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Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics


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The Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics offers a wide range of educational programs in engineering, IT, and humanities from bachelor to post-doctoral degree. It trains over 11,000 students at different educational levels. It has 23Bachelor and 23Master programs. NURE also offers a wide range of Ph.D. studies.
Also, NURE has various study modes, including full-time study, part-time study, and distance learning. We have a modern system of technical support, such as virtual content creation technology.
NURE often invites guest speakers with diverse kinds of presentations about different scholarship programs and internships. It gives the university students, Ph.D. students, and the University staff a perfect opportunity to apply for some interesting educational or training programs abroad.

New curricula were worked out for Information Security courses, and soon the related disciplines were approved for the most specialties of the Computer and Information Technology Institute. The "Information Security in Computer Systems and Networks" specialty was introduced at the Electronic Computers Department.
The Philosophy Department was established to provide world-view, social and political, humanitarian, and methodological training of students and postgraduate students. The main goal of the department's educational activity is the formation of a system of value orientations and social norms that define the development of human civilization. Immense attention is paid to forming a culture of thinking at students and postgraduate students, which includes scientific, technical, and humanitarian knowledge. It is based on personal responsibility for the results of intellectual activity...
The department pays attention to creating conditions for the professional development of teachers through postgraduate and doctoral programs, internships at leading universities of Ukraine.
The training aims to develop mathematical and logical thinking, specialty subjects study, and independent work with scientific and technical information. The students master basic concepts, ideas, and modern calculus methods and learn to use them in solving particular problems.
The students are given basic ideas of linear algebra and classical mathematical analysis; they are trained to solve applied problems (i.e., to formulate a real problem as a mathematical one and to choose the best method for solving it), to solve mathematical problems, and to implement the solutions in order to get the practical outcome (a formula, a number, a diagram, the proper conclusion) as well as to work with apparatus criticus independently.
Upon completion, the student receives a profession out of 2433 «Professionals in the field of information and information analysis» (the knowledge engineer or analyst, consultant, director of knowledge management, etc.), a prestigious, sought-after, and highly paid.
The department's scientific direction is to study the problems of knowledge management and competitive intelligence, which are near related to the areas of system analysis, artificial intelligence, and information technology.
Our main goal is to promote students' full personal and intellectual development and identify the most effective forms of organization of the educational process. Employees of social and psychological services conduct individual counseling and psychological training for students and staff of KNURE.

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