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Poznan University of Technology


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The mission of the University is to educate students of all cycles of higher education and students of lifelong learning mode in close connection with scientific work as well as research and development projects carried out by the University in cooperation with prospective employers of PUT's graduates and continuous contact with society. Our visionary goal is the transformation of PUT into the country's leading technical university, known and acknowledged in Europe, an important and sought-after partner of educational establishments of the world, a university that can offer high-quality education and world-class scientific work and research and development projects.
Poznan University of Technology offers education at 10 faculties which provide students with a choice of 27 fields of study. More than 20,000 students of I and II cycles, Ph.D. students, and participants of post-graduate programs receive education here. More than 1,200 academic staff care about their education. Implementation of PUT's mission enables the vision to become reality - to be one of the best technical universities in Poland, which aspires to become an equipollent partner of other European schools in terms of education quality and high level of scientific research. PUT was the first Polish institution of higher education to become a member of CESAER (Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engineering Education and Research) – a European organization that brings together the best technical schools. It is also a member of SEFI (Societe Europeenne pour la Formation des Ingenieurs), EUA (European University Association), ADUEM (Alliance of Universities for Democracy), and IAU (International Association of Universities).
Poznan University of Technology is an important center of scientific research. The proportion of funds for research projects grows year by year. The strong point of the University is its academic staff. Their achievements in science and numerous publications make a significant contribution to modern technical sciences. Many young members of academic staff and Ph.D. students receive academic grants allowing them to improve their skills and gain new experience abroad. The University's researchers receive the most prestigious state awards for achievement in science. The Foundation of Polish Science, which awards the best Polish scientists, three times honored professors of our University with the so-called "Polish Nobel Prize" – in 2000 it was awarded to Professor Jan Węglarz, in 2005 to professor Roman Słowiński and 2011 to professor Elżbieta Frąckowiak.
PUT's education offer is modern, rich, and specifically adapted to meet the requirements of employers - both Polish and foreign ones. The University offers more than 100 specializations within its 27 fields of study. Students choose to study at PUT attracted by high standards of education, thoroughly trained and experienced academic staff, and a good possibility to realize fully their interests both in science and beyond as well as by friendly atmosphere. We are proud of our students who successfully participate in international competitions and contests, in science circles, and student organizations.

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