education in the specialty "Vocational training."Graduates of our college are distinguished by in-depth professional knowledge, confident possession of modern technologies. A lot of them have become skilled workers, well-known scientists, radio electronics specialists. The college's pride is students who are the winners of the city, republican and international Olympics, competitions, exhibitions, competitions.

Our college has a long and colorful history. Minsk Radio Engineering technical School was founded on July 2, 1960, based on the resolution No. 383 of the BSSR Council of Ministers. Having started its activity in the period of formation and development of the radio-electronic industry in the Republic of Belarus, the radio technical school was gradually transformed into a higher college.

On September 1, 1960, 200 pupils began their studies in newly-opened Minsk Radiotechnical school, the foundation of which was caused by the rapid development of radio electronics and computer techniques, which revealed the need for the Republic for the qualified technical staff. The first students were taught in the specialties: "Electronic computers, tools, and devices," "Radio equipment," "Production of radio-isolation materials and radio components," "Programming for high-speed computers."

Twenty-two teachers trained specialists in full time and correspondence forms of education. Among them, there were participants in the Great Patriotic War, including the Hero of the Soviet Union Ivan Eliseevich Sambuk. In 1991, the order of the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Belarus №144 of 17.06.91 came out. "On the transformation in the order of the Minsk Radio Technical College experiment into a new type of educational institution - the college."

In 1995, the college was reorganized and received a new status and name - Minsk State Higher Radio Engineering College. Students who studied in the first and second years showed excellent knowledge of the subjects who passed the test and confirmed their knowledge in the tests were transferred to the second level of education, receiving pedagogical education and knowledge of particular subjects. After the end of Minsk State Higher, Radio Engineering College got the profession of a radio engineer, economist, teacher-programmer. The first twenty students with higher education graduated in the specialty "Vocational training" in 1998.

As a result of the All-Union Socialist Competition among the secondary technical educational institutions of the USSR, our college (which was Minsk Radio Engineering technical school that time) took first place in 1987 and 1988 and was awarded the Red Banner of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR and the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Education Workers of Higher Education and Scientific Institutions, and in 1990 - the Red Banner of the Ministry of Education of the BSSR.

We are proud of the numerous traditions in our college. Among them:

  • Students projects "the Leader Today is the Leader Tomorrow," "the Young Teach the Young."
  • Charity work for kindergartens and orphanages, veterans of the Great Patriotic War.
  • Student television and radio.
  • Contests, parties, quizzes ("Miss College", "come on, couples", "Brain-ring").
  • Special annual events organized the departments and the chairs.
  • Contests in subjects of general education.
  • Olympics for students and teachers.
  • Special exhibitions of students' creativity.
  • Seminars and workshops for leaders.
  • Volunteer work of security guards.

Together with the in-depth knowledge gained in college, our students can improve their sports skills and improve their physical training, including participating in different competitions. Just look at the cups, certificates, medals displayed at our museum.

The admission of students in this specialty is carried out among primary and secondary school (base 9 and 11 classes, respectively). The term of study is three years, ten months (based on nine classes), or two years ten months (based on 11 classes). The qualification awarded is "Technician-technologist." During the training, students receive the working qualification "Radioelectronic equipment and devices fitter" 3-4th grades.

A specialist in the qualification "Technician-technologist" is preparing to participate in the development and production of radio-electronic equipment, optimize the design and production technology of radio-electronic devices, perform installation, adjustment, and testing of equipment for various purposes in enterprises of radio-electronic profile.

The sphere of the professional activity of a specialist is industrial, design and installation, commissioning, and other enterprises and institutions engaged in the design, production, technological operation of radio-electronic facilities, or the creation and use of technological equipment the production of radio-electronic facilities.

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