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St Nicholas Catholic Primary School


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At St. Nicholas School we are called together to love, live, learn with Jesus Christ Love God, ourselves, and each other. Live life in response to God’s call. Learn to achieve our best in everything we do.

  • We aim to develop a love of God through our celebration of the masses and also through learning about Jesus and what he did for us.
  • Through prayer and this love of God, we aim to help everyone to love themselves for who they are We aim to ensure that all children feel loved and valued through the regular giving of praise and encouragement for effort, attitude, and success.
  • We also aim to ensure that all members of our school community are listened to and made to feel safe.
  • At St Nicholas, we expect all members of our community to follow the example of Jesus and show love to all by treating everyone with fairness and respect.
  • Our aim is for everyone involved with the school to live in the love of God.
  • We are committed to living out our faith through our thoughts, words, and actions.
  • At St Nicholas, we recognize the importance of being lifelong learners and that there is more to education than academic achievement alone. We aim to help all members of the school community grow together through the development of skills and attitudes needed to follow Jesus in the 21st Century.
  • We aim to further develop our links with the parish and wider community so that our children can understand what it means to live as responsible citizens.
  • We aim to develop our understanding of other cultures and faiths to better understand our community and the wider world.
  • We aim to place high importance across our curriculum in the development of personal and social skills.
  • We also encourage all members of our school community to live a healthy life.
  • We believe that it is our mission in life to make the most of our God-given talents and abilities. Because of this, everything we do in school is based on the teachings of Jesus.
  • We strive to ensure that children are involved in the learning process through effective feedback and guidance on how they can improve.
  • At St Nicholas, excellence in learning is what we strive for and we aim to make this a stimulating and exciting experience for all.
  • We aim to ensure that our curriculum is designed to enable all children to achieve their potential in everything they do. We work closely with parents and outside agencies, where necessary, to make sure this happens.
  • As well as putting a strong emphasis on excellence in core subjects, we encourage high standards of achievement in all areas of our curriculum.
  • We also aim to ensure that children with special needs are identified and given the help, guidance, and support they need to reach their potential.
  • We encourage children to learn how to learn.
  • We recognize the vital role that parents play in educating children so we encourage communication between home and school.

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