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Heath House Preparatory School


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All children are introduced to and understand the school’s ethos.‘Give me a place to stand and I will move the Earth.’ With that in mind, and with further inclusion of the school motto ‘Work Hard and Play Hard, the children develop a strong sense of self-worth with the added value of a work ethic which ultimately is reflected in their achievements.

  • In the all-around child who will progress to the next stage of education with self-esteem, self-confidence, and resilience.
  • In good manners, that a child will at all times be courteous and thoughtful towards those whom he/she meets, where qualities of kindness, honesty, tolerance, and consideration are essential pre-requisites for a child's development.
  • In physical fitness and the striving for excellence in the sporting endeavor. We believe in a competition conducted within the rules of a game, fair play, and good sportsmanship.
  • In the individuality of the child, that each child is encouraged and treated fairly according to the range of abilities and his/her particular needs.
  • Inequality of opportunity and treatment between the sexes, different age groups, nationalities, and creeds.
  • Ambition and hard work as honorable and vital qualities.
  • In independence and self-reliance - that children be taught to look after themselves and others, to cope and hold their own, in any situation.
  • That a child should be taught the skills of the personal organization so that progress is not hindered through inefficiency and that maximum benefit be derived from all challenges and opportunities.
  • Happiness is firmly rooted in the child's belief that he/she is appreciated, loved, and understood.

In this way, a child's potential may be wholly realized while remaining happy at school. Our school day is busy where children feel a sense of excitement and achievement – a fast structured pace giving a sense of urgency in their quest for excellence. The school timetable encourages children to work hard in the mornings and then after lunch, children are very active and take part in sporting and creative activities. Trips, educational visits, and workshops are wide-ranging and packed into an activity-filled academic year. The school also has a busy and diverse Extra-Curricular program, with daily Extra-Curricular Clubs and a variety of residential trips for Heath House pupils.

Heath House has an excellent academic record at 11+ entry to leading independent and grammar secondary schools. Class sizes are kept as small as possible to enable maximum attention for each child and greater pupil participation. The maximum class size is 16.

The Heath House classroom priorities are:

  • To provide a stimulating classroom environment where pupils may happily say when they do not understand.
  • To achieve through motivation, where children are set to clear objectives which challenge their enquiring minds in the pursuit of excellence.
  • To provide a structured environment where children can actively engage in discussion, debate, or drama, yet provide quiet surroundings for learning and investigating.
  • To respond to the individual needs of the members of the class, working to their levels and helping pupils achieve their potential.
  • To aim to teach through practical example, case studies, and experience.

Heath House Preparatory School is an accredited member of the Independent Schools Association (ISA) and is inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI).

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