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St Mary's Catholic Primary School


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At St Mary’s Catholic Primary School our expectations are limitless. We believe that all pupils can achieve excellence and that a quality primary education provides the platform for lifelong learning and success.
St Mary’s Catholic Primary School is a diverse and thriving Catholic community and is committed to being a fully inclusive school. By choosing St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, it is considered that parents have agreed to their children having full participation in every aspect of the curriculum. This includes Religious Education, Physical Education, Music lessons, Computer Science, and attending all school trips including visits to places of worship and our parish church.
We work with other educational partners to ensure our high expectations, innovative curriculum and distinct approach to learning are making a real difference. St Mary’s is a rapidly improving, outward-facing school which is beneficial for both school communities. We are steadfast in our belief that our pupils come first we endeavor to ensure that all pupils at St Mary’s Catholic Primary School are happy and safe. We consider that the pupils of St Mary’s are our future leaders. Therefore, we actively promote academia, independence, confidence, and collaboration.
We are working closely with other schools by strengthening leadership and securing best practices in primary education through curriculum design.
We are always happy to share ideas, resources, and thinking. We know that “giving away our best ideas” helps ensure we develop new ones.
At St Mary’s Catholic Primary School we strive to create a stimulating environment so that by learning, playing, and working together, we openly follow Christ’s teachings. We seek to offer every person the opportunity to be a unique and valued individual, sharing and developing belief in the teachings of Jesus through every day relationships and mutual respect in our dealings with one another.
To achieve our mission: We stand on holy ground. We will always open our doors in welcome. We will always love and care for each other as Jesus taught us. We will always place the Word of God at the heart of our school. We will always be witnesses to our faith by following in the footsteps of Christ.
In Catholic schools, as in any school, Religious Education is taught as an academic subject. However, the whole life of a Catholic School has to be an expression in the practice of Catholic belief and Catholic tradition. As they grow, the children are encouraged to put their faith into practice in their own lives. In class, the children help to prepare and participate in masses and assemblies.
Our Catholic faith is central to day to day life of our school and all aspects of the curriculum, and pupils are encouraged to recognize the importance of their faith and they respond to all forms of liturgy and collective worship with respect and reverence. We have a rich liturgical life in that the experiences we provide are wide-ranging and take place in school, out of school, in Church, and the wider community, and engage and involve pupils, parents, staff, governors, and the parish. The Celebration of the Eucharist and prayer are central in our school. Our Parish Priest regularly celebrates Mass in School. Children attend Mass each half term to celebrate a week-day mass with parishioners. In addition, we celebrate School Masses at the beginning and end of term and on other significant occasions. Our Parish Priest makes weekly visits to classes which further enhances children’s knowledge, skills and helps them to develop a deeper understanding of their faith.
Our challenging curriculum starts with building firm foundations in English and Mathematics which is taught within the Catholic ethos of the school. This means that pupils will find other areas of the curriculum more accessible and relevant. Prioritizing depth of knowledge in both English and Mathematics ensures academic success.
Visits are also valuable opportunities for personal and social education and will be used to fully develop children’s awareness of self, of others, and the world around them. School uniforms will be worn unless unsuitable for the particular activity.
Before each outing involving transport parents will receive a letter from the school giving all relevant details and are asked to complete a consent form. Without the consent form, a child is unable to participate in the educational visit. During the year, children sometimes go on local walks or to the park as part of their lessons. Agreement to such excursions is given by way of a general permission slip which parents sign once a year.
At St Mary’s Catholic Primary School we are dedicated to promoting values that ensure our pupils develop a strong sense of social and moral responsibility which will prepare them for life in modern Britain. We would like to share with our parents how we promote these values.

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