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Kharkiv National Medical University


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Kharkiv National Medical University is an integral part of the country's scientific, intellectual, and cultural history, one of the oldest medical establishments of Ukraine, a member of the International Association of Universities.
Our University will help you become a high-level specialist and provide you with facilities for your further professional progress and career. We hope that the education you will receive at our University university is only the first step of your life achievements. Therefore we believe that our further professional cooperation will be fruitful and long-lasting.
International students of Kharkiv National Medical University study at the 5th Faculty for Training Foreign Students (Russian medium) and at the 6th Faculty for Training Foreign Students (English medium), as well at the Preparatory Department, or undergo postgraduate and clinical postgraduate (residency) courses (Licence of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine AB No. 552643).
The Preparatory Department of KhNMU is one of the best in Kharkiv. The training is performed based on the University departments and at its laboratories. This training is given in the Russian language and general subjects, including physics, chemistry, and biology, to the subsequent study of these students at higher educational establishments of the medical-biological type. During their training at the Preparatory Department of KhNMU, its students make the University's professors and teachers' acquaintance. On finishing the Preparatory Department, its students are issued Certificates approved by the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science.
To enter Ukraine to receive higher education, it is necessary to get a student's visa in Ukraine's Embassy. The visa is granted based on an invitation from the Ministry of Education and Science. The University issues this invitation by the established procedure. The growing role of education and science in society and diversification and internationalization of higher education marks the university activity's international aspect as an essential prerequisite for its overall development.
The international cooperation of the University is one of the most critical components of its activity. It is developed within a unified Ukrainian higher school integration process into the world higher education system. KhNMU is listed in the World Health Organization's directory of medical schools. It has been a member of the International Association of Universities (under the aegis of UNESCO) since 1998; it is a cofounder of the Ukrainian-German Medical Association and the Ukrainian Association of Gender Medicine.
Today University is a member of the International Association of Universities, registered under UNESCO. It has 8 Faculties: first – Medical, second – Medical, third – Medical, fourth – Medical, Stomatological, fifth and sixth – Medical Faculties for Training Foreign Students these Faculties graduate doctors with the education-qualification level of a Specialist in such specialties as General Medicine, Paediatrics, Preventive Medicine, Stomatology the Faculty of Postgraduate Training provides continuous development of doctors' skills during all their professional activity. It has 65 Departments, whose faculty numbers 803 specialists in sciences and pedagogy, and 130 Doctors of Medical Science, Professors and 446 Candidates of Medical Science, Associate Professors. We train over 7,000 students, interns, masters, clinical postgraduates, postgraduates, and doctoral candidates, more than 2,100 of them being foreign citizens from 70 countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America.
University is a modern multi-type educational establishment with its powerful scientific, material, and technical basis, including six education-research-production units two research institutes, such as the Research Institute of Occupational Hygiene and Occupational Diseases of KhNMU and the Ukrainian Institute of Clinical Genetics of KhNMU.The University Stomatological Centre as the medical-educational-scientific unit of KhNMU the Scientific-Practical Medical Centre of KhNMU the Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Medical Centre of Obstetrics, Gynaecology, and Reproductology the Medical College of KhNMU.
University has 44 clinical Departments, where medical work is done by 497 workers of the University (these consist of 96 Professors, 191 Associate Professors, and 210 assistants) and 128 doctors of the University clinics, 73 postgraduates, 48 clinical postgraduates, and 32 participates in the realization of 16 international projects 65 of its workers are members of 66 foreign scientific and medical organizations. It has the Central Research Laboratory, four problem laboratories, the Educational-Scientific Centre based on classrooms for phantom techniques of education and computerized classrooms, and the Computer Centre University has the Scientific Library, whose fund comprises over 1 million copies, and 16 computerized classrooms more than 550 modern computers, video, and audio aids are used in the process of training.
University is the place for active functioning of 18 scientific-pedagogical schools has its students' self-government, six hostels, with the successful work of the Youth Centre, the complex for physical education and health improvement, and "Medic" sports-health camp was a recipient of the Gold Medal of the International Exhibition "Education and Career – 2010" in the nomination "Development of Students' Research."

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