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Park House English School


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Park House English School was founded in 1994 and is one of the oldest and most prestigious British schools in Qatar. The school was set up and run by the Brennan family until 2015 when it became part of the International School Partnership group of schools. We are firmly committed to putting the best interests of our children at the heart of everything we do, including your child’s personal and academic development.
We are proud to say we have a truly international community at Park House. Our children and families come from over 70 different countries which help pupils develop their international mindedness and respect for cultural diversity. Many of our pupils will make lifelong friendships with children from other countries and backgrounds. One of the strengths of the school is making sure the pupils are fully prepared and competent to meet the challenges of life in a dynamic world where change is the norm.
There is no doubt that the teachers and other classroom-based staff are the most important ingredient in a child’s success at school. Our teachers are carefully selected to ensure they are highly trained and have significant experience in delivering the various curricula we offer at the school. Our teachers undergo professional development to ensure they are providing the best experiences in the classrooms.
We value the development of our children outside the classroom and have a whole range of extra-curricular activities for pupils to develop their sporting and non-sporting interests. We have several well-developed programs including the Duke of Edinburgh International Award and Model United Nations. Evolution Sports run a paid activities program on school premises which is accessible by our pupils.
Park House English School aims to be a caring and kind place where students can learn academically, morally, and socially. We aim to give each pupil a happy education that equips them with the skills to become independent, lifelong learners, and successful global citizens. Every Park House pupil will be motivated, challenged, and enthusiastic about their learning. They will take pride in their work, have pride in their school, and take responsibility for their learning. This will enable them to achieve success and reach their full potential.
Park House English School is such an exciting school with so much to offer your child. Outstanding staff will be committed to ensuring every child develops a love of learning and acquires the skills and knowledge they need for the future. As part of the International Schools Partnership, we are committed to providing children with “amazing learning”.

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