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International Islamic University, Islamabad


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The foundation of the Islamic University, Islamabad, was laid on the first day of the fifteenth century Hijrah, i.e., Muharram 1, 1401 (November 11, 1980). Islamic Research Institute and few other units like Iqbal International Institute for Research & Dialogue, Dawah Academy, Shariah Academy, and Institute of Professional Development are situated within the premises of majestic Faisal Mosque (spread over an area of 189,705 square meters), which is a symbol of International Islamic brotherhood and unity. In conformance with the Islamic precepts, the University provides academic services to men and women through separate campuses for each segment.
To provide every opportunity for all-round and harmonious development of individuals and society and reconstruction of human thought in all its forms on the foundations of Islam in order to encourage and promote education, training the research in Islamic learning, social, natural, applied and communication sciences and other branches of learning to ensure the Muslim Ummah's ideological, moral, intellectual, social, economic and technological development following the values, ideals, principles, and norms of Islam.
To optimize integration and Islamization of the contemporary knowledge and human thought from an international perspective through established institutions and academic endeavors to achieve excellence in all knowledge branches.
It is our good fortune that with a faculty comprising scholars from many other Muslim countries of the world and from Pakistan itself, we perform the task of producing young Muslim men and women, graduates, post-graduates, and PhDs, armed with confidence in themselves and their Islamic heritage, to face the problems of a fast progressing world.
The IIU web portal is meant to lay before the youth, the academicians, scholars, and the enlightened public of Pakistan, the aims and objects of the International Islamic University, and the range and scope of the disciplines it offers. As you will see, the International Islamic University is not a glorified deeni madrassah as some people think it to be, but an institution in the best traditions of learning among Muslims. These noble traditions have taught us that, to be adequately educated, they must be fully acquainted with the principles of their faith as well as prepared and trained to pursue a profession in the secular field of their choice, whether it is science and technology or computers or business administration or languages or any other.
International Islamic University, Islamabad, is embarking on a new phase in the history of the University. We are busy making preparations for an expansion plan both in terms of education as well as in terms of physical development. A couple of years back, the University has shifted to its new campus in Sector H-10 of Islamabad. The vast and beautiful area allocated to the International Islamic University by the Government of Pakistan provides almost unlimited expansion and diversification opportunities for the next 25 years. The University was established in 1980 to commemorate the dawn of the 15th century of Hijrah. The new century was considered by many in the Muslim World to be the beginning of a new era of unity, development, progress, and reconstruction of the Muslims' institutions. The University seeks to promote this very objective on the intellectual plane.
The hallmark of the University's educational philosophy is the integration of Islamic knowledge with contemporary intellectual achievements. The courses and Islamic programs designed by the University during the last 25 years reflect the thinking and aspirations of Muslim educationists, thinkers, and leaders of Islamic revivalism who guided the Muslim Ummah during the last century. In a way, the International Islamic University is a combination of the Aligarh Muslim University's academic and intellectual traditions, the Darul Uloom of Deoband, and the Nadwat-ul-Ulama other rich academic traditions of the Sub-continent. Thus, we aim to produce profound Islamic jurists, enlightened Islamic scholars, competent economists, professional business executives, articulate litterateurs, and perceptive thinkers, with an Islamic perspective on the one hand and professionalism and depth of knowledge other. We have endeavored in this University to set specific standards and succeeded.

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