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Jozef Stefan International Postgraduate School


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Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School (IPS) was established in 2004 as an independent higher education institution. The Slovenian National Council approved its study programs for Higher Education. The initiative for the establishment of IPS came from the Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI). It was strongly supported by industry (Gorenje, Kolektor, Salonit) and an international network of cooperating universities and research institutes from the European Union, the USA, Japan, and several other countries.

Jožef Stefan Institute provides a central research-educational basis. Within the IPS invited research institutes, industrial and other enterprises contribute their knowledge and innovation capacities for solving developmental problems.

The mission of IPS is to provide the highest quality postgraduate studies at the master's and doctoral levels through joint research and educational process in intensive research and development and innovative environment and to contribute to the strengthening of the role of science and high technologies in the developmental potential of society. This can substantially contribute to the economic strength and harmonic social development.IPS acts as a center of excellence, integrating basic research with postgraduate education and the development of innovations. Research results are directly included in innovation projects for the development of production, services, and management. Magistrands and doctorands, together with their supervisors from IPS and co-mentors from practice, contribute to new primary research results and science-based introduction of innovations.

Postgraduate studies for Master and Doctorate degrees are oriented towards solving research and development problems which require a multidisciplinary synthesis. The primary research-educational strategy of IPS is, therefore:

  • Widening and deepening knowledge, and mastering and development of research methods and techniques, in natural sciences and high technologies, information and communication sciences and technologies, environmental sciences, and ecotechnologies, and in management of technologies and innovations – to support excellence in basic research, the strategic choice of priority developmental areas, systematic control and permanent innovation of processes and products, increasing economic efficiency and environmental acceptability
  • Development of a necessary process of thinking which will support multidisciplinary communication, comprehensive definition of problems and their solving in group work, decision making in uncertain conditions, and long-term oriented strategic planning with an emphasis on sustainable development.

Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) is the leading research base of IPS with over four hundred researchers with doctoral degrees. More than one-third of them are elected university teachers. IPS engages researchers and university teachers for cooperation in research-innovation projects in the interest of IPS partners.

JSI develops all types of research – from basic research to the direct transfer of research results into new processes and products. Priority is given to the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary synthesis of primary research results and direct cooperation with industry and services' developmental capacities. Special care is given to research for environmental management and sustainable development.

JSI has modern research equipment that is available to all qualified users. JSI research groups cooperate with leading research institutes and universities in their fields worldwide. In some fields, they contribute to the highest levels of European and global research. There is cooperation in about two hundred EU research projects and also extensive bilateral cooperation.

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