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Ashcroft Technology Academy


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It gives us great pleasure to welcome you to Ashcroft Technology Academy and to invite you to discover the excellent education that we have on offer. We employ the very best teachers and support staff and we invest heavily in technology to support our curriculum. Our Academy benefits from outstanding facilities which have been enhanced by a £14 million building and refurbishment program, thanks to the generosity of our sponsor Lord Ashcroft and the Education Funding Agency.
Our students achieve outstanding GCSE, A-level, and International Baccalaureate results. These results are the outcome of all our beliefs and actions. We value a disciplined and focused environment that places students' learning at the center of what we do. We believe in the importance of excellent behavior, hard work, manners, and respect we believe that high standards should be a constant goal and we believe that each child has skills, qualities, and talents to be developed which will make the most of his or her potential. We provide innovative, challenging, and exciting teaching. As a result, our students value their education and recognize that they make excellent progress. It is no surprise, therefore, that our attendance rate is one of the highest in the country. All of this means that when students leave Ashcroft, they can take their place in adult society with the necessary skills, confidence, and self-reliance.
We take pride in the knowledge that Ashcroft students achieve excellence in all aspects of their education and they understand that learning is more than what happens in the classroom. Students enjoy a wide range of extra-curricular activities and a rich program of trips and visits. These enhance the learning experience, foster curiosity, and develop an appreciation that education does not stop at the end of the school day. We are ambitious for the future of our students and we encourage them to grasp opportunities. We expect parents to be equally ambitious and encouraging. The greater the interest was shown by parents, the more successful the child will be.
The curriculum at Ashcroft is strongly academic with a focus on the traditional subjects of English, Mathematics, Sciences, Languages, and the humanities (History and Geography).
All students in years 7 to 11 are timetabled for around 5 hours per week of both English and Mathematics. This reflects the key importance of these two subjects students must maximize their literacy and numeracy if they are to succeed in 21st century Britain.
There is a program of additional subjects that supports the development of artistic, physical, practical, vocational, and social dimensions of education.
In years 7 and 8 students gain experience in the full range of academic and practical subjects. At the end of the year, 8 students can select the subjects they wish to pursue to GCSE level.
We review the curriculum each year and add and remove subjects to keep the program that we offer relevant.
The Academy has a dedicated Welfare Officer who works with Heads of Year (HOY), more so with the Year 7 HOY to assist in making the transition from Primary School to Secondary Education as easy as possible.

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